UK Court Recognises Sharia Law


Gold Member
Sep 30, 2014
Sharia law has been recognised by a British court for the first time in a divorce case, raising significant legal and social implications.

The Australian
speaking of Death of a Nation

the irony, the UK used to rule these people and now they are about to become their subjects.

damn, I thought the muslims would have to resort to all out war to get their way, but no, the left is simply going to give it over to them.
Sharia law has been recognised by a British court for the first time in a divorce case, raising significant legal and social implications.

The Australian

I don't care what the UK does. If they want to give their nation over to Sharia, let them. Here is my only concern. When it all goes to crap, and it will, I don't want to bail them out. I don't want our military to go over there and dig them out of a grave of their own making, after the display their people put on for Trump recently and after their people have been disparaging us for decades now.

These are no allies of ours. They made their bed, they can lie in it.
Sharia law has been recognised by a British court for the first time in a divorce case, raising significant legal and social implications.

The Australian

I don't care what the UK does. If they want to give their nation over to Sharia, let them. Here is my only concern. When it all goes to crap, and it will, I don't want to bail them out. I don't want our military to go over there and dig them out of a grave of their own making, after the display their people put on for Trump recently and after their people have been disparaging us for decades now.

These are no allies of ours. They made their bed, they can lie in it.
Sharia law has been recognised by a British court for the first time in a divorce case, raising significant legal and social implications.

The Australian

I don't care what the UK does. If they want to give their nation over to Sharia, let them. Here is my only concern. When it all goes to crap, and it will, I don't want to bail them out. I don't want our military to go over there and dig them out of a grave of their own making, after the display their people put on for Trump recently and after their people have been disparaging us for decades now.

These are no allies of ours. They made their bed, they can lie in it.

This is a World Cultural War. What we're seeing in Europe is currently the cultural equivalent of a D-Day invasion by a hostile force of immeasurable significance to the future of the survival of the traditional Old World. The Crusades in reverse but on a much larger scale, with London trading historical roles with Jerusalem. Took them over 700 years, but the tides have risen, the die is cast, and their bridge to conquest has been Political Correctness. What the scimitar could never have achieved, cultural self-flagellation is accomplishing.

Militarily speaking, I do not foresee U.S. direct intervention. We're talking millions, and possibly, tens of millions of refugees imminently occupying Old World soil within the next several years. You just can't fight that kind human wave invasion with force of arms, without also killing the native population. Policy change is one thing. How do you deport tens of millions of people without causing the biggest humanitarian crisis in world history? But by that point, they will likely occupy all political offices that count, majority in the military ranks, and equal if not majority of the population.

It's a hell of a thing, and it's been happening here in US for at least two decades sans the religious extremism--although the Narco-Religion of our friends to the south is quite similar. The final chapter for most of Europe might already be written.
Jews have had Rabbinical civil courts called, "Beth Din" here in America for decades. Basically, it's a religion based arbitration court in which both parties agree to abide by the courts decision. The court only judges civil matters such as divorce and financial disputes.

This is the same as the Sharia Law civil courts. Where civil disputes between Muslim people are arbitrated based on religion.

Neither the Jewish or Muslim religious courts deal with criminal cases. ... :cool:
Jews have had Rabbinical civil courts called, "Beth Din" here in America for decades. Basically, it's a religion based arbitration court in which both parties agree to abide by the courts decision. The court only judges civil matters such as divorce and financial disputes.

This is the same as the Sharia Law civil courts. Where civil disputes between Muslim people are arbitrated based on religion.

Neither the Jewish or Muslim religious courts deal with criminal cases. ... :cool:
Let me guess, you're ok with sharia law courst dispossessing women, right?
Sharia law has been recognised by a British court for the first time in a divorce case, raising significant legal and social implications.

The Australian

I don't care what the UK does. If they want to give their nation over to Sharia, let them. Here is my only concern. When it all goes to crap, and it will, I don't want to bail them out. I don't want our military to go over there and dig them out of a grave of their own making, after the display their people put on for Trump recently and after their people have been disparaging us for decades now.

These are no allies of ours. They made their bed, they can lie in it.
Not to worry, I bet we can find millions of Americans to go over there and kick the shit out of Muslims. :biggrin:
One of the problems with the Muslims taking over Europe is that many of those nations have nukes.
If the crazy Muslims get control of a nation and their nukes it's a huge danger for all of humanity.
BTW, why the hell do the Left Wingers adore Islam so much?

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probably because 'islam' is anti Western . Remember the lefty chant of ' hey hey , ho ho Western Civ has got to go back in the 60s . And , what woulda happened with the muslim invasion of the USA had 'hilary' been elected . I see Trump as being the WALL as far as 'muslims' go but what happens when he is gone . And good point about 'muslims' filling military and police ranks and many or all political offices [see london-istans ] muslim mayor . And yeah , then the Nukes Trog .
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Sharia law has been recognised by a British court for the first time in a divorce case, raising significant legal and social implications.

The Australian

I don't care what the UK does. If they want to give their nation over to Sharia, let them. Here is my only concern. When it all goes to crap, and it will, I don't want to bail them out. I don't want our military to go over there and dig them out of a grave of their own making, after the display their people put on for Trump recently and after their people have been disparaging us for decades now.

These are no allies of ours. They made their bed, they can lie in it.
Not to worry, I bet we can find millions of Americans to go over there and kick the shit out of Muslims. :biggrin:
-------------------------------------- i'm thinking , why would i want to ?? Brits seem to have lost the sense of self preservation and wanting to keep what they have or had TAZ .
Sharia law has been recognised by a British court for the first time in a divorce case, raising significant legal and social implications.

The Australian

I don't care what the UK does. If they want to give their nation over to Sharia, let them. Here is my only concern. When it all goes to crap, and it will, I don't want to bail them out. I don't want our military to go over there and dig them out of a grave of their own making, after the display their people put on for Trump recently and after their people have been disparaging us for decades now.

These are no allies of ours. They made their bed, they can lie in it.
Not to worry, I bet we can find millions of Americans to go over there and kick the shit out of Muslims. :biggrin:
-------------------------------------- i'm thinking , why would i want to ?? Brits seem to have lost the sense of self preservation and wanting to keep what they have or had TAZ .
Ya, but when our friends got attacked and invaded by the Nazis, we kicked butt to help them out.
Sharia law has been recognised by a British court for the first time in a divorce case, raising significant legal and social implications.

The Australian

Britain now supports oppression of women. And the libs here in the U.S. are no smarter. Muslims cannot separate church and state because Islam is their government. It is downright dangerous to freedom and liberty to allow them to migrate and impose their own government. They don't like gays. Women and children are considered property. They are allowed to not only deny women freedoms but are also allowed to beat them. Children, especially boys, get raped. It's their culture and they are taking it with them where ever they go. And the liberals cheer them on and welcome them with open arms. Islam and leftist ideology are opposite. When will they understand that?


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