Ugly Words: Ted Nugent For Mitt Romney

I'm looking forward to the next couple of days, because it's going to be interesting to see if Nugent crawls back into his hole (meaning he got his ass chewed), or is he going to go on every right wing show to tell everyone how he "handled" the Secret Service?

Stay tuned people, this might get interesting. Especially if he tries to pull a Palin.

I bet Nugent got down on his knees. Whether it was to pray or for some other reason, I don't know.
I'm looking forward to the next couple of days, because it's going to be interesting to see if Nugent crawls back into his hole (meaning he got his ass chewed), or is he going to go on every right wing show to tell everyone how he "handled" the Secret Service?

Stay tuned people, this might get interesting. Especially if he tries to pull a Palin.

I bet Nugent got down on his knees. Whether it was to pray or for some other reason, I don't know.

Naah........I don't think that it would have been for some other reason. Why? Simple, it would have been easier to get out of the draft back in the 60's by saying you're gay than it would be to run around filthy for a week.

Although, based on what I've read about him, he's not above shitting his drawers.
I was wondering how long before wingnuts got authority to teach religion in public schools. Now we'll have even more zombie idiots walking the planet.

You know what ass...WE the PEOPLE pay for these schools they should have a damn say about what is taught...You don't like it, don't move to that state

The Tenth Amendment is too difficult for the ignorant one to understand...
I'm looking forward to the next couple of days, because it's going to be interesting to see if Nugent crawls back into his hole (meaning he got his ass chewed), or is he going to go on every right wing show to tell everyone how he "handled" the Secret Service?

Stay tuned people, this might get interesting. Especially if he tries to pull a Palin.

I bet Nugent got down on his knees. Whether it was to pray or for some other reason, I don't know.

Naah........I don't think that it would have been for some other reason. Why? Simple, it would have been easier to get out of the draft back in the 60's by saying you're gay than it would be to run around filthy for a week.

Although, based on what I've read about him, he's not above shitting his drawers.

now you people are just becoming boring..saying the same thing over and over..


The Motor(mouth) City madman!
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Hey 8 to 10,000 is nothing shabby there. Good show.:eusa_clap: How are you protecting your material?

Have you looked at ASCAP or BMI? I've been out of the business for a while but surely they are still in existence.

I'm ready to call it a night in a minute and I just realized we are totally derailing the thread. YIKES. I guess it would be ok tomorrow to start a thread in the Music forum where anyone who's involved in music could join in. Let me know if you want to do that.

Naw, I just print 500 or 1,000 per album and sell them.... Then when I ran out I would print them up via demand on my pc....

Funny part is I only have 3 of my albums - the other 5 were sold out and the master tracks are on my old computer that broke... :lol: Oh and the cd store that held a majority of my product blew up in a "gas explosion" (no one was hurt) :lol: They sold out of my music anyways - they were selling 25 of my cd's a week....

I haven't dropped a record since 2010, but I am working on one now... I hope I will have it ready to sell by July....

oh man i need to hear these.....

They're Billy-Bad-Ass...

Ironically I actually found my first CD today..


I sold about 700 of them back in 2002 or so...

I found 2 today when I was looking for a cd for my father...
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He avoided service, which was his goal:

"I didn't want to get my ass blown off in Vietnam".
As far as politics go, I'm PRACTICALLY at a 10th Grade Level on a scale of Kindergarden to 12th Grade and you are at a 4th grade level. That's why they dont tell kids your age about science yet. We dont want to be responsible for you realizing santa doesn't exist and we come from monkeys.

You should have stuck out third grade, sillybonobo.

Humans and Apes have a common ancestor. No one ever claimed that "we came from monkeys."



By Kia Makarechi, Huffington Post

Rocker Ted Nugent came out strong for Mitt Romney at this weekend's National Rifle Association convention, blasting the Obama administration as "wiping its ass with the Constitution" and demanding the audience rally the troops for the GOP candidate.

In a video spotted by Right Wing Watch, Nugent doesn't mince words when describing the sitting president's administration, which he describes as "vile," "evil" and "America-hating."

Though the wild rhetoric is from the weekend, Nugent had already endorsed Romney in early March. He also once threatened to kill Obama and Hillary Clinton and effusively praised Sarah Palin in the 2010 TIME 100 issue.

