Uh, Do Liberals Realize that the Stormy Daniels-Donald Trump Incident Happened 12 Years Ago?

The raid had nothing to do with Trump boinking a porn star 12 years ago. However Cohen paying off the porn star 11 days before the General Election is the problem and could possibly violate campaign finance laws which is a federal offense. Over $25,000 could be prosecuted as a felony with up to 5-years in prision.


The serving of the search warrant wasn't conducted by Mueller, information was turned over to the US District Attorney for Sourthern New York. That office conducted the and will be handling any prossecutions resulting from the finding that have to bank fraud, money laundering, mail fraud, and/or campaign finance law violations.

Glad to help.

You know what’s funny is a reporter asked trump all these questions and all trump kept saying was ask my lawyer. Apparently the fbi took him up on it.

The story is awful suspicious don’t you agree? Lying is covering up a crime and obstruction of justice and all to cover up collusion republicans don’t even think is illegal.

Or they’ll say hillary did it too.


That conversation you are bringing up was between Trump and a journalist. Unless of course, You are stating that the media and NOT the special council is actually leading this investigation?

Of course if Russia collusion is SO absolutely certain and SO SOLID in evidence that can not be questioned, there is no need to waste time, resources, and taxpayer dollars bothering with a porn star. You already have strong evidence of impeachment without the need to look into Cohen .

You see how easy it is to find fault in liberal logic?
It’s an ongoing investigation. Is trump ready to testify?
Stormy testified under a polygraph
Why doesn’t Crooked Donnie?

According to Mullier and those working with him, Trump is not the center of the investigation regarding Russia Collusion. If he was, his testimony would be relevant to Mullier. It’s really that simple
If not Trump ....it is his administration

Either he is a master pulling strings or an inept leader unaware of what is going on around him
In order to distract from his bragging about sexually assaulting women by grabbing their pussies, Family Values™ candidate Donald Trump paraded Bill Clinton's accusers in front of the cameras at the very same time his own accusers were being paid off to keep silent, possibly violating several laws bigly.

All caught up now, tards?

The Donald’s accusers had zero evidence. There is a difference between being assaulted/raped, and throwing yourself at a man wanting to have consensual sex.

BJ’s women were assaulted or even raped.

These “Trump women” openly admit they threw themselves at him. If he did anything with them, why is that anyone’s concern?
There are several women who have accused Trump of assault and even rape.

Try again.
His ex-wife accused him of rape during their divorce trial, and then emmediately retracted it. The ones who accused him of "assault," which in one case amounted to nothing more than stealing a kiss, have all been shown to be lying.
“Jane Doe” – 1994. Lawsuit filed June 2016, refiled October 2016 as reported by Buzzfeed and others. A court has ordered responses from Trump by December.
Jane Doe is an unnamed plaintiff who was 13 years old in 1994, when she claims she was repeatedly raped by Trump and Jeffrey Epstein at Epstein’s New York City apartment. A witness, also given a pseudonym — “Tiffany Doe” — said she recruited “Jane Doe” and others.

Jill Harth – 1992-1993. Story in the New York Times October 9.
A Florida businesswoman who partnered with Trump and later dated him. Harth alleged that he groped her under the table at dinner with her boyfriend then repeatedly got her alone, and it would turn into a “wrestling match.” She sued Trump for breach of contract, sexual harassment and at one point attempted rape. She settled and then in 1998 dated Trump.

All the assault allegations against Donald Trump, recapped
In order to distract from his bragging about sexually assaulting women by grabbing their pussies, Family Values™ candidate Donald Trump paraded Bill Clinton's accusers in front of the cameras at the very same time his own accusers were being paid off to keep silent, possibly violating several laws bigly.

All caught up now, tards?

The Donald’s accusers had zero evidence. There is a difference between being assaulted/raped, and throwing yourself at a man wanting to have consensual sex.

BJ’s women were assaulted or even raped.

