UK convert to Islam: “I can’t love my mum because she’s not Muslim”


Senior Member
Aug 12, 2014
A wanted terror suspect from London who claims not to love his own mother because she is not a Muslim has posted a photo of himself in Syria – posing with an AK47 gun and his newborn baby.

Siddhartha Dhar, 31, was one of nine men who were held under suspicion due to their alleged links with the radical hate preacher Anjem Choudary and the banned radical group, al-Muhajiroun in September.

Known by the nom de guerre, Abu Rumaysah, Dhar had been made to hand over his travel documents to police, in an attempt to prevent him leaving Britain.

Less than 24 hours after he was released on bail, Dhar took a bus to Paris with his pregnant wife and four young children. The family then travelled on to Syria, where they joined the Islamic State.

Dhar was interviewed by CBS News’ 60 Minutes programme earlier this month, telling presenter Clarissa Wards that he was unable to love his mother because she was not a Muslim.

It is understood that Dhar is of Indian origin and was raised a Hindu before converting to Islam.

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The more I read such stories, the more I feel like we have an epidemic. An epidemic of radical Islamisation. More and more people suddenly decide they devoted followers of Mohammed and start acting crazy… And you know what? I don’t like it, don’t like it all. It’s like we are at the edge of some crucial changes in the world history, and these changes don’t seem to be pleasant. Who would like radical Islam to take over the world? I wouldn’t…
He should be kind to her and reach out to her to see if she is willing to accept Islam.

Yeah that's a good idea, then she can pick up an AK47 and join him in his terrorist activities. I bet she cannot wait.
The "epidemic" in today's world is the fear of speaking out about basic values, the importance of heterosexual marriage, of traditional families, of Christian/Judaic/Mormon/Protestant/Pagan/Etc. culture... or even speaking of the simple value of life itself.

For in so speaking, we have of late incurred the wrath of those who tell us that we are wrong for wanting to preserve OUR ways of life and worship.

And it suddenly has happened that WE are the oppressors and that the breakdown of society itself is the norm.

Murder of the person will never murder a culture's Faith or way of life. Judaism lives on despite the extermination of millions. Christianity lives on despite their own murder. And on and on it goes...

Muslims and their faith in Islam can never and will never extinguish all others, nor will it EVER conquer the world.

The truly sick mother fuckers of this planet are by far in the minority. And therein shall they languish.

Be strong in yourselves, be it by Faith or will alone. But by all means, be yourselves and defend your right to be yourself.
Abu Hurairah was a close companion of Prophet Muhammad; he is credited with remembering and transmitting many of the Prophets’ sayings. The life of Abu Hurairah also contains many demonstrations of his love and devotion to his mother.
When he first embraced Islam, no amount of pleading could convince his mother to do the same. Weeping and afraid, Abu Hurairah approached the Prophet and begged him to make supplication to God asking that his mother be guided. Prophet Muhammad complied with this request and within a very short period of time Abu Hurairah’s mother uttered the words, “There is no God but God and Muhammad is his slave and Messenger”, thus embracing Islam.
This gentleness and affection between Abu Hurairah and his mother teaches us that mutual respect and love is a duty. A Muslim is obliged to show respect towards parents even if they are non-Muslim, and the greatest love he can show towards them is to supplicate to God in hope that they will be guided to Islam. At the time of the Prophet, many of those who embraced Islam found that it conflicted with the beliefs and requests of their parents, but they were taught to be kind and to obey their parents, except if the parents demanded they disobey God.

But if they (both) strive with you to make you join in worship with Me others that of which you have no knowledge, then obey them not, but behave with them in the world kindly, and follow the path of him who turns to Me in repentance and in obedience. Then to Me will be your return, and I shall tell you what you used to do.” (Quran 31:15)​

Being dutiful to parents, obeying them and treating them with kindness is embedded in the teachings of Islam, however obedience to God is always the first and foremost duty in Islam.
All religion is a load of old bollocks, Ive loved quite a few mums in my single days.........does that count?
A wanted terror suspect from London who claims not to love his own mother because she is not a Muslim has posted a photo of himself in Syria – posing with an AK47 gun and his newborn baby.

Siddhartha Dhar, 31, was one of nine men who were held under suspicion due to their alleged links with the radical hate preacher Anjem Choudary and the banned radical group, al-Muhajiroun in September.

Known by the nom de guerre, Abu Rumaysah, Dhar had been made to hand over his travel documents to police, in an attempt to prevent him leaving Britain.

Less than 24 hours after he was released on bail, Dhar took a bus to Paris with his pregnant wife and four young children. The family then travelled on to Syria, where they joined the Islamic State.

