UK: 7 men convicted of sex crimes against girls

That's like saying every man in America is a Christian. In any case, attacking women is not part of Islam, quite the contrary. These men are sick sex criminals. If they are affected by their culture, that is one thing. They are not behaving like true Muslims any more than Ted Bundy was behaving like a true Christian.
The Oxford sex ring and the preachers who teach young Muslim men that white girls are cheap

In all these incidents, the abusers were Muslim men, and their targets were under-age white girls.

As so often in fearful, politically correct modern Britain, there is a craven unwillingness to face up to the reality that their actions are tied up with religion and race
The Oxford sex ring and the preachers who teach young Muslim men that white girls are cheap | Mail Online

Oh for God's sake, stop screaming. I have lived safely and comfortably in three Islamic countries for a total of 6 years. These men do not represent the values of Islam. Most of the people who emigrate to first world countries are economic immigrants. They have no stake in conversion or assimilation. They are the poorest and most poorly educated people from their own homelands. They do not represent the educated middle class. It's like taking the poor and uneducated people out of American ghettos and shipping them off to another country. They are going to behave as badly there as they do here. But they do not represent the vast majority of Americans, and you would resent it if everyone assumed they did.

Most of these people are very religious, in a fundamental, single minded way. They are either not intelligent or not educated. They have no world view. These men are not adhering to Islamic values, which is that women are not to be raped. Women are to be valued and not molested. They don't accept or understand the freedom with which modern Western women behave, so they don't treat them like they would treat a traditonal Muslim woman.

If you were to educate yourself about it, you would understand it better; but you are really no better than they are in the sense that you choose to remain ignorant.

I would like to know how these guys are any worse than Ariel Castro, and he is a Christian.

Muslims have a particular penchant for human trafficking. You can explain it away all you like, but that's the long and short of it.

And thanks to their influx into our country, now we're suffering an increase in human trafficking as well.
Oh for God's sake, stop screaming. I have lived safely and comfortably in three Islamic countries for a total of 6 years. These men do not represent the values of Islam. Most of the people who emigrate to first world countries are economic immigrants. They have no stake in conversion or assimilation. They are the poorest and most poorly educated people from their own homelands. They do not represent the educated middle class. It's like taking the poor and uneducated people out of American ghettos and shipping them off to another country. They are going to behave as badly there as they do here. But they do not represent the vast majority of Americans, and you would resent it if everyone assumed they did.

Most of these people are very religious, in a fundamental, single minded way. They are either not intelligent or not educated. They have no world view. These men are not adhering to Islamic values, which is that women are not to be raped. Women are to be valued and not molested. They don't accept or understand the freedom with which modern Western women behave, so they don't treat them like they would treat a traditonal Muslim woman.

If you were to educate yourself about it, you would understand it better; but you are really no better than they are in the sense that you choose to remain ignorant.

I would like to know how these guys are any worse than Ariel Castro, and he is a Christian.
Who cares, what they represent, are, and how educated they are. Its important to see, what they do. And whatever Islam is, what they do, they do it in the name of Islam. I don´t understand your point. It´s not about Islam, it´s about those criminals.

They are either not intelligent or not educated.
Who the hell had the criminal idea to invite those guys to Europe? What is our advatage to have them here? It´s time to correct old mistakes and get them out!

The British ruled, oppressed, victimized, and shit on the Indian Subcontinent for a hundred years. It is now payback time. I really don't have any pity for them.

As far as Germany (as I am understanding it, you are German?): about mid-20th century, Germany invited the Turks to Germany to do all the shit work the German people didn't want to do. Essentially, your purpose was to exploit cheap Turkish labor. It is also payback time. Again, no pity. Deal with it.

And, btw, I don't think there is any evidence, nor any sane reason to think so, that these Oxford sex criminals raped anyone in the name of Allah.
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The British ruled, oppressed, victimized, and shit on the Indian Subcontinent for a hundred years. It is now payback time. I really don't have any pity for them.
Oh yeah, those evil 13 years old girls ruled, oppressed, victimized, and shit on the Indian Subcontinent for a hundred years. No pity for them!

TAs far as Germany (as I am understanding it, you are German?): about mid-20th century, Germany invited the Turks to Germany to do all the shit work the German people didn't want to do. Essentially, your purpose was to exploit cheap Turkish labor. It is also payback time. Again, no pity. Deal with it.
Crazy. They got wages German got and did jobs Germans did.

