Ugly Words: Ted Nugent For Mitt Romney

Descredited by whom?

It was NUGENT who told the fucking story in the first place..moron.

It's you who lies about it now, knowing it to be false.

Hey, you're a fucking liar for Obama, it's your job...

You mean the story about how Ted went around for 2 weeks shitting and pissing in his pants in order to get out of going to Nam? That is a true story. Coward.

If righties that are such patriots and support the troops and the mission and the government when Republicans are in charge are now going to flip flop and defend a draft dodger like Ted, that proves they will argue anything their mastes on Fox tell them to defend.
Holy cow, so now this is what it's come too? How many Democrats voted for going to Iraq, yet you all will turn around and vote for them again..

talk about HYPROCRITES

They were lied to..

Big time.

Bushisms - Certainty & Urgency Over Iraq & WMD - Andy Finn

You have got to be shitting me...
IF that's the case then BUSH was lied the Clinton adminstration.

Here's what the Democrats said about Iraq's WMDs (including the source of each quote):
Better yet are these WMD quotes around the time of 9/11 and before Bush and Cheney fabricated their phony "intel."

"Iraq does not represent any threat to the United States at this time.* Their weapons programs have been exaggerated by the Clinton Administration."
- Tom Delay, 1999

"We are now convinced Saddam has no weapons of mass destruction or active programs."
- President Bill Clinton, August 9th, 2000

"We do not have any direct evidence that Iraq has used the period since Desert Fox to reconstitute its WMD programs"
-George Tenet, 2/07/2001

"We believe the sanctions have been effective, and Saddam Hussein's regime has no weapons of mass destruction."
-Condoleeza Rice, February 16th, 2001

"Containment has been achieved, and we now believe Iraq has no weapons of mass destruction or the capability of producing them."
- Colin Powell, February 23rd, 2001

*"He has not developed any significant capability with respect to weapons of mass destruction. He is unable to project conventional power against his neighbors"
-Colin Powell, 2/24/2001

"The Iraqi regime militarily remains fairly weak. It doesn't have the capacity it had 10 or 12 years ago. It has been contained. "
*-Colin Powell, 5/15/01

"He [Saddam] does not control the northern part of his country. We are able to keep arms from him. His military forces have not been rebuilt. "
-Condoleeza Rice, 7/29/01
Henley's not on radio telling other people how to live.

Are you a fucking moron?

Wait, I mean, of course you are...

Don Henley: Internet theft is a job-killer, too -

And it's one thing to sleep with a groupie after a drug/alcohol fueled binge..and another thing entirely to seek out underaged women..straight as an arrow. Nugent didn't drink or do drugs. And he's had sex with girls as young as 13.

You're a fucking liar.

I mean, duh - lying is what you do.

Nugent had an affair with a 17 year old.

Women keep their purses in their laps when you're around, don't they? Relatives lock bedroom doors at holidays and keep the jewelry out of sight...

I assume you spent some time in prison, yes?
Obama admin attempting to squash Ted's right to Freedom of Speech.

How fucking Naziesque.

Seig Heil motherfuckers
Descredited by whom?

It was NUGENT who told the fucking story in the first place..moron.

It's you who lies about it now, knowing it to be false.

Hey, you're a fucking liar for Obama, it's your job...

You mean the story about how Ted went around for 2 weeks shitting and pissing in his pants in order to get out of going to Nam? That is a true story. Coward.

If righties that are such patriots and support the troops and the mission and the government when Republicans are in charge are now going to flip flop and defend a draft dodger like Ted, that proves they will argue anything their mastes on Fox tell them to defend.

I'm sorry I forgot Republican lession 203 that says always carefully choose your wording when making a comment. I said, "Ted shit his pants for weeks in order to get out of going to NAM. Nam was very unpopular. No one would blame Ted for not wanting to go to Nam. Nam was a fucked up war.

I should have said, "Ted shit his pants to avoid serving his country".

