Uh Oh, Melania's speech was plagiarized

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Republicans are using the same excuses a freshman English Major uses when caught plagiarizing

It is just a coincidence, I used common words, it is all my work...honest

Personally, I think it's more than just a coincidence. I think it wouldn't look quite so suspicious if the press wasn't so quick to jump on it. I think it's highly possible that Melenia's speech-writer did it on purpose, and the press was ready for it.

Perhaps Melania had a speech writer that the press doesn't know about. As to her -official- speech writers, however, 2 reporters from the New York Times found out the following:
It was the biggest speech of Melania Trump’s life, and her husband, Donald, wanted it to be perfect.

The Trump campaign turned to two high-powered speechwriters, who had helped write signature political oratory like George W. Bush’s speech to the nation on Sept. 11, 2001, to introduce Ms. Trump, a Slovenian-born former model, to the nation on the opening night of the Republican National Convention.

It did not go as planned, and it has eclipsed much of the action at the party gathering in Cleveland, where delegates on Tuesday night formally nominated Mr. Trump for president.

The speechwriters, Matthew Scully and John McConnell, sent Ms. Trump a draft last month, eager for her approval.

Weeks went by. They heard nothing.

Inside Trump Tower, it turned out, Ms. Trump had decided she was uncomfortable with the text, and began tearing it apart, leaving a small fraction of the original.

Her quiet plan to wrest the speech away and make it her own set in motion the most embarrassing moment of the convention: word-for-word repetition of phrases and borrowed themes from Michelle Obama’s speech at the Democratic convention eight years ago.


Source: How Melania Trump’s Speech Veered Off Course and Caused an Uproar | New York Times
And the NY TIMES would never lie.....

Making stories out of lies is their specialty.

Why would they lie in this case? In any case, I found -another- article from the New York Times that states that someone did in fact help Melania change the speech, but the name of this someone is not given. I mentioned it in this post:
Uh Oh, Melania's speech was plagiarized
Republicans are using the same excuses a freshman English Major uses when caught plagiarizing

It is just a coincidence, I used common words, it is all my work...honest

Personally, I think it's more than just a coincidence. I think it wouldn't look quite so suspicious if the press wasn't so quick to jump on it. I think it's highly possible that Melenia's speech-writer did it on purpose, and the press was ready for it.

Perhaps Melania had a speech writer that the press doesn't know about. As to her -official- speech writers, however, 2 reporters from the New York Times found out the following:
It was the biggest speech of Melania Trump’s life, and her husband, Donald, wanted it to be perfect.

The Trump campaign turned to two high-powered speechwriters, who had helped write signature political oratory like George W. Bush’s speech to the nation on Sept. 11, 2001, to introduce Ms. Trump, a Slovenian-born former model, to the nation on the opening night of the Republican National Convention.

It did not go as planned, and it has eclipsed much of the action at the party gathering in Cleveland, where delegates on Tuesday night formally nominated Mr. Trump for president.

The speechwriters, Matthew Scully and John McConnell, sent Ms. Trump a draft last month, eager for her approval.

Weeks went by. They heard nothing.

Inside Trump Tower, it turned out, Ms. Trump had decided she was uncomfortable with the text, and began tearing it apart, leaving a small fraction of the original.

Her quiet plan to wrest the speech away and make it her own set in motion the most embarrassing moment of the convention: word-for-word repetition of phrases and borrowed themes from Michelle Obama’s speech at the Democratic convention eight years ago.


Source: How Melania Trump’s Speech Veered Off Course and Caused an Uproar | New York Times

We have muslim terrorist murdering people all over the world...

Might want to look at the following article...
Are All Terrorists Muslims? It’s Not Even Close
Obama stole his book title from Reverence Wright, and Uh Oh, Uncle Joe:

Senator Biden's Tale

Plagiarism charges are a staple of entertainment news, of literary litigation, and of academic scandal. The issue of plagiarism seemed to hit a modern high point, however, with Senator Joseph Biden's rather free use of language from a speech by British politician Neil Kinnock. Biden began a speech in Iowa by saying

I was thinking as I was coming over here, why is it that Joe Biden is the first in his family ever to go to a university? Why is it that my wife who is sitting out there in the audience is the first in her family to ever go to college? Is it because our fathers and mothers were not bright? Is it because I'm the first Biden in a thousand generations to get a college and a graduate degree that I was smarter than the rest? .... Those same people who read poetry and wrote poetry and taught me to sing verse? Is it that they didn't work very hard, my ancestors who worked in the coal mines of Northeast Pennsylvania and would come up after 12 hours and play football for four hours?

