Ugly Words: Ted Nugent For Mitt Romney

I bet Nugent got down on his knees. Whether it was to pray or for some other reason, I don't know.

So, you honestly never heard of Nugent before hate sites told you to attack him?

Nugent on his knees... ROFL..

Now your boy Che', he cried and begged.

Nugent is a loud mouth. In my experience, people like that are usually over-compensating for something.

When the cameras are gone, and the fans are not around for him to try to impress, and Nugent is faced with a real life situation of his own making involving the Secret Service, he probably groveled like the coward he likely is.

I detested him BEFORE I knew what his political beliefs are, nothing has changed.............
I bet Nugent got down on his knees. Whether it was to pray or for some other reason, I don't know.

So, you honestly never heard of Nugent before hate sites told you to attack him?

Nugent on his knees... ROFL..

Now your boy Che', he cried and begged.

Nugent is a loud mouth. In my experience, people like that are usually over-compensating for something.

When the cameras are gone, and the fans are not around for him to try to impress, and Nugent is faced with a real life situation of his own making involving the Secret Service, he probably groveled like the coward he likely is.

why would ted be scared of the SS??? :confused:
Oh fuck off you whining drama queen.

That you support an internet tough guy threatening to murder a women is not of any surprise.

You're not a scumbag because you're a leftist, you're a leftist because you are a scumbag

He was making a point to indicate what Nugent said, not a genuine threat.

That you support his threat does not alter it. I understand, Stephanie is not a party member, so she deserves death.

Or do you think Nugent made a "terrorist threat" too?

Did Ted Nugent send a message to Barrack Obama stating that if he knew his address he would come kill him?

Sillybonobo did to Stephanie.

And what the fuck at the "terrorist" qualifier. Why not just a death threat? Why do you feel so inclined to label it terrorist threat, you douche?

Making death threats through electronic means is a terrorist act under the law. It's what Sillybonobo would be charged with.

Wow... How fucking dumb are you? If it was an actual death threat, why the fuck wasn't it removed by a moderator?

You're a fucking pussy who are trying to get people in trouble for things they are not actually doing. He was clearly making a point, not showing any real intention, but you're too fucking dumb to see that.

If you think he should be charged, fucking report his post to the police, or at least demand that the moderators report his post to the police. But you won't, because you're a god damned idiot who doesn't actually believe the stupid shit you're spouting. If you believed it was a legitimate threat, you'd take legitimate steps to counter it. You're just what you claimed I am... a scumbag... out to make explosively false statements to influence people in a completely dishonest way.

No, I'm saying he should kill himself. Not saying he should be put to death. Unless it's by his own hands, in which case yes... that'd be awesome.

In fact, you did say he should be put to death.

When you took your loyalty oath to Obama, you probably noticed that some of your neighbors weren't in line. Did you write down the names of those who chose to be enemies of the party?

And I'm only mirroring his desire to have other people suck on the barrel of his gun, to instead do it himself.

Should those who failed to take the loyalty oath to Obama be given a second chance to take the oath, or would you support rounding them up right away?

Please show me where I said he should be put to death. I said he should kill himself... that is not an act of being put to death. Being put to death constitutes an outside force putting him to death, which I would never care to happen. And before when I said here's hoping he's dead or in jail this time next year, that is also not saying he should be put to death. I'm saying he should expedite whatever stupid plan he has so he can be foiled.

Also, what loyalty oath to Obama? WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU TALKING ABOUT? MAKE SOME GOD DAMN SENSE ALREADY. Enemies of the party? I don't consider ANYBODY to be enemies of the party. I don't consider anybody politically to be enemies. They're members of a different party who have different views than I do. I might view some of them as stupid(you for instance), but I certainly don't consider you an enemy. That's some straight up right wing gun nut shit right there.

Thinking people who disagree with you politically are enemies... dear god man, what the fuck is wrong with you?
So, you honestly never heard of Nugent before hate sites told you to attack him?

Nugent on his knees... ROFL..