And, btw, I don't think there is any evidence, nor any sane reason to think so, that these Oxford sex criminals raped anyone in the name of Allah.
[48.18] Certainly Allah was well pleased with the believers when they swore allegiance to you under the tree, and He knew what was in their hearts, so He sent down tranquility on them and rewarded them with a near victory, [48.19] And much booty that they will capture.
The British ruled, oppressed, victimized, and shit on the Indian Subcontinent for a hundred years. It is now payback time. I really don't have any pity for them.
Oh yeah, those evil 13 years old girls ruled, oppressed, victimized, and shit on the Indian Subcontinent for a hundred years. No pity for them!

TAs far as Germany (as I am understanding it, you are German?): about mid-20th century, Germany invited the Turks to Germany to do all the shit work the German people didn't want to do. Essentially, your purpose was to exploit cheap Turkish labor. It is also payback time. Again, no pity. Deal with it.
Crazy. They got wages German got and did jobs Germans did.

And, btw, I don't think there is any evidence, nor any sane reason to think so, that these Oxford sex criminals raped anyone in the name of Allah.
[48.18] Certainly Allah was well pleased with the believers when they swore allegiance to you under the tree, and He knew what was in their hearts, so He sent down tranquility on them and rewarded them with a near victory, [48.19] And much booty that they will capture.

I am not saying I have no pity for those 13 British girls; that is not my point, but I think you know that, if you were intellectually honest.

I have no pity for countries that used and abused other countries and then want to just walk away from it. Whenever I mention British imperialism to British people, they say, oh, that was a long time ago: it has nothing to do with today. Bullshit. It has everything to do with today. Same goes for Germany: you imported cheap labor in order to exploit those people, now you are dealing with the consequences.

I wonder how many Indian girls and women were sexually used, molested, and raped by their British rulers during the 100 years of occupation. More than 13 I'll wager.
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The "countries" weren't abducted, raped, sold.

And I don't think there is still an active slave trade among the upper echelons of brit society...there is among the upper echelons of Muslim society.
Yes, it does.

Of course, Muslims don't see it as such because they don't see their victims as fully human.
"Of the 17 countries that were given the "Tier 3" listing reserved for the worst offenders, nine were Muslim countries or countries with a large Muslim population from these two regions. Tier 3 countries are defined as those “whose governments do not fully comply with the minimum standards" of the Trafficking Victims Protection Reauthorization Act of 2008 and "are not making significant efforts to do so.”
"Muslim countries in the Middle East and north-central Africa lead the world in human trafficking, according to a new U.S. State Department report."

Breaking news! Muslim countries lead in human trafficking - Jihad Watch

"Jihad Watch is a blog affiliated with the David Horowitz Freedom Center, which is run independently by American author Robert Spencer.[2][3][4][5][6] It has been described as one of the main homes of the anti-Islamic, right-wing counterjihad movement on the internet.[7]" Wiki

Jihad Waqtch is an anti-Islamic, right wing blog site. Only a bigoted ignoramous would take anything they say seriously. Israli National News is also unbiased when it comes to Muslim countries.....not. How stupid to base your beliefs on such sites.

I've worked closely day in and day out with literally hundreds of Muslims, most from the top tier of Muslim society, including royal familes, and been in their homes and palaces dealing with them one to one. You have probably never even been outside of the US, and you are stupid enough to read and believe bullshit published by a site such as Jihad Watch. Enough said.
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Unfortunately for you, the information is taken from the State department.

But you go ahead and keep up your defense of Islamic human trafficking.

"Despite the global scope of human trafficking, Muslim countries disproportionately cope with the most severe violations of human trafficking and also struggle to enforce international standards prohibiting human trafficking. 9 According to the 2010 U.S. Department of State's Trafficking in Persons Report, almost half of the countries experiencing the most severe violations of trafficking are Muslim countries. 10"'l+%26+Comp.+L.+391&srctype=smi&srcid=3B15&key=f569b446b16591048be33bcba4d45108
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I am not saying I have no pity for those 13 British girls; that is not my point, but I think you know that, if you were intellectually honest.
This is not about 13 girls but thousands of girls abused by your friendly Muslim neighbours. Not to talk about the dark figure...