These lines were very close to those of British Labor Party politician Neil Kinnock, who had said:

Why am I the first Kinnock in a thousand generations to be able to get to University? Why is Glenys [Kinnock's wife] the first woman in her family in a thousand generations to get to university? Was it because all our predecessors were thick?. . . Those people who could sing and play and recite and write poetry? Those people who could make wonderful, beautiful things with their hands? Those people who could dream dreams, see visions? Why didn't they get it? Was it because they were weak? Those people who could work eight hours underground and then come up and play football?...

The Idler, A Web Periodical, 1-23
Biden used that in all his stump speeches in 1988 and credited Kinnock in every one of them except one time. The Republicans jumped all over that, with typical dishonesty.

And what was the result? Biden withdrew from the race.

When will accused rapist Donald Trump withdraw?
Obama stole his book title from Reverence Wright, and Uh Oh, Uncle Joe:

Senator Biden's Tale

Plagiarism charges are a staple of entertainment news, of literary litigation, and of academic scandal. The issue of plagiarism seemed to hit a modern high point, however, with Senator Joseph Biden's rather free use of language from a speech by British politician Neil Kinnock. Biden began a speech in Iowa by saying

I was thinking as I was coming over here, why is it that Joe Biden is the first in his family ever to go to a university? Why is it that my wife who is sitting out there in the audience is the first in her family to ever go to college? Is it because our fathers and mothers were not bright? Is it because I'm the first Biden in a thousand generations to get a college and a graduate degree that I was smarter than the rest? .... Those same people who read poetry and wrote poetry and taught me to sing verse? Is it that they didn't work very hard, my ancestors who worked in the coal mines of Northeast Pennsylvania and would come up after 12 hours and play football for four hours?

These lines were very close to those of British Labor Party politician Neil Kinnock, who had said:

Why am I the first Kinnock in a thousand generations to be able to get to University? Why is Glenys [Kinnock's wife] the first woman in her family in a thousand generations to get to university? Was it because all our predecessors were thick?. . . Those people who could sing and play and recite and write poetry? Those people who could make wonderful, beautiful things with their hands? Those people who could dream dreams, see visions? Why didn't they get it? Was it because they were weak? Those people who could work eight hours underground and then come up and play football?...

The Idler, A Web Periodical, 1-23
Biden used that in all his stump speeches in 1988 and credited Kinnock in every one of them except one time. The Republicans jumped all over that, with typical dishonesty.

And what was the result? Biden withdrew from the race.

When will accused rapist Donald Trump withdraw?

When will accused rapist Bill Clinton and obviously guilty of violating the Espionage Act hiLIARy Clinton be sentenced to jail?

Oh...and here is more PLAGARISM by a Dem, Liz Warren, who also lied about her Native American heritage in order to game the system for special privileges on top of her White Privilege.

When her heritage came under public scrutiny during her bid for the U.S. Senate in 2012, Warren pointed to several recipes she submitted for her cousin’s cookbook, entitled “Pow Wow Chow,” as evidence that she is actually descended from Native Americans.

But these recipes (“Cold Omelets with Crab Meat” and “Crab with Tomato Mayonnaise Dressing”) appear to have been ripped nearly verbatim from an article written by Pierre Franey and published in The New York Times News Service five years earlier, Legal Insurrection noted.

Michael Patrick Leahy pointed out the similarities back in 2012:

Ms. Warren’s 1984 recipe for Crab with Tomato Mayonnaise Dressing is a word-for-word copy of Mr. Franey’s [of The New York Times News Service] 1979 recipe.

Mrs. Warren’s 1984 recipe for Cold Omelets with Crab Meat contains all four of the ingredients listed in Mr. Franey’s 1979 recipe in the exact same portion but lists five additional ingredients. More significantly, her instructions are virtually a word for word copy of Mr. Franey’s instructions from this 1979 article. Both instructions specify the use of a ‘seven inch Teflon pan.’

