Uh Oh, Melania's speech was plagiarized

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Trump rejected the writer's resignation. After all this, Trump is going to look good. Trump is a master at manipulating the media. Ya'll just got played!

no. only the people who already buy into his BS aren't laughing at him....and you.

but I will concede the carnival barker, reality show TV host knows how to manipulate the media. if he didn't, he'd be out on his butt.
Trump rejected the writer's resignation. After all this, Trump is going to look good. Trump is a master at manipulating the media. Ya'll just got played!

Yep, reward the guilty and punish the innocent.
Trump rejected the writer's resignation. After all this, Trump is going to look good. Trump is a master at manipulating the media. Ya'll just got played!

no. only the people who already buy into his BS aren't laughing at him....and you.

but I will concede the carnival barker, reality show TV host knows how to manipulate the media. if he didn't, he'd be out on his butt.

He manipulates his lemming followers far more than the media. After all, the media's laughing at him...his supporters actually believe his bullshit. Of course, they're all senile old white men who think Clinton's going to take away their Medicare, when in fact it's part of the GOP platform!
Trump rejected the writer's resignation. After all this, Trump is going to look good. Trump is a master at manipulating the media. Ya'll just got played!

no. only the people who already buy into his BS aren't laughing at him....and you.

but I will concede the carnival barker, reality show TV host knows how to manipulate the media. if he didn't, he'd be out on his butt.

He manipulates his lemming followers far more than the media. After all, the media's laughing at him...his supporters actually believe his bullshit. Of course, they're all senile old white men who think Clinton's going to take away their Medicare, when in fact it's part of the GOP platform!

yes. they're laughing at him. but I think the Donald would tell you that any publicity is good publicity. just look at what he hasn't had to spend on his campaign.
So now we know that not only did Melania plagiarize the First Lady, she lied about what her parents told her growing up

I was born a poor black child.....
Trump rejected the writer's resignation.

Melania offered to resign huh?


After all this, Trump is going to look good. Trump is a master at manipulating the media. Ya'll just got played!

Riiiiiiiiiiiiiiight, because nothing looks good like ripping off the first lady of the POTUS your candy's been trolling for years and it gets noticed within minutes. Much like letting the registration on your plane expire and then going "uh, I meant to do that".

Somebody just got played alright. You'll find him in the mirror.
So now we know that not only did Melania plagiarize the First Lady, she lied about what her parents told her growing up

I was born a poor black child.....

" --- and all day I would walk around the house singing the blues. Then one day I saw the TV show Taxi and Simka became my role model. I studied the accent until I had it down and achieved Ibida. You're welcome".
Trump rejected the writer's resignation. After all this, Trump is going to look good. Trump is a master at manipulating the media. Ya'll just got played!
He's a master of manipulating anyone who will vote for him. He's a master of manipulating YOU you dumb cocksucker. LOL.
So, now they're trying whitewash Melania's plagiarism by blaming a staff writer - even after SHE admitted writing her speech. So funny...



But.... but..... didn't they just flatly deny yesterday that plagiarism existed?

What, do we shift reality universes every other day with this clan? Because this would mean either this is a lie, or yesterday was. And then there's Melania claiming she wrote it, which makes at least two.

Tangled web. :popcorn:
Trump rejected the writer's resignation. After all this, Trump is going to look good. Trump is a master at manipulating the media. Ya'll just got played!

no. only the people who already buy into his BS aren't laughing at him....and you.

but I will concede the carnival barker, reality show TV host knows how to manipulate the media. if he didn't, he'd be out on his butt.

He manipulates his lemming followers far more than the media. After all, the media's laughing at him...his supporters actually believe his bullshit. Of course, they're all senile old white men who think Clinton's going to take away their Medicare, when in fact it's part of the GOP platform!

yes. they're laughing at him. but I think the Donald would tell you that any publicity is good publicity. just look at what he hasn't had to spend on his campaign.

Or in this case --- what her opponent hasn't had to spend. :dig:
Trump rejected the writer's resignation.

Melania offered to resign huh?


After all this, Trump is going to look good. Trump is a master at manipulating the media. Ya'll just got played!

Riiiiiiiiiiiiiiight, because nothing looks good like ripping off the first lady of the POTUS your candy's been trolling for years and it gets noticed within minutes. Much like letting the registration on your plane expire and then going "uh, I meant to do that".

Somebody just got played alright. You'll find him in the mirror.
How about just a couple of weeks ago, each time Trump would say something stupid that disqualifies him from being Commander & Chief, Republicans would say, "gosh golly gee I hope he stops saying stuff like that so I can vote for him in November".

Excuse me??? If a guy says something really stupid in July and doesn't say another thing until November, I'm not going to just forgive or forget that he said that stupid shit in July. But apparently Republicans are big on forgiving and forgetting. As long as it isn't a Democrat who fucks up.

I think Republicans are already ready to forgive Dennis Hastert.

And although Benghazi is still fresh in their minds, they've completely forgiven Bush for lying us into war.

