UK: 7 men convicted of sex crimes against girls

No amount of apologizing by the likes of ditzes like Esmeralda is going to hide a deep-rooted problem in a fanatic and sexually repressed Muslim world. The world should not even pretend to tolerate the intolerable and the whinny and self-righteous be damned.

There is certainly room for self-improvement in everybody -- including the people who are posting on this thread.
Hopefully the people who are posting in this thread aren't involved in human trafficking.

It will be nice if you can start a separate thread to propagate your Nazi agenda. I did not start this thread to push racism. There are plenty of threads on this forum where you can indulge in that sort of exercise. Please leave this thread alone. After all being a superior white person, you should be teaching us inferior darkies how to act civilized but your behavior certainly is lacking in that regard.



You are unnecessarily muddying the water by bringing Indian subcontinent into the discussion. Unnecessary spinning to defend something wretched will only decrease your credibility. If Israeli media is biased then name a country whose media is not biased. Israeli media is nothing compared to some of the propaganda that come out of BBC and some other western media. Also, if you want to discuss the atrocities of Raj which is a valid topic by the way, we can start a separate thread to discuss that. Let us not clutter this thread with that stuff.


Those of us who have been monitoring news outlets from UK know that forced prostitution of minors has become a serious on going issue in UK. The culprits are almost always Pakistani men with occasional mix of Arabs.

We should be trying to answer following questions:

Why is British elite (media) so eager to label these Pakistani culprits as Asians?
Are there not enough job opportunities other than grooming for Pakistani men in UK?
Why does UK government shelter Islamic terrorists?
Is the grooming issue confined to UK only or is it a problem in other European countries as well?

I am not a moderator or anything like that but as an OP, I would request that we remain focused in our discussion as opposed to engaging in racism.

It will be nice if you can start a separate thread to propagate your Nazi agenda. I did not start this thread to push racism. There are plenty of threads on this forum where you can indulge in that sort of exercise. Please leave this thread alone. After all being a superior white person, you should be teaching us inferior darkies how to act civilized but your behavior certainly is lacking in that regard.
Hmmm. Crazy.
You may consider the only reasonable consequences of these criminal actions "Nazi Agenda" and "racism" but the only thing you will accomplish with that, is that you are a racist who tries to represent my wrath about very criminal and inhuman actions and their committers as racism. You can think that you are an "inferior darky" but it is not my fault that all suspects in all such cases are what you call "inferior darkies". You know, when a rightwinger knocks out some "inferior darky´s" teeth, all politicians and medias are busy to ask what to do against "rightwing extremism", but even when "inferior darkies" occupie a whole "branche" the same people are busy to justify them and play it down.

I am not the racist, I show they are and those who want to blame it on me and other people who don´t want to take this! If anti white racism comes to me masked as anti-fascism, I pull down the mask and unveil the ugly grimace behind it!
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Well, Bleipriester, I am not totally unsympathetic to your desire to preserve German Kultur -- though I have the impression that your musical tastes do not run much to Bach, Mozart and Richard Strauss.

There was a previous effort to "Keep Germany for the Germans" -- as I recall it did not turn out too well.

I think you don't quite realize what century you are living in.

You should meditate on all the changes that occurred in Europe between 1900 and 2000, and then you should consider that the changes between 2000 and 2100 are going to be even greater. We are living in the "Global Village" -- and people even now can move from one side of the globe to the other with more ease than they could go from one side of Germany to the other in 1900.

Trying to be the Little Dutch Boy sticking his finger in the dyke is a pretty foolish game.

In a hundred years, the world is going to be thoroughly mixed up, and a lot of interbreeding will occur. That doesn't bother me, since I know that the European racism of the last century was just part of the general nonsense of the time. Genetic research shows that, beyond literally skin-deep, all humans are the same race, and amazingly identical compared to many other species. It seems that we are all descended from about a thousand breeding individuals during an evolutionary crisis about 60,000 years ago. We almost did not make it through here!!

We really should all look at each other as family -- brother! · · :D
Oh for God's sake, stop screaming. I have lived safely and comfortably in three Islamic countries for a total of 6 years. These men do not represent the values of Islam. Most of the people who emigrate to first world countries are economic immigrants. They have no stake in conversion or assimilation. They are the poorest and most poorly educated people from their own homelands. They do not represent the educated middle class. It's like taking the poor and uneducated people out of American ghettos and shipping them off to another country. They are going to behave as badly there as they do here. But they do not represent the vast majority of Americans, and you would resent it if everyone assumed they did.

Most of these people are very religious, in a fundamental, single minded way. They are either not intelligent or not educated. They have no world view. These men are not adhering to Islamic values, which is that women are not to be raped. Women are to be valued and not molested. They don't accept or understand the freedom with which modern Western women behave, so they don't treat them like they would treat a traditonal Muslim woman.

If you were to educate yourself about it, you would understand it better; but you are really no better than they are in the sense that you choose to remain ignorant.

