Uh Oh, Melania's speech was plagiarized

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This stuff seems so silly. Come on people, is this really something to get all worked up about?
If you're a desperate liberal - yes. Remember, these people have spent over 100 years absolutely shredding the U.S. Constitution and trying to get all power moved to the president (so that they could implement their marxism - which the Constitution prevents). Now they are losing their shit big-time over the though of Donald Trump wielding all of that power.

As much as I hate Trump...I pray it happens. And I hope it's 100x's worse than they imagined. Maybe that will wake their selfish asses up and make them realize that the United States President isn't supposed to wield any power. He's simply the man guiding the executive branch of the federal government. The power is supposed to lie with the people and the states, and beyond that - a little bit with Congress.
Good thing it doesnt matter what kind of legs a FLOTUS has. She is probably a security risk. I wonder how much porn she has done that can be used to bribe Trump?

I agree! She's probably also banged Putin - which may explain why Adolf Trump and Putin are such buds.
In fact, Melania may be a go-between messenger - or even a spy. This is serious!


The Real Winner At The GOP Convention Is Vladimir Putin

Please note you heard it from me first. About a hundred pages ago I pointed out that Melania's career and schooling were financed by none other than The KGB - headed by Vladimir Pootin.

It's not one of those Cinderella stories of poor little commie girl makes the big time against all odds...her Daddy was a card carrying member of the Communist party.

I do hope Sophia Vergara gets to play her in the TV movie, though!
Melania is a Commie? Don't look now, but the old Warsaw Pact countries gave that up for Lent, decades ago...
She was raised to communist values not American values

your libtardian desperation is quite evident. You fools are running a lying, corrupt, angry, old, white, criminal bitch; so its understandable that you have to make up stupid shit about the Trumps. We fully understand.
Melania was raised to communist values. That is what was ingrained in her from a young age
This stuff seems so silly. Come on people, is this really something to get all worked up about?
If you're a desperate liberal - yes. Remember, these people have spent over 100 years absolutely shredding the U.S. Constitution and trying to get all power moved to the president (so that they could implement their marxism - which the Constitution prevents). Now they are losing their shit big-time over the though of Donald Trump wielding all of that power.

As much as I hate Trump...I pray it happens. And I hope it's 100x's worse than they imagined. Maybe that will wake their selfish asses up and make them realize that the United States President isn't supposed to wield any power. He's simply the man guiding the executive branch of the federal government. The power is supposed to lie with the people and the states, and beyond that - a little bit with Congress.

I do find it pretty sad so many are actually trying to manufacture such ridiculous silly drama. It says a lot about our country.
Republicans are using the same excuses a freshman English Major uses when caught plagiarizing

It is just a coincidence, I used common words, it is all my work...honest
Personally, I think it's more than just a coincidence. I think it wouldn't look quite so suspicious if the press wasn't so quick to jump on it. I think it's highly possible that Melenia's speech-writer did it on purpose, and the press was ready for it. You can't honestly blame her for the dirty tricks that Democrats are well known for.

This BS will be nothing but a footnote to the degradation of politics in America. Every day the left invents new lows in conduct, yet they repeatedly say over and over that Trump is the one, not them, who is acting like scumbags. If anything, the public sees you on the left as how not to act. The Democrat Party is nothing but a bunch of self-centered assholes that can't get along with anyone around them.
It's laziness and sloppiness on the part of the Trump campaign. It shows how little depth they have.
It's not bullshit, the press is doing its job. Melania did not just use a similar theme, she used the exact same phrases in exactly the same order

Even a freshman English Major would have known how to disguise it better
Imagine how trump is punishing her. Poor lady

Trump must be irate that his wife was humiliated like that due to the ineptness of his staff

if it was staff, he'd have fired someone already. This has to be someone in the family...maybe even him.
He can't fire yet. That would be admitting plagiarism

There will be a resignation at a later date
Whelp ---- Ivana* just said the same thing, so .... place yer bets.