Now your boy Che', he cried and begged.

Nugent is a loud mouth. In my experience, people like that are usually over-compensating for something.

When the cameras are gone, and the fans are not around for him to try to impress, and Nugent is faced with a real life situation of his own making involving the Secret Service, he probably groveled like the coward he likely is.

why would ted be scared of the SS??? :confused:

The SS isn't known for their sense of humor.
Of course not; and Romney cannot be held responsible for what every one of his supporters says or does.

I think that a lot of Obama disciples, like Cowman, do favor summary execution of any who are not loyal to Obama.

His stated wish to murder Ted Nugent is simply a precursor to general purges. The ultimate expression of leftist ideals was the Khmer Rouge. Ultimately, the left will purge any and all dissent. Tolerance of contrary views is anathema to the goals and general methods of the left.

Dude, I would rather you live through life sullen and bitchy and a total liar all the damn time like you are right now. That's what I wish for you, immortality. Can't be good for the soul.
Nugent is a loud mouth.

Damn, really?

Must have you faux outraged.

In my experience, people like that are usually over-compensating for something.

In my experience, people like you attack who the hate sites tell you to attack.

When the cameras are gone, and the fans are not around for him to try to impress, and Nugent is faced with a real life situation of his own making involving the Secret Service, he probably groveled like the coward he likely is.


You're a fucking moron. The dude is a survivalist and goes into the wilderness for a week with just a knife, because he thinks it's fun.

You know absolutely nothing about Nugent, zero, zip, zilch. You hate him because the party told you to hate him. You attack him because the hate sites tell you to attack him. You have NO FUCKING CLUE who or what he is.

Nugent is rude, crude and absolutely a loudmouth. He is also a Bear Grylls level survivalist and has gone on expeditions with Bear.
Nugent is a loud mouth. In my experience, people like that are usually over-compensating for something.

When the cameras are gone, and the fans are not around for him to try to impress, and Nugent is faced with a real life situation of his own making involving the Secret Service, he probably groveled like the coward he likely is.

why would ted be scared of the SS??? :confused:

The SS isn't known for their sense of humor.

AND? has he violated any laws? :confused:
Nugent is a loud mouth.

Damn, really?

Must have you faux outraged.

In my experience, people like that are usually over-compensating for something.

In my experience, people like you attack who the hate sites tell you to attack.

When the cameras are gone, and the fans are not around for him to try to impress, and Nugent is faced with a real life situation of his own making involving the Secret Service, he probably groveled like the coward he likely is.


You're a fucking moron. The dude is a survivalist and goes into the wilderness for a week with just a knife, because he thinks it's fun.

You know absolutely nothing about Nugent, zero, zip, zilch. You hate him because the party told you to hate him. You attack him because the hate sites tell you to attack him. You have NO FUCKING CLUE who or what he is.

Nugent is rude, crude and absolutely a loudmouth. He is also a Bear Grylls level survivalist and has gone on expeditions with Bear.

You sound like you've been handed a memo to attack people with the point that they've been told to attack people by certain sites.

I don't think it's humanly possible for you to be more obvious.
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Dude, I would rather you live through life sullen and bitchy and a total liar all the damn time like you are right now. That's what I wish for you, immortality. Can't be good for the soul.

I'll take you up on that.

I don't lie though, I'm not in your party.

It's not about party, it's about quality of character. You were either raised poorly, or you've soured considerably as an adult.

At any rate, I pity you.
You sound like you've been handed a memo to attack people with the point that they've been told to attack people by certain sites.

I don't think it's humanly possible for you to be more obvious.

You notice that every one of you fucknut moron leftists say exactly the same thing?

Almost as if you're reading a script... Let's check the hate sites, shall we?

Democratic Underground

Well holy shit, halfway down they have exactly what every last fucknut here is saying.

What a surprise almost as if you morons are mindless drones, programmed to spew hate....
why would ted be scared of the SS??? :confused:

The SS isn't known for their sense of humor.