I would like to know how these guys are any worse than Ariel Castro, and he is a Christian.
Who cares, what they represent, are, and how educated they are. Its important to see, what they do. And whatever Islam is, what they do, they do it in the name of Islam. I don´t understand your point. It´s not about Islam, it´s about those criminals.

They are either not intelligent or not educated.
Who the hell had the criminal idea to invite those guys to Europe? What is our advatage to have them here? It´s time to correct old mistakes and get them out!

The British ruled, oppressed, victimized, and shit on the Indian Subcontinent for a hundred years. It is now payback time. I really don't have any pity for them.

As far as Germany (as I am understanding it, you are German?): about mid-20th century, Germany invited the Turks to Germany to do all the shit work the German people didn't want to do. Essentially, your purpose was to exploit cheap Turkish labor. It is also payback time. Again, no pity. Deal with it.

And, btw, I don't think there is any evidence, nor any sane reason to think so, that these Oxford sex criminals raped anyone in the name of Allah.

So, by your logic, if your grandmother killed my grandmother, I would be justified killing you.
The "countries" weren't abducted, raped, sold.

And I don't think there is still an active slave trade among the upper echelons of brit society...there is among the upper echelons of Muslim society.

Slave trade is a lot of unexpected places. I've had more patients who were forced into sex slavery that most on here would believe occurs in America. Right now, China is a big sex slave trader, but more they abduct women from other Asian countries to be wives for all the men they have who can't get wives due to generations of female infanticide.
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"Muslim countries in the Middle East and north-central Africa lead the world in human trafficking, according to a new U.S. State Department report."

Breaking news! Muslim countries lead in human trafficking - Jihad Watch

Well, there you go. You are now a racist of the highest water!
In middle TN there is also a satanic cult. Don't ask, because I won't tell you, but yes, I know the name, and I know where they are. One of their priestesses went to prison for the ritual abuse of one of my patients. We used to get teenage girls and younger who were ritually abused. You've never seen sick until you have dealt with that kind of abuse.
I remember a German friend once said to me, sehr traurig, "It will be a diminished world, and very sad, when there are no blond people left."

I am afraid I replied, very flippantly, "Well, there's always hair dye!" (Really, I was very prescient, since this happened many years ago, when almost no one dyed their hair.)

Perhaps I was rather mean, but what he said seemed so silly, since, a hundred years from now, the human race will be well on its way to being cyborgs, like Schwartzeneger in "Terminator", and all our present racial concerns will be laughably archaic and antique.

However, while I think racial concerns are, at best, matters of humour, I am much more concerned about cultural leveling. I do think the world will be much impoverished if the various cultures of world disappear -- especially if they are replaced by a degraded, commercialized, lowest common-denominator global prole-culture.

However, I do not think that is our fate -- at least, not completely.

A hundred years from now, I think Germany will cover the globe -- and India will cover the globe, and China will cover the globe. National cultures will explode and be everywhere. Some, no doubt, will be ghettoes, but most, I think, will we various kinds of "communities" -- Gemeinschäfte -- all side-by-side, mixing and staying apart!

The best idea the Jews ever came up with (certainly not their religion -- ugh!) was the Diaspora -- the ability to have a widely dispersed community (which they have stupidly abandoned, whoring after the outmoded, foreign god of nationalism).

If you can imagine every nation a Diaspora, I think you will have some idea of the future -- and if you value your national culture, you won't try to close your borders, in some doomed effort to defend the Alamo, but you will work and plan to make Universal Diasporas a realizable goal.

You can, to some degree, already see the future in some places. Consider Canada. Canada has been remarkably, even amazingly, successful in accomodating many cultures and nations, in a kaleidoscope of combinations, all getting along pretty well with each other, all learning from each other, but not abandoning the essence of their cultural heritage.

One incident sums it up for me. Once, at the Vancouver Airport, a Chinese lady friend of mine noticed a very Australian lady on the telephone, visibly upset. It turned out that she had just arrived on a flight, going to visit a cousin in Texas whom she had never met. She was on the phone to the cousin, and they could not understand each other's English!! My Chinese lady friend saved the day by translating back-and-forth for them!! · · :D

It will be nice if you can start a separate thread to propagate your Nazi agenda. I did not start this thread to push racism. There are plenty of threads on this forum where you can indulge in that sort of exercise. Please leave this thread alone. After all being a superior white person, you should be teaching us inferior darkies how to act civilized but your behavior certainly is lacking in that regard.
Hmmm. Crazy.
You may consider the only reasonable consequences of these criminal actions "Nazi Agenda" and "racism" but the only thing you will accomplish with that, is that you are a racist who tries to represent my wrath about very criminal and inhuman actions and their committers as racism. You can think that you are an "inferior darky" but it is not my fault that all suspects in all such cases are what you call "inferior darkies". You know, when a rightwinger knocks out some "inferior darky´s" teeth, all politicians and medias are busy to ask what to do against "rightwing extremism", but even when "inferior darkies" occupie a whole "branche" the same people are busy to justify them and play it down.

