UH OH! We could be in real trouble!

May 5, 2020
4 AM

Scientists have identified a new strain of the coronavirus that has become dominant worldwide and appears to be more contagious than the versions that spread in the early days of the COVID-19 pandemic, according to a new study led by scientists at Los Alamos National Laboratory.
The new strain appeared in February in Europe, migrated quickly to the East Coast of the United States and has been the dominant strain across the world since mid-March, the scientists wrote.
In addition to spreading faster, it may make people vulnerable to a second infection after a first bout with the disease, the report warned.

The 33-page report was posted Thursday on BioRxiv, a website that researchers use to share their work before it is peer reviewed, an effort to speed up collaborations with scientists working on COVID-19 vaccines or treatments. That research has been largely based on the genetic sequence of earlier strains and might not be effective against the new one.

We could be in big trouble! those infected may not offer herd immunity.

And a vaccine may not be as effective as hoped!

Read the full article here:

There is no vaccine and there never will be just as there is no effective flu vaccine even though we are told that there is

Flu vaccines have worked for me except for one time in the last 11 years.
You must be a Hahvaard grad....
me and hubby too, the flu shot always worked except for 1 year, the 2017/18 season, we both caught it and got really sick.... for like 3 weeks with it!

but that was a flu shot, that missed altogether the flu that was spreading that year.... it was not in the vaccine at all! the flu shot gurus missed it.

same for me. i think that was the year that the vaccine really missed the mark. they tweek it every year based on what they think which strain will be most prominent; but i think the basic vaccine remains the same.

both me & hubby think we might have had covid 19 back in jan - because it felt like the flu, but a 'milder' form & i just figured that was what it was.
the hubby and I had a cold in February that we thought could have been it too, because we both haven't had a cold in decades! We'll likely ever know.... if we are never tested??
May 5, 2020
4 AM

Scientists have identified a new strain of the coronavirus that has become dominant worldwide and appears to be more contagious than the versions that spread in the early days of the COVID-19 pandemic, according to a new study led by scientists at Los Alamos National Laboratory.
The new strain appeared in February in Europe, migrated quickly to the East Coast of the United States and has been the dominant strain across the world since mid-March, the scientists wrote.
In addition to spreading faster, it may make people vulnerable to a second infection after a first bout with the disease, the report warned.

The 33-page report was posted Thursday on BioRxiv, a website that researchers use to share their work before it is peer reviewed, an effort to speed up collaborations with scientists working on COVID-19 vaccines or treatments. That research has been largely based on the genetic sequence of earlier strains and might not be effective against the new one.

We could be in big trouble! those infected may not offer herd immunity.

And a vaccine may not be as effective as hoped!

Read the full article here:

Is this Trump’s fault too?
No, of course NOT Willow!!!

this was not created as a blame game thread!

It's just another thing about this virus, that makes it more of a monster, than initially thought....

Not that some virologists did not predict that it would mutate, like the Influenza virus does, but in this case this particular mutation is much worse, and is squashing out the original strain, and 6 other mutation strains that have been identified... it's gobbling them up, so to say and is the ALPHA of all mutations and original strain.......

Even though we know China lied in their original death count, they could not have lied too much more than they already did..... and that still would not account for the number of deaths they SHOULD have, based on the infectious rate that we have in the USA with this Corona virus....

BUT, maybe they did not have the millions of infections and deaths that they should have had, could NOW be likely due to the first version of the novel Corona virus was not as contagious as the mutation spreading on the east coast in the USA?
This is the East Coast virus that I got in May. Recovery is the same. It feels like a cold. Relax people. Stop living scared
Are you a narcissist? This isnt about how you survived something like a cold,

certainly you have a sound enough mind to realize that your condition is not what all those people being hospitalized and incubated and meeting their maker thing are going thru.

Are your parents and grandparents still living and do you have close contact with them? How about your Rabbi, are you close with him? This is about caring for others and working together to come to a happy medium on protecting those vulnerable by some simple safety measures and sacrifices, and getting the economy going again as safely as possible.....

both have to be approached together, with sound science and economics and behavior science consideration.
We can do both. Isolate and protect the old and weak and open up the economy. Even though I am more than likely immune I will not see my parents in person until we know more and likely not til next year. My dad is 69 and still works. He has not skipped a beat but my mom is more cautious and she is 63. So to each their own. But they should not be under the same restrictions as me and my kids. So it is you who is naive not I who as you put it narcissistic. What’s up with nursing homes taking back Covid 19 positive patients? We didn’t know enough then. I do not blame Cuomo. We know a lot more now. Let us live.
there are 60 million elderly in the high risk of dying from it and at least another 20 to 30 million that are younger and have medical issues that puts them at high risk....