These “Trump women” openly admit they threw themselves at him. If he did anything with them, why is that anyone’s concern?
There are several women who have accused Trump of assault and even rape.

Try again.
His ex-wife accused him of rape during their divorce trial, and then emmediately retracted it. The ones who accused him of "assault," which in one case amounted to nothing more than stealing a kiss, have all been shown to be lying.
“Jane Doe” – 1994. Lawsuit filed June 2016, refiled October 2016 as reported by Buzzfeed and others. A court has ordered responses from Trump by December.
Jane Doe is an unnamed plaintiff who was 13 years old in 1994, when she claims she was repeatedly raped by Trump and Jeffrey Epstein at Epstein’s New York City apartment. A witness, also given a pseudonym — “Tiffany Doe” — said she recruited “Jane Doe” and others.

Jill Harth – 1992-1993. Story in the New York Times October 9.
A Florida businesswoman who partnered with Trump and later dated him. Harth alleged that he groped her under the table at dinner with her boyfriend then repeatedly got her alone, and it would turn into a “wrestling match.” She sued Trump for breach of contract, sexual harassment and at one point attempted rape. She settled and then in 1998 dated Trump.

All the assault allegations against Donald Trump, recapped

Jane Doe:

We all know that lawsuit is phony. Jane Doe doesn't even exist. The minute the election was over, the lawsuit was dropped. Only a totally gulible moron like you believes there was anything credible about it.
Said no snowflake ever.
But really who cares if the Washington post says trump isn’t the center of the investigation? Not saying they are or were lying but maybe they are wrong. Or maybe he wasn’t yet but now is.

Of course they’re trying to find evidence that implicates trump. If they do then he will become the center of the investigation
If not Trump

Who is the center of the investigation?

The investigation would be regarding Russia’s interference and influence into the election, not Trump. The special councils efforts are geared towards the Presidential election, towards that interest in finding Russian interference as well as influence. If not... Then this is about a personal investigation of Trump, regardless of what the Special Council parameters are and it’s original mandate states.

The investigation was in regards to Russia's interference in the election and possible collusion by the Trump campaign.

And any crimes discovered in the course of the investigation. The Special counsel is authorized to pursue any suspected crimes that arise out of the investigation into Russia and Trump.

Which he is doing.
What is the connection between Stormy Daniels and Russian collusion? .

The investigation was in regards to Russia's interference in the election and possible collusion by the Trump campaign.

And any crimes discovered in the course of the investigation. The Special counsel is authorized to pursue any suspected crimes that arise out of the investigation into Russia and Trump.

Which he is doing.

Mueller isn't investigating Stormy Daniels.
Funny how the change the parameters almost on a daily basis. I can just hear them thinking, surely one of these will fly!
If at first you don’t succeed, try, try again. Truth be damned!
Looking at the continual stream of liberal threads on the Stormy Daniels scandal, one wonders if liberals realize that Daniels' alleged hookup with Trump supposedly occurred in 2006, 12 years ago, and that Cohen's payoff to her occurred in 2016, 10 years after the alleged encounter and long before Donald Trump even ran for president?
Bribery happened less than 2 years ago. No one really cares about the sex and perversions. Bribery is what counts.

It was a signed NDA. First it was “coerced”, now it’s a “bribe”? You lefties need to keep your lies straight.

You mean sort of like Whitewater- but 3 years shorter?
But really who cares if the Washington post says trump isn’t the center of the investigation? Not saying they are or were lying but maybe they are wrong. Or maybe he wasn’t yet but now is.

Of course they’re trying to find evidence that implicates trump. If they do then he will become the center of the investigation
If not Trump

Who is the center of the investigation?

The investigation would be regarding Russia’s interference and influence into the election, not Trump. The special councils efforts are geared towards the Presidential election, towards that interest in finding Russian interference as well as influence. If not... Then this is about a personal investigation of Trump, regardless of what the Special Council parameters are and it’s original mandate states.