I have no pity for countries that used and abused other countries and then want to just walk away from it. Whenever I mention British imperialism to British people, they say, oh, that was a long time ago: it has nothing to do with today. Bullshit. It has everything to do with today. Same goes for Germany: you imported cheap labor in order to exploit those people, now you are dealing with the consequences.
Wrong again. We just had more work than people. What has that to do with exploiting?

I wonder how many Indian girls and women were sexually used, molested, and raped by their British rulers during the 100 years of occupation. More than 13 I'll wager.
Again, 13 is the age, I mentioned. And if you think some Muslims now may abuse British girls, because you think that Indian girls and women were abused by Brits, my answer is just this question: What´s your definition of justice?
The British ruled, oppressed, victimized, and shit on the Indian Subcontinent for a hundred years. It is now payback time. I really don't have any pity for them.
It must be nice to be able to find justification for such sick crimes.

I bet you cheered on 9/11 as the WTC towers fell. After all, the US was supposivly cruel to the Middle East, so 9/11 was justified payback, right?
The British ruled, oppressed, victimized, and shit on the Indian Subcontinent for a hundred years. It is now payback time. I really don't have any pity for them.
It must be nice to be able to find justification for such sick crimes.

I bet you cheered on 9/11 as the WTC towers fell. After all, the US was supposivly cruel to the Middle East, so 9/11 was justified payback, right?

I am not justifying or talking about justice or excusing anything: I am being realistic. When you do horrendous things to other people, there can be and often are consequences. This type of thing is a consequence of the past actions of European countries. The terrorism the US has to deal with is a consequence of our actions and policies. That is the reality. In the eyes of many peoples around the world, the US seems as evil to them as they do to us. If 3000 people were killed in 9/11 terrorism, how many people have been killed because of the actions, not of individuals but of US government policy, around the world? Get a broader perspective.

"I bet you cheered on 9/11 as the WTC towers fell." Only a sick, pathetic mind would concieve of such an idea. Shame on you.

I don't cheer anyone's suffering or death. But, based on what I have read on the threads on this message board, the conservatives do it all the time, with relish. When I say I have no pity, I mean I have no pity for the Western governments who occupied, oppressed and exploited people around the world for hundreds of years and are now dealing with the consequences of that. I do not relish the suffering of any human being.

No Man Is An Island

No man is an island,
Entire of itself.
Each is a piece of the continent,
A part of the main.
If a clod be washed away by the sea,
Europe is the less.
As well as if a promontory were.
As well as if a manor of thine own
Or of thine friend's were.
Each man's death diminishes me,
For I am involved in mankind.
Therefore, send not to know
For whom the bell tolls,
It tolls for thee.

John Donne
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There are four positive outcomes brought about by this verdict and other, on-going investigations into Muslim sex gangs that exclusively target white women.

Firstly, the suffering, humiliation and degredation these children have suffered has been brought to an end. And police are pursuing suspects they'd left alone for fear of being labelled a racist in the past.

Secondly, it draws the clamouring, hypocritical wailing from another form of filth: white liberals, like Esmerelda, who, desparate to win acceptance from the exotic people they've been fooled into believing they owe an apology, will turn on their own to convince their Third World buddies that they're down with the struggle.

Thirdly, it vindicates the man who was on the receiving end of the first real assault against free speech in Britain: Nick Griffin. Mr. Griffin is the leader of Britain's far-right party, the BNP, and warned against the threat of Muslim sex traffickers targeting white girls was back in 2001. And for speaking the truth, he went on trial for inciting racial hatred and was looking at seven years in a catagory A prison. Thankfully, he was found not guilty. And now his accusaers are being made to squirm after it's come to light that their 'suspect' was telling the truth all along, however uncomfortable that may have been for them and their agenda.

Lastly, but by no means least, it showcases liberal naivity and how, yet again, the asylum seekers and illegal immigrants they champion will ruthlessly betray them and pursue their own selfish agenda. They take advantage of liberals' naivity and missplaced trust, and prove once again that they're only interested in exploiting the system.
"I bet you cheered on 9/11 as the WTC towers fell." Only a sick, pathetic mind would concieve of such an idea. Shame on you.

You called this muslim rape business "payback" because of past indiscretions by Britain, so drop the fake outrage bullshit.
There are four positive outcomes brought about by this verdict and other, on-going investigations into Muslim sex gangs that exclusively target white women.