Dhar was interviewed by CBS News’ 60 Minutes programme earlier this month, telling presenter Clarissa Wards that he was unable to love his mother because she was not a Muslim.

It is understood that Dhar is of Indian origin and was raised a Hindu before converting to Islam.

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The more I read such stories, the more I feel like we have an epidemic. An epidemic of radical Islamisation. More and more people suddenly decide they devoted followers of Mohammed and start acting crazy… And you know what? I don’t like it, don’t like it all. It’s like we are at the edge of some crucial changes in the world history, and these changes don’t seem to be pleasant. Who would like radical Islam to take over the world? I wouldn’t…
A wanted terror suspect from London who claims not to love his own mother because she is not a Muslim has posted a photo of himself in Syria – posing with an AK47 gun and his newborn baby.

Siddhartha Dhar, 31, was one of nine men who were held under suspicion due to their alleged links with the radical hate preacher Anjem Choudary and the banned radical group, al-Muhajiroun in September.

Known by the nom de guerre, Abu Rumaysah, Dhar had been made to hand over his travel documents to police, in an attempt to prevent him leaving Britain.

Less than 24 hours after he was released on bail, Dhar took a bus to Paris with his pregnant wife and four young children. The family then travelled on to Syria, where they joined the Islamic State.

Dhar was interviewed by CBS News’ 60 Minutes programme earlier this month, telling presenter Clarissa Wards that he was unable to love his mother because she was not a Muslim.

It is understood that Dhar is of Indian origin and was raised a Hindu before converting to Islam.

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The more I read such stories, the more I feel like we have an epidemic. An epidemic of radical Islamisation. More and more people suddenly decide they devoted followers of Mohammed and start acting crazy… And you know what? I don’t like it, don’t like it all. It’s like we are at the edge of some crucial changes in the world history, and these changes don’t seem to be pleasant. Who would like radical Islam to take over the world? I wouldn’t…

Well, golly. I’m guessing we can all agree that this article simply relates an isolated incident™ from a radical violent extremist™ who doesn't understand that Islam is really the Religion of Peace™.

We Westerners have this quaint notion that people such as outlined in the article are "radicals" or somehow outside of the cult doctrines of Islamism. Per islamist cult doctrine, the person outlined in the article is definitely not insane. Splodeydopes who car bomb children in Iraq aren’t insane. Osama bin Laden, Abu Musab al-Zarqawi, the nineteen 9/11 fiends, Ahmed Yassin, Abdullah Azzam, et al.—not one of them insane. We are bewildered by their insane deeds of barbaric violence because we can't understand how anyone in their right mind could do such things. Such things are done with the cool and deliberate assurance that muhammud (swish) will be pleased.

But let’s remember, when you're on a holy, homicidal mission from muhammud (swish), you need not concern yourself with material things or even having a conscience as to the results of your actions. All you need is the faith that you’re carrying out the will of the god of Islamism: Mo' (swish).
Abu Hurairah was a close companion of Prophet Muhammad; he is credited with remembering and transmitting many of the Prophets’ sayings. The life of Abu Hurairah also contains many demonstrations of his love and devotion to his mother.
When he first embraced Islam, no amount of pleading could convince his mother to do the same. Weeping and afraid, Abu Hurairah approached the Prophet and begged him to make supplication to God asking that his mother be guided. Prophet Muhammad complied with this request and within a very short period of time Abu Hurairah’s mother uttered the words, “There is no God but God and Muhammad is his slave and Messenger”, thus embracing Islam.
This gentleness and affection between Abu Hurairah and his mother teaches us that mutual respect and love is a duty. A Muslim is obliged to show respect towards parents even if they are non-Muslim, and the greatest love he can show towards them is to supplicate to God in hope that they will be guided to Islam. At the time of the Prophet, many of those who embraced Islam found that it conflicted with the beliefs and requests of their parents, but they were taught to be kind and to obey their parents, except if the parents demanded they disobey God.

But if they (both) strive with you to make you join in worship with Me others that of which you have no knowledge, then obey them not, but behave with them in the world kindly, and follow the path of him who turns to Me in repentance and in obedience. Then to Me will be your return, and I shall tell you what you used to do.” (Quran 31:15)​

Being dutiful to parents, obeying them and treating them with kindness is embedded in the teachings of Islam, however obedience to God is always the first and foremost duty in Islam.

Well, then, the one who converted him should have made sure to know those things. This individual is probably just stupid.

One should not be overly smart to know that your mama should be respected.
How tragic that this man has been taught that he must hate his own blood. I pity him. He is truly lost
He should be grateful that his mother does not want him to strap on a bomb and blow himself up for Allah, as so many Palestinian mothers do. If my mother had wanted me to do that I would have left home a lot sooner.

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