Ugly Words: Ted Nugent For Mitt Romney

You mean the story about how Ted went around for 2 weeks shitting and pissing in his pants in order to get out of going to Nam? That is a true story. Coward.


You mean you're so fucking stupid that you actually thought that was true?


JEEZUS dude, Shallow repeats it, but at least he knows it's just a lie to smear an enemy of the party.

Uh stupidfuck, you don't mind if I call you "stupidfuck," do you? Anyway, no, the story is not true. Nugent got a standard, run of the mill, student deferment.

If righties that are such patriots and support the troops and the mission and the government when Republicans are in charge are now going to flip flop and defend a draft dodger like Ted, that proves they will argue anything their mastes on Fox tell them to defend.


Good gawd but you're stupid.

I believe it was a publicity stunt. Who the hell was he before this? As for me who he hell is he beside a big tub or lard?

I sort of agree with you. Only us liberals care and we weren't going to vote for Romney anyways. Is this a tactic to rally up the gun voters? Just like the Zimmerman case? Wow are Republicans sinister.

only you liberals care about what? stupid shit, but hey carry on
tomorrow it will be something else.
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Are you saying Armed Dissent is Constitutional?


Oh man.


Notice all these anti government republicans were such nazi's for bush when he was invading Poland, I mean Iraq?

good gawd, do you spew just for the sake of it?

Remember I asked if we could get together? And I promised if we did, the next week I would eithe be dead or in prison?

Wouldn't you consider that a threat? :lol:

Would you get together with someone if they said that to you? :eusa_liar:
Notice all these anti government republicans were such nazi's for bush when he was invading Poland, I mean Iraq?

good gawd, do you spew just for the sake of it?

Remember I asked if we could get together? And I promised if we did, the next week I would eithe be dead or in prison?

Wouldn't you consider that a threat? :lol:

Would you get together with someone if they said that to you? :eusa_liar:

sorry, you would never be my type..I like a man with SOME intelligence.
I believe it was a publicity stunt. Who the hell was he before this? As for me who he hell is he beside a big tub or lard?

I sort of agree with you. Only us liberals care and we weren't going to vote for Romney anyways. Is this a tactic to rally up the gun voters? Just like the Zimmerman case? Wow are Republicans sinister.

only you liberals care about what? stupid shit, but hey carry on
tomorrow it will be something else.

This story has legs because Romney begged for Ted's endorsement and Ted said something REALLY stupid. And people know who Ted is. Rosen says what? Who? :eusa_drool:
Amazing all the horrible shit Bush/Chaney did and Michael Moore never threatened them with violence.

Yep, you leftists are above that sort of thing...


good gawd, do you spew just for the sake of it?

Remember I asked if we could get together? And I promised if we did, the next week I would eithe be dead or in prison?

Wouldn't you consider that a threat? :lol:

Would you get together with someone if they said that to you? :eusa_liar:

sorry, you would never be my type..I like a man with SOME intelligence.

Not what I asked you, but thanks for avoiding the question which is practically admitting you are wrong in my opinion, which is all that matters to me.
I sort of agree with you. Only us liberals care and we weren't going to vote for Romney anyways. Is this a tactic to rally up the gun voters? Just like the Zimmerman case? Wow are Republicans sinister.

only you liberals care about what? stupid shit, but hey carry on
tomorrow it will be something else.

This story has legs because Romney begged for Ted's endorsement and Ted said something REALLY stupid. And people know who Ted is. Rosen says what? Who? :eusa_drool:

Rosen is a bulldyke, so the essence of the democratic party. I'd say she represents 70% of the students and 100% of the faculty of every women's studies department. no small sum, sadly.
I sort of agree with you. Only us liberals care and we weren't going to vote for Romney anyways. Is this a tactic to rally up the gun voters? Just like the Zimmerman case? Wow are Republicans sinister.

only you liberals care about what? stupid shit, but hey carry on
tomorrow it will be something else.

This story has legs because Romney begged for Ted's endorsement and Ted said something REALLY stupid. And people know who Ted is. Rosen says what? Who? :eusa_drool:

yeah yeah, every story with you lefties has legs..this will be forgotten by next week..The American people have way more to worry about, like 8% Unemployment, $5.00 for a gallon of gas, food prices through the roof...and guess what, it is all under your Dear Leader...tsk tsk for you Obamabots you wish all these petty stories you create has LEGS
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Amazing all the horrible shit Bush/Chaney did and Michael Moore never threatened them with violence.

