Uh, Do Liberals Realize that the Stormy Daniels-Donald Trump Incident Happened 12 Years Ago?

Looking at the continual stream of liberal threads on the Stormy Daniels scandal, one wonders if liberals realize that Daniels' alleged hookup with Trump supposedly occurred in 2006, 12 years ago, and that Cohen's payoff to her occurred in 2016, 10 years after the alleged encounter and long before Donald Trump even ran for president?
Bribery happened less than 2 years ago. No one really cares about the sex and perversions. Bribery is what counts.
Trump can't be charged with anything related to Daniels or any other tramp, before he ran for office. They are CIVIL matters, even paying so-called hush money to a tramp to stay quiet about an affair. If he had a woman paid off to keep quiet about his committing an actual "crime." that would be different, but infidelity isn't a crime, just a civil matter.
Notice that the snowflakes aren't even interested as to whether Hillary's campaign paid the spurned gold diggers to smear Trump.

Notice you snowflakes can't stop lying about Hillary- even though your Dear Leader got elected.
Looking at the continual stream of liberal threads on the Stormy Daniels scandal, one wonders if liberals realize that Daniels' alleged hookup with Trump supposedly occurred in 2006, 12 years ago, and that Cohen's payoff to her occurred in 2016, 10 years after the alleged encounter and long before Donald Trump even ran for president?
Bribery happened less than 2 years ago. No one really cares about the sex and perversions. Bribery is what counts.
Trump can't be charged with anything related to Daniels or any other tramp, before he ran for office. They are CIVIL matters, even paying so-called hush money to a tramp to stay quiet about an affair. If he had a woman paid off to keep quiet about his committing an actual "crime." that would be different, but infidelity isn't a crime, just a civil matter.

True- Trump cannot be charged with any of his adulteries before he ran for office.

However- if he had a woman paid off to keep quiet in order to affect the election- that would be a campaign contribution. A possibly illegal campaign contribution.

Remember- it wasn't the blowjob that Clinton was impeached for.
Even if all that is true, it has nothing to do with Russian collusion, and the penalty for violating the rules on campaign violations is normally a small financial penalty. Hillary and Bill have both been fined a number of times. It's still a big nothing burger.
And the blowjob had nothing to do with Whitewater- yet he got impeached for something completely unrelated to the investigation- sound familiar?

However- if he had a woman paid off to keep quiet in order to affect the election- that would be a campaign contribution. A possibly illegal campaign contribution.

Remember- it wasn't the blowjob that Clinton was impeached for
He didn’t get impeached because of a blowjob
Looking at the continual stream of liberal threads on the Stormy Daniels scandal, one wonders if liberals realize that Daniels' alleged hookup with Trump supposedly occurred in 2006, 12 years ago, and that Cohen's payoff to her occurred in 2016, 10 years after the alleged encounter and long before Donald Trump even ran for president?
Bribery happened less than 2 years ago. No one really cares about the sex and perversions. Bribery is what counts.
Trump can't be charged with anything related to Daniels or any other tramp, before he ran for office. They are CIVIL matters, even paying so-called hush money to a tramp to stay quiet about an affair. If he had a woman paid off to keep quiet about his committing an actual "crime." that would be different, but infidelity isn't a crime, just a civil matter.
Notice that the snowflakes aren't even interested as to whether Hillary's campaign paid the spurned gold diggers to smear Trump.

Notice you snowflakes can't stop lying about Hillary- even though your Dear Leader got elected.
Why don’t you want her campaign investigated? She was part of the election. Isn’t the claim elections? What are you afraid of
Yeah- Donald colluded the heck out of her while his new wife and baby stayed at home......

And then his attorney paid her off so voters wouldn't hear about it.
Extra marital affairs are issues for a different court.........where they divide up assets in the divorce.................Not a Russia investigation.

Your side is fishing.............and will fish for anything......anyway.........anyhow........

People with have a brain cell KNOW THAT..............guess needing a full brain cell leaves you guys out.

You realize no one cares who the sexual predator had affairs with, right?

Predator........she agreed to do him...............which one was the Predator............


did I say he attacked her. moron?

someone who grabs women by the genitals without their consent and watches 15 years old girls in a dressing room is a sexual predator (not to mention the dozen women who said he accosted them).

I forgot I have to spell everything out specifically for uneducated trumptards.

With regard to Trump’s grabbing comment - We all know there are women “groupies” our tyere who throw themselves at celebrities, infatuated with the idea of an involvement in some form of relationship fantasy over those of fame and wealth. These women throw themselves at them for the chance to get close to them, and yes offer themselves in ways they wouldn’t otherwise do with the common everyday hard working man without either. Trump obviously speaks of the lifestyle that’s associated with fame recognition and wealth, in reference towards those particular women who gravitate towards both. These particular women throw themselves at these men over what they have. There has never been a discussion made by Trump “in context” where women are forced upon. .

Well I am glad to bring back exactly what Donald Trump actually said- rather than your rather generous 'interpretation' of Donald Trump bragging about how he can sexually assault women- and they 'just let' him- how he can get away with anything- without even waiting.
Hmmm sounds like some of the accusations women have made against him.....

Donald J. Trump: You know and ...

Unknown: She used to be great. She’s still very beautiful.

Trump: I moved on her, actually. You know, she was down on Palm Beach. I moved on her, and I failed. I’ll admit it.

Unknown: Whoa.

Trump: I did try and fuck her. She was married.

Unknown: That’s huge news.

Trump: No, no, Nancy. No, this was [unintelligible] — and I moved on her very heavily. In fact, I took her out furniture shopping.

She wanted to get some furniture. I said, “I’ll show you where they have some nice furniture.” I took her out furniture —

I moved on her like a bitch. But I couldn’t get there. And she was married. Then all of a sudden I see her, she’s now got the big phony tits and everything. She’s totally changed her look.
Billy Bush: Sheesh, your girl’s hot as shit. In the purple.

Trump: Whoa! Whoa!

Bush: Yes! The Donald has scored. Whoa, my man!


