UK: 7 men convicted of sex crimes against girls


Gold Member
Apr 20, 2013
The U.S.

"No one, let alone a child, should ever be exploited as these young victims were," she said. "The men who have been convicted have still failed to accept any responsibility for their crimes. They are nothing less than vicious sexual predators."

Prosecutors said seven of the men on trial were of Pakistani descent and two had family roots in North Africa. Other recent high profile cases, including one in Rochdale that involved a similar sex ring, have also involved Pakistani men convicted of abusing young white girls, in some cases sparking ethnic tensions and protests.

On Tuesday, Judge Peter Rook told the men that long prison sentences are "inevitable" because of the serious nature of the offenses.


UK: 7 men convicted of sex crimes against girls

"No one, let alone a child, should ever be exploited as these young victims were," she said. "The men who have been convicted have still failed to accept any responsibility for their crimes. They are nothing less than vicious sexual predators."

Prosecutors said seven of the men on trial were of Pakistani descent and two had family roots in North Africa. Other recent high profile cases, including one in Rochdale that involved a similar sex ring, have also involved Pakistani men convicted of abusing young white girls, in some cases sparking ethnic tensions and protests.

On Tuesday, Judge Peter Rook told the men that long prison sentences are "inevitable" because of the serious nature of the offenses.


UK: 7 men convicted of sex crimes against girls

If the charges are true?

Burn the bastards at the stake at Highgate.

Seriously hanging them is just too kind.

I hate SLAVERS. Death to them all.
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Is is well known that especially in England foreign scum is abusing native, white girls, while officials and social workers are playing it down. Some day we Europeans will send their ashes back to where they came from - in a package with those who supported them.
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Is is well known that especially in England foreign scum is abusing native, white girls, while officials and social workers are playing it down. Some day we Europeans will send their ashes back to where they came from - in a package with those who supported them.
Oh, my, Bleipriester, and here I thought you might be a reasonable German!!

Well, scratch that illusion !!
Is is well known that especially in England foreign scum is abusing native, white girls, while officials and social workers are playing it down. Some day we Europeans will send their ashes back to where they came from - in a package with those who supported them.
Oh, my, Bleipriester, and here I thought you might be a reasonable German!!

Well, scratch that illusion !!
I am very tired of stupid judgements.

That's like saying every man in America is a Christian. In any case, attacking women is not part of Islam, quite the contrary. These men are sick sex criminals. If they are affected by their culture, that is one thing. They are not behaving like true Muslims any more than Ted Bundy was behaving like a true Christian.

That's like saying every man in America is a Christian. In any case, attacking women is not part of Islam, quite the contrary. These men are sick sex criminals. If they are affected by their culture, that is one thing. They are not behaving like true Muslims any more than Ted Bundy was behaving like a true Christian.
The Oxford sex ring and the preachers who teach young Muslim men that white girls are cheap

In all these incidents, the abusers were Muslim men, and their targets were under-age white girls.

As so often in fearful, politically correct modern Britain, there is a craven unwillingness to face up to the reality that their actions are tied up with religion and race
The Oxford sex ring and the preachers who teach young Muslim men that white girls are cheap | Mail Online
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Where is the Nato, when those monsters maraud in our homes?


Take the gun and liberate yourself from the monsters introduced by your government. Once in action, get rid of your government in one go.


The monsters aren´t worth the few cents a bullet costs, but you do it for your families.
It seems that the Europeans will never wake up as long as they celebrate their so called freedom and have full refrigerators and fuel tanks while suppress those who tell them to wake up.

I whish the monsters would come to get them instead of their children. My hate and abhorrence rises day by day while the country goes downhill. There is no hope and prospect.
Is is well known that especially in England foreign scum is abusing native, white girls, while officials and social workers are playing it down. Some day we Europeans will send their ashes back to where they came from - in a package with those who supported them.
Oh, my, Bleipriester, and here I thought you might be a reasonable German!!

Well, scratch that illusion !!
Oh, come on now, numan. He's just blowing off hot steam. The guys pictured were animals, and the prison terms they are drawing were self-imposed by egregious behaviors unbefitting of gentlemen. ;)

Some societies place such animals on chains linked to immovable posts out in the open sun on summer days sans provisions. If they last from moon to moon, they are set free. The catch-22 is that they're usually gone in 3 days of that kind of airing. Such treatment ensures that the necessity of doing it is rare, as in once per generation, saving countless people the grief they would have done if there were no consequences to doing such things.