keeping those at minimum 80 million isolated from their own families and caretakers, husbands or wives, or work for the next 2 to 3 years isn't feasible either.... might as well call that a shut down too.....

the economy will never come back without them.....

we need to get the cases low, low enough to have the man power to isolate those testing positive, and track down all of their contacts of more than 10 minutes that they talked with face to face, and isolate them....within 72 hours.

this gets the rate of spread down to a manageable level.... and leaves everyone else, able to move around with just minor precautions.... like masks, no large gatherings, 6ft separation in their work places or venues where possible..... every little bit helps.... it aids in curbing the spread....

NOW is the time for all good men, to come to the aid of their Country....!!!
So you want to shut everyone down vs some people? How does that make any sense? Best way to curb the spread is herd immunity.
what percentage of the economy was shut down the past few weeks?
30 million unemployed....


No NBA, No NHL, No MLB, No NCAA Final Four, no PGA, my kids are not going to school, hotel, restaurant, venue, vacation, gyms, airline industries on life support. Hospitals not performing elective surgeries. Did you seriously as that idiotic question?
May 5, 2020
4 AM

Scientists have identified a new strain of the coronavirus that has become dominant worldwide and appears to be more contagious than the versions that spread in the early days of the COVID-19 pandemic, according to a new study led by scientists at Los Alamos National Laboratory.
The new strain appeared in February in Europe, migrated quickly to the East Coast of the United States and has been the dominant strain across the world since mid-March, the scientists wrote.
In addition to spreading faster, it may make people vulnerable to a second infection after a first bout with the disease, the report warned.

The 33-page report was posted Thursday on BioRxiv, a website that researchers use to share their work before it is peer reviewed, an effort to speed up collaborations with scientists working on COVID-19 vaccines or treatments. That research has been largely based on the genetic sequence of earlier strains and might not be effective against the new one.

We could be in big trouble! those infected may not offer herd immunity.

And a vaccine may not be as effective as hoped!

Read the full article here:

Is this Trump’s fault too?
No, of course NOT Willow!!!

this was not created as a blame game thread!

It's just another thing about this virus, that makes it more of a monster, than initially thought....

Not that some virologists did not predict that it would mutate, like the Influenza virus does, but in this case this particular mutation is much worse, and is squashing out the original strain, and 6 other mutation strains that have been identified... it's gobbling them up, so to say and is the ALPHA of all mutations and original strain.......

Even though we know China lied in their original death count, they could not have lied too much more than they already did..... and that still would not account for the number of deaths they SHOULD have, based on the infectious rate that we have in the USA with this Corona virus....

BUT, maybe they did not have the millions of infections and deaths that they should have had, could NOW be likely due to the first version of the novel Corona virus was not as contagious as the mutation spreading on the east coast in the USA?
This is the East Coast virus that I got in May. Recovery is the same. It feels like a cold. Relax people. Stop living scared
Are you a narcissist? This isnt about how you survived something like a cold,

certainly you have a sound enough mind to realize that your condition is not what all those people being hospitalized and incubated and meeting their maker thing are going thru.

Are your parents and grandparents still living and do you have close contact with them? How about your Rabbi, are you close with him? This is about caring for others and working together to come to a happy medium on protecting those vulnerable by some simple safety measures and sacrifices, and getting the economy going again as safely as possible.....

both have to be approached together, with sound science and economics and behavior science consideration.
We can do both. Isolate and protect the old and weak and open up the economy. Even though I am more than likely immune I will not see my parents in person until we know more and likely not til next year. My dad is 69 and still works. He has not skipped a beat but my mom is more cautious and she is 63. So to each their own. But they should not be under the same restrictions as me and my kids. So it is you who is naive not I who as you put it narcissistic. What’s up with nursing homes taking back Covid 19 positive patients? We didn’t know enough then. I do not blame Cuomo. We know a lot more now. Let us live.
there are 60 million elderly in the high risk of dying from it and at least another 20 to 30 million that are younger and have medical issues that puts them at high risk....

keeping those at minimum 80 million isolated from their own families and caretakers, husbands or wives, or work for the next 2 to 3 years isn't feasible either.... might as well call that a shut down too.....

the economy will never come back without them.....

we need to get the cases low, low enough to have the man power to isolate those testing positive, and track down all of their contacts of more than 10 minutes that they talked with face to face, and isolate them....within 72 hours.

this gets the rate of spread down to a manageable level.... and leaves everyone else, able to move around with just minor precautions.... like masks, no large gatherings, 6ft separation in their work places or venues where possible..... every little bit helps.... it aids in curbing the spread....

