UK Heatwave Is Fake

The rumors have started. Apparently it is a conspiracy. The ones trying to scam us have a plan to bring the heat down toward the end of summer into a more moderate range of temperatures by autumn. And then — get this — evidently they plan on making it cold during the winter months! 😮
Historically does matter. Those who have done the worst harm arguably should need to pay the most to stop it. I am not sure what you expect anyone here to be able to do about China. For a while they were being allowed to continue to use things like coal just because they were slow starters and I think they are still going by their promises made then. In fact much of the IPCC work is simply nowhere near enough. The idea of letting them cut down forests for the next 8 years for instance is ridiculous. The Amazon will be gone by then.
Historically doesn't matter because the planet is able to heal itself. What we pumped out over the last 200 years has little or no effect to the way the climate is today. What the Chinese are pumping out now is what should matter. Not to mention all of the pollution that's coming from India, Pakistan....dumping tons of plastic into our oceans. 3rd world countries are the worst polluters. America has already cleaned up their act and we're waiting on Russia, China, and North Korea to catch up.....which they never will.

Historically doesn't matter because the planet is able to heal itself. What we pumped out over the last 200 years has little or no effect to the way the climate is today. What the Chinese are pumping out now is what should matter. Not to mention all of the pollution that's coming from India, Pakistan....dumping tons of plastic into our oceans. 3rd world countries are the worst polluters. America has already cleaned up their act and we're waiting on Russia, China, and North Korea to catch up.....which they never will.

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Fine, I will know not to waste time with you again, well certainly concerning climate change. What you have said there is frankly bullshit but I imagine you are well aware of that.
As I'm writing this...the current temp in London is 74 degrees at 5pm. The highest temp this week might reach 82....but they're claiming to be in a heatwave when the temps for the most part won't reach 78 degrees. This is normal weather for this time of year in the UK. 30 years ago I was in London on the 4th of July and the average temp was 74 degrees and it rained several times while I was there.

Current weather in London UK

I just decided to pick an American city and look at record temps.

I picked Columbus, Ohio at random and found a site that showed climate records.

10 highest recorded temperatures at Columbus Area, Ohio (CMHthr)​

I would have thought that with all this Global Warming that at least a few of the all time highs would be in the last decade.

So I tried Tampa, Fl

10 highest recorded temperatures at Tampa Area, Florida (TPAthr)​

10 highest recorded temperatures at Reno Area, Nevada (RNOthr)​

10 highest recorded temperatures at Pittsburgh Area, Pennsylvania (PITthr)​

Fine, I will know not to waste time with you again, well certainly concerning climate change. What you have said there is frankly bullshit but I imagine you are well aware of that.
The only reason you think it's BS is because you've been conditioned to think that 3rd world countries (brown people) can't pollute like white people. But one of my jobs when I was in the military was training these people how to keep from trashing the planet and teaching them how to live in a sanitary manner.
I've been all around the world....and the primary reason a society is clean is because they use common-sense and use their money wisely rather than throwing it away. Communists think that the environment isn't important.....but they learned to use conservation and the environment against Capitalist countries.
because i set you straight?....what 2 dummies told you that?.....geezus flan dont be so fucking stupid.....160 degrees lol.....
If FRAN could avoid being so fucking stupid, s/he might try.

It turns out (shhhhhh) there IS a difference between Celsius and Fahrenheit! True story.
Fine, I will know not to waste time with you again, well certainly concerning climate change. What you have said there is frankly bullshit but I imagine you are well aware of that.
Its a partisan political thing for most of these idiots. Oil and coal invest heavily in GOP politicians so any criticism is seen as communism.

That is the level they operate on.
Its a partisan political thing for most of these idiots. Oil and coal invest heavily in GOP politicians so any criticism is seen as communism.

That is the level they operate on.
I have been shocked at how easy it is to get someone to believe propaganda....and of course Americans still have reds under the bed. I just don't get it. It sounds like it is the same as those with very little supporting the 0.1%
have thought that with all this Global Warming that at least a few of the all time highs would be in the last decade
Then you don't understand the most basic of concepts regarding climate change and should not even be commenting on it.
Its a partisan political thing for most of these idiots. Oil and coal invest heavily in GOP politicians so any criticism is seen as communism.

That is the level they operate on.
China and Russia invested heavily in the Democrat Party. Our enemies have found that Democrats will take their bribes with glee.
Then you don't understand the most basic of concepts regarding climate change and should not even be commenting on it.
But of course you are an expert on the subject as you have studied all the propaganda on it.

But of course you are an expert on the subject as you have studied all the propaganda on it.
It doesn't take an expert to know the basics amd to know you have no idea what youvare talking about and are making up lied. And what the scientists say is not propaganda.

Nice links. We both know you didn't read a single word of any of those articles. You somehow think spamming links to articles you never read gives you more credibility.

It doesn't . It does the opposite.
It doesn't take an expert to know the basics amd to know you have no idea what youvare talking about and are making up lied. And what the scientists say is not propaganda.

Nice links. We both know you didn't read a single word of any of those articles. You somehow think spamming links to articles you never read gives you more credibility.

It doesn't . It does the opposite.
Nope. Look I can’t help that you move your lips when you read.

You need to take a course on speed reading.

Nope. Look I can’t help that you move your lips when you read.

You need to take a course on speed reading.

Oh look, more links you never read a single word of.

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