Trump: Look at you, you are a pussy.


Trump: All right, you and I will walk out.


Trump: Maybe it’s a different one.

Bush: It better not be the publicist. No, it’s, it’s her, it’s —

Trump: Yeah, that’s her. With the gold. I better use some Tic Tacs just in case I start kissing her. You know, I’m automatically attracted to beautiful — I just start kissing them. It’s like a magnet. Just kiss. I don’t even wait. And when you’re a star, they let you do it. You can do anything.

Bush: Whatever you want.

Trump: Grab ’em by the pussy. You can do anything.

Bush: Uh, yeah, those legs, all I can see is the legs.

Trump: Oh, it looks good.

Bush: Come on shorty.

Trump: Ooh, nice legs, huh?
Bribery happened less than 2 years ago. No one really cares about the sex and perversions. Bribery is what counts.
Trump can't be charged with anything related to Daniels or any other tramp, before he ran for office. They are CIVIL matters, even paying so-called hush money to a tramp to stay quiet about an affair. If he had a woman paid off to keep quiet about his committing an actual "crime." that would be different, but infidelity isn't a crime, just a civil matter.

True- Trump cannot be charged with any of his adulteries before he ran for office.

However- if he had a woman paid off to keep quiet in order to affect the election- that would be a campaign contribution. A possibly illegal campaign contribution.

Remember- it wasn't the blowjob that Clinton was impeached for.
Even if all that is true, it has nothing to do with Russian collusion, and the penalty for violating the rules on campaign violations is normally a small financial penalty. Hillary and Bill have both been fined a number of times. It's still a big nothing burger.
And the blowjob had nothing to do with Whitewater- yet he got impeached for something completely unrelated to the investigation- sound familiar?

However- if he had a woman paid off to keep quiet in order to affect the election- that would be a campaign contribution. A possibly illegal campaign contribution.

Remember- it wasn't the blowjob that Clinton was impeached for
He didn’t get impeached because of a blowjob

Since I have said about three times today already that he was impeached for lying about a blowjob- I am so very impressed you have figured that out.
Clinton was, of course, NOT impeached for his dishonorable disregard for his wedding vows. He was impeached for perjury, witness intimidation, and tampering with evidence.
Trump can't be charged with anything related to Daniels or any other tramp, before he ran for office. They are CIVIL matters, even paying so-called hush money to a tramp to stay quiet about an affair. If he had a woman paid off to keep quiet about his committing an actual "crime." that would be different, but infidelity isn't a crime, just a civil matter.

True- Trump cannot be charged with any of his adulteries before he ran for office.

However- if he had a woman paid off to keep quiet in order to affect the election- that would be a campaign contribution. A possibly illegal campaign contribution.

Remember- it wasn't the blowjob that Clinton was impeached for.
Even if all that is true, it has nothing to do with Russian collusion, and the penalty for violating the rules on campaign violations is normally a small financial penalty. Hillary and Bill have both been fined a number of times. It's still a big nothing burger.
And the blowjob had nothing to do with Whitewater- yet he got impeached for something completely unrelated to the investigation- sound familiar?

However- if he had a woman paid off to keep quiet in order to affect the election- that would be a campaign contribution. A possibly illegal campaign contribution.

Remember- it wasn't the blowjob that Clinton was impeached for
He didn’t get impeached because of a blowjob

Since I have said about three times today already that he was impeached for lying about a blowjob- I am so very impressed you have figured that out.
You’re not my fantasy poster to follow. I merely corrected that last post of yours! You could have just thanked me
Clinton was, of course, NOT impeached for his dishonorable disregard for his wedding vows. He was impeached for perjury, witness intimidation, and tampering with evidence.


Just as Trump will never be impeached for his dishonerable disregard for his wedding vows.

He might be impeached for perjury, or witness intimidation, and tampering with the evidence - or conspiracy to commit election campaign fraud.
True- Trump cannot be charged with any of his adulteries before he ran for office.

However- if he had a woman paid off to keep quiet in order to affect the election- that would be a campaign contribution. A possibly illegal campaign contribution.

Remember- it wasn't the blowjob that Clinton was impeached for.
Even if all that is true, it has nothing to do with Russian collusion, and the penalty for violating the rules on campaign violations is normally a small financial penalty. Hillary and Bill have both been fined a number of times. It's still a big nothing burger.
And the blowjob had nothing to do with Whitewater- yet he got impeached for something completely unrelated to the investigation- sound familiar?

However- if he had a woman paid off to keep quiet in order to affect the election- that would be a campaign contribution. A possibly illegal campaign contribution.

Remember- it wasn't the blowjob that Clinton was impeached for
He didn’t get impeached because of a blowjob

Since I have said about three times today already that he was impeached for lying about a blowjob- I am so very impressed you have figured that out.
You’re not my fantasy poster to follow. I merely corrected that last post of yours! You could have just thanked me

You merely repeated what I have said repeatedly- why should I thank you for that?
But really who cares if the Washington post says trump isn’t the center of the investigation? Not saying they are or were lying but maybe they are wrong. Or maybe he wasn’t yet but now is.

Of course they’re trying to find evidence that implicates trump. If they do then he will become the center of the investigation
If not Trump

Who is the center of the investigation?

The investigation would be regarding Russia’s interference and influence into the election, not Trump. The special councils efforts are geared towards the Presidential election, towards that interest in finding Russian interference as well as influence. If not... Then this is about a personal investigation of Trump, regardless of what the Special Council parameters are and it’s original mandate states.

The investigation was in regards to Russia's interference in the election and possible collusion by the Trump campaign.

And any crimes discovered in the course of the investigation. The Special counsel is authorized to pursue any suspected crimes that arise out of the investigation into Russia and Trump.

Which he is doing.

Which is within the authority of the special council’s “original mandate”. Likewise we didn’t see President Clinton’s Investigation going beyond the women he was accused of having an improper relationship with during the course of his time as a politician in political office. Progressives just don’t have any standards when it comes to conducting an investigation, especially one that involves a President that must be colluding with the Russians as his only means to win an election..