NOW is the time for all good men, to come to the aid of their Country....!!!
So you want to shut everyone down vs some people? How does that make any sense? Best way to curb the spread is herd immunity.
what percentage of the economy was shut down the past few weeks?
30 million unemployed....

View attachment 332441

No NBA, No NHL, No MLB, No NCAA Final Four, no PGA, my kids are not going to school, hotel, restaurant, venue, vacation, gyms, airline industries on life support. Hospitals not performing elective surgeries. Did you seriously as that idiotic question?

The future is now?
May 5, 2020
4 AM

Scientists have identified a new strain of the coronavirus that has become dominant worldwide and appears to be more contagious than the versions that spread in the early days of the COVID-19 pandemic, according to a new study led by scientists at Los Alamos National Laboratory.
The new strain appeared in February in Europe, migrated quickly to the East Coast of the United States and has been the dominant strain across the world since mid-March, the scientists wrote.
In addition to spreading faster, it may make people vulnerable to a second infection after a first bout with the disease, the report warned.

The 33-page report was posted Thursday on BioRxiv, a website that researchers use to share their work before it is peer reviewed, an effort to speed up collaborations with scientists working on COVID-19 vaccines or treatments. That research has been largely based on the genetic sequence of earlier strains and might not be effective against the new one.

We could be in big trouble! those infected may not offer herd immunity.

And a vaccine may not be as effective as hoped!

Read the full article here:

There is no vaccine and there never will be just as there is no effective flu vaccine even though we are told that there is

Flu vaccines have worked for me except for one time in the last 11 years.
You must be a Hahvaard grad....
me and hubby too, the flu shot always worked except for 1 year, the 2017/18 season, we both caught it and got really sick.... for like 3 weeks with it!

but that was a flu shot, that missed altogether the flu that was spreading that year.... it was not in the vaccine at all! the flu shot gurus missed it.

same for me. i think that was the year that the vaccine really missed the mark. they tweek it every year based on what they think which strain will be most prominent; but i think the basic vaccine remains the same.

both me & hubby think we might have had covid 19 back in jan - because it felt like the flu, but a 'milder' form & i just figured that was what it was.
the hubby and I had a cold in February that we thought could have been it too, because we both haven't had a cold in decades! We'll likely ever know.... if we are never tested??
The antibody test would tell you. Hopefully that is not too far away.
May 5, 2020
4 AM

Scientists have identified a new strain of the coronavirus that has become dominant worldwide and appears to be more contagious than the versions that spread in the early days of the COVID-19 pandemic, according to a new study led by scientists at Los Alamos National Laboratory.
The new strain appeared in February in Europe, migrated quickly to the East Coast of the United States and has been the dominant strain across the world since mid-March, the scientists wrote.
In addition to spreading faster, it may make people vulnerable to a second infection after a first bout with the disease, the report warned.

The 33-page report was posted Thursday on BioRxiv, a website that researchers use to share their work before it is peer reviewed, an effort to speed up collaborations with scientists working on COVID-19 vaccines or treatments. That research has been largely based on the genetic sequence of earlier strains and might not be effective against the new one.

We could be in big trouble! those infected may not offer herd immunity.

And a vaccine may not be as effective as hoped!

Read the full article here:

Stay home scarred.

Me, I'm fed up with this bullshit.

I don't hide from a fucking virus.
May 5, 2020
4 AM

Scientists have identified a new strain of the coronavirus that has become dominant worldwide and appears to be more contagious than the versions that spread in the early days of the COVID-19 pandemic, according to a new study led by scientists at Los Alamos National Laboratory.
The new strain appeared in February in Europe, migrated quickly to the East Coast of the United States and has been the dominant strain across the world since mid-March, the scientists wrote.
In addition to spreading faster, it may make people vulnerable to a second infection after a first bout with the disease, the report warned.

The 33-page report was posted Thursday on BioRxiv, a website that researchers use to share their work before it is peer reviewed, an effort to speed up collaborations with scientists working on COVID-19 vaccines or treatments. That research has been largely based on the genetic sequence of earlier strains and might not be effective against the new one.

We could be in big trouble! those infected may not offer herd immunity.

And a vaccine may not be as effective as hoped!

Read the full article here:

Is this Trump’s fault too?
No, of course NOT Willow!!!

this was not created as a blame game thread!

