UK: 7 men convicted of sex crimes against girls

Just a minor nit pick: none of the Nazi imputations were stupid. However, I would like you to know that I do not derive any pleasure in calling you Nazi because if you are a Nazi then that means we have one more person in this world who needs to be dragged out of darkness and shown the light.
Don´t play the reasonable man. You try morbidly to brand me.

At first you refused to reply to that...
You were advocating extermination of all non-whites and their white supporters and sending their ashes back in packages to wherever they came from.
Of all non-whites? Was it even about color? And why do you take it that literally and that by your own definiton?
Today Nazi ideology is illegal in Germany. You should be careful about what you type unless you want German police knocking on your doors.
You have no idea about German law and what is illegal in Germany. However, it is not forbidden to be a Nazi in Germany. So even if I was a Nazi, I´d have nothing to fear, as long as my swastika flag can not be seen from outside through my windows or open door :cool:

Kidding aside. Freedom of speech reaches not as far in Germany as in the US, but the political correctness is not law here. And by the German anti-discrimination act I could sue you over your Nazi imputations.

...and here you are not even able to understand my irony in your drooling desire to point at me, as well as you interpret my other quotes just like you want to, shmock:
Here you are implying that all foreigners in Germany/Europe crave young 13-year olds:
No need to be sorry, becki. It´s my fault. My evil racism led to a Wutausbruch, and I am sorry that I have presented those peaceful foreigners, victims of sex-craving 13 years old white girls, as evil abusers. Can you forgive me?

Stop it!
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...and here you are not even able to understand my irony....
Bleipriester, don't expect Americans to understand irony -- particularly German irony!! · · :D

Raffiniert ist der Herr Gott, aber boshaft ist er nicht.
---Albert Einstein

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Just a minor nit pick: none of the Nazi imputations were stupid. However, I would like you to know that I do not derive any pleasure in calling you Nazi because if you are a Nazi then that means we have one more person in this world who needs to be dragged out of darkness and shown the light.
Don´t play the reasonable man. You try morbidly to brand me.

At first you refused to reply to that...
Of all non-whites? Was it even about color? And why do you take it that literally and that by your own definiton?

...and here you are not even able to understand my irony in your drooling desire to point at me, as well as you interpret my other quotes just like you want to, shmock:
Here you are implying that all foreigners in Germany/Europe crave young 13-year olds:
No need to be sorry, becki. It´s my fault. My evil racism led to a Wutausbruch, and I am sorry that I have presented those peaceful foreigners, victims of sex-craving 13 years old white girls, as evil abusers. Can you forgive me?

Stop it!

Why am I reminded of this when I see you and numan post:

[ame=""]Rotkäpchen Ultimatum Hänsel und Grätel.avi - YouTube[/ame]

Ah! Koshergrl has arrived!! Now all the mysteries will be explained!!

If we have faith. · · :D

No faith required, I will explain everything whether you want it or not.
Just a minor nit pick: none of the Nazi imputations were stupid. However, I would like you to know that I do not derive any pleasure in calling you Nazi because if you are a Nazi then that means we have one more person in this world who needs to be dragged out of darkness and shown the light.
Don´t play the reasonable man. You try morbidly to brand me.

At first you refused to reply to that...
Of all non-whites? Was it even about color? And why do you take it that literally and that by your own definiton?

...and here you are not even able to understand my irony in your drooling desire to point at me, as well as you interpret my other quotes just like you want to, shmock:
Here you are implying that all foreigners in Germany/Europe crave young 13-year olds:
No need to be sorry, becki. It´s my fault. My evil racism led to a Wutausbruch, and I am sorry that I have presented those peaceful foreigners, victims of sex-craving 13 years old white girls, as evil abusers. Can you forgive me?

Stop it!

Are you denying that you advocated mass murders of "them" aka muslims? You also mentioned something like "dark figure" aka dark skinned people. As I said earlier, I will be happy to learn that you are not a Nazi because world will be a better place with one less Nazi.
I think that even the so-called Nazi skinheads in Germany are not real Nazis (for one thing, it would require too much discipline and self-control !). Also, even the most uneducated Germans have some awareness of the evils the Nazis brought to Germany. I don't think they want to go back there again!! Of course, it doesn't mean that the skinheads can't be unpleasant, barbarous fools in their own right!!