LOL- you do realize that the "President Clinton" investigation was not about women- it was about Whitewater- a failed land deal in Arkansas that happened before he was President.

It morphed later into allegations of Clinton's sexual affairs- sound familiar?

And he was not impeached for getting a blowjob- but for lying about getting a blowjob.

Absolutely this investigation was to see if there was any collusion between Russia and Trump- and I sincerely hope that no intentional collusion will be found- but I think that yes- any other crimes found during the investigation should be investigated- and prosecuted. Just like lying about getting a blowjob.

Don't you?

PRESIDENT Clinton was not about whitewater, it was about Monica Lewinsky. Then women like Jennifer Flowers, brought allegations against Bill Clinton for improper behavior against women as governor, to try and tie Mr Clinton to a pattern of behavior. His eventual charges towards impeachment, was lying to a Federal prosecutor relating to Questioning involving Monica Lewinsky. I shouldn’t have to be educating you on this, it wasn’t that long ago.
If not Trump

Who is the center of the investigation?

The investigation would be regarding Russia’s interference and influence into the election, not Trump. The special councils efforts are geared towards the Presidential election, towards that interest in finding Russian interference as well as influence. If not... Then this is about a personal investigation of Trump, regardless of what the Special Council parameters are and it’s original mandate states.

The investigation was in regards to Russia's interference in the election and possible collusion by the Trump campaign.

And any crimes discovered in the course of the investigation. The Special counsel is authorized to pursue any suspected crimes that arise out of the investigation into Russia and Trump.

Which he is doing.

Which is within the authority of the special council’s “original mandate”. Likewise we didn’t see President Clinton’s Investigation going beyond the women he was accused of having an improper relationship with during the course of his time as a politician in political office. Progressives just don’t have any standards when it comes to conducting an investigation, especially one that involves a President that must be colluding with the Russians as his only means to win an election..

LOL- you do realize that the "President Clinton" investigation was not about women- it was about Whitewater- a failed land deal in Arkansas that happened before he was President.

It morphed later into allegations of Clinton's sexual affairs- sound familiar?

And he was not impeached for getting a blowjob- but for lying about getting a blowjob.

Absolutely this investigation was to see if there was any collusion between Russia and Trump- and I sincerely hope that no intentional collusion will be found- but I think that yes- any other crimes found during the investigation should be investigated- and prosecuted. Just like lying about getting a blowjob.

Don't you?

PRESIDENT Clinton was not about whitewater, it was about Monica Lewinsky. Then women like Jennifer Flowers, brought allegations against Bill Clinton for improper behavior against women as governor, to try and tie Mr Clinton to a pattern of behavior. His eventual charges towards impeachment, was lying to a Federal prosecutor relating to Questioning involving Monica Lewinsky. I shouldn’t have to be educating you on this, it wasn’t that long ago.

It all started out with Whitewater- just like our current situation started out with Russian Collusion.

I am glad to help educate you:
Timeline for Clinton Impeachment:
The Whitewater Development Corp is dissolved, leaving Bill and Hillary Clinton with a loss of more than $40,000.

January 1994
Attorney General Janet Reno appoints Robert Fiske Jr. as the independent counsel in charge of investigating financial irregularities in the dealings of the Whitewater property company. The Clintons, and their business partners, James and Susan McDougal, are implicated.

August 1994
Fiske is replaced by the more conservative Kenneth Starr as the independent counsel investigating the Whitewater scandal.

July 1995
Monica Lewinsky graduates from Lewis and Clark College, and joins the White House staff as an unpaid intern.

November 1995
Ms Lewinsky accepts a paid job at the White House office of legislative affairs and, two days later, sexual contact between Ms Lewinsky and President Clinton begins. The affair continues, sporadically, for the next 18 months.

April 1996
Ms Lewinsky leaves the White House for public affairs post at the Pentagon.

May 1996
The first Whitewater trial ends with the conviction of the McDougals for fraud. A Senate hearing ends inconclusively a month later.

February 1997
Kenneth Starr, the Independent Counsel investigating the Whitewater scandal, announces he will step down from the investigation. He then changes his mind and continues his investigations.

May 1997
According to the Starr report released in September 1998, President Clinton tells Ms Lewinsky the affair is at an end. Just days later the Supreme Court reject Mr Clinton's claim that as President he should have immunity from civil cases. This ruling allows the Paula Jones harassment case to proceed against him.

August 1997
Linda Tripp is reported in Newsweek magazine as having seen White House staffer Kathleen Willey emerging from the Oval Office looking dishevelled but happy, and with her lipstick smeared. Mr Clinton's attorney, Robert Bennett, claims Ms Tripp is "not to be believed."

September 1997
Ms Tripp begins to tape her telephone conversations with Ms Lewinsky, who remains in touch with the President.

December 17, 1997
Ms Lewinsky is subpoenaed by lawyers for Paula Jones.

December 26, 1997
Ms Lewinsky leaves the Pentagon.

January 5, 1998
President Clinton and Monica Lewinsky have what proves to be their last telephone conversation. January 7, 1998
In a sworn affidavit, Monica Lewinsky denies having an affair with Mr Clinton, in an attempt to avoid testifying in the sexual harassment case brought by Paula Jones against President Clinton.

January 12, 1998
Tripp dismisses her lawyers, allegedly because they were "too close to the White House." She then contacts Independent Counsel Kenneth Starr's office, offering him 20 hours of taped conversations between herself and Lewinsky.

January 13, 1998
Ms Tripp is kitted-out with a hidden microphone by FBI agents for further conversations with Ms Lewinsky.

January 16, 1998
Janet Reno, the US Attorney General, approves the Whitewater independent counsel Kenneth Starr's request for an expansion of the inquiry to include the Clinton-Lewinsky affair.

January 17, 1998
President Clinton, testifying under oath to lawyers in the Jones harassment case, denies having had an affair with Ms Lewinsky. He reportedly acknowledges having had an affair with Gennifer Flowers, a charge he previously denied.