It's just another thing about this virus, that makes it more of a monster, than initially thought....

Not that some virologists did not predict that it would mutate, like the Influenza virus does, but in this case this particular mutation is much worse, and is squashing out the original strain, and 6 other mutation strains that have been identified... it's gobbling them up, so to say and is the ALPHA of all mutations and original strain.......

Even though we know China lied in their original death count, they could not have lied too much more than they already did..... and that still would not account for the number of deaths they SHOULD have, based on the infectious rate that we have in the USA with this Corona virus....

BUT, maybe they did not have the millions of infections and deaths that they should have had, could NOW be likely due to the first version of the novel Corona virus was not as contagious as the mutation spreading on the east coast in the USA?
This is the East Coast virus that I got in May. Recovery is the same. It feels like a cold. Relax people. Stop living scared
Are you a narcissist? This isnt about how you survived something like a cold,

certainly you have a sound enough mind to realize that your condition is not what all those people being hospitalized and incubated and meeting their maker thing are going thru.

Are your parents and grandparents still living and do you have close contact with them? How about your Rabbi, are you close with him? This is about caring for others and working together to come to a happy medium on protecting those vulnerable by some simple safety measures and sacrifices, and getting the economy going again as safely as possible.....

both have to be approached together, with sound science and economics and behavior science consideration.
We can do both. Isolate and protect the old and weak and open up the economy. Even though I am more than likely immune I will not see my parents in person until we know more and likely not til next year. My dad is 69 and still works. He has not skipped a beat but my mom is more cautious and she is 63. So to each their own. But they should not be under the same restrictions as me and my kids. So it is you who is naive not I who as you put it narcissistic. What’s up with nursing homes taking back Covid 19 positive patients? We didn’t know enough then. I do not blame Cuomo. We know a lot more now. Let us live.
there are 60 million elderly in the high risk of dying from it and at least another 20 to 30 million that are younger and have medical issues that puts them at high risk....

keeping those at minimum 80 million isolated from their own families and caretakers, husbands or wives, or work for the next 2 to 3 years isn't feasible either.... might as well call that a shut down too.....

the economy will never come back without them.....

we need to get the cases low, low enough to have the man power to isolate those testing positive, and track down all of their contacts of more than 10 minutes that they talked with face to face, and isolate them....within 72 hours.

this gets the rate of spread down to a manageable level.... and leaves everyone else, able to move around with just minor precautions.... like masks, no large gatherings, 6ft separation in their work places or venues where possible..... every little bit helps.... it aids in curbing the spread....

NOW is the time for all good men, to come to the aid of their Country....!!!
So you want to shut everyone down vs some people? How does that make any sense? Best way to curb the spread is herd immunity.
what percentage of the economy was shut down the past few weeks?
30 million unemployed....

View attachment 332441

No NBA, No NHL, No MLB, No NCAA Final Four, no PGA, my kids are not going to school, hotel, restaurant, venue, vacation, gyms, airline industries on life support. Hospitals not performing elective surgeries. Did you seriously as that idiotic question?
those sports conglomerates CHOSE to shut down themselves, before any State governor put in restrictions.....

you don't think they had the right to protect the players and the public and their corporations?

i think you live in some never never land dream world,

if you think things can or will go back to normal with our economy....

It's going to be tough, the next 3 years, until we work through this pandemic....

the whole world has changed since this pandemic hit, and will likely never be the same... never be what we once knew, as normal....
May 5, 2020
4 AM

Scientists have identified a new strain of the coronavirus that has become dominant worldwide and appears to be more contagious than the versions that spread in the early days of the COVID-19 pandemic, according to a new study led by scientists at Los Alamos National Laboratory.
The new strain appeared in February in Europe, migrated quickly to the East Coast of the United States and has been the dominant strain across the world since mid-March, the scientists wrote.
In addition to spreading faster, it may make people vulnerable to a second infection after a first bout with the disease, the report warned.

The 33-page report was posted Thursday on BioRxiv, a website that researchers use to share their work before it is peer reviewed, an effort to speed up collaborations with scientists working on COVID-19 vaccines or treatments. That research has been largely based on the genetic sequence of earlier strains and might not be effective against the new one.

We could be in big trouble! those infected may not offer herd immunity.

And a vaccine may not be as effective as hoped!

Read the full article here:

Stay home scarred.

Me, I'm fed up with this bullshit.

I don't hide from a fucking virus.

