
This whole "country is falling apart " line is mostly bullshit . It's a mantra that works for politicians so they can shake us down for more money .

There was that one bridge in Minnesota that fell years ago . But where is shit just falling apart?
You swing a hammer, they can do the math: 2013 Report Card for America's Infrastructure

We'll we do have high standards . But it's not like shit is falling down all over . Drama !!!
Not yet but delaying fixing it makes it that much worse. Time to get some shit done again.
I'm considering voting for him, but this line by Rubio: "We need more welders and less philosophers” made me a little nervous.

BA in Philosophy.
LOL well then.. If it helps, I thought he used the term generally. Although, even if, it's was still kind of an insult..

I don't mind insults, but I don't want to have to crawl past the windows for four years.
I believe his premise was that more need to train in trades than just going to school for philosophy degrees, and finding no job.
I believe his premise was that more need to train in trades than just going to school for philosophy degrees, and finding no job.

heck yeah, I'd be for that. Not everyone is cut out to go the college. I went to a trade school in the evening for a Keypunch operator back in the 70's.......and a lot of people back in my days didn't go to college and still became a success in life.

BUT they had jobs they could go to work at. today 94MILLION people not working. ? 11 million Illegal immigrants taking jobs away from the legal citizens. how is that called a success?
I believe his premise was that more need to train in trades than just going to school for philosophy degrees, and finding no job.

heck yeah, I'd be for that. Not everyone is cut out to go the college. and a lot of people back in my days didn't go to college and still became a success in life.

BUT they had jobs they could go to work at. today 94MILLION people not working. ? 11 million Illegal immigrants taking jobs away from the legal citizens. how is that called a success?

Lunch lady profession ?
I believe his premise was that more need to train in trades than just going to school for philosophy degrees, and finding no job.

That's insulting! I also found no job with a Political Science degree!
I'm considering voting for him, but this line by Rubio: "We need more welders and less philosophers” made me a little nervous.

That's known as pandering to the base. I guarantee none of his kids are gonna go to vocational school.

If Rubio knows how to change a tire, I'd be a bit surprised. His hands look pillow soft.
I am still pulling for Paul but I must admit this campaign has been quite lackluster.
I thought he did well last night but I agree

Whether you agree with his positions or not he appeared to be the most informed on issues like foreign policy and economics. He corrected and expanded on vague statements from some of the other candidates. He is good for the debates and I hope he doesn't get bounced out.

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