Uh Oh, A Liberal Talks About Violent Muslims

Yes, I watched the segment and agree with Maher. It was about 10 minutes of tit-for-tat with Ben Affleck. Maher wiped up the floor with Affleck.

Islam is a scourge to this world. The Kuran is a severely flawed book, it is in no way holy at all - and the tenets of Islam are in no way compatible with a free-thinking society based on compassion and humanity. Even the arab word that we falsely translate to mean "peace" means anything but peace. It means submission to their shitty word for G-d, according to the forced restrictions of their shitty, flawed book. ISIS takes the worst aspects of Islam (which is not all that hard to do) and shows them to us all at once. ISIS needs to die, and I mean, it needs to completely die. Every single ISIS soldier needs to be executed. ISIS needs to be removed from the face of the planet.

I didn't say that all Muslims should die, so don't misquote me. I respect their right to believe anything they want, but those who act out this barbarism need to die. I feel sorry for every human being who has the misfortune of having to be born into this shitty religion that has brought our world so much misery.

Who would think that in the 21st century, a "world" religion would have adherents who are beheading innocent people, crushing babies heads, abducting teens and pre-teens and forcing people into slavery?

I will say it one more time, and remember, I'm called a Liberal here in USMB: ISIS needs to die, every single man and woman who fights for ISIS, without exception.
Maher and Affleck are both liberal and both Obama supporters. They are both Democrats too. They disagree on this issue. It's called being free thinkers. Neither of them is happy with what has transpired in the ME and neither is satisfied with what Obama has done.

Doesn't it just fuck with your brain, nutters?
Righties, who are so used to being monolithic and following the herd mentality, have a hard time wrapping their heads around the idea that Libs can have strong disagreements among each other and still be quite unified when it comes to election time.
Would SJ leave the board for a day if I post a video of the president calling terrorists, terrorists?

Or...would he rather just leave that stinking pile of bullshit here and pretend it never happened?
I'm sure you could find our two-faced president using the word "terrorist" a time or two when the polls call for it, but when a muslim beheads a coworker he insists on calling it "workplace violence". And there's Janet Napolitano's term for terrorism - "man caused disaster". Will YOU leave the board for a day if I post some examples of Obama avoiding the use of the term "terrorism"?
Would SJ leave the board for a day if I post a video of the president calling terrorists, terrorists?

Or...would he rather just leave that stinking pile of bullshit here and pretend it never happened?
I'm sure you could find our two-faced president using the word "terrorist" a time or two when the polls call for it, but when a muslim beheads a coworker he insists on calling it "workplace violence". And there's Janet Napolitano's term for terrorism - "man caused disaster". Will YOU leave the board for a day if I post some examples of Obama avoiding the use of the term "terrorism"?

Does Obama, in fact, refer to terrorists as terrorists? You said he doesn't earlier. You just admitted that he does.

Have some integrity, asshole. Stop passing on misinformation.

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