Uh, Do Liberals Realize that the Stormy Daniels-Donald Trump Incident Happened 12 Years Ago?

Looking at the continual stream of liberal threads on the Stormy Daniels scandal, one wonders if liberals realize that Daniels' alleged hookup with Trump supposedly occurred in 2006, 12 years ago, and that Cohen's payoff to her occurred in 2016, 10 years after the alleged encounter and long before Donald Trump even ran for president?
Who cares what the Washington Post says?
Said no snowflake ever.
But really who cares if the Washington post says trump isn’t the center of the investigation? Not saying they are or were lying but maybe they are wrong. Or maybe he wasn’t yet but now is.

Of course they’re trying to find evidence that implicates trump. If they do then he will become the center of the investigation
If not Trump

Who is the center of the investigation?

The investigation would be regarding Russia’s interference and influence into the election, not Trump. The special councils efforts are geared towards the Presidential election, towards that interest in finding Russian interference as well as influence. If not... Then this is about a personal investigation of Trump, regardless of what the Special Council parameters are and it’s original mandate states.

The investigation was in regards to Russia's interference in the election and possible collusion by the Trump campaign.

And any crimes discovered in the course of the investigation. The Special counsel is authorized to pursue any suspected crimes that arise out of the investigation into Russia and Trump.

Which he is doing.

Which is within the authority of the special council’s “original mandate”. Likewise we didn’t see President Clinton’s Investigation going beyond the women he was accused of having an improper relationship with during the course of his time as a politician in political office. Progressives just don’t have any standards when it comes to conducting an investigation, especially one that involves a President that must be colluding with the Russians as his only means to win an election.

A special council that is so certain of that “collusion” allegation, so SOLID with his undeniable evidence, would not need to waste resources and time into a “distraction”. That impeachable offense would already be clear to proceed with an indictment of the President. It’s just a basic fact, when it comes to having built a strong certain case for impeachment. A special prosecutor’s actions and direction to proceed, have a way of dictating that truth.
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The payoff is the problem, not him fucking a porn star. The payoff took place in the heart of the campaign

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Nobody has ever claimed that Russia and Stormy Daniels were connected. The "hush money" was reported by the Wall Street Journal, and confirmed by Cohen himself.
Non disclosure agreements are not against the law.................For a one night stand that's 130k.............she took the money.

The pay off is the issue, and it's one of Cohen's own making. Had he not admitted to it the story very likely would have faded away. Nobody cares that Trump cheated on his wife with a porn star. Everybody but the most deluded believed the story when they first heard it.
It was consensual sex................bottom line..........NOT AGAINST THE LAW.............
They shouldn't have paid a cent.....................
But they did....wonder why.....


Nobody has ever claimed that Russia and Stormy Daniels were connected. The "hush money" was reported by the Wall Street Journal, and confirmed by Cohen himself.
Non disclosure agreements are not against the law.................For a one night stand that's 130k.............she took the money.

The pay off is the issue, and it's one of Cohen's own making. Had he not admitted to it the story very likely would have faded away. Nobody cares that Trump cheated on his wife with a porn star. Everybody but the most deluded believed the story when they first heard it.
It was consensual sex................bottom line..........NOT AGAINST THE LAW.............
They shouldn't have paid a cent.....................

Certainly they should not have paid a cent to prevent voters from hearing that story.

But they did.
Ironically, as we've seen, trump's voters wouldn't have cared.
Looking at the continual stream of liberal threads on the Stormy Daniels scandal, one wonders if liberals realize that Daniels' alleged hookup with Trump supposedly occurred in 2006, 12 years ago, and that Cohen's payoff to her occurred in 2016, 10 years after the alleged encounter and long before Donald Trump even ran for president?

Do Contards realize that the payoff to Stormy Daniels to keep quiet about Trump's adulterous affair happened just days before the 2016 election?

So voters wouldn't get reminded again that Donald Trump is a serial adulterer?
It would have really ruined pussy grabbing Trump's presser with Clinton's accusers if Stormy Daniels and Karen McDougal walked in the room to join them. :lol:
Oh...that would have been quite entertaining.
Nobody has ever claimed that Russia and Stormy Daniels were connected. The "hush money" was reported by the Wall Street Journal, and confirmed by Cohen himself.
Non disclosure agreements are not against the law.................For a one night stand that's 130k.............she took the money.

The pay off is the issue, and it's one of Cohen's own making. Had he not admitted to it the story very likely would have faded away. Nobody cares that Trump cheated on his wife with a porn star. Everybody but the most deluded believed the story when they first heard it.
It was consensual sex................bottom line..........NOT AGAINST THE LAW.............
They shouldn't have paid a cent.....................