Many of them, no doubt, are aware that they are caught up in a new type of totalitarian society that is both more intrusive and more sophisticated than the tyrannies of the past. They may have a curious nostalgia for a time in which the totalitarianism was much simpler. Alas, there may have been more breathing room in the Nazi Time, but it was also much cruder and more obviously violent.

As for Bleipriester, he may be rather confused and morose -- but that, after all, is the birthright of any German!!

You must realize his postings are very heavy with Germanic irony, which may not be very obvious to one who is not to the manner born.
...and here you are not even able to understand my irony....
Bleipriester, don't expect Americans to understand irony -- particularly German irony!! · · :D

Raffiniert ist der Herr Gott, aber boshaft ist er nicht.
---Albert Einstein

I cannot agree with you in that point. What has the general understanding of irony to do with the nationality?
Are you denying that you advocated mass murders of "them" aka muslims?
Oh, yes, I am! I don´t know how you draw your conclusions.

You also mentioned something like "dark figure" aka dark skinned people.
Are you really a native English speaking person? If yes, you nevertheless should visit an English course and learn some vocabulary. One forst step: Dark Figure:

"The dark figure of (or for) crime is a term employed by criminologists and sociologists to describe the amount of unreported or undiscovered crime, which calls into question the reliability of official crime statistics."
Dark figure of crime - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

But maybe you just skipped school and joined the Black Panthers, who knows, man! Instead of your language they teached you that all whites natively hate "darkies" and advocate their elimination.

As I said earlier, I will be happy to learn that you are not a Nazi because world will be a better place with one less Nazi.
Seen global, the world is a very crappy place already...
I cannot agree with you in that point. What has the general understanding of irony to do with the nationality?
Good grief, Bleipriester, EVERYTHING!!

As a native Californian, raised surrounded by the "dark figures" of Hollywood and the crudities of American brainwashing, irony for me most naturally involves, with a straight face, piling one outrageous statement upon another, until they all collapse like a mountain avalanche on those who don't understand the humour.

At the other extreme, English humour reaches its apotheosis when it is not understood at all, except by the ironist himself and, perhaps, a few choice intelligences.

Germanic humour (with some sterling exceptions, like Christian Morgenstern) tends to be ponderous, slow-moving and comprehensive. The flighty English mind, in general, does not have the patience or depth to understand it.

One of my favourite examples of German humour and irony is the short story, "The Universal Library," by Kurd Laßwitz, from just over a hundred years ago. You can find it here:

Die Universalbibliothek

Ah! If those super-refined and sophisticated spirits had only known what was going to happen to their beloved German culture !!

I don't know why people like you worry about the fate of Europe. European civilization ended in 1914. We all are like people living in the Dark Ages, in the ruins of Rome after its collapse in 476 AD. Perhaps there is a new civilization that will arise on the ashes of ours, but we barbarians shall not live to see it.

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Are you denying that you advocated mass murders of "them" aka muslims?
Oh, yes, I am! I don´t know how you draw your conclusions.

You also mentioned something like "dark figure" aka dark skinned people.
Are you really a native English speaking person? If yes, you nevertheless should visit an English course and learn some vocabulary. One forst step: Dark Figure:

"The dark figure of (or for) crime is a term employed by criminologists and sociologists to describe the amount of unreported or undiscovered crime, which calls into question the reliability of official crime statistics."
Dark figure of crime - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

But maybe you just skipped school and joined the Black Panthers, who knows, man! Instead of your language they teached you that all whites natively hate "darkies" and advocate their elimination.

As I said earlier, I will be happy to learn that you are not a Nazi because world will be a better place with one less Nazi.
Seen global, the world is a very crappy place already...

Making sense out of your posts was a daunting task. As I said, I am glad you are not proposing mass murder of innocent humans just because of their skin color.

No, English is not my first language. I commend you for noticing that.
No, English is not my first language. I commend you for noticing that.
Well, I didn't notice it, and I usually pick up on linguistic anomalies.

If English is not your native language, then I must commend you for your command of the language.
^ Thanks for the compliment! I have been in the US for about 20 years or so. This gave me plenty of opportunity to learn the language.

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