The investigation was in regards to Russia's interference in the election and possible collusion by the Trump campaign.

And any crimes discovered in the course of the investigation. The Special counsel is authorized to pursue any suspected crimes that arise out of the investigation into Russia and Trump.

Which he is doing.
What is the connection between Stormy Daniels and Russian collusion? .

The investigation was in regards to Russia's interference in the election and possible collusion by the Trump campaign.

And any crimes discovered in the course of the investigation. The Special counsel is authorized to pursue any suspected crimes that arise out of the investigation into Russia and Trump.

Which he is doing.

Mueller isn't investigating Stormy Daniels.
Apparently he was because he turned over his "materials" to the people who are prosecuting Cohen now. How would he have any such "materials" if he wasn't investigating the matter?
In order to distract from his bragging about sexually assaulting women by grabbing their pussies, Family Values™ candidate Donald Trump paraded Bill Clinton's accusers in front of the cameras at the very same time his own accusers were being paid off to keep silent, possibly violating several laws bigly.

All caught up now, tards?

The Donald’s accusers had zero evidence. There is a difference between being assaulted/raped, and throwing yourself at a man wanting to have consensual sex.

BJ’s women were assaulted or even raped.

These “Trump women” openly admit they threw themselves at him. If he did anything with them, why is that anyone’s concern?
There are several women who have accused Trump of assault and even rape.

Try again.
His ex-wife accused him of rape during their divorce trial, and then emmediately retracted it. The ones who accused him of "assault," which in one case amounted to nothing more than stealing a kiss, have all been shown to be lying.
“Jane Doe” – 1994. Lawsuit filed June 2016, refiled October 2016 as reported by Buzzfeed and others. A court has ordered responses from Trump by December.
Jane Doe is an unnamed plaintiff who was 13 years old in 1994, when she claims she was repeatedly raped by Trump and Jeffrey Epstein at Epstein’s New York City apartment. A witness, also given a pseudonym — “Tiffany Doe” — said she recruited “Jane Doe” and others.

Jill Harth – 1992-1993. Story in the New York Times October 9.
A Florida businesswoman who partnered with Trump and later dated him. Harth alleged that he groped her under the table at dinner with her boyfriend then repeatedly got her alone, and it would turn into a “wrestling match.” She sued Trump for breach of contract, sexual harassment and at one point attempted rape. She settled and then in 1998 dated Trump.

All the assault allegations against Donald Trump, recapped

Jane Doe:

We all know that lawsuit is phony. Jane Doe doesn't even exist. The minute the election was over, the lawsuit was dropped. Only a totally gulible moron like you believes there was anything credible about it.
Dropped because you can’t sue a sitting president
See, you guys so want it all to be true, you never realize it could also be a case of extortion.
Looking at the continual stream of liberal threads on the Stormy Daniels scandal, one wonders if liberals realize that Daniels' alleged hookup with Trump supposedly occurred in 2006, 12 years ago, and that Cohen's payoff to her occurred in 2016, 10 years after the alleged encounter and long before Donald Trump even ran for president?
Bribery happened less than 2 years ago. No one really cares about the sex and perversions. Bribery is what counts.

Let’s start with a comparison of Trump’s special council investigation to that of the investigation of President Clinton. Monica Lewinsky occurred during the “political office” of the presidency, this led to other women coming forward (to include Jennifer Flowers during the “political office” of his governorship). In each case against Clinton there was a building common thread.

Now why waste time, resources, and taxpayer dollars on a 12 year old consensual involvement with a porn star? .

Do you have any indication that Mueller cares about or investigating a 12 year old adultererous affair between Trump and a porn star?

What I see is Mueller referring to another U.S. attorney a case of possible election campaign contribution fraud- which took place in the last few weeks of the 2016 election.