Actually, sometimes I hide, other times dodge, and yet at times weave.
Few know that when the Wuhanvirus has one in their grasps, they have to put a paralysis drug into a patient that is on a respirator so they don't cough out the tubes. Our media is really sanitizing the ugly realities of the Wuhanvirus for the public.
This crap is pure Chinese poison!
May 5, 2020
4 AM

Scientists have identified a new strain of the coronavirus that has become dominant worldwide and appears to be more contagious than the versions that spread in the early days of the COVID-19 pandemic, according to a new study led by scientists at Los Alamos National Laboratory.
The new strain appeared in February in Europe, migrated quickly to the East Coast of the United States and has been the dominant strain across the world since mid-March, the scientists wrote.
In addition to spreading faster, it may make people vulnerable to a second infection after a first bout with the disease, the report warned.

The 33-page report was posted Thursday on BioRxiv, a website that researchers use to share their work before it is peer reviewed, an effort to speed up collaborations with scientists working on COVID-19 vaccines or treatments. That research has been largely based on the genetic sequence of earlier strains and might not be effective against the new one.

We could be in big trouble! those infected may not offer herd immunity.

And a vaccine may not be as effective as hoped!

Read the full article here:

There is no vaccine and there never will be just as there is no effective flu vaccine even though we are told that there is

Flu vaccines have worked for me except for one time in the last 11 years.
You must be a Hahvaard grad....
Dude the flu vaccine only protects a person against last years strain, not the new one. This is common knowledge
May 5, 2020
4 AM

Scientists have identified a new strain of the coronavirus that has become dominant worldwide and appears to be more contagious than the versions that spread in the early days of the COVID-19 pandemic, according to a new study led by scientists at Los Alamos National Laboratory.
The new strain appeared in February in Europe, migrated quickly to the East Coast of the United States and has been the dominant strain across the world since mid-March, the scientists wrote.
In addition to spreading faster, it may make people vulnerable to a second infection after a first bout with the disease, the report warned.

The 33-page report was posted Thursday on BioRxiv, a website that researchers use to share their work before it is peer reviewed, an effort to speed up collaborations with scientists working on COVID-19 vaccines or treatments. That research has been largely based on the genetic sequence of earlier strains and might not be effective against the new one.

We could be in big trouble! those infected may not offer herd immunity.

And a vaccine may not be as effective as hoped!

Read the full article here:

There is no vaccine and there never will be just as there is no effective flu vaccine even though we are told that there is

Flu vaccines have worked for me except for one time in the last 11 years.
You must be a Hahvaard grad....
Dude the flu vaccine only protects a person against last years strain, not the new one. This is common knowledge

It worked for me 10 outta 11 times.
All I can say.
May 5, 2020
4 AM

Scientists have identified a new strain of the coronavirus that has become dominant worldwide and appears to be more contagious than the versions that spread in the early days of the COVID-19 pandemic, according to a new study led by scientists at Los Alamos National Laboratory.
The new strain appeared in February in Europe, migrated quickly to the East Coast of the United States and has been the dominant strain across the world since mid-March, the scientists wrote.
In addition to spreading faster, it may make people vulnerable to a second infection after a first bout with the disease, the report warned.

The 33-page report was posted Thursday on BioRxiv, a website that researchers use to share their work before it is peer reviewed, an effort to speed up collaborations with scientists working on COVID-19 vaccines or treatments. That research has been largely based on the genetic sequence of earlier strains and might not be effective against the new one.

We could be in big trouble! those infected may not offer herd immunity.

And a vaccine may not be as effective as hoped!

Read the full article here:

Is this Trump’s fault too?
No, of course NOT Willow!!!

this was not created as a blame game thread!

It's just another thing about this virus, that makes it more of a monster, than initially thought....

Not that some virologists did not predict that it would mutate, like the Influenza virus does, but in this case this particular mutation is much worse, and is squashing out the original strain, and 6 other mutation strains that have been identified... it's gobbling them up, so to say and is the ALPHA of all mutations and original strain.......

Even though we know China lied in their original death count, they could not have lied too much more than they already did..... and that still would not account for the number of deaths they SHOULD have, based on the infectious rate that we have in the USA with this Corona virus....

BUT, maybe they did not have the millions of infections and deaths that they should have had, could NOW be likely due to the first version of the novel Corona virus was not as contagious as the mutation spreading on the east coast in the USA?
This is the East Coast virus that I got in May. Recovery is the same. It feels like a cold. Relax people. Stop living scared
Are you a narcissist? This isnt about how you survived something like a cold,

certainly you have a sound enough mind to realize that your condition is not what all those people being hospitalized and incubated and meeting their maker thing are going thru.

