Ugly Words: Ted Nugent For Mitt Romney

Looks like the NRA......

"YEAH!!! What TED SAID!!!"

Actually, the shit and piss thing comes from Ted himself. I posted a link to the article somewhere in this thread ( Im at my night job now so can't track it down. Sorry )

I have no idea where the gerbil stuff is coming from. Seems uncomfortable.:lol:

It doesn't really matter where it came from, it's proven to be false.

I've posted the proof that it's false.

Anyone claiming it to be true is a liar, including Ted.
sorry, you would never be my type..I like a man with SOME intelligence.

Not what I asked you, but thanks for avoiding the question which is practically admitting you are wrong in my opinion, which is all that matters to me.

man oh I'm PRACTICALLY admitting?
and in my opinion you're PRACTICALLY INSANE and stupid

As far as politics go, I'm PRACTICALLY at a 10th Grade Level on a scale of Kindergarden to 12th Grade and you are at a 4th grade level. That's why they dont tell kids your age about science yet. We dont want to be responsible for you realizing santa doesn't exist and we come from monkeys.
As far as politics go, I'm PRACTICALLY at a 10th Grade Level on a scale of Kindergarden to 12th Grade and you are at a 4th grade level. That's why they dont tell kids your age about science yet. We dont want to be responsible for you realizing santa doesn't exist and we come from monkeys.

You should have stuck out third grade, sillybonobo.

Humans and Apes have a common ancestor. No one ever claimed that "we came from monkeys."
Not what I asked you, but thanks for avoiding the question which is practically admitting you are wrong in my opinion, which is all that matters to me.

man oh I'm PRACTICALLY admitting?
and in my opinion you're PRACTICALLY INSANE and stupid

As far as politics go, I'm PRACTICALLY at a 10th Grade Level on a scale of Kindergarden to 12th Grade and you are at a 4th grade level. That's why they dont tell kids your age about science yet. We dont want to be responsible for you realizing santa doesn't exist and we come from monkeys.

I probably have kids older than you, and certainly more intelligent..
As far as politics go, I'm PRACTICALLY at a 10th Grade Level on a scale of Kindergarden to 12th Grade and you are at a 4th grade level. That's why they dont tell kids your age about science yet. We dont want to be responsible for you realizing santa doesn't exist and we come from monkeys.

You should have stuck out third grade, sillybonobo.

Humans and Apes have a common ancestor. No one ever claimed that "we came from monkeys."

oh goody, the troll has found something else we are all suppose to get our panties in a bunch over...

and GUESS where it came from?:lol:

{"The Bible and its influence on Western Culture," which would include lessons on the history, literature and influence of the Old and New testaments on laws, government and culture, among other aspects of society.}

Oh my ALLAH.

You must be outraged, OUTRAGED...

How dare they teach history. Children need to learn one thing, Obey Obama - nothing else matters.
I was wondering how long before wingnuts got authority to teach religion in public schools. Now we'll have even more zombie idiots walking the planet.
I was wondering how long before wingnuts got authority to teach religion in public schools. Now we'll have even more zombie idiots walking the planet.

You know what ass...WE the PEOPLE pay for these schools they should have a damn say about what is taught...You don't like it, don't move to that state
I was wondering how long before wingnuts got authority to teach religion in public schools. Now we'll have even more zombie idiots walking the planet.

You know what ass...WE the PEOPLE pay for these schools they should have a damn say about what is taught...You don't like it, don't move to that state

That's one of the things I'm going to be forever grateful..........that I was born in rural Montana and lived in Colorado also, both states which had excellent school systems with great teachers.

I could have been born in TN and got the kind of education my ex wife did. The stuff I learned in 6th grade biology in Montana? She didn't get until high school.

Yes, where you live matters when it comes to public education. I'm glad I didn't grow up in a state which passes such stupid laws.
I doubt the Secret Service will do much but lecture the dimwit.

And if the agent(s) is or are old enough, they will ask for his autograph, too young and they'll ask, "you the hell are you?".

I'm looking forward to the next couple of days, because it's going to be interesting to see if Nugent crawls back into his hole (meaning he got his ass chewed), or is he going to go on every right wing show to tell everyone how he "handled" the Secret Service?

Stay tuned people, this might get interesting. Especially if he tries to pull a Palin.

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