Firstly, the suffering, humiliation and degredation these children have suffered has been brought to an end. And police are pursuing suspects they'd left alone for fear of being labelled a racist in the past.

Secondly, it draws the clamouring, hypocritical wailing from another form of filth: white liberals, like Esmerelda, who, desparate to win acceptance from the exotic people they've been fooled into believing they owe an apology, will turn on their own to convince their Third World buddies that they're down with the struggle.

Thirdly, it vindicates the man who was on the receiving end of the first real assault against free speech in Britain: Nick Griffin. Mr. Griffin is the leader of Britain's far-right party, the BNP, and warned against the threat of Muslim sex traffickers targeting white girls was back in 2001. And for speaking the truth, he went on trial for inciting racial hatred and was looking at seven years in a catagory A prison. Thankfully, he was found not guilty. And now his accusaers are being made to squirm after it's come to light that their 'suspect' was telling the truth all along, however uncomfortable that may have been for them and their agenda.

Lastly, but by no means least, it showcases liberal naivity and how, yet again, the asylum seekers and illegal immigrants they champion will ruthlessly betray them and pursue their own selfish agenda. They take advantage of liberals' naivity and missplaced trust, and prove once again that they're only interested in exploiting the system.

I'm not filth and I am not desparate for anyone's acceptance. I don't need it and I don't think that way and never have. The difference between you and me is that I am not a hate monger and you are. And you are incredibly ignorant.

And again, explain to me the difference between Ariel Castro, who is a Christian, and these men. A sex criminal is a sex criminal. Religion has nothing to do with it. Explain the difference between the Ted Bundys of this world and these guys. Explain. Please explain it. You don't hate Ted Bundy and other white Christian male serial rapists and killers for being Christian and targeting vulnerable women. You don't hate Ariel Castro for being a Christian, though he also targed vulnerable women. These men also target vulnerable women. They are rapists. They are sex criminals. What they did has nothing to do with their religion. You focus on the idea of these men's religion when you don't do that with other sex offenders. You do that because you are a bigot and a hate monger. You are no better that the KKK.
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Some societies place such animals on chains linked to immovable posts out in the open sun on summer days sans provisions. If they last from moon to moon, they are set free. The catch-22 is that they're usually gone in 3 days of that kind of airing. Such treatment ensures that the necessity of doing it is rare, as in once per generation, saving countless people the grief they would have done if there were no consequences to doing such things.
You mean like the traditional Middle Eastern practice of chopping off the hands of a thief to prevent thievery? It wasn't too long ago that Europeans were doing similar things. And, of course, Americans are famous for their shoot-outs and lynchings.

I am all for the most effective methods of preventing barbarous outrages like rape. Crimes like that not only cause momentary anguish but can echo down the years with all sorts of unexpected consequences.

I just question whether remedies which involve revenge and torture are really effective. They also can have unexpected consequences which ultimately harm society and echo down the years. Just look at Hitler's and Stalin's and Mao's (and America's) methods of dealing with "crime".

A few years back, the state of Illinois found that 11% of the people on their death row did not do the crime for which they were accused. That's just the ones they could prove beyond a shadow of a doubt were innocent. We may not be as civil as we think in our self-assured little bubble America.
And that is just a tongue-tip taste of the evils of America's Prison Gulag system.

When a country, at any one time, has 3 million citizens -- one percent of its population -- caught in its prison system, then that is a pretty good indication that it is a profoundly sick and evil society.

At the height of Stalin's Terror, six million people were in concentration camps or other forms of incarceration and control. Today, the United States has three millions of its citizens in various levels of its Prison Gulag system.

Therefore, the United States is twice as good as Stalin's Russia.
· · :eek:
They do not represent the educated middle class. It's like taking the poor and uneducated people out of American ghettos and shipping them off to another country. They are going to behave as badly there as they do here. But they do not represent the vast majority of Americans, and you would resent it if everyone assumed they did.
Just look at the low moral and cultural levels of the people who went out of Europe to war and convert and found colonial empires.

Muslims have a particular penchant for human trafficking. You can explain it away all you like, but that's the long and short of it.
The Arabs have a long history of human trafficking and slavery.

But then, so do the Europeans and the Americans.
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