* Ivana... Melania.... Simka.... whoever. I like Ivana because it works so well with ---
"Ivana new car, Ivana new house, Ivana new clothes, Ivana more jewels, Ivana plane that's actually registered...."

Paint Huffer, are you claiming that Michelle Obama coined the phase "your word is your bond?" :eek:

I know you're a hack, but that's Duhs level stupid.

Shakespeare used the phrase ("my word is my bond") at least a week before your little tin god's beard did...
As for suing the news media for lying, I would go further and remove freedom of the press' clause. They are nothing but an arm of the democrat party. They Have failed We The People. Fuck 'em. They don't deserve special protection anymore.

The idea that the media is there to "serve" anyone but their stock holders is absurd. There is no special protection of the press, which is clear in this day of BLOGS and self-publishing. The protections of the 1st ensure that even we, on this board. need fear no apparatchik for our words posted here.
Republicans are using the same excuses a freshman English Major uses when caught plagiarizing

It is just a coincidence, I used common words, it is all my work...honest
Personally, I think it's more than just a coincidence. I think it wouldn't look quite so suspicious if the press wasn't so quick to jump on it. I think it's highly possible that Melenia's speech-writer did it on purpose, and the press was ready for it. You can't honestly blame her for the dirty tricks that Democrats are well known for.

This BS will be nothing but a footnote to the degradation of politics in America. Every day the left invents new lows in conduct, yet they repeatedly say over and over that Trump is the one, not them, who is acting like scumbags. If anything, the public sees you on the left as how not to act. The Democrat Party is nothing but a bunch of self-centered assholes that can't get along with anyone around them.
It's laziness and sloppiness on the part of the Trump campaign. It shows how little depth they have.
It's not bullshit, the press is doing its job. Melania did not just use a similar theme, she used the exact same phrases in exactly the same order

Even a freshman English Major would have known how to disguise it better
Imagine how trump is punishing her. Poor lady

Trump must be irate that his wife was humiliated like that due to the ineptness of his staff
Reminds me of when in a movie the mob boss asks one of his boys to get something done and when that person doesn't get it done, the mob boss kills them. Someone's head is going to roll.
Imagine how trump is punishing her. Poor lady

Trump must be irate that his wife was humiliated like that due to the ineptness of his staff

if it was staff, he'd have fired someone already. This has to be someone in the family...maybe even him.

The following article suggests it was Melania herself:

might be. i suppose she's just as capable of plagiarizing as the rest of them.

Why does everyone who sees a connection between Michelle Obama's speech and Melania Trump's speech have to see it in a negative light -.-?

Like so many aspects of the 2016 presidential campaign, Speechgate is stupid. But discussing this stupid episode is not a waste of time. Speechgate is important because of two things it tells us about what sort of president Donald Trump would be, and what important mistakes he would make for the same reasons his campaign made this trivial mistake:

  1. Trump lacks much of the knowledge and experience that we would usually expect in a president. Because of this, Trump is supposed to hire "the best people" to advise and support him. Yet his campaign couldn't even prevent a boneheaded screw-up like this. What would the idiots he hires to staff his presidential administration screw up?
  2. The Trumps are apparently so full of it that Melania, or whoever wrote Melania's speech, needed to steal totally anodyne language about how hard work is good and we should teach our children that. They couldn't even put those sentiments in their own words! Then, once people noticed the theft, the campaign's strategy has been to make the obviously false claimthat there was no plagiarism, that these are just "common phrases." This tells us that, as president, Trump won't just lie — he'll lie unconvincingly, to anyone, about anything, for any reason or no reason. How will that work out in negotiations with Congress and foreign governments?
If you're too inept to run a presidential campaign, you're too inept to run a country. That's why Speechgate matters.
xactly what I meant by :lalala:
Thanks for confirming.
First Lady to be Trump didn't plagiarize, so your video is a lie. Thanks for playing.