January 19, 1998
Monica Lewinsky's name and the rumours linking her with Clinton are published on the Drudge report internet site. Drudge reveals that Newsweek obtained tapes of the Lewinsky-Tripp conversations but pulled their publication after pressure from Starr, who insisted his investigation would be jeopardised.

January 21, 1998
The Washington Post reports Lewinsky's allegations. President Clinton denies the charges in vague terms. There is no improper relationship," he tells a TV interviewer.

January 26, 1998
"I want you to listen to me. I did not have sex with that woman, Monica Lewinsky. I never told a single person to lie, not a single time, never," an angry President Clinton declares to an invited media audience at the White House.

January 29, 1998
President Clinton posts his highest ever opinion poll rating. Gallup for CNN find 67 per cent of Americans approve of the President (up five per cent from his previous best); just 28 per cent disapprove. Ms Lewinsky is only believed by 13 per cent of Americans.

March 13, 1998
Paula Jones' lawyers in the sexual harassment suit against Clinton publish much of their evidence, one of the many breaches of the judicial gagging order on this case.

March 15, 1998
Kathleen Willey, a former White House volunteer and key witness in the Jones harassment case, makes her first public comments about an alleged incident in 1991 when Mr Clinton is said to have fondled her against her will.

April 1, 1998
The Paula Jones harassment case against the President is dismissed by the judge before it goes to trial.

June 2, 1998
The possibility of a new immunity deal being struck between Ms Lewinsky and Prosecutor Starr is raised as Lewinsky's main lawyer, William Ginsburg is replaced by two well-known Washington criminal defence lawyers, Jacob Stein and Plato Cacheris. Both cleared former White House employees of corruption in the 1980s.

June 30, 1998
Ms Tripp begins giving evidence to the Washington grand jury investigating President Clinton's alleged cover-up of the affair. Polls show that only one in 10 Americans view her sympathetically.

July 28, 1998
Ms Lewinsky's lawyers announce that an immunity deal has been struck with independent counsel Starr. For Ms Lewinsky's "full and truthful testimony", she will receive transactional immunity – a legal blanket which means nothing she says can be used against her. She is questioned by the grand jury over the next 15 days.

July 29, 1998
President Clinton decides to testify voluntarily before the prosecutor over the allegations that he committed perjury in covering up a sexual affair with Ms Lewinsky.

August 3, 1998
Clinton is asked for a blood sample for DNA testing.

August 17, 1998
Bill Clinton testifies in the grand jury, acknowledging "inappropriate intimate contact" with Ms Lewinsky. But he insists the evidence he gave to the Jones case in January suit had been accurate.

September 8, 1998
Attorney-general Janet Reno announces a 90-day inquiry into whether Bill Clinton helped to plan a $44 million Democratic Party "issue ad" that breached election campaign spending laws.

September 9, 1998
Independent Counsel Kenneth Starr releases his report to Congress. It has 11 possible grounds for impeachment. The House votes to make the 445-page report public.

September 11, 1998
Congress makes the report public.

September 18, 1998
Republicans vote to release the videotape of Mr Clinton's grand jury testimony in the Monica Lewinsky affair.

September 21, 1998
The tape is released and broadcast on American cable channels across the country.

October 2, 1998
More evidence from Mr Starr's investigation is released, including the transcript of taped telephone conversations between Monica Lewinsky and Linda Tripp that triggered the Clinton-Lewinsky scandal in January.

October 5, 1998
The House Judiciary Committee votes to launch a congressional impeachment inquiry against President Clinton.

October 6, 1998
Erskine Bowles, the White House chief of staff, confirms he will leave his post at the end of the week. With senior policy advisor Rahm Emmanuel and press secretary Mike McCurry are also leaving. All three insist they have not resigned for political reasons.

October 8, 1998
The House of Representatives vote for impeachment proceedings to begin against Clinton. The House judiciary committee will be given wide powers to draw up detailed charges against Mr Clinton, based on 11 allegations by the independent counsel Kenneth Starr in his report on the Monica Lewinsky affair.

October 14, 1998
The House judiciary committee chairman Henry Hyde announces the impeachment inquiry will concentrate its focus on two core charges: that Mr Clinton lied under oath and attempted to obstruct justice.
Clinton was, of course, NOT impeached for his dishonorable disregard for his wedding vows. He was impeached for perjury, witness intimidation, and tampering with evidence.


Just as Trump will never be impeached for his dishonerable disregard for his wedding vows.

He might be impeached for perjury, or witness intimidation, and tampering with the evidence - or conspiracy to commit election campaign fraud.

You are reaching if you are establishing a porn star, to trump and election campaign fraud. For one, Hillary attempted to bring forth women who attempted to bring allegations of an affair, and voters elected Trump anyways. Second, there are very few voters who care, or concern themselves over Trump’s “consensual” [key work] interaction with a porn star. Third, and more important, this has nothing to do with Russia and efforts to influence a Presidential election.
The investigation would be regarding Russia’s interference and influence into the election, not Trump. The special councils efforts are geared towards the Presidential election, towards that interest in finding Russian interference as well as influence. If not... Then this is about a personal investigation of Trump, regardless of what the Special Council parameters are and it’s original mandate states.

The investigation was in regards to Russia's interference in the election and possible collusion by the Trump campaign.

And any crimes discovered in the course of the investigation. The Special counsel is authorized to pursue any suspected crimes that arise out of the investigation into Russia and Trump.

Which he is doing.

Which is within the authority of the special council’s “original mandate”. Likewise we didn’t see President Clinton’s Investigation going beyond the women he was accused of having an improper relationship with during the course of his time as a politician in political office. Progressives just don’t have any standards when it comes to conducting an investigation, especially one that involves a President that must be colluding with the Russians as his only means to win an election..

LOL- you do realize that the "President Clinton" investigation was not about women- it was about Whitewater- a failed land deal in Arkansas that happened before he was President.

It morphed later into allegations of Clinton's sexual affairs- sound familiar?

And he was not impeached for getting a blowjob- but for lying about getting a blowjob.

