Uh Oh! Presidential Immunity Ruling Opens Door to Airing of Evidence?

Procrustes Stretched

Dante's Manifesto
Dec 1, 2008
Location: Positively 4th Street

Ruling Further Slows Trump Election Case but Opens Door to Airing of Evidence​

The Supreme Court’s immunity decision directed the trial court to hold hearings on what portions of the indictment can survive — a possible chance for prosecutors to set out their case in public before Election Day.

"the ruling also opened the door for prosecutors to detail much of their evidence against Mr. Trump in front of a federal judge — and the public — at an expansive fact-finding hearing, perhaps before Election Day.

It remains unclear when the hearing, which was ordered as part of the court’s decision, might take place or how long it would last.

But it will address the big question that the justices kicked back to the trial court, which is how much of Mr. Trump’s indictment can survive the ruling that former presidents enjoy immunity for official actions they take in office. And it will be held in Federal District Court in Washington in front of the judge, Tanya S. Chutkan, who was handling the case before it was frozen more than six months ago as a series of courts considered his immunity claims."

The above is what some of us have commented on -- the prosecution(s) will continue. How they will continue is the question. CJ Roberts did offer some guidance to Judge Chutkan, but many seem to ignoring what that all entails. The rush to be first in the news, to be first in reporting or linking to "breaking news" leaves most people out in left/right field. Little time to digest complicated and nuanced information.

Mr. Trump has a win of sorts is the MSM news and headlines, but really? We shall see.
from the link:

Almost from the moment that Judge Chutkan was assigned the case, she moved it forward expeditiously, showing little patience for Mr. Trump’s efforts to delay it...At one point, she told the former president that his “day job” as a candidate would not affect her administration of the case..."This trial will not yield to the election cycle.”

Mr. Trump’s lawyers will no doubt seek to narrow the scope of the proceeding and push it off...But if Judge Chutkan sticks to her practice of dealing quickly with procedural matters

I say, Uh Oh!

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