I am not the racist, I show they are and those who want to blame it on me and other people who don´t want to take this! If anti white racism comes to me masked as anti-fascism, I pull down the mask and unveil the ugly grimace behind it!

You were advocating extermination of all non-whites and their white supporters and sending their ashes back in packages to wherever they came from. Only ideology which ever proposed this idea was Nazi ideology. That is why I tagged your posts as Nazi. Not too long ago Nazi people in Germany felt the same way about Jews, Poles, Russians and anyone whom they thought was not Aryan. As a result millions of Jews and Poles were exterminated. Also lord knows how many innocent Germans had to lose their lives as well due to this bigotry. Today Nazi ideology is illegal in Germany. You should be careful about what you type unless you want German police knocking on your doors.
Well, Bleipriester, I am not totally unsympathetic to your desire to preserve German Kultur -- though I have the impression that your musical tastes do not run much to Bach, Mozart and Richard Strauss.

There was a previous effort to "Keep Germany for the Germans" -- as I recall it did not turn out too well.

I think you don't quite realize what century you are living in.

You should meditate on all the changes that occurred in Europe between 1900 and 2000, and then you should consider that the changes between 2000 and 2100 are going to be even greater. We are living in the "Global Village" -- and people even now can move from one side of the globe to the other with more ease than they could go from one side of Germany to the other in 1900.

Trying to be the Little Dutch Boy sticking his finger in the dyke is a pretty foolish game.

In a hundred years, the world is going to be thoroughly mixed up, and a lot of interbreeding will occur. That doesn't bother me, since I know that the European racism of the last century was just part of the general nonsense of the time. Genetic research shows that, beyond literally skin-deep, all humans are the same race, and amazingly identical compared to many other species. It seems that we are all descended from about a thousand breeding individuals during an evolutionary crisis about 60,000 years ago. We almost did not make it through here!!

We really should all look at each other as family -- brother! · · :D
Sorry, when I don´t get your point. It´s still about parts of the European society, that are intolerable. Those "parts" have religios and racist justifications for their deeds. What makes me a racist by simply mentioning that?

As for playing the Little Dutch Boy, I really stopped to care about people who don´t care for me. Yeah, it is the stupid tedium, the 24h boredom in my life what makes me write here. Back to the Dutch Boy:
People just see me how they want to see me, what´s in reality, nobody cares, so I think I could be dead for 10 years and people would not even realize it busy in pointing thier fingers at me.
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You were advocating extermination of all non-whites and their white supporters and sending their ashes back in packages to wherever they came from.
Of all non-whites? Was it even about color? And why do you take it that literally and that by your own definiton?

Today Nazi ideology is illegal in Germany. You should be careful about what you type unless you want German police knocking on your doors.
You have no idea about German law and what is illegal in Germany. However, it is not forbidden to be a Nazi in Germany. So even if I was a Nazi, I´d have nothing to fear, as long as my swastika flag can not be seen from outside through my windows or open door :cool:

Kidding aside. Freedom of speech reaches not as far in Germany as in the US, but the political correctness is not law here. And by the German anti-discrimination act I could sue you over your Nazi imputations.
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You were advocating extermination of all non-whites and their white supporters and sending their ashes back in packages to wherever they came from.
Of all non-whites? Was it even about color? And why do you take it that literally and that by your own definiton?

Today Nazi ideology is illegal in Germany. You should be careful about what you type unless you want German police knocking on your doors.
You have no idea about German law and what is illegal in Germany. However, it is not forbidden to be a Nazi in Germany. So even if I was a Nazi, I´d have nothing to fear, as long as my swastika flag can not be seen from outside through my windows or open door :cool:

Kidding aside. Freedom of speech reaches not as far in Germany as in the US, but the political correctness is not law here. And by the German anti-discrimination act I could sue you over your Nazi imputations.

If you talk like Nazi, people will call you Nazi. I am going by what you said; you advocated indiscriminate murder of innocent people. Nazi is the only ideology I can think of which advocates such madness.

Here you are advocating mass murder of innocent people:
Is is well known that especially in England foreign scum is abusing native, white girls, while officials and social workers are playing it down. Some day we Europeans will send their ashes back to where they came from - in a package with those who supported them.

Here you are inciting violence against democratically elected Governments of Europe:
Take the gun and liberate yourself from the monsters introduced by your government. Once in action, get rid of your government in one go.

Here you are wishing harm to progressive people in Europe:
I whish the monsters would come to get them instead of their children.

Here you are implying that all foreigners in Germany/Europe crave young 13-year olds:
No need to be sorry, becki. It´s my fault. My evil racism led to a Wutausbruch, and I am sorry that I have presented those peaceful foreigners, victims of sex-craving 13 years old white girls, as evil abusers. Can you forgive me?

Here you are implying that all muslims/colored folks are pedophiles:
This is not about 13 girls but thousands of girls abused by your friendly Muslim neighbours. Not to talk about the dark figure...

^ These are all Nazi traits. There are lots of people who are bigots in this world but most of them do not advocate mass murder of innocent people. That is where you enter the Nazi zone.
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