Nugent is hardly the only musician to be associated with Romney in recent weeks. After KISS frontman Gene Simmons was quoted as saying he supported Romney's fiscal policy, outlets were quick to say the rocker endorsed Romney. Simmons quickly disputed the accounts, taking to Twitter to tell fans, "I HAVE NOT ENDORSED MITT ROMNEY FOR PRES."

Nugent was more direct. "If Barack Obama becomes the president in November, again, I will either be dead or in jail by this time next year," he said. "If you can't galvanize and promote and recruit people to vote for Mitt Romney, we're done."

And what's the best way to "galvanize and promote," Ted?

"We need to ride into that battlefield and chop their heads off in November. Any questions?"

Ted Nugent For Mitt Romney: Rocker Stumps For GOP Candidate At NRA Convention

[ame=]Ted Nugent Stumps for Mitt Romney at NRA Convention: "Chop their heads off in November" - YouTube[/ame]

So Describing Bush as Vile, Evil, Stupid, Anti American and Hitler is Patriotism, But Describing Obama as Vile, Evil, and America hating is Just wrong eh?

You fucking liberals will not get one once of Sympathy from me. You think you can use every name in the book, every Dirty Trick, and then still play holier than Though when it happens to you, and pretend the Person Saying it is Vile Scum.

Its not Racist, It's Not Wrong, To describe the President as Evil, Vile, and America Hating if that is what you believe.

I am sure all you little whining fucking Pussy liberals Believed in what you were saying when you used every Name in the book to describe the last sitting President.

But then I forgot you all live in Liberal Land where it's Heroic To Attack a Republican White man, and automatically Racist if you do not fall over yourself trying to please a Black Democrat.

To sum it up. You fuckers have no ground to stand on, No Credibility at all, when it comes to crying about people calling the President mean names, and not cooperating with him.


So fucking what primate?

They should teach both creationism and evolution...

If you have a problem with that then you're an ape.

That isn't what this does.

It simply teaches the historical impact the Old Testament had on societal development. The impact on Egypt, Rome, the Islamic empire, Europe, and America.

The Bible is the most influential book in history, to ignore it is ignorant.

Ah yes the mindset of the rabid right, who are dying to take up arms...

The mind set of the rabid right?
Dumb fuck where did the quote the tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants. originate from?
What is the American historical importance of The Gadsden flag?

I know what they are in their current and historical context. In their historical context they were rallying cries to which British citizens in the US assembled to throw off the shackles of British imperialism.

In the modern context, it is used by right-wing neocon whackjobs like yourself, who for some warped reason see parallels between then and now in the current climate in the US. However, what it really tells us normal folk is that you guys long for the day where you can live out the lives of your colonial forebears to somehow legitimise your POV. When all you do, is come across as some right-wing neocon whackjobs who are crying into your milk because your democratic process - oops sorry, your constitutional republic - hasn't put in charge the guy you want.

While your founding fathers and those who fought the British are thought of as freedom fighters and kick-arse revolutionaries, you lot are nothing but a poor loser rabble who would subvert the will of the people and your constitution to get what you want - IOW, nothing but common criminals.

Don't think for one minute that us normal, same people don't know that you and the likes of Warrior and T and TD et al are champing at the bit to get your peashooters and 'take your country back'. Your 'patriotic' names and avatars give you away. All you look like are spoilt brats who have thrown their toys out the cot.

It is not only pathetic, but laughable....I am laughing at your patheticness ...:lol::lol:
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I bet Nugent got down on his knees. Whether it was to pray or for some other reason, I don't know.

So, you honestly never heard of Nugent before hate sites told you to attack him?

Nugent on his knees... ROFL..

Now your boy Che', he cried and begged.

Nugent is a loud mouth. In my experience, people like that are usually over-compensating for something.

When the cameras are gone, and the fans are not around for him to try to impress, and Nugent is faced with a real life situation of his own making involving the Secret Service, he probably groveled like the coward he likely is.
Naah........I don't think that it would have been for some other reason. Why? Simple, it would have been easier to get out of the draft back in the 60's by saying you're gay than it would be to run around filthy for a week.

Although, based on what I've read about him, he's not above shitting his drawers.

So, which of the hate sites are printing the slander?

Yeah, Nugent got a student deferral - didn't shit his pants for a week like ThinkProgress or the other hate sites claim.

You know, the reason you moron leftists get humiliated all the time is that you repeat shit from the hate sites. When are you going to learn that they lie to you?

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