Certainly they should not have paid a cent to prevent voters from hearing that story.

But they did.
So. your GREAT CAMPAIGN to SAVE AMERICA from the RUSSIANS.............is a PORN STAR...L

So your GREAT CAMPAIGN TO SAVE TRUMP FROM THE INVESTIGATION.....is to pretend he didn't bribe his mistress to stop her from telling the voters about his adultery before the election.

Only in America folks.
Nobody has ever claimed that Russia and Stormy Daniels were connected. The "hush money" was reported by the Wall Street Journal, and confirmed by Cohen himself.
Non disclosure agreements are not against the law.................For a one night stand that's 130k.............she took the money.

The pay off is the issue, and it's one of Cohen's own making. Had he not admitted to it the story very likely would have faded away. Nobody cares that Trump cheated on his wife with a porn star. Everybody but the most deluded believed the story when they first heard it.
It was consensual sex................bottom line..........NOT AGAINST THE LAW.............
They shouldn't have paid a cent.....................

Certainly they should not have paid a cent to prevent voters from hearing that story.

But they did.
Ironically, as we've seen, trump's voters wouldn't have cared.

Well there are the Trump voters- the ones that Trump boasted that would still vote for him if he gunned down someone on the street- and then there were the others- who held their nose to vote for him as the lesser of two evils- he might have lost some.

Or not- but remember- Nixon didn't need the Watergate breakin to win his election.
Said no snowflake ever.
But really who cares if the Washington post says trump isn’t the center of the investigation? Not saying they are or were lying but maybe they are wrong. Or maybe he wasn’t yet but now is.

Of course they’re trying to find evidence that implicates trump. If they do then he will become the center of the investigation
If not Trump

Who is the center of the investigation?

The investigation would be regarding Russia’s interference and influence into the election, not Trump. The special councils efforts are geared towards the Presidential election, towards that interest in finding Russian interference as well as influence. If not... Then this is about a personal investigation of Trump, regardless of what the Special Council parameters are and it’s original mandate states.

The investigation was in regards to Russia's interference in the election and possible collusion by the Trump campaign.

And any crimes discovered in the course of the investigation. The Special counsel is authorized to pursue any suspected crimes that arise out of the investigation into Russia and Trump.

Which he is doing.

Which is within the authority of the special council’s “original mandate”. Likewise we didn’t see President Clinton’s Investigation going beyond the women he was accused of having an improper relationship with during the course of his time as a politician in political office. Progressives just don’t have any standards when it comes to conducting an investigation, especially one that involves a President that must be colluding with the Russians as his only means to win an election..

LOL- you do realize that the "President Clinton" investigation was not about women- it was about Whitewater- a failed land deal in Arkansas that happened before he was President.

It morphed later into allegations of Clinton's sexual affairs- sound familiar?

And he was not impeached for getting a blowjob- but for lying about getting a blowjob.

Absolutely this investigation was to see if there was any collusion between Russia and Trump- and I sincerely hope that no intentional collusion will be found- but I think that yes- any other crimes found during the investigation should be investigated- and prosecuted. Just like lying about getting a blowjob.

Don't you?
Tell us more about how Clinton was the one who paid off Trump's mistress right before the election so she wouldn't talk about Trump's adulterous affair. I am very curious.

You are again avoiding the point: It's not illegal to pay someone to sign a non-disclosure agreement about an affair that happened years earlier (in this case, 10 years earlier) to avoid public embarrassment. People get paid to sign NDAs every year in the U.S. It's not an unheard of occurrence, much less an illegal one.

You are again avoiding the point. No one is saying that bribing a mistress to keep quiet about Trump's adultery is illegal.

However- bribing the mistress to keep quiet- so that voters don't hear the story about the adultery- days before the election- is possibly a campaign contribution violation- since it was a payment with the express purpose of affecting the election.

The OP is a straw argument- I no more care about Trump's adultery than I care about Clinton's- I think it shows stupidity- and a moral weakness for both of them- but I wouldn't judge their Presidency by either.

Clinton didn't get impeached for getting a blowjob- he got impeached for lying about it. Trump could get impeached for conspiracy to commit campaign violation fraud- not for a romp with a porn star.
Why not, she colluded with Russia?
My girlfriend wouldn't suck my dick the other night, did Hillary have anything to do with that?
I would hope not, but she obviously is guilty as hell of Russian collusion.

LOL I love how the Trumpsters keep insisting that we cannot say that Trump is guilty of anything because you are 'innocent until proven guilty'- and then turn around and tell us that Clinton and Comey and Mueller etc are all 'guilty as hell'

Like their Dear Leader- they are liars through and through.
The investigation was in regards to Russia's interference in the election and possible collusion by the Trump campaign.

