Uh-Oh...Mitt's In Big Trouble Now...


Undocumented Reg. User
Nov 12, 2009
In a galaxy far far away...
Mitt Romney has a big problem looming come the next debate. Here's why.

One of the lefty empty heads - forget which one as there was so much b.s. spinning flying around - on Morning Joe today explained why Barry got his ass thoroughly kicked last night. The problem was Mitt had soooo much more time to prepare for the debate whereas soooo much of Obama's time had to be spent fulfilling his duties of being the president. You know, like those long time consuming intelligence briefings every day and whatnot.

So I'm sure we won't see much of Barry on the campaign trail the next two weeks or out there in Hollyweird raising money because he'll be busy trying to get up to speed to defend himself in the next debate.

Oh, and that probably means they'll take Michael Moore seriously too. He opened their eyes to the fact that Barry couldn't possibly have done well last night considering they had John Heinz Kerry as his debate coach, or however the hell he referred to him. So I imagine they've got Dukakis warming up in the bullpen at this very moment.
I wouldn't say Romney is in trouble or anything but he did raise the bar. You'd have to be an idiot to think the Obama won't do better in the next debate after having this one to use to look back at and get plenty of "what not to do." Combine that with higher expectations for Romney going in and the next debate could easily be taken by Obama.

It remains to be seen if it really means anything though. Does Romney winning this one mean anything? And if it does or doesn't, would Obama winning the next one mean anything? Probably not nearly as much as the wingers would like to think.
Isn't the next debate on Foreign policy?
I'm sure Obama is going to study hard for this one....wonder what his excuse (lie) will be when Romney brings up the terrorist attack in Benghazi???
The bottom line is this...

Romney discussed what he knows. Business and economics is who he is.

Obama only knows what he preparers tell him.

He is clueless as it pertains to business and economics overall...and it showed.
People would be willing to give obama the benefit of the doubt that he was dealing with the duties of the presidency IF he had not spent all of his time going to fundraisers, and if he hadn't gone to Las Vegas the day our embassy in Libya was attacked.

obama didn't prepare. He was doing more enjoyable things. The day before the debate, obama walked out to have a pizza party at a campaign office. obama said that inspiring his workers to get out the vote was the way he was going to win. Debate performance was a distant necessity.

obama started out with a premise and that premise was he didn't need to prepare for the debate because he had been giving campaign speeches and that was preparation enough. All of his answers were lifted right from his speeches. He forgot that his speeches are unopposed. There's no one around to tell him he's wrong or misstating his opponents position. Now that Romney called obama out on all those misstated positions, it's different. Democrats have gone around saying, for so long, that Romney wants tax cuts for the rich, that they actually believe it.
I wouldn't say Romney is in trouble or anything but he did raise the bar. You'd have to be an idiot to think the Obama won't do better in the next debate after having this one to use to look back at and get plenty of "what not to do." Combine that with higher expectations for Romney going in and the next debate could easily be taken by Obama.

It remains to be seen if it really means anything though. Does Romney winning this one mean anything? And if it does or doesn't, would Obama winning the next one mean anything? Probably not nearly as much as the wingers would like to think.

I'd say the 'higher expectations' are on the incumbent president who got thumped, not on the thumper.

If Romney was to lose they'd be more or less back to square one. But if Barry blows it again, he'd be in serious trouble. If I'm in his camp my expectations would be win this one or kiss term two goodbye.
I believe the experts said the first debate is the most watched debate, so Obama is in trouble there. It the second debate is on foreign policy, he is certainly in trouble there.

The Congressional Hearings will have begun on the embassy attacks in Benghazi and other riots where he didn't even come out and speak with the people, let alone have his people investigate or keep their stories straight.

More headlines that will not make for good fodder for the Obama campaign. But maybe he or Michelle can get on Leno and make it all better. :eusa_whistle:
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Part of obama's problem is that he just doesn't like to work. He has skated through life without putting forth any effort. He has drifted through the presidency without really doing anything but watch sports and have fun. Will obama buckle down and prepare for the next debate or continue to rely on his campaign speeches?
Isn't the next debate on Foreign policy?
I'm sure Obama is going to study hard for this one....wonder what his excuse (lie) will be when Romney brings up the terrorist attack in Benghazi???

Obama can't win any of these debates. He can look better relatively but Mitt is just too intelligent, articulate and Presidential and that's something he can't prepare for. People can say he won by not looking as horrible as last night but he can't really win. The momentum won't shift to Obama again after such a huge beat down.
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No teleprompter and nothing good on his track record. A recipe for debate failure.

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