UK car insurance cost up by third but just 2% in France

Payouts rise by 12%
Charges rise by 33%
Any reasonable person would look at that and see there was profiteeringg.
Its a clear sign that the market isnt working.
I suspect that the bosses of these companies meet in a darkened room every year and decide what they can steal from us.
"Darkened room" my eye! They meet in Saint Tropez under the beautiful French sun with beautiful French women and gleefully congratulate one another on what they have agreed to do to those poor fools whose governments require them to give money to private businesses.
"Darkened room" my eye! They meet in Saint Tropez under the beautiful French sun with beautiful French women and gleefully congratulate one another on what they have agreed to do to those poor fools whose governments require them to give money to private businesses.
My problem isnt with the concept. Its the lack of consumer protection.
25% of drivers are uninsured or unlicensed + illegals cant afford $500/mo min liability insurance.

so we decent law abiding folk are forced to buy uninsured motirist coverage + registration and smog check costs. the scofflaws apparently have none of it.

Alabama: 19.5% Arkansas: 19.3% District of Columbia: 19.1% California: 16.6%

Unlicensed driving
is a significant problem in California. The Los Angeles Times estimates that there are about 2 million unlicensed drivers – the vast majority of whom are undocumented immigrants.

many drivers actually drive with driving privelege permanently Revoked. More than 400,000 Californians had their driver’s licenses reinstated last month after an appeals court ruled that the state was illegally penalizing people who failed to appear in court on costly traffic tickets.
Why would one think that cropping out over-paid CEOs and stockholders would cause a product to cost more?
Feel free to show any government run system to have actually lowered costs while keeping the same level of care.

Everything government touches they fuck up because they have no consequences for failure.
Feel free to show any government run system to have actually lowered costs while keeping the same level of care.

Everything government touches they fuck up because they have no consequences for failure.
That is an impossible comparison, so you maintain an unassailable position. Congratulations.
Just for interest, where do defense, police, firefighting, road building, licensing, etc., etc. fit into this genre of thinking?
Surely, government should be the smallest and lightest possible. Equally surely, private enterprise can only be counted upon to profit.
That is an impossible comparison, so you maintain an unassailable position. Congratulations.
Just for interest, where do defense, police, firefighting, road building, licensing, etc., etc. fit into this genre of thinking?
Surely, government should be the smallest and lightest possible. Equally surely, private enterprise can only be counted upon to profit.
Show me a road building project that came in on time, and under budget if government was involved.

I can tell you one time that it happened.

After the Northridge quake, the government said fix the highways, we will pay a bonus for every day you get it done under deadline, and then they stayed out of it.

Up in the SF Bay area they did the opposite. Government was in everyone's business, and the result is there are still roads and freeways that have never been repaired or replaced.

The military is a shambles now thanks to political meddling. You think Boeing is bad? The Airforce has dropped to a slightly above 50% readiness rate for its aircraft.

So yeah, when government gets involved, they screw everything up.
Straw man. Govt should protect us from profiteers. That is done thru regulation.
Nope. That's the standard socialist excuse, but it's pure horseshit. Government protects us from theft and fraud. We protect ourselves from "profiteers".
Nope. That's the standard socialist excuse, but it's pure horseshit. Government protects us from theft and fraud. We protect ourselves from "profiteers".
Not when they are operating a cartel.
Straw man. Govt should protect us from profiteers. That is done thru regulation.
Minimum wage increases, contributions due to We're All In pension, pay rises due to cost of living from COVID lockdowns, to pay for any costs due to implementing any regulatory changes etc...

I Durance claims pushes up the cost of insurance in general, even if those events were not directly motor vehicle related etc..
Minimum wage increases, contributions due to We're All In pension, pay rises due to cost of living from COVID lockdowns, to pay for any costs due to implementing any regulatory changes etc...

I Durance claims pushes up the cost of insurance in general, even if those events were not directly motor vehicle related etc..
All of those in the 12% increase. What about the other 21% ?
All of those in the 12% increase. What about the other 21% ?
Ask them.

Do you honestly believe all the underwriters sit down together and all the brokers sit down together to come up with insurance prices?

This thread wants moved downstairs to the conspiracy section. I know you're a right fucking thicko, but you're pushing the boat out.

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