Absolutely this investigation was to see if there was any collusion between Russia and Trump- and I sincerely hope that no intentional collusion will be found- but I think that yes- any other crimes found during the investigation should be investigated- and prosecuted. Just like lying about getting a blowjob.

Don't you?

PRESIDENT Clinton was not about whitewater, it was about Monica Lewinsky. Then women like Jennifer Flowers, brought allegations against Bill Clinton for improper behavior against women as governor, to try and tie Mr Clinton to a pattern of behavior. His eventual charges towards impeachment, was lying to a Federal prosecutor relating to Questioning involving Monica Lewinsky. I shouldn’t have to be educating you on this, it wasn’t that long ago.

It all started out with Whitewater- just like our current situation started out with Russian Collusion.

I am glad to help educate you:
Timeline for Clinton Impeachment:
The Whitewater Development Corp is dissolved, leaving Bill and Hillary Clinton with a loss of more than $40,000.

January 1994
Attorney General Janet Reno appoints Robert Fiske Jr. as the independent counsel in charge of investigating financial irregularities in the dealings of the Whitewater property company. The Clintons, and their business partners, James and Susan McDougal, are implicated.

August 1994
Fiske is replaced by the more conservative Kenneth Starr as the independent counsel investigating the Whitewater scandal.

July 1995
Monica Lewinsky graduates from Lewis and Clark College, and joins the White House staff as an unpaid intern.

November 1995
Ms Lewinsky accepts a paid job at the White House office of legislative affairs and, two days later, sexual contact between Ms Lewinsky and President Clinton begins. The affair continues, sporadically, for the next 18 months.

April 1996
Ms Lewinsky leaves the White House for public affairs post at the Pentagon.

May 1996
The first Whitewater trial ends with the conviction of the McDougals for fraud. A Senate hearing ends inconclusively a month later.

February 1997
Kenneth Starr, the Independent Counsel investigating the Whitewater scandal, announces he will step down from the investigation. He then changes his mind and continues his investigations.

May 1997
According to the Starr report released in September 1998, President Clinton tells Ms Lewinsky the affair is at an end. Just days later the Supreme Court reject Mr Clinton's claim that as President he should have immunity from civil cases. This ruling allows the Paula Jones harassment case to proceed against him.

August 1997
Linda Tripp is reported in Newsweek magazine as having seen White House staffer Kathleen Willey emerging from the Oval Office looking dishevelled but happy, and with her lipstick smeared. Mr Clinton's attorney, Robert Bennett, claims Ms Tripp is "not to be believed."

September 1997
Ms Tripp begins to tape her telephone conversations with Ms Lewinsky, who remains in touch with the President.

December 17, 1997
Ms Lewinsky is subpoenaed by lawyers for Paula Jones.

December 26, 1997
Ms Lewinsky leaves the Pentagon.

January 5, 1998
President Clinton and Monica Lewinsky have what proves to be their last telephone conversation. January 7, 1998
In a sworn affidavit, Monica Lewinsky denies having an affair with Mr Clinton, in an attempt to avoid testifying in the sexual harassment case brought by Paula Jones against President Clinton.

January 12, 1998
Tripp dismisses her lawyers, allegedly because they were "too close to the White House." She then contacts Independent Counsel Kenneth Starr's office, offering him 20 hours of taped conversations between herself and Lewinsky.

January 13, 1998
Ms Tripp is kitted-out with a hidden microphone by FBI agents for further conversations with Ms Lewinsky.

January 16, 1998
Janet Reno, the US Attorney General, approves the Whitewater independent counsel Kenneth Starr's request for an expansion of the inquiry to include the Clinton-Lewinsky affair.

January 17, 1998
President Clinton, testifying under oath to lawyers in the Jones harassment case, denies having had an affair with Ms Lewinsky. He reportedly acknowledges having had an affair with Gennifer Flowers, a charge he previously denied.

January 19, 1998
Monica Lewinsky's name and the rumours linking her with Clinton are published on the Drudge report internet site. Drudge reveals that Newsweek obtained tapes of the Lewinsky-Tripp conversations but pulled their publication after pressure from Starr, who insisted his investigation would be jeopardised.

January 21, 1998
The Washington Post reports Lewinsky's allegations. President Clinton denies the charges in vague terms. There is no improper relationship," he tells a TV interviewer.

January 26, 1998
"I want you to listen to me. I did not have sex with that woman, Monica Lewinsky. I never told a single person to lie, not a single time, never," an angry President Clinton declares to an invited media audience at the White House.

January 29, 1998
President Clinton posts his highest ever opinion poll rating. Gallup for CNN find 67 per cent of Americans approve of the President (up five per cent from his previous best); just 28 per cent disapprove. Ms Lewinsky is only believed by 13 per cent of Americans.

March 13, 1998
Paula Jones' lawyers in the sexual harassment suit against Clinton publish much of their evidence, one of the many breaches of the judicial gagging order on this case.

March 15, 1998
Kathleen Willey, a former White House volunteer and key witness in the Jones harassment case, makes her first public comments about an alleged incident in 1991 when Mr Clinton is said to have fondled her against her will.

April 1, 1998
The Paula Jones harassment case against the President is dismissed by the judge before it goes to trial.

June 2, 1998
The possibility of a new immunity deal being struck between Ms Lewinsky and Prosecutor Starr is raised as Lewinsky's main lawyer, William Ginsburg is replaced by two well-known Washington criminal defence lawyers, Jacob Stein and Plato Cacheris. Both cleared former White House employees of corruption in the 1980s.

June 30, 1998
Ms Tripp begins giving evidence to the Washington grand jury investigating President Clinton's alleged cover-up of the affair. Polls show that only one in 10 Americans view her sympathetically.

July 28, 1998
Ms Lewinsky's lawyers announce that an immunity deal has been struck with independent counsel Starr. For Ms Lewinsky's "full and truthful testimony", she will receive transactional immunity – a legal blanket which means nothing she says can be used against her. She is questioned by the grand jury over the next 15 days.