Whelp -- it's a "lie" in that the only two people in it are Simka Melania and her source, Michelle O'bama.
Guess which one is 8 years old and which was delivered last night.
It's not plagiarism to speak words wth common themes. Moo-shell didn't copyright "your word is your bond."

Nope. She likely didn't "copyright" any of the speech. But it was lifted, word for word in the passages around it, and that's what 'plagiarism' means.

This isn't copyright law -- we're not prosecuting Led Zeppelin here.

I think this is about as close to a real, and honest, explanation of what happened...looks like the fault lies with Melania and a Trump ghostwriter.

How Melania Trump’s Speech Veered Off Course and Caused an Uproar

Her quiet plan to wrest the speech away and make it her own set in motion the most embarrassing moment of the convention: word-for-word repetitionof phrases and borrowed themes from Michelle Obama’s speech at the Democratic convention eight years ago.

The ridicule from both Democrats and Republicans was instant and relentless, disrupting what was meant to be a high point of the convention.

It was, by all accounts, an entirely preventable blunder, committed in front of an audience of 23 million television viewers, that exposed the weaknesses of an organization that has long spurned the safeguards of a modern presidential campaign, such as the free software that detects plagiarism...

But Ms. Trump decided to revise it, and at one point she turned to a trusted hand: Meredith McIver, a New York City-based former ballet dancer and English major who has worked on some of Mr. Trump’s books, including “Think Like a Billionaire.” It was not clear how much of a hand Ms. McIver had in the final product, and she did not respond to an email on Tuesday.

Research for the speech, it seems, drew them to the previous convention speeches delivered by candidates’ spouses.

The Trump campaign declined to say who or how many senior campaign officials read or reviewed the speech. But when Ms. Trump and her staff had finished revising the speech, virtually all that remained from the original was an introduction and a passage that included the phrase “a national campaign like no other.”
How about that? I'M RIGHT AGAIN!!!


While it's been established Trump's a paedophile,


It's been established that he makes Matzo with the blood of gentile children, Comrade Pot?

he has yet to be convicted of bilking hundreds of old people via Trump U. That should happen before the election. :)

You may be a hack, but you are one of the stupidest people here.

Can you say "civil is not criminal," shit fer brains.

Fucking Communists, utterly stupid, utterly evil.
There's also a criminal case pending...
The funny part is that in 2008 republicans mocked Michelle Obama for her family values and in 2016 quote her line for line
Melania said SHE wrote her speech. Now, a staff writer is taking the blame. Who is lying...?

The SPEECHWRITER for Trumps Corp, McIver, threw Melania the Russian Spy, under the bus, blaming her!

Btw... nothing on Fox, nothing on Drudge.
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Personally, I think it's more than just a coincidence. I think it wouldn't look quite so suspicious if the press wasn't so quick to jump on it. I think it's highly possible that Melenia's speech-writer did it on purpose, and the press was ready for it. You can't honestly blame her for the dirty tricks that Democrats are well known for.

This BS will be nothing but a footnote to the degradation of politics in America. Every day the left invents new lows in conduct, yet they repeatedly say over and over that Trump is the one, not them, who is acting like scumbags. If anything, the public sees you on the left as how not to act. The Democrat Party is nothing but a bunch of self-centered assholes that can't get along with anyone around them.
It's laziness and sloppiness on the part of the Trump campaign. It shows how little depth they have.
It's not bullshit, the press is doing its job. Melania did not just use a similar theme, she used the exact same phrases in exactly the same order

Even a freshman English Major would have known how to disguise it better
Imagine how trump is punishing her. Poor lady

Trump must be irate that his wife was humiliated like that due to the ineptness of his staff

if it was staff, he'd have fired someone already. This has to be someone in the family...maybe even him.
He can't fire yet. That would be admitting plagiarism

There will be a resignation at a later date

actually, I just heard one of his people threw themselves on their sword.
Trump rejected the writer's resignation. After all this, Trump is going to look good. Trump is a master at manipulating the media. Ya'll just got played!
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