And any crimes discovered in the course of the investigation. The Special counsel is authorized to pursue any suspected crimes that arise out of the investigation into Russia and Trump.

Which he is doing.
What is the connection between Stormy Daniels and Russian collusion? .

The investigation was in regards to Russia's interference in the election and possible collusion by the Trump campaign.

And any crimes discovered in the course of the investigation. The Special counsel is authorized to pursue any suspected crimes that arise out of the investigation into Russia and Trump.

Which he is doing.

Mueller isn't investigating Stormy Daniels.
What? Collusion isn’t a crime, so why did their need to be an investigation?

Wow- if you are still asking this question after a year of the investigation- well I can't really help you.
You douchebags have never answered it.

You douchebags just can't read.
Why not, she colluded with Russia?
My girlfriend wouldn't suck my dick the other night, did Hillary have anything to do with that?
I would hope not, but she obviously is guilty as hell of Russian collusion.

LOL I love how the Trumpsters keep insisting that we cannot say that Trump is guilty of anything because you are 'innocent until proven guilty'- and then turn around and tell us that Clinton and Comey and Mueller etc are all 'guilty as hell'

Like their Dear Leader- they are liars through and through.
Huh? No, we said they committed crimes and should be judged by courts, based on evidence collected and available in the public today
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Looking at the continual stream of liberal threads on the Stormy Daniels scandal, one wonders if liberals realize that Daniels' alleged hookup with Trump supposedly occurred in 2006, 12 years ago, and that Cohen's payoff to her occurred in 2016, 10 years after the alleged encounter and long before Donald Trump even ran for president?
Bribery happened less than 2 years ago. No one really cares about the sex and perversions. Bribery is what counts.
Trump can't be charged with anything related to Daniels or any other tramp, before he ran for office. They are CIVIL matters, even paying so-called hush money to a tramp to stay quiet about an affair. If he had a woman paid off to keep quiet about his committing an actual "crime." that would be different, but infidelity isn't a crime, just a civil matter.

True- Trump cannot be charged with any of his adulteries before he ran for office.

However- if he had a woman paid off to keep quiet in order to affect the election- that would be a campaign contribution. A possibly illegal campaign contribution.

Remember- it wasn't the blowjob that Clinton was impeached for.
Even if all that is true, it has nothing to do with Russian collusion, and the penalty for violating the rules on campaign violations is normally a small financial penalty. Hillary and Bill have both been fined a number of times. It's still a big nothing burger.
And the blowjob had nothing to do with Whitewater- yet he got impeached for something completely unrelated to the investigation- sound familiar?

However- if he had a woman paid off to keep quiet in order to affect the election- that would be a campaign contribution. A possibly illegal campaign contribution.

Remember- it wasn't the blowjob that Clinton was impeached for
What is the connection between Stormy Daniels and Russian collusion? .

The investigation was in regards to Russia's interference in the election and possible collusion by the Trump campaign.

And any crimes discovered in the course of the investigation. The Special counsel is authorized to pursue any suspected crimes that arise out of the investigation into Russia and Trump.

Which he is doing.

Mueller isn't investigating Stormy Daniels.
What? Collusion isn’t a crime, so why did their need to be an investigation?

Wow- if you are still asking this question after a year of the investigation- well I can't really help you.
You douchebags have never answered it.

You douchebags just can't read.
Huh? Why can’t you post something then to read
Why not, she colluded with Russia?
My girlfriend wouldn't suck my dick the other night, did Hillary have anything to do with that?
I would hope not, but she obviously is guilty as hell of Russian collusion.

LOL I love how the Trumpsters keep insisting that we cannot say that Trump is guilty of anything because you are 'innocent until proven guilty'- and then turn around and tell us that Clinton and Comey and Mueller etc are all 'guilty as hell'

Like their Dear Leader- they are liars through and through.
Huh? No, we said they committed crimes and should be judged by courts!

Quoting the little handed douchebag:
t she obviously is guilty as hell
Why not, she colluded with Russia?
My girlfriend wouldn't suck my dick the other night, did Hillary have anything to do with that?
I would hope not, but she obviously is guilty as hell of Russian collusion.

LOL I love how the Trumpsters keep insisting that we cannot say that Trump is guilty of anything because you are 'innocent until proven guilty'- and then turn around and tell us that Clinton and Comey and Mueller etc are all 'guilty as hell'

Like their Dear Leader- they are liars through and through.
I don't say it because of the legal principle that you are innocent until proven guilty. I say it because you haven't got a shred of evidence.

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