Are your parents and grandparents still living and do you have close contact with them? How about your Rabbi, are you close with him? This is about caring for others and working together to come to a happy medium on protecting those vulnerable by some simple safety measures and sacrifices, and getting the economy going again as safely as possible.....

both have to be approached together, with sound science and economics and behavior science consideration.
We can do both. Isolate and protect the old and weak and open up the economy. Even though I am more than likely immune I will not see my parents in person until we know more and likely not til next year. My dad is 69 and still works. He has not skipped a beat but my mom is more cautious and she is 63. So to each their own. But they should not be under the same restrictions as me and my kids. So it is you who is naive not I who as you put it narcissistic. What’s up with nursing homes taking back Covid 19 positive patients? We didn’t know enough then. I do not blame Cuomo. We know a lot more now. Let us live.
there are 60 million elderly in the high risk of dying from it and at least another 20 to 30 million that are younger and have medical issues that puts them at high risk....

keeping those at minimum 80 million isolated from their own families and caretakers, husbands or wives, or work for the next 2 to 3 years isn't feasible either.... might as well call that a shut down too.....

the economy will never come back without them.....

we need to get the cases low, low enough to have the man power to isolate those testing positive, and track down all of their contacts of more than 10 minutes that they talked with face to face, and isolate them....within 72 hours.

this gets the rate of spread down to a manageable level.... and leaves everyone else, able to move around with just minor precautions.... like masks, no large gatherings, 6ft separation in their work places or venues where possible..... every little bit helps.... it aids in curbing the spread....

NOW is the time for all good men, to come to the aid of their Country....!!!
So you want to shut everyone down vs some people? How does that make any sense? Best way to curb the spread is herd immunity.
what percentage of the economy was shut down the past few weeks?
30 million unemployed....

View attachment 332441

No NBA, No NHL, No MLB, No NCAA Final Four, no PGA, my kids are not going to school, hotel, restaurant, venue, vacation, gyms, airline industries on life support. Hospitals not performing elective surgeries. Did you seriously as that idiotic question?
those sports conglomerates CHOSE to shut down themselves, before any State governor put in restrictions.....

you don't think they had the right to protect the players and the public and their corporations?

i think you live in some never never land dream world,

if you think things can or will go back to normal with our economy....

It's going to be tough, the next 3 years, until we work through this pandemic....

the whole world has changed since this pandemic hit, and will likely never be the same... never be what we once knew, as normal....

#1) Why would you stay open when they aren't deemed essential and fans would not allowed. "Chose"?

#2) Do you think they had the right cause the lay offs hundreds of thousands who depend on them?

#3) Why 3 years? Why not 30 years? Why the arbitrary number?

#4) That last sentence is that of a coward speaking. We will be fine. We have dealt with diseases our entire lives.
May 5, 2020
4 AM

Scientists have identified a new strain of the coronavirus that has become dominant worldwide and appears to be more contagious than the versions that spread in the early days of the COVID-19 pandemic, according to a new study led by scientists at Los Alamos National Laboratory.
The new strain appeared in February in Europe, migrated quickly to the East Coast of the United States and has been the dominant strain across the world since mid-March, the scientists wrote.
In addition to spreading faster, it may make people vulnerable to a second infection after a first bout with the disease, the report warned.

The 33-page report was posted Thursday on BioRxiv, a website that researchers use to share their work before it is peer reviewed, an effort to speed up collaborations with scientists working on COVID-19 vaccines or treatments. That research has been largely based on the genetic sequence of earlier strains and might not be effective against the new one.

We could be in big trouble! those infected may not offer herd immunity.

And a vaccine may not be as effective as hoped!

Read the full article here:

:aargh: Be afraid! Be very afraid! Give up all your rights and cower in fear under your bed with a mask on!

No. :talk2hand::pout:

Fuck that.
May 5, 2020
4 AM

Scientists have identified a new strain of the coronavirus that has become dominant worldwide and appears to be more contagious than the versions that spread in the early days of the COVID-19 pandemic, according to a new study led by scientists at Los Alamos National Laboratory.
The new strain appeared in February in Europe, migrated quickly to the East Coast of the United States and has been the dominant strain across the world since mid-March, the scientists wrote.
In addition to spreading faster, it may make people vulnerable to a second infection after a first bout with the disease, the report warned.