AND? has he violated any laws? :confused:

Considering that Nugent is egotistical, and egotistical people rarely let laws and convention prevent them from doing what they want to do, I'm sure he probably has violated laws. We just don't know about it. The last thing Nugent should want is to have the stupidity of his comments lead to the gov't and the SS taking a fine tooth comb to his life in an effort to eliminate him as a possible threat. And why? Because who knows what they might find? Any smart person would realize that -- especially when it's a self-inflicted wound. Some hunter.
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Nugent, undoubtedly, is on the SS radar now. Because he is ego-maniacal, he will do something stupid and close to, if not over, the line concerning criminality. When he issues a public apology or simply disappears, we will know.
Nugent, undoubtedly, is on the SS radar now. Because he is ego-maniacal, he will do something stupid and close to, if not over, the line concerning criminality. When he issues a public apology or simply disappears, we will know.

Yeah, you would think that as a hunter, Nugent would know to use camouflage and not walk around making a lot of noise. Instead he shoots off his mouth. Some hunter.
Nugent, undoubtedly, is on the SS radar now. Because he is ego-maniacal, he will do something stupid and close to, if not over, the line concerning criminality. When he issues a public apology or simply disappears, we will know.

Yeah, you would think that as a hunter, Nugent would know to use camouflage and not walk around making a lot of noise. Instead he shoots off his mouth. Some hunter.

Prolly after record sales..they've been pretty woeful throughout his career....
Oh and you found two people saying the same generic thing on the internet? OH MY GOD! That's never happened before.

But I don't expect you TM, a mindless hack who probably posts here under orders from the Democrat Underground or the DNC, to even begin to comprehend all that.

That took me two seconds to find. Same forum even.

Come on, idiot.

Here's another one. Oh man. I don't know how many iterations my marching orders can go towards pointing out the obviousness of these idiots.

TDM gets her marching orders from Talking Points Memo, The Daily Kos and Democratic Underground.


There is no doubt that the liberal netroots got a headstart on conservatives in this area. We are playing a game of catch-up and may have, through websites such as this one, caught up. Sites like and Dailykos give the left their marching orders. They give voice to the Left and they circle the wagons with self-serving, self-congratulatory comments. We cannot reform the staunch liberal; their’s is a psychopathology. But, if we can plant the seeds of doubt in the minds of the Left-leaning fence sitters, then we have won an important battle. Yes, this seems childish, but there is a certain amount of self-satisfaction in being a child again.

He keeps claiming to be a centrist republican, but all his talking points come from the daily Kos and Democratic underground. I have never heard him make nice about any republican politician, and his nasty is worse than Rdean and Truthmatters.

A higher level of honesty will garner you a higher level of respect. Don't claim to be something you are not. Treat the rest of the board with a bit more resepct, and you might actually get some back.

Here's ANOTHER LIBTARD trying to rewrite history with blatant misinformation and Democratic Underground talking points...ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha

Ohh... and here's a beautiful gem. It's you, saying the same exact fucking thing again. To me. Only it's months ago. How many fucking times have you repeated this shit?

Uncensored2008 said:
It's pretty clear the hate sites do your thinking for you.

Another leftist sheep, bleating hatred on behalf of the party.

Oh, and eat salad occasionally - then you won't be fat.

That was in response to my post of...

Cowman said:
So... it makes it funny that you're talking about regurgitating talking points... when you're sitting here talking about Democratic Underground like I somehow associate with that forum, and chanting Obama. Yes, because those aren't talking points.

And here is you doing the same thing to another poster.

Uncensored2008 said:
Bfgrn said:
What 'hate sites' did I use as reference? Be specific.

ThinkProgress, democratic underground, etc.

You're a fucking tool Uncensored2008. Right out of the box.
Uncensored2008 is a paid tool, not of the GOP but far right wing nut groups to try to influence opinion here.

His masters should read and mark this: Uncensored brings us hours of laughter and ridicule of him and his opinions.

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