If it is extortion then certainly I hope that Trump's lawyer exposes it. Of course then you would just have Trump colluding with his lawyer to pay extortion.
The Donald’s accusers had zero evidence. There is a difference between being assaulted/raped, and throwing yourself at a man wanting to have consensual sex.

BJ’s women were assaulted or even raped.

These “Trump women” openly admit they threw themselves at him. If he did anything with them, why is that anyone’s concern?
There are several women who have accused Trump of assault and even rape.

Try again.
His ex-wife accused him of rape during their divorce trial, and then emmediately retracted it. The ones who accused him of "assault," which in one case amounted to nothing more than stealing a kiss, have all been shown to be lying.
“Jane Doe” – 1994. Lawsuit filed June 2016, refiled October 2016 as reported by Buzzfeed and others. A court has ordered responses from Trump by December.
Jane Doe is an unnamed plaintiff who was 13 years old in 1994, when she claims she was repeatedly raped by Trump and Jeffrey Epstein at Epstein’s New York City apartment. A witness, also given a pseudonym — “Tiffany Doe” — said she recruited “Jane Doe” and others.

Jill Harth – 1992-1993. Story in the New York Times October 9.
A Florida businesswoman who partnered with Trump and later dated him. Harth alleged that he groped her under the table at dinner with her boyfriend then repeatedly got her alone, and it would turn into a “wrestling match.” She sued Trump for breach of contract, sexual harassment and at one point attempted rape. She settled and then in 1998 dated Trump.

All the assault allegations against Donald Trump, recapped

Jane Doe:

We all know that lawsuit is phony. Jane Doe doesn't even exist. The minute the election was over, the lawsuit was dropped. Only a totally gulible moron like you believes there was anything credible about it.
Dropped because you can’t sue a sitting president
It was dropped because the purpose of the lawsuit disappeared after Trump won.

Paula Jones sued a sitting president, so your claim appears to be bullshit.
If not Trump

Who is the center of the investigation?

The investigation would be regarding Russia’s interference and influence into the election, not Trump. The special councils efforts are geared towards the Presidential election, towards that interest in finding Russian interference as well as influence. If not... Then this is about a personal investigation of Trump, regardless of what the Special Council parameters are and it’s original mandate states.

The investigation was in regards to Russia's interference in the election and possible collusion by the Trump campaign.

And any crimes discovered in the course of the investigation. The Special counsel is authorized to pursue any suspected crimes that arise out of the investigation into Russia and Trump.

Which he is doing.
What is the connection between Stormy Daniels and Russian collusion? .

The investigation was in regards to Russia's interference in the election and possible collusion by the Trump campaign.

And any crimes discovered in the course of the investigation. The Special counsel is authorized to pursue any suspected crimes that arise out of the investigation into Russia and Trump.

Which he is doing.

Mueller isn't investigating Stormy Daniels.
Apparently he was because he turned over his "materials" to the people who are prosecuting Cohen now. How would he have any such "materials" if he wasn't investigating the matter?

I don't know- could be he heard what Trump and the lawyer said on TV and told the NY Federal Attorney.

But Mueller isn't investigating Stormy or Trump's attorney.
The investigation would be regarding Russia’s interference and influence into the election, not Trump. The special councils efforts are geared towards the Presidential election, towards that interest in finding Russian interference as well as influence. If not... Then this is about a personal investigation of Trump, regardless of what the Special Council parameters are and it’s original mandate states.

The investigation was in regards to Russia's interference in the election and possible collusion by the Trump campaign.

And any crimes discovered in the course of the investigation. The Special counsel is authorized to pursue any suspected crimes that arise out of the investigation into Russia and Trump.

Which he is doing.
What is the connection between Stormy Daniels and Russian collusion? .

The investigation was in regards to Russia's interference in the election and possible collusion by the Trump campaign.

And any crimes discovered in the course of the investigation. The Special counsel is authorized to pursue any suspected crimes that arise out of the investigation into Russia and Trump.