Here’s an excerpt from Warren’s recipe:

Use a small omelet pan or, preferably, a seven-inch Teflon pan. Heat about one-half teaspoon butter in the pan. Add about one-third cup of the egg mixture. Let cook until firm and lightly brown on the bottom, stirring quickly with a fork until the omelet starts to set. When set, slip a large pancake turner under the omelet starts to set. When set, slip a large pancake turner under the omelet and turn it quickly to the other side. Let cook about five seconds. Remember, you want to produce a flat omelet, not a typical folded omelet. Turn the omelets out flat onto a sheet of wax paper. Continue making omelets until all the egg mixture is used.

Compared to Franey’s (which you can read in full here):

Use a small omelet pan or, preferably, a seven-inch Teflon pan. Heat about one-half teaspoon butter in the pan. Add about one-third cup of the egg mixture. Let cook until firm and lightly browned on the bottom, stirring quickly with a fork until the omelet starts to set. When set, slip a large pancake turner under the omelet starts to set. When set, slip a large pancake turner under the omelet and turn it quickly to the other side. Let cook about five seconds. Remember you want to produce a flat omelet, not a typical folded omelet. Turn the omelets out flat onto a sheet of wax paper. Continue making omelets until all the egg mixture is used.

The two paragraphs are nearly identical. The only difference this reporter noticed was her use of the word “brown” instead of Franey’s “browned.” Yowza....

Flashback: Elizabeth Warren Plagiarized Cherokee Cookbook To Prove Ethnicity
On the topic of plagiarism. If 6 months ago I heard you say " I like ice cream" and then today I say " I like ice cream" is it plagiarism? or do we just agree on liking ice cream?

this entire topic is a foolish waste of time and is a fine example of the desperation of the dems in this campaign. They know that HRC is a liar and a criminal, so they have to resort to juvenile attacks on Trump's family.

We get it dems. you screwed up with this bitch, but it was her "turn" right?

At least we learned our lesson on the "turn" bullshit with Dole and McCain.
That of course, is not what Melania did. Now then, if you repeated two paragraphs of someone talking about ice cream, then yes, it would be plagiarism.

if it was ver batim of 2 paragraphs you might have a point, but it wasn't 2 paragraphs, it was a few words. The two women agreed on a point and used the same words to express it. "I like ice cream".
It doesn't have to be verbatim. It was almost word for word. And it spanned two paragraphs.

But do you really think the denials matter from the same person who denies we were in a recession in 2008? You're clearly more than a few ounces short of a pound.
Obama stole his book title from Reverence Wright, and Uh Oh, Uncle Joe:

Senator Biden's Tale

Plagiarism charges are a staple of entertainment news, of literary litigation, and of academic scandal. The issue of plagiarism seemed to hit a modern high point, however, with Senator Joseph Biden's rather free use of language from a speech by British politician Neil Kinnock. Biden began a speech in Iowa by saying

I was thinking as I was coming over here, why is it that Joe Biden is the first in his family ever to go to a university? Why is it that my wife who is sitting out there in the audience is the first in her family to ever go to college? Is it because our fathers and mothers were not bright? Is it because I'm the first Biden in a thousand generations to get a college and a graduate degree that I was smarter than the rest? .... Those same people who read poetry and wrote poetry and taught me to sing verse? Is it that they didn't work very hard, my ancestors who worked in the coal mines of Northeast Pennsylvania and would come up after 12 hours and play football for four hours?

These lines were very close to those of British Labor Party politician Neil Kinnock, who had said:

Why am I the first Kinnock in a thousand generations to be able to get to University? Why is Glenys [Kinnock's wife] the first woman in her family in a thousand generations to get to university? Was it because all our predecessors were thick?. . . Those people who could sing and play and recite and write poetry? Those people who could make wonderful, beautiful things with their hands? Those people who could dream dreams, see visions? Why didn't they get it? Was it because they were weak? Those people who could work eight hours underground and then come up and play football?...

The Idler, A Web Periodical, 1-23
Biden used that in all his stump speeches in 1988 and credited Kinnock in every one of them except one time. The Republicans jumped all over that, with typical dishonesty.

And what was the result? Biden withdrew from the race.

When will accused rapist Donald Trump withdraw?

When will accused rapist Bill Clinton and obviously guilty of violating the Espionage Act hiLIARy Clinton be sentenced to jail?
You realize there have been more accusations of rape alleged against Trump than there are against Clinton, right?
Republicans are using the same excuses a freshman English Major uses when caught plagiarizing

It is just a coincidence, I used common words, it is all my work...honest

Personally, I think it's more than just a coincidence. I think it wouldn't look quite so suspicious if the press wasn't so quick to jump on it. I think it's highly possible that Melenia's speech-writer did it on purpose, and the press was ready for it.