July 29, 1998
President Clinton decides to testify voluntarily before the prosecutor over the allegations that he committed perjury in covering up a sexual affair with Ms Lewinsky.

August 3, 1998
Clinton is asked for a blood sample for DNA testing.

August 17, 1998
Bill Clinton testifies in the grand jury, acknowledging "inappropriate intimate contact" with Ms Lewinsky. But he insists the evidence he gave to the Jones case in January suit had been accurate.

September 8, 1998
Attorney-general Janet Reno announces a 90-day inquiry into whether Bill Clinton helped to plan a $44 million Democratic Party "issue ad" that breached election campaign spending laws.

September 9, 1998
Independent Counsel Kenneth Starr releases his report to Congress. It has 11 possible grounds for impeachment. The House votes to make the 445-page report public.

September 11, 1998
Congress makes the report public.

September 18, 1998
Republicans vote to release the videotape of Mr Clinton's grand jury testimony in the Monica Lewinsky affair.

September 21, 1998
The tape is released and broadcast on American cable channels across the country.

October 2, 1998
More evidence from Mr Starr's investigation is released, including the transcript of taped telephone conversations between Monica Lewinsky and Linda Tripp that triggered the Clinton-Lewinsky scandal in January.

October 5, 1998
The House Judiciary Committee votes to launch a congressional impeachment inquiry against President Clinton.

October 6, 1998
Erskine Bowles, the White House chief of staff, confirms he will leave his post at the end of the week. With senior policy advisor Rahm Emmanuel and press secretary Mike McCurry are also leaving. All three insist they have not resigned for political reasons.

October 8, 1998
The House of Representatives vote for impeachment proceedings to begin against Clinton. The House judiciary committee will be given wide powers to draw up detailed charges against Mr Clinton, based on 11 allegations by the independent counsel Kenneth Starr in his report on the Monica Lewinsky affair.

October 14, 1998
The House judiciary committee chairman Henry Hyde announces the impeachment inquiry will concentrate its focus on two core charges: that Mr Clinton lied under oath and attempted to obstruct justice.

You never mentioned Janet Reno fired 93 Federal prosecutors. Of course no one found President Clinton of obstruction, but I’m glad to be able to assist in your “education”.
Clinton was, of course, NOT impeached for his dishonorable disregard for his wedding vows. He was impeached for perjury, witness intimidation, and tampering with evidence.


Just as Trump will never be impeached for his dishonerable disregard for his wedding vows.

He might be impeached for perjury, or witness intimidation, and tampering with the evidence - or conspiracy to commit election campaign fraud.

You are reaching if you are establishing a porn star, to trump and election campaign fraud. .

No one thought that Whitewater would lead to lying under oath about getting a blow job either.

No stretch at all to establish that Trump's lawyer made illegal campaign contributions- remember for 10 years no one cared what Stormy said- but suddenly a few weeks before the election- Trump's personal lawyer- bribes her to keep silent about Trump's adulterous affairs- that is a payment specifically designed to affect an election- no different than paying for a plane to fly a banner saying "Vote for Trump"- but his lawyer paid $130,000- way above the legal contribution amount.

Now it could be that Trump's lawyer did this entirely on his own- and President Trump never knew about it. And it could be that the Trump Foundation never spent its money on portraits of Donald Trump.

But if Donald Trump did know about it- and approved of the payment- then he approved of an illegal campaign contribution- in order to silence his mistress.

And yeah that is the 'lying about a blowjob"
The investigation was in regards to Russia's interference in the election and possible collusion by the Trump campaign.

And any crimes discovered in the course of the investigation. The Special counsel is authorized to pursue any suspected crimes that arise out of the investigation into Russia and Trump.

Which he is doing.

Which is within the authority of the special council’s “original mandate”. Likewise we didn’t see President Clinton’s Investigation going beyond the women he was accused of having an improper relationship with during the course of his time as a politician in political office. Progressives just don’t have any standards when it comes to conducting an investigation, especially one that involves a President that must be colluding with the Russians as his only means to win an election..

LOL- you do realize that the "President Clinton" investigation was not about women- it was about Whitewater- a failed land deal in Arkansas that happened before he was President.

It morphed later into allegations of Clinton's sexual affairs- sound familiar?

And he was not impeached for getting a blowjob- but for lying about getting a blowjob.

Absolutely this investigation was to see if there was any collusion between Russia and Trump- and I sincerely hope that no intentional collusion will be found- but I think that yes- any other crimes found during the investigation should be investigated- and prosecuted. Just like lying about getting a blowjob.

Don't you?

PRESIDENT Clinton was not about whitewater, it was about Monica Lewinsky. Then women like Jennifer Flowers, brought allegations against Bill Clinton for improper behavior against women as governor, to try and tie Mr Clinton to a pattern of behavior. His eventual charges towards impeachment, was lying to a Federal prosecutor relating to Questioning involving Monica Lewinsky. I shouldn’t have to be educating you on this, it wasn’t that long ago.

It all started out with Whitewater- just like our current situation started out with Russian Collusion.

I am glad to help educate you:
Timeline for Clinton Impeachment:
The Whitewater Development Corp is dissolved, leaving Bill and Hillary Clinton with a loss of more than $40,000.

January 1994
Attorney General Janet Reno appoints Robert Fiske Jr. as the independent counsel in charge of investigating financial irregularities in the dealings of the Whitewater property company. The Clintons, and their business partners, James and Susan McDougal, are implicated.

August 1994
Fiske is replaced by the more conservative Kenneth Starr as the independent counsel investigating the Whitewater scandal.

July 1995
Monica Lewinsky graduates from Lewis and Clark College, and joins the White House staff as an unpaid intern.

November 1995
Ms Lewinsky accepts a paid job at the White House office of legislative affairs and, two days later, sexual contact between Ms Lewinsky and President Clinton begins. The affair continues, sporadically, for the next 18 months.

April 1996
Ms Lewinsky leaves the White House for public affairs post at the Pentagon.

May 1996
The first Whitewater trial ends with the conviction of the McDougals for fraud. A Senate hearing ends inconclusively a month later.