Which he is doing.

Mueller isn't investigating Stormy Daniels.
Apparently he was because he turned over his "materials" to the people who are prosecuting Cohen now. How would he have any such "materials" if he wasn't investigating the matter?

I don't know- could be he heard what Trump and the lawyer said on TV and told the NY Federal Attorney.

But Mueller isn't investigating Stormy or Trump's attorney.
He obviously was.
There are several women who have accused Trump of assault and even rape.

Try again.
His ex-wife accused him of rape during their divorce trial, and then emmediately retracted it. The ones who accused him of "assault," which in one case amounted to nothing more than stealing a kiss, have all been shown to be lying.
“Jane Doe” – 1994. Lawsuit filed June 2016, refiled October 2016 as reported by Buzzfeed and others. A court has ordered responses from Trump by December.
Jane Doe is an unnamed plaintiff who was 13 years old in 1994, when she claims she was repeatedly raped by Trump and Jeffrey Epstein at Epstein’s New York City apartment. A witness, also given a pseudonym — “Tiffany Doe” — said she recruited “Jane Doe” and others.

Jill Harth – 1992-1993. Story in the New York Times October 9.
A Florida businesswoman who partnered with Trump and later dated him. Harth alleged that he groped her under the table at dinner with her boyfriend then repeatedly got her alone, and it would turn into a “wrestling match.” She sued Trump for breach of contract, sexual harassment and at one point attempted rape. She settled and then in 1998 dated Trump.

All the assault allegations against Donald Trump, recapped

Jane Doe:

We all know that lawsuit is phony. Jane Doe doesn't even exist. The minute the election was over, the lawsuit was dropped. Only a totally gulible moron like you believes there was anything credible about it.
Dropped because you can’t sue a sitting president
It was dropped because the purpose of the lawsuit disappeared after Trump won.

Trump has dropped lots of lawsuits- does that mean he was lying each time?

Of course not all lawsuits have been dropped- Trump has been trying to kill them but the plaintiffs aren't buying

The Summer Zervos sexual assault allegations and lawsuit against Donald Trump, explained

Zervos scored a victory recently when a New York Supreme Court judge ruled that her suit could go forward, rejecting the Trump team’s argument that a sitting president can’t be sued in state court. “No one is above the law,” the judge responded. Trump’s lawyers have announced they will appeal the decision.
The investigation was in regards to Russia's interference in the election and possible collusion by the Trump campaign.

And any crimes discovered in the course of the investigation. The Special counsel is authorized to pursue any suspected crimes that arise out of the investigation into Russia and Trump.

Which he is doing.
What is the connection between Stormy Daniels and Russian collusion? .

The investigation was in regards to Russia's interference in the election and possible collusion by the Trump campaign.

And any crimes discovered in the course of the investigation. The Special counsel is authorized to pursue any suspected crimes that arise out of the investigation into Russia and Trump.

Which he is doing.

Mueller isn't investigating Stormy Daniels.
Apparently he was because he turned over his "materials" to the people who are prosecuting Cohen now. How would he have any such "materials" if he wasn't investigating the matter?

I don't know- could be he heard what Trump and the lawyer said on TV and told the NY Federal Attorney.

But Mueller isn't investigating Stormy or Trump's attorney.
He obviously was.
You obviously believe he was.

But then again you believe all sorts of stupid shit.
I am more liberal than anyone here, and this is not an issue at all.
It was blackmail, not a bribe.
There is absolutely nothing wrong with paying blackmail, but it is illegal to demand it.

It is NOT a campaign finance violation to pay blackmail.
The point of campaign finance laws is to force people who spend money on the media to reveal themselves.
A blackmail payment has absolutely no effect on controlling campaign media, so is no one's business.
The clearly is not a single aspect of the Stormy Daniels episode that even hints at any violation of law.
I am more liberal than anyone here, and this is not an issue at all.
It was blackmail, not a bribe.
There is absolutely nothing wrong with paying blackmail, but it is illegal to demand it.