Yep, you leftists are above that sort of thing...



Smite Bush? Who talks like that? And is that nearly as bad as saying if Bush wins re-election either I'm going to do something so bad I'll either wind up dead or in jail?

Smite Bush? Really? That's your comeback? That's the violent rhetoric you found? Who were those people anyways? Did Obama seak their endorsement? Obama never went after Rev. Wright begging him for an endorsement. And who's Rosen? Why does Obama have to disavow himself from these people but Romney doesn't? Double standard. You hold Obama to a higher standard. Is it because he's a lib or black?
only you liberals care about what? stupid shit, but hey carry on
tomorrow it will be something else.

This story has legs because Romney begged for Ted's endorsement and Ted said something REALLY stupid. And people know who Ted is. Rosen says what? Who? :eusa_drool:

yeah yeah, every story with you lefties has legs..this will be forgotten by next week..The American people have way more to worry about, like 8% Unemployment, $5.00 for a gallon of gas, food prices through the roof...and guess what, it is all under your Dear Leader...tsk tsk for you Obamabots you wish all these petty stories you create has LEGS

Like McCain would have done better. Want to go back to Bush? Vote Romney. Obama has done a great job. Too bad the liberal media is not telling them the truth. Why isn't it Stephanie? If its liberal, why isn't it explaining to people that Obama just got us out of the Depression? Adding 300,000 jobs a month when Bush was bleeding 7 million. And Romney and McCain denied there was a problem back then. You want to go back to bleeding 7 million jobs and have Romney say things are great? Wake up girly. Stupid bimbo braud.
You mean the story about how Ted went around for 2 weeks shitting and pissing in his pants in order to get out of going to Nam? That is a true story. Coward.


You mean you're so fucking stupid that you actually thought that was true?


If you weren't so fuckin' lazy, you'd have found this.....​

"They’d call dead people before they’d call my ass. But you know the funny thing about it? I’d make an incredible army man. I’d be a colonel before you knew what hit you, and I’d have the baddest bunch of motherfuckin’ killers you’d ever seen in my platoon. But I just wasn’t into it. I was too busy doin’ my own thing, you know?"

Remember I asked if we could get together? And I promised if we did, the next week I would eithe be dead or in prison?

Wouldn't you consider that a threat? :lol:

Would you get together with someone if they said that to you? :eusa_liar:

sorry, you would never be my type..I like a man with SOME intelligence.

Not what I asked you, but thanks for avoiding the question which is practically admitting you are wrong in my opinion, which is all that matters to me.

man oh I'm PRACTICALLY admitting?
and in my opinion you're PRACTICALLY INSANE and stupid
Smite Bush? Who talks like that?

Fucknut moron leftists.

Why do you ask?

And is that nearly as bad as saying if Bush wins re-election either I'm going to do something so bad I'll either wind up dead or in jail?


You're such a clown, sillybonobo.


Smite Bush? Really? That's your comeback? That's the violent rhetoric you found? Who were those people anyways? Did Obama seak their endorsement? Obama never went after Rev. Wright begging him for an endorsement. And who's Rosen? Why does Obama have to disavow himself from these people but Romney doesn't? Double standard. You hold Obama to a higher standard. Is it because he's a lib or black?


Holy fuck but you're stupid.

He registered..and was available for the draft.

He didn't show to the draft board in clothes that he'd been shitting and pissing in for two Nugent.

With a gerbil up his ass...

You're such a stupid fucking liar.

Seriously, the level of scum you have to be to keep repeating a two decade old, thoroughly discredited bullshit story is amazing.

I understand that you have absolutely zero integrity, but aren't you embarrassed by being continually exposed as a complete fucking liar?


Fucking liars for Obama, you'll say anything....

Actually, the shit and piss thing comes from Ted himself. I posted a link to the article somewhere in this thread ( Im at my night job now so can't track it down. Sorry )

I have no idea where the gerbil stuff is coming from. Seems uncomfortable.:lol:

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