Perhaps Melania had a speech writer that the press doesn't know about. As to her -official- speech writers, however, 2 reporters from the New York Times found out the following:
It was the biggest speech of Melania Trump’s life, and her husband, Donald, wanted it to be perfect.

The Trump campaign turned to two high-powered speechwriters, who had helped write signature political oratory like George W. Bush’s speech to the nation on Sept. 11, 2001, to introduce Ms. Trump, a Slovenian-born former model, to the nation on the opening night of the Republican National Convention.

It did not go as planned, and it has eclipsed much of the action at the party gathering in Cleveland, where delegates on Tuesday night formally nominated Mr. Trump for president.

The speechwriters, Matthew Scully and John McConnell, sent Ms. Trump a draft last month, eager for her approval.

Weeks went by. They heard nothing.

Inside Trump Tower, it turned out, Ms. Trump had decided she was uncomfortable with the text, and began tearing it apart, leaving a small fraction of the original.

Her quiet plan to wrest the speech away and make it her own set in motion the most embarrassing moment of the convention: word-for-word repetition of phrases and borrowed themes from Michelle Obama’s speech at the Democratic convention eight years ago.


Source: How Melania Trump’s Speech Veered Off Course and Caused an Uproar | New York Times
And the NY TIMES would never lie.....

Making stories out of lies is their specialty.

Why would they lie in this case? In any case, I found -another- article from the New York Times that states that someone did in fact help Melania change the speech, but the name of this someone is not given. I mentioned it in this post:
Uh Oh, Melania's speech was plagiarized
Why would they lie?

Maybe because they support Hillary.

And all of this nonsense about nobody knows who did it just like everything the establishment does. Nobody is held accountable. Faceless people doing dirty deeds. What difference does it make. The deed is done. It's old news. On to the next dirty deed.
Obama has never invaded and occupied a Muslim nation with 200,000 U.S. Ground Troops that was no threat to anyone's security with the UN inspectors verifying Iraq was disarmed of WMD at the time of the invasion.

So there is another lie from you.

Obama has launched no ground invasion into a sovereign country in defiance of the UN and had no plan to follow the toppling of the government. Huge mistake. You have nominated the man who called Bush a liar to get us into his war.

It's pretty damning when even the left-wing NY Times can confirm that you're blind partisan hack...

Fact check: Mrs. Clinton was secretary of state during the period in question, and she did make a humanitarian case for intervening to prevent Col. Muammar el-Qaddafi from taking over Benghazi in 2011, when it appeared that his forces might kill more than 10,000 Libyan citizens. President Obama has expressed regret that plans for the aftermath of the strikes were not well thought-out, and that the world was wrong to expect the rebels to build a stable government there.

So to recap - President Obama himself admits that he plan was (and I quote) "not well thought-out" and that he destabilized the government - and by extension - an entire nation in the Middle East.

Chris Christie Made a Case Against Hillary Clinton. We Fact-Checked.
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Imagine how trump is punishing her. Poor lady

Trump must be irate that his wife was humiliated like that due to the ineptness of his staff

if it was staff, he'd have fired someone already. This has to be someone in the family...maybe even him.

The following article suggests it was Melania herself:

might be. i suppose she's just as capable of plagiarizing as the rest of them.

Why does everyone who sees a connection between Michelle Obama's speech and Melania Trump's speech have to see it in a negative light -.-?

because plagiarizing material is lazy and looks disorganized and unprofessional
Republicans are using the same excuses a freshman English Major uses when caught plagiarizing

It is just a coincidence, I used common words, it is all my work...honest

Personally, I think it's more than just a coincidence. I think it wouldn't look quite so suspicious if the press wasn't so quick to jump on it. I think it's highly possible that Melenia's speech-writer did it on purpose, and the press was ready for it.

Perhaps Melania had a speech writer that the press doesn't know about. As to her -official- speech writers, however, 2 reporters from the New York Times found out the following:
It was the biggest speech of Melania Trump’s life, and her husband, Donald, wanted it to be perfect.

The Trump campaign turned to two high-powered speechwriters, who had helped write signature political oratory like George W. Bush’s speech to the nation on Sept. 11, 2001, to introduce Ms. Trump, a Slovenian-born former model, to the nation on the opening night of the Republican National Convention.