February 1997
Kenneth Starr, the Independent Counsel investigating the Whitewater scandal, announces he will step down from the investigation. He then changes his mind and continues his investigations.

May 1997
According to the Starr report released in September 1998, President Clinton tells Ms Lewinsky the affair is at an end. Just days later the Supreme Court reject Mr Clinton's claim that as President he should have immunity from civil cases. This ruling allows the Paula Jones harassment case to proceed against him.

August 1997
Linda Tripp is reported in Newsweek magazine as having seen White House staffer Kathleen Willey emerging from the Oval Office looking dishevelled but happy, and with her lipstick smeared. Mr Clinton's attorney, Robert Bennett, claims Ms Tripp is "not to be believed."

September 1997
Ms Tripp begins to tape her telephone conversations with Ms Lewinsky, who remains in touch with the President.

December 17, 1997
Ms Lewinsky is subpoenaed by lawyers for Paula Jones.

December 26, 1997
Ms Lewinsky leaves the Pentagon.

January 5, 1998
President Clinton and Monica Lewinsky have what proves to be their last telephone conversation. January 7, 1998
In a sworn affidavit, Monica Lewinsky denies having an affair with Mr Clinton, in an attempt to avoid testifying in the sexual harassment case brought by Paula Jones against President Clinton.

January 12, 1998
Tripp dismisses her lawyers, allegedly because they were "too close to the White House." She then contacts Independent Counsel Kenneth Starr's office, offering him 20 hours of taped conversations between herself and Lewinsky.

January 13, 1998
Ms Tripp is kitted-out with a hidden microphone by FBI agents for further conversations with Ms Lewinsky.

January 16, 1998
Janet Reno, the US Attorney General, approves the Whitewater independent counsel Kenneth Starr's request for an expansion of the inquiry to include the Clinton-Lewinsky affair.

January 17, 1998
President Clinton, testifying under oath to lawyers in the Jones harassment case, denies having had an affair with Ms Lewinsky. He reportedly acknowledges having had an affair with Gennifer Flowers, a charge he previously denied.

January 19, 1998
Monica Lewinsky's name and the rumours linking her with Clinton are published on the Drudge report internet site. Drudge reveals that Newsweek obtained tapes of the Lewinsky-Tripp conversations but pulled their publication after pressure from Starr, who insisted his investigation would be jeopardised.

January 21, 1998
The Washington Post reports Lewinsky's allegations. President Clinton denies the charges in vague terms. There is no improper relationship," he tells a TV interviewer.

January 26, 1998
"I want you to listen to me. I did not have sex with that woman, Monica Lewinsky. I never told a single person to lie, not a single time, never," an angry President Clinton declares to an invited media audience at the White House.

January 29, 1998
President Clinton posts his highest ever opinion poll rating. Gallup for CNN find 67 per cent of Americans approve of the President (up five per cent from his previous best); just 28 per cent disapprove. Ms Lewinsky is only believed by 13 per cent of Americans.

March 13, 1998
Paula Jones' lawyers in the sexual harassment suit against Clinton publish much of their evidence, one of the many breaches of the judicial gagging order on this case.

March 15, 1998
Kathleen Willey, a former White House volunteer and key witness in the Jones harassment case, makes her first public comments about an alleged incident in 1991 when Mr Clinton is said to have fondled her against her will.

April 1, 1998
The Paula Jones harassment case against the President is dismissed by the judge before it goes to trial.

June 2, 1998
The possibility of a new immunity deal being struck between Ms Lewinsky and Prosecutor Starr is raised as Lewinsky's main lawyer, William Ginsburg is replaced by two well-known Washington criminal defence lawyers, Jacob Stein and Plato Cacheris. Both cleared former White House employees of corruption in the 1980s.

June 30, 1998
Ms Tripp begins giving evidence to the Washington grand jury investigating President Clinton's alleged cover-up of the affair. Polls show that only one in 10 Americans view her sympathetically.

July 28, 1998
Ms Lewinsky's lawyers announce that an immunity deal has been struck with independent counsel Starr. For Ms Lewinsky's "full and truthful testimony", she will receive transactional immunity – a legal blanket which means nothing she says can be used against her. She is questioned by the grand jury over the next 15 days.

July 29, 1998
President Clinton decides to testify voluntarily before the prosecutor over the allegations that he committed perjury in covering up a sexual affair with Ms Lewinsky.

August 3, 1998
Clinton is asked for a blood sample for DNA testing.

August 17, 1998
Bill Clinton testifies in the grand jury, acknowledging "inappropriate intimate contact" with Ms Lewinsky. But he insists the evidence he gave to the Jones case in January suit had been accurate.

September 8, 1998
Attorney-general Janet Reno announces a 90-day inquiry into whether Bill Clinton helped to plan a $44 million Democratic Party "issue ad" that breached election campaign spending laws.

September 9, 1998
Independent Counsel Kenneth Starr releases his report to Congress. It has 11 possible grounds for impeachment. The House votes to make the 445-page report public.

September 11, 1998
Congress makes the report public.

September 18, 1998
Republicans vote to release the videotape of Mr Clinton's grand jury testimony in the Monica Lewinsky affair.

September 21, 1998
The tape is released and broadcast on American cable channels across the country.

October 2, 1998
More evidence from Mr Starr's investigation is released, including the transcript of taped telephone conversations between Monica Lewinsky and Linda Tripp that triggered the Clinton-Lewinsky scandal in January.

October 5, 1998
The House Judiciary Committee votes to launch a congressional impeachment inquiry against President Clinton.

October 6, 1998
Erskine Bowles, the White House chief of staff, confirms he will leave his post at the end of the week. With senior policy advisor Rahm Emmanuel and press secretary Mike McCurry are also leaving. All three insist they have not resigned for political reasons.

October 8, 1998
The House of Representatives vote for impeachment proceedings to begin against Clinton. The House judiciary committee will be given wide powers to draw up detailed charges against Mr Clinton, based on 11 allegations by the independent counsel Kenneth Starr in his report on the Monica Lewinsky affair.