The 33-page report was posted Thursday on BioRxiv, a website that researchers use to share their work before it is peer reviewed, an effort to speed up collaborations with scientists working on COVID-19 vaccines or treatments. That research has been largely based on the genetic sequence of earlier strains and might not be effective against the new one.

We could be in big trouble! those infected may not offer herd immunity.

And a vaccine may not be as effective as hoped!

Read the full article here:

There is no vaccine and there never will be just as there is no effective flu vaccine even though we are told that there is

Flu vaccines have worked for me except for one time in the last 11 years.
You must be a Hahvaard grad....
Dude the flu vaccine only protects a person against last years strain, not the new one. This is common knowledge
it has many influenza virus strains in the shot not just 1 flu from last year, the Spainsh flu from 1918, and Hong Kong flu from the 1970's variants are still in the shot etc....

boosters in the vaccine are given each year to cover mutations of original strains, is my understanding??
May 5, 2020
4 AM

Scientists have identified a new strain of the coronavirus that has become dominant worldwide and appears to be more contagious than the versions that spread in the early days of the COVID-19 pandemic, according to a new study led by scientists at Los Alamos National Laboratory.
The new strain appeared in February in Europe, migrated quickly to the East Coast of the United States and has been the dominant strain across the world since mid-March, the scientists wrote.
In addition to spreading faster, it may make people vulnerable to a second infection after a first bout with the disease, the report warned.

The 33-page report was posted Thursday on BioRxiv, a website that researchers use to share their work before it is peer reviewed, an effort to speed up collaborations with scientists working on COVID-19 vaccines or treatments. That research has been largely based on the genetic sequence of earlier strains and might not be effective against the new one.

We could be in big trouble! those infected may not offer herd immunity.

And a vaccine may not be as effective as hoped!

Read the full article here:

:aargh: Be afraid! Be very afraid! Give up all your rights and cower in fear under your bed with a mask on!

No. :talk2hand::pout:

Fuck that.
I haven't given up any rights....??
it has many influenza virus strains in the shot not just 1 flu from last year, the Spainsh flu from 1918, and Hong Kong flu from the 1970's variants are still in the shot etc....

boosters in the vaccine are given each year to cover mutations of original strains, is my understanding??
Yes. What esalla just said is very stupid and wrong.
May 5, 2020
4 AM

Scientists have identified a new strain of the coronavirus that has become dominant worldwide and appears to be more contagious than the versions that spread in the early days of the COVID-19 pandemic, according to a new study led by scientists at Los Alamos National Laboratory.
The new strain appeared in February in Europe, migrated quickly to the East Coast of the United States and has been the dominant strain across the world since mid-March, the scientists wrote.
In addition to spreading faster, it may make people vulnerable to a second infection after a first bout with the disease, the report warned.

The 33-page report was posted Thursday on BioRxiv, a website that researchers use to share their work before it is peer reviewed, an effort to speed up collaborations with scientists working on COVID-19 vaccines or treatments. That research has been largely based on the genetic sequence of earlier strains and might not be effective against the new one.

We could be in big trouble! those infected may not offer herd immunity.

And a vaccine may not be as effective as hoped!

Read the full article here:

There is no vaccine and there never will be just as there is no effective flu vaccine even though we are told that there is

Flu vaccines have worked for me except for one time in the last 11 years.
You must be a Hahvaard grad....
Dude the flu vaccine only protects a person against last years strain, not the new one. This is common knowledge
The civilian one I get these days is supposed to protect against 4 specific strains that were picked early (in order to get the number of doses in production and distribution) sometimes better than other on certain flus A, Flu B and maybe another that somebody somewhere thought to be on the rise before the real flu season hits. Military that I know tell me theirs is based on 6 varieties, basically picked the same way. Years ago before military, I used to get a good case of flu, sometime making me very sick, but not requiring hospitial, only doctor visit, which didn't really seem to help get rid of it any faster. After initial military amniovirus, and range of shots and updates yearly, as well as whatever they stuck in my arm for overseas trips, I quit getting serious flu enough to miss work and have continued year after year with no flu or very mild flu ever since. If you have no allergic or any other type of systemic reaction to vaccinations, I highly recommend you keep current.
May 5, 2020
4 AM

Scientists have identified a new strain of the coronavirus that has become dominant worldwide and appears to be more contagious than the versions that spread in the early days of the COVID-19 pandemic, according to a new study led by scientists at Los Alamos National Laboratory.
The new strain appeared in February in Europe, migrated quickly to the East Coast of the United States and has been the dominant strain across the world since mid-March, the scientists wrote.
In addition to spreading faster, it may make people vulnerable to a second infection after a first bout with the disease, the report warned.