It did not go as planned, and it has eclipsed much of the action at the party gathering in Cleveland, where delegates on Tuesday night formally nominated Mr. Trump for president.

The speechwriters, Matthew Scully and John McConnell, sent Ms. Trump a draft last month, eager for her approval.

Weeks went by. They heard nothing.

Inside Trump Tower, it turned out, Ms. Trump had decided she was uncomfortable with the text, and began tearing it apart, leaving a small fraction of the original.

Her quiet plan to wrest the speech away and make it her own set in motion the most embarrassing moment of the convention: word-for-word repetition of phrases and borrowed themes from Michelle Obama’s speech at the Democratic convention eight years ago.


Source: How Melania Trump’s Speech Veered Off Course and Caused an Uproar | New York Times
And the NY TIMES would never lie.....

Making stories out of lies is their specialty.

Why would they lie in this case? In any case, I found -another- article from the New York Times that states that someone did in fact help Melania change the speech, but the name of this someone is not given. I mentioned it in this post:
Uh Oh, Melania's speech was plagiarized
Why would they lie?

Maybe because they support Hillary.

And all of this nonsense about nobody knows who did it just like everything the establishment does. Nobody is held accountable. Faceless people doing dirty deeds. What difference does it make. The deed is done. It's old news. On to the next dirty deed.

if it wasn't someone in the family, they'd have already been fired.
because plagiarizing material is lazy and looks disorganized and unprofessional
Not nearly as lazy, disorganized, and unprofessional as an American who refuses to read the U.S. Constitution and who then makes up what it says in order to push a warped agenda.

I noticed you still haven't offered to assist Lewdog in any way. Does your greed and selfishness known no bounds? Typical liberal.
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because plagiarizing material is lazy and looks disorganized and unprofessional
Not nearly as lazy, disorganized, and unprofessional as an American who refuses to read the U.S. Constitution and who then makes up what it says in order to push a warped agenda.

I noticed you still haven't offered to assist Lewdog in any way. Does your greed and selfishness known no bounds? Typical liberal.

thanks for the rightwingnut talking points.

But then again, I care who our judges are...unlike you wingers.
because plagiarizing material is lazy and looks disorganized and unprofessional
Not nearly as lazy, disorganized, and unprofessional as an American who refuses to read the U.S. Constitution and who then makes up what it says in order to push a warped agenda.

I noticed you still haven't offered to assist Lewdog in any way. Does your greed and selfishness known no bounds? Typical liberal.

thanks for the rightwingnut talking points.

But then again, I care who our judges are...unlike you wingers.
Indeed you do care - because they are the primary vehicle you have at the federal level for circumventing the U.S. Constitution. The rest of us actually care about the U.S. Constitution itself.

By the way - Lewdog is a shining example of everything that is right with America. He's working hard to better himself. I thought you "cared"? I guess you really only care about increasing the size of your bank account while decreasing the size of everyone else's, uh?
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For someone who claims they don't think Melania's stolen speech is a big deal....you sure spending a lot of time defending it.

Ignorant piece of shit hypocrite.

I think, and this is where I lose you, Playtex. :lol:

You little Goebbels are in an epic meltdown. Obviously, reality has rudely interceded in fantasy of those at ThinkDictatorship and DemagogueryUnderground, who do your thinking for you you. (You're far too fucking stupid to grasp what's going on around you :thup: )

It IS amusing watching you impotent Marxist lose your shit.

While it's been established Trump's a paedophile,


It's been established that he makes Matzo with the blood of gentile children, Comrade Pot?

he has yet to be convicted of bilking hundreds of old people via Trump U. That should happen before the election. :)

You may be a hack, but you are one of the stupidest people here.

Can you say "civil is not criminal," shit fer brains.

Fucking Communists, utterly stupid, utterly evil.
For someone who claims they don't think Melania's stolen speech is a big deal....you sure spending a lot of time defending it.

Ignorant piece of shit hypocrite.

I think, and this is where I lose you, Playtex. :lol:

You little Goebbels are in an epic meltdown. Obviously, reality has rudely interceded in fantasy of those at ThinkDictatorship and DemagogueryUnderground, who do your thinking for you you. (You're far too fucking stupid to grasp what's going on around you :thup: )

It IS amusing watching you impotent Marxist lose your shit.
Damn! That was a knockout blow. Playtex just got dressed-down in a comprehensive verbal assault!
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