October 14, 1998
The House judiciary committee chairman Henry Hyde announces the impeachment inquiry will concentrate its focus on two core charges: that Mr Clinton lied under oath and attempted to obstruct justice.

You never mentioned Janet Reno fired 93 Federal prosecutors. Of course no one found President Clinton of obstruction, but I’m glad to be able to assist in your “education”.

Why would I mention Janet Reno? Since it is completely irrelevant to Whitewater or lying about blowjobs. It does kind of remind me of Trump firing Comey though.

Clinton was, of course, NOT impeached for his dishonorable disregard for his wedding vows. He was impeached for perjury, witness intimidation, and tampering with evidence.


Just as Trump will never be impeached for his dishonerable disregard for his wedding vows.

He might be impeached for perjury, or witness intimidation, and tampering with the evidence - or conspiracy to commit election campaign fraud.

You are reaching if you are establishing a porn star, to trump and election campaign fraud. .

No one thought that Whitewater would lead to lying under oath about getting a blow job either.

No stretch at all to establish that Trump's lawyer made illegal campaign contributions- remember for 10 years no one cared what Stormy said- but suddenly a few weeks before the election- Trump's personal lawyer- bribes her to keep silent about Trump's adulterous affairs- that is a payment specifically designed to affect an election- no different than paying for a plane to fly a banner saying "Vote for Trump"- but his lawyer paid $130,000- way above the legal contribution amount.

Now it could be that Trump's lawyer did this entirely on his own- and President Trump never knew about it. And it could be that the Trump Foundation never spent its money on portraits of Donald Trump.

But if Donald Trump did know about it- and approved of the payment- then he approved of an illegal campaign contribution- in order to silence his mistress.

And yeah that is the 'lying about a blowjob"
You can speculate all you want about the motives, but unless you have someone saying that on the record, you got nothing.
Clinton was, of course, NOT impeached for his dishonorable disregard for his wedding vows. He was impeached for perjury, witness intimidation, and tampering with evidence.


Just as Trump will never be impeached for his dishonerable disregard for his wedding vows.

He might be impeached for perjury, or witness intimidation, and tampering with the evidence - or conspiracy to commit election campaign fraud.

You are reaching if you are establishing a porn star, to trump and election campaign fraud. .

No one thought that Whitewater would lead to lying under oath about getting a blow job either.

No stretch at all to establish that Trump's lawyer made illegal campaign contributions- remember for 10 years no one cared what Stormy said- but suddenly a few weeks before the election- Trump's personal lawyer- bribes her to keep silent about Trump's adulterous affairs- that is a payment specifically designed to affect an election- no different than paying for a plane to fly a banner saying "Vote for Trump"- but his lawyer paid $130,000- way above the legal contribution amount.

Now it could be that Trump's lawyer did this entirely on his own- and President Trump never knew about it. And it could be that the Trump Foundation never spent its money on portraits of Donald Trump.

But if Donald Trump did know about it- and approved of the payment- then he approved of an illegal campaign contribution- in order to silence his mistress.

And yeah that is the 'lying about a blowjob"
You can speculate all you want about the motives, but unless you have someone saying that on the record, you got nothing.

LOL funny coming from you- considering all you do is speculate about everything- and pronounce anyone who dares even upset your Dear Leader's calm and enemy of the state.
Clinton was, of course, NOT impeached for his dishonorable disregard for his wedding vows. He was impeached for perjury, witness intimidation, and tampering with evidence.


Just as Trump will never be impeached for his dishonerable disregard for his wedding vows.

He might be impeached for perjury, or witness intimidation, and tampering with the evidence - or conspiracy to commit election campaign fraud.

You are reaching if you are establishing a porn star, to trump and election campaign fraud. .

No one thought that Whitewater would lead to lying under oath about getting a blow job either.

No stretch at all to establish that Trump's lawyer made illegal campaign contributions- remember for 10 years no one cared what Stormy said- but suddenly a few weeks before the election- Trump's personal lawyer- bribes her to keep silent about Trump's adulterous affairs- that is a payment specifically designed to affect an election- no different than paying for a plane to fly a banner saying "Vote for Trump"- but his lawyer paid $130,000- way above the legal contribution amount.

Now it could be that Trump's lawyer did this entirely on his own- and President Trump never knew about it. And it could be that the Trump Foundation never spent its money on portraits of Donald Trump.

But if Donald Trump did know about it- and approved of the payment- then he approved of an illegal campaign contribution- in order to silence his mistress.

And yeah that is the 'lying about a blowjob"
You can speculate all you want about the motives, but unless you have someone saying that on the record, you got nothing.

LOL funny coming from you- considering all you do is speculate about everything- and pronounce anyone who dares even upset your Dear Leader's calm and enemy of the state.

I’ve brought up facts that the indictments involved up to this point don’t involve Trump colluding with Russia. The facts also conclude Comey was fired as the result of a memo written by Rod Rosenstein. The media then portrays the firing of McCabe to be the same as if Trump fired Special Council Robert Mullier, bringing about this “Constitutional Crisis. Do pardon me if I laugh , but McCabe was in fact fired internally by the members of the FBI’s own department, it was not done personally by Trump. However, that doesn’t stop the message of two firings leading up to this “Constitutional Crisis” constantly being played out with the media’s drama, all the while Janet Reno was involved in the firing of 93 US district attorneys.

What I also find interesting, President Bill Clinton’s personal attorney was never raided and all his documents seized. I don’t recall this happening under President Nixon either, with his personal attorney. Now, breaching client attorney privilledge comes to mind. I have found those on the left are using the argument that personal privilledged information somehow does not apply. This, despite the fact progressives used “personal information” as the excuse regarding Hillary’s own investigation, leading to her deleting of all those hundreds of emails and using bleach bit on her computer. I just find it fascinating the contrast in views (particularly the media) surrounding President Trump’s and either of the Clinton’s, handling of a personal investigation.

Of course these are just a few uncovered facts, not speculations.

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