That's more like it. If serving your nation is patriotic, what is shitting your pants to avoid serving called?
I believe it was a publicity stunt. Who the hell was he before this? As for me who he hell is he beside a big tub or lard?
Obama admin attempting to squash Ted's right to Freedom of Speech.

How fucking Naziesque.

Seig Heil motherfuckers

Chaney had a man arrested in a mall just for walking up to him and saying he disagreed with his policies. The man was with his kid and was shocked when SS walked up to him a few minutes later and told him he was being arrested. The charges were later dropped.

Notice how you know the proper way to spell seek hile you fucking racist. :lol:
It's not false.

Yo stupid fuck, once the actual deferment is posted - your silly little partisan lies are sort of hollow,

Holy shit.

Ted Nugent was the one who related it. What? Now you are calling Nugent a liar?

You know the story is false, yet continue to repeat it.

Why? Well, you're a scumbag with zero integrity.

Seriously dude.
I believe it was a publicity stunt. Who the hell was he before this? As for me who he hell is he beside a big tub or lard?

I sort of agree with you. Only us liberals care and we weren't going to vote for Romney anyways. Is this a tactic to rally up the gun voters? Just like the Zimmerman case? Wow are Republicans sinister.
Obama admin attempting to squash Ted's right to Freedom of Speech.

How fucking Naziesque.

Seig Heil motherfuckers

Chaney had a man arrested in a mall just for walking up to him and saying he disagreed with his policies. The man was with his kid and was shocked when SS walked up to him a few minutes later and told him he was being arrested. The charges were later dropped.

Notice how you know the proper way to spell seek hile you fucking racist. :lol:

Got a link, numb nuts? Of course you don't.

Carry the fuck on, asswipe

You have got to be shitting me...
IF that's the case then BUSH was lied the Clinton adminstration.

Here's what the Democrats said about Iraq's WMDs (including the source of each quote):
Better yet are these WMD quotes around the time of 9/11 and before Bush and Cheney fabricated their phony "intel."

"Iraq does not represent any threat to the United States at this time.* Their weapons programs have been exaggerated by the Clinton Administration."
- Tom Delay, 1999

"We are now convinced Saddam has no weapons of mass destruction or active programs."
- President Bill Clinton, August 9th, 2000

"We do not have any direct evidence that Iraq has used the period since Desert Fox to reconstitute its WMD programs"
-George Tenet, 2/07/2001

"We believe the sanctions have been effective, and Saddam Hussein's regime has no weapons of mass destruction."
-Condoleeza Rice, February 16th, 2001

"Containment has been achieved, and we now believe Iraq has no weapons of mass destruction or the capability of producing them."
- Colin Powell, February 23rd, 2001

*"He has not developed any significant capability with respect to weapons of mass destruction. He is unable to project conventional power against his neighbors"
-Colin Powell, 2/24/2001

"The Iraqi regime militarily remains fairly weak. It doesn't have the capacity it had 10 or 12 years ago. It has been contained. "
*-Colin Powell, 5/15/01

"He [Saddam] does not control the northern part of his country. We are able to keep arms from him. His military forces have not been rebuilt. "
-Condoleeza Rice, 7/29/01

Wikileaks documents show WMDs found in Iraq « Hot Air

United Nations Security Council Resolution 1441 - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
It's not false.

Yo stupid fuck, once the actual deferment is posted - your silly little partisan lies are sort of hollow,

Holy shit.

Ted Nugent was the one who related it. What? Now you are calling Nugent a liar?

You know the story is false, yet continue to repeat it.

Why? Well, you're a scumbag with zero integrity.

Seriously dude.

In that 1990 interview with the Free Press Nugent told about how he avoided the draft: "He claims that 30 days before his Draft Board Physical, he stopped all forms of personal hygiene. The last 10 days he ingested nothing but junk food and Pepsi, and a week before his physical, he stopped using the bathroom altogether, virtually living inside his pants caked with excrement and urine. That spectacle won Nugent a deferment."

Ted Nugent: Call him Chickenhawk: Rutland Herald Online

How he got the nickname Motor City Madman.

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