Some folk remedies seem rough to the civil of our society, but are hugely successful in preventing cultural perversities. It makes you wonder why we have to tax people up to their eyeballs to support two million scoundrels, and another couple of hundred thousand people who are innocent but were framed or wrongfully identified by human witnesses or the perpetrators themselves. A few years back, the state of Illinois found that 11% of the people on their death row did not do the crime for which they were accused. That's just the ones they could prove beyond a shadow of a doubt were innocent. We may not be as civil as we think in our self-assured little bubble America. :dunno:

That's like saying every man in America is a Christian. In any case, attacking women is not part of Islam, quite the contrary. These men are sick sex criminals. If they are affected by their culture, that is one thing. They are not behaving like true Muslims any more than Ted Bundy was behaving like a true Christian.
The Oxford sex ring and the preachers who teach young Muslim men that white girls are cheap

In all these incidents, the abusers were Muslim men, and their targets were under-age white girls.

As so often in fearful, politically correct modern Britain, there is a craven unwillingness to face up to the reality that their actions are tied up with religion and race
The Oxford sex ring and the preachers who teach young Muslim men that white girls are cheap | Mail Online
Aw, I'm so sorry, Bliepriester. Young women who are properly instructed in the etiquette of seeing men only in the presence of their trained and foreboding chaperones usually do not experience the provocation of rape. ;)

That's like saying every man in America is a Christian. In any case, attacking women is not part of Islam, quite the contrary. These men are sick sex criminals. If they are affected by their culture, that is one thing. They are not behaving like true Muslims any more than Ted Bundy was behaving like a true Christian.
The Oxford sex ring and the preachers who teach young Muslim men that white girls are cheap

In all these incidents, the abusers were Muslim men, and their targets were under-age white girls.

As so often in fearful, politically correct modern Britain, there is a craven unwillingness to face up to the reality that their actions are tied up with religion and race
The Oxford sex ring and the preachers who teach young Muslim men that white girls are cheap | Mail Online

Oh for God's sake, stop screaming. I have lived safely and comfortably in three Islamic countries for a total of 6 years. These men do not represent the values of Islam. Most of the people who emigrate to first world countries are economic immigrants. They have no stake in conversion or assimilation. They are the poorest and most poorly educated people from their own homelands. They do not represent the educated middle class. It's like taking the poor and uneducated people out of American ghettos and shipping them off to another country. They are going to behave as badly there as they do here. But they do not represent the vast majority of Americans, and you would resent it if everyone assumed they did.

Most of these people are very religious, in a fundamental, single minded way. They are either not intelligent or not educated. They have no world view. These men are not adhering to Islamic values, which is that women are not to be raped. Women are to be valued and not molested. They don't accept or understand the freedom with which modern Western women behave, so they don't treat them like they would treat a traditonal Muslim woman.

If you were to educate yourself about it, you would understand it better; but you are really no better than they are in the sense that you choose to remain ignorant.

I would like to know how these guys are any worse than Ariel Castro, and he is a Christian.
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Aw, I'm so sorry, Bliepriester. Young women who are properly instructed in the etiquette of seeing men only in the presence of their trained and foreboding chaperones usually do not experience the provocation of rape. ;)
No need to be sorry, becki. It´s my fault. My evil racism led to a Wutausbruch, and I am sorry that I have presented those peaceful foreigners, victims of sex-craving 13 years old white girls, as evil abusers. Can you forgive me?
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Oh for God's sake, stop screaming. I have lived safely and comfortably in three Islamic countries for a total of 6 years. These men do not represent the values of Islam. Most of the people who emigrate to first world countries are economic immigrants. They have no stake in conversion or assimilation. They are the poorest and most poorly educated people from their own homelands. They do not represent the educated middle class. It's like taking the poor and uneducated people out of American ghettos and shipping them off to another country. They are going to behave as badly there as they do here. But they do not represent the vast majority of Americans, and you would resent it if everyone assumed they did.

Most of these people are very religious, in a fundamental, single minded way. They are either not intelligent or not educated. They have no world view. These men are not adhering to Islamic values, which is that women are not to be raped. Women are to be valued and not molested. They don't accept or understand the freedom with which modern Western women behave, so they don't treat them like they would treat a traditonal Muslim woman.

If you were to educate yourself about it, you would understand it better; but you are really no better than they are in the sense that you choose to remain ignorant.

I would like to know how these guys are any worse than Ariel Castro, and he is a Christian.
Who cares, what they represent, are, and how educated they are. Its important to see, what they do. And whatever Islam is, what they do, they do it in the name of Islam. I don´t understand your point. It´s not about Islam, it´s about those criminals.

They are either not intelligent or not educated.
Who the hell had the criminal idea to invite those guys to Europe? What is our advatage to have them here? It´s time to correct old mistakes and get them out!

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