No, really, George W. Bush lied about WMDs

The best estimates available suggest that more than 250,000 people have died as a result of George W. Bush and Tony Blair's decision to invade Iraq in 2003. A newly released investigative report from the UK government suggests that intelligence officials knew ahead of time that the war would cause massive instability and societal collapse and make the problem of terrorism worse — and that Blair and Bush went ahead with the effort anyway.

Who's going to help Trump fight a war with Iran?
So we learned that Melania lied about the values she learned growing up

They were not her values but Michelle's
Nowhere in Melania's speech did I hear her say "For the first time in my adult life, I'm proud of my country".

Of course, MORON.....Melania is a foreigner and naturalized citizen.

(....and had she stated that line in some other of her speeches, you idiots would STILL say that she doesn't lift Michelle's words .)
And as usual, the sarcasm flies right over the liberal's head. :lol:

Kinda like the subtlety of a GHW Bush remark flew over yours ----- and continues to years later?
How about just a couple of weeks ago, each time Trump would say something stupid that disqualifies him from being Commander & Chief, Republicans would say, "gosh golly gee I hope he stops saying stuff like that so I can vote for him in November".

Excuse me??? If a guy says something really stupid in July and doesn't say another thing until November, I'm not going to just forgive or forget that he said that stupid shit in July. But apparently Republicans are big on forgiving and forgetting. As long as it isn't a Democrat who fucks up.

Zackly --- that's why I keep bringing up Tribblehead's blatant threat on the First Amendment, which is indefensible. Those who take the issue on either acknowledge that threat or run away ---- yet continue to Rump-pump with all the blind determination of a pubescent boy perusing porn.

-- which perhaps is Rump's appeal: Testosterone-porn. It clearly isn't anything related to rationality.

-- And that's just the First -- I don't even bring up the threats to several other Amendments....

=> But that’s just the beginning of Trump’s assaults on the Constitution. Trump has encouraged the use of torture and blatantly disregarded privacy protections that have been enshrined in the founding document since the 18th century. He has attacked the basic premises of a constitutionally defined separation of powers, with rhetorical assaults on individual jurists and the federal judiciary so extreme that House Speaker Paul Ryan described one such attack as “the textbook definition of a racist comment.” He has proposed instituting religious tests. He has shown open and consistent disregard for the promise that all Americans will receive equal protection under the law.

“If implemented, Donald Trump’s proposed policies will spark a constitutional and legal challenge that would require all hands on deck at the ACLU,” says Romero. “The ACLU and its more than 300 attorneys in all 50 states, Puerto Rico, and Washington, D.C., stand ready to challenge and impede implementation of his unlawful proposals, should he attempt to see them through.”

It should never come to that. The Republicans who gather in Cleveland are heirs to a political tradition that began with an 1856 platform that resolved:

... That the maintenance of the principles promulgated in the Declaration of Independence, and embodied in the Federal Constitution are essential to the preservation of our Republican institutions, and that the Federal Constitution, the rights of the States, and the union of the States, must and shall be preserved.

A Republican convention that is true to the party’s heritage and the values, expressed not just by past presidents (from Abraham Lincoln to Teddy Roosevelt to Dwight Eisenhower and, yes, even to George W. Bush) but by the founders and defenders of the American experiment would make a mockery of itself by nominating Donald Trump.

If it does, responsible Republicans should join Democrats and independents in aggressively and absolutely rejecting the nominee of a party that has abandoned its history, its ideals, and its country. <= --- Republicans Will Nominate a Candidate Who Would Violate the First, Fourth, Fifth, and Eighth Amendments
Yeah, but she's got better legs than Bubba Clinton...
Good thing it doesnt matter what kind of legs a FLOTUS has. She is probably a security risk. I wonder how much porn she has done that can be used to bribe Trump?

I agree! She's probably also banged Putin - which may explain why Adolf Trump and Putin are such buds.
In fact, Melania may be a go-between messenger - or even a spy. This is serious!


The Real Winner At The GOP Convention Is Vladimir Putin

Please note you heard it from me first. About a hundred pages ago I pointed out that Melania's career and schooling were financed by none other than The KGB - headed by Vladimir Pootin.

It's not one of those Cinderella stories of poor little commie girl makes the big time against all odds...her Daddy was a card carrying member of the Communist party.

I do hope Sophia Vergara gets to play her in the TV movie, though!

I gotta say --- you've brought some posts here with good info.
This is not one of them.
So we learned that Melania lied about the values she learned growing up

They were not her values but Michelle's
And Republicans will REFUSE to understand why her doing this matters. They'll say it's no big deal but clearly Melania wasn't speaking from the heart. Who knows how she really feels. I'll tell you how she feels. She feels like that 70 year old orange ompa loompa is going to live forever and she's sick of fucking him when he's on viagra.

While his kids have so far done a good job, she did not. Night one was a bust. So far the GOP are 1 for 2 in their convention. Hopefully tonight they have another bad night with Ted Cruz. He's a scumbag.

Also Ben Carson turned me off last night. Weirdo.

Chris Christie did a good job though. That's why Trump hired him.

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