It is NOT a campaign finance violation to pay blackmail.
The point of campaign finance laws is to force people who spend money on the media to reveal themselves.
A blackmail payment has absolutely no effect on controlling campaign media, so is no one's business.
The clearly is not a single aspect of the Stormy Daniels episode that even hints at any violation of law.
Yea well it’s not a crime to get a bj but they impeached bill over one
Did the Washington Post not say that Trump is not the center of the investigation into Russia Colusion by Mullier? I could find the article for you, if you like.
Who cares what the Washington Post says?
Said no snowflake ever.
But really who cares if the Washington post says trump isn’t the center of the investigation? Not saying they are or were lying but maybe they are wrong. Or maybe he wasn’t yet but now is.

Of course they’re trying to find evidence that implicates trump. If they do then he will become the center of the investigation
If not Trump

Who is the center of the investigation?

The investigation would be regarding Russia’s interference and influence into the election, not Trump. The special councils efforts are geared towards the Presidential election, towards that interest in finding Russian interference as well as influence. If not... Then this is about a personal investigation of Trump, regardless of what the Special Council parameters are and it’s original mandate states.

Where did you get the idea that they couldn’t look at Donald? That’s pretty absurd. Did a blue dress have anything to do with a failed land deal?
I am more liberal than anyone here, and this is not an issue at all.
It was blackmail, not a bribe.
There is absolutely nothing wrong with paying blackmail, but it is illegal to demand it.

It is NOT a campaign finance violation to pay blackmail.
The point of campaign finance laws is to force people who spend money on the media to reveal themselves.
A blackmail payment has absolutely no effect on controlling campaign media, so is no one's business.
The clearly is not a single aspect of the Stormy Daniels episode that even hints at any violation of law.
nice try but no cigar!
Looking at the continual stream of liberal threads on the Stormy Daniels scandal, one wonders if liberals realize that Daniels' alleged hookup with Trump supposedly occurred in 2006, 12 years ago, and that Cohen's payoff to her occurred in 2016, 10 years after the alleged encounter and long before Donald Trump even ran for president?
Do conservatives realize this issue has nothing to do with Hillary Clinton?
But really who cares if the Washington post says trump isn’t the center of the investigation? Not saying they are or were lying but maybe they are wrong. Or maybe he wasn’t yet but now is.

Of course they’re trying to find evidence that implicates trump. If they do then he will become the center of the investigation
If not Trump

Who is the center of the investigation?

The investigation would be regarding Russia’s interference and influence into the election, not Trump. The special councils efforts are geared towards the Presidential election, towards that interest in finding Russian interference as well as influence. If not... Then this is about a personal investigation of Trump, regardless of what the Special Council parameters are and it’s original mandate states.

The investigation was in regards to Russia's interference in the election and possible collusion by the Trump campaign.

And any crimes discovered in the course of the investigation. The Special counsel is authorized to pursue any suspected crimes that arise out of the investigation into Russia and Trump.

Which he is doing.
What is the connection between Stormy Daniels and Russian collusion? .

The investigation was in regards to Russia's interference in the election and possible collusion by the Trump campaign.

And any crimes discovered in the course of the investigation. The Special counsel is authorized to pursue any suspected crimes that arise out of the investigation into Russia and Trump.

Which he is doing.

Mueller isn't investigating Stormy Daniels.
What? Collusion isn’t a crime, so why did their need to be an investigation?
Looking at the continual stream of liberal threads on the Stormy Daniels scandal, one wonders if liberals realize that Daniels' alleged hookup with Trump supposedly occurred in 2006, 12 years ago, and that Cohen's payoff to her occurred in 2016, 10 years after the alleged encounter and long before Donald Trump even ran for president?
Do conservatives realize this issue has nothing to do with Hillary Clinton?
Why not, she colluded with Russia?

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