The 33-page report was posted Thursday on BioRxiv, a website that researchers use to share their work before it is peer reviewed, an effort to speed up collaborations with scientists working on COVID-19 vaccines or treatments. That research has been largely based on the genetic sequence of earlier strains and might not be effective against the new one.

We could be in big trouble! those infected may not offer herd immunity.

And a vaccine may not be as effective as hoped!

Read the full article here:

There is no vaccine and there never will be just as there is no effective flu vaccine even though we are told that there is

Flu vaccines have worked for me except for one time in the last 11 years.
You must be a Hahvaard grad....
Dude the flu vaccine only protects a person against last years strain, not the new one. This is common knowledge
it has many influenza virus strains in the shot not just 1 flu from last year, the Spainsh flu from 1918, and Hong Kong flu from the 1970's variants are still in the shot etc....

boosters in the vaccine are given each year to cover mutations of original strains, is my understanding??
Look goofy, the only shot that one needs is the new strain and that is the one that is never in the vaccine.

May 5, 2020
4 AM

Scientists have identified a new strain of the coronavirus that has become dominant worldwide and appears to be more contagious than the versions that spread in the early days of the COVID-19 pandemic, according to a new study led by scientists at Los Alamos National Laboratory.
The new strain appeared in February in Europe, migrated quickly to the East Coast of the United States and has been the dominant strain across the world since mid-March, the scientists wrote.
In addition to spreading faster, it may make people vulnerable to a second infection after a first bout with the disease, the report warned.

The 33-page report was posted Thursday on BioRxiv, a website that researchers use to share their work before it is peer reviewed, an effort to speed up collaborations with scientists working on COVID-19 vaccines or treatments. That research has been largely based on the genetic sequence of earlier strains and might not be effective against the new one.

We could be in big trouble! those infected may not offer herd immunity.

And a vaccine may not be as effective as hoped!

Read the full article here:

There is no vaccine and there never will be just as there is no effective flu vaccine even though we are told that there is

Flu vaccines have worked for me except for one time in the last 11 years.
You must be a Hahvaard grad....
Dude the flu vaccine only protects a person against last years strain, not the new one. This is common knowledge
The civilian one I get these days is supposed to protect against 4 specific strains that were picked early (in order to get the number of doses in production and distribution) sometimes better than other on certain flus A, Flu B and maybe another that somebody somewhere thought to be on the rise before the real flu season hits. Military that I know tell me theirs is based on 6 varieties, basically picked the same way. Years ago before military, I used to get a good case of flu, sometime making me very sick, but not requiring hospitial, only doctor visit, which didn't really seem to help get rid of it any faster. After initial military amniovirus, and range of shots and updates yearly, as well as whatever they stuck in my arm for overseas trips, I quit getting serious flu enough to miss work and have continued year after year with no flu or very mild flu ever since. If you have no allergic or any other type of systemic reaction to vaccinations, I highly recommend you keep current.
The fact is that more people who get flu shots get the flu than those who do not, which is because the rate of people getting the shot who get sick from it is higher than those who would get the flu if they did not get the shot and because no flu shot protects against the current strain.

Grow up fool. Are you really stupid enough to believe that the military has different shots

Try putting a shotgun to your head for a shot
I have a shot record book, that is thicker than the Holy Bible, from all the times I had to travel overseas with my father when he was stationed at different places....

never caught a single thing I was vaccinated for..... flu with 1 exception, small pox, typhoid, typhus, measles etc etc etc
May 5, 2020
4 AM

Scientists have identified a new strain of the coronavirus that has become dominant worldwide and appears to be more contagious than the versions that spread in the early days of the COVID-19 pandemic, according to a new study led by scientists at Los Alamos National Laboratory.
The new strain appeared in February in Europe, migrated quickly to the East Coast of the United States and has been the dominant strain across the world since mid-March, the scientists wrote.
In addition to spreading faster, it may make people vulnerable to a second infection after a first bout with the disease, the report warned.

The 33-page report was posted Thursday on BioRxiv, a website that researchers use to share their work before it is peer reviewed, an effort to speed up collaborations with scientists working on COVID-19 vaccines or treatments. That research has been largely based on the genetic sequence of earlier strains and might not be effective against the new one.

We could be in big trouble! those infected may not offer herd immunity.

And a vaccine may not be as effective as hoped!

Read the full article here:

A few weeks ago I posted about South Korea reporting that some that were once sick and infected tested Positive again afterwards. Scary stuff.

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