UK let HK go and as history has shown, they buckle to strong leaders. Now China Supports Argentina’s Claim to UN Sovereignty | World


Diamond Member
Aug 6, 2012
I feel for all those strong proud Brits of the past. Some old enough to have watched their weak leaders like Chamberlain allow the rise of the German monster, only to have Churchill, the poor solider with plenty of help from America, save their island. The elites rarely have a clue, then as in now. They always sell principles of others out until they feel they are next then they espouse them.

As I predicted, giving up Hong Kong with China is now going to ensure that China is more brazen and aggressive. They will eventually invade Taiwan, after they do their best to control the next leader there. In the meantime they will go about the world demanding the return of old lands due to "colonialism". This word is also getting much play in the anti-American media in the West.

One by one, they will divide and conquer. Until Western Values and power no longer exist. First HK, a virus that destroys the worlds economies and kills millions, soon the Olympics and further global expansion. Eventually even local citizens will see that the writing is on the wall and their former leaders are too weak to defend their interests and they will just invite China to control their lives.

Geng Shuang, Permanent Representative of Beijing to the UN, delivered a speech to the UN Special Committee on Decolonization. He urged Britain to “start dialogue and negotiations” with Argentina, which could see the islands ceded.

In 1982, Argentina invaded the Falklands, which it calls the Islas Malvinas, and neighboring South Georgia.
The UK retaliated, recapturing the two territories in a war that left nearly 1,000 dead.
Relations between Beijing and London have deteriorated dramatically over the past two years, with the two powers clashing over trade, Hong Kong and human rights.

Mr. Shuang said, “China has always maintained that territorial disputes between countries should be resolved through peaceful negotiations in accordance with the purposes and principles of the United Nations Charter.

“We hope that Britain will actively respond to Argentina’s request, enter into dialogue and negotiations as soon as possible with a view to finding a peaceful, just and lasting solution in accordance with the relevant UN resolutions. ”
In 1965, the United Nations General Assembly passed Resolution 2065, which asserted that the Falkland Islands dispute is a colonial situation.

The UK’s claim to the islands is supported by its 3,000 inhabitants, who overwhelmingly want to remain British.
In 2013, 99.8% of Falkland Islanders who voted supported their status as a British Overseas Territory.
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I feel for all those strong proud Brits of the past. Some old enough to have watched their weak leaders like Chamberlain allow the rise of the German monster, only to have Churchill, the poor solider with plenty of help from America, save their island. The elites rarely have a clue, then as in now.

As I predicted, giving up Hong Kong with China is now going to ensure that China is more brazen and aggressive. They will eventually invade Taiwan, after they do their best to control the next leader there. In the meantime they will go about the world demanding the return of old lands due to "colonialism". This word is also getting much play in the anti-American media in the West.

One by one, they will divide and conquer. Until Western Values and power no longer exist. First HK, a virus that destroys the worlds economies and kills millions, soon the Olympics and further global expansion. Eventually even local citizens will see that the writing is on the wall and their former leaders are too weak to defend their interests and they will just invite China to control their lives.

Geng Shuang, Permanent Representative of Beijing to the UN, delivered a speech to the UN Special Committee on Decolonization. He urged Britain to “start dialogue and negotiations” with Argentina, which could see the islands ceded.

In 1982, Argentina invaded the Falklands, which it calls the Islas Malvinas, and neighboring South Georgia.
The UK retaliated, recapturing the two territories in a war that left nearly 1,000 dead.
Relations between Beijing and London have deteriorated dramatically over the past two years, with the two powers clashing over trade, Hong Kong and human rights.

Mr. Shuang said, “China has always maintained that territorial disputes between countries should be resolved through peaceful negotiations in accordance with the purposes and principles of the United Nations Charter.

“We hope that Britain will actively respond to Argentina’s request, enter into dialogue and negotiations as soon as possible with a view to finding a peaceful, just and lasting solution in accordance with the relevant UN resolutions. ”
In 1965, the United Nations General Assembly passed Resolution 2065, which asserted that the Falkland Islands dispute is a colonial situation.

The UK’s claim to the islands is supported by its 3,000 inhabitants, who overwhelmingly want to remain British.
In 2013, 99.8% of Falkland Islanders who voted supported their status as a British Overseas Territory.
Hong Kong was on a 99 year (common) lease to the UK which expired in 1997 and CCP chose not to renew the lease.
Hong Kong was on a 99 year (common) lease to the UK which expired in 1997 and CCP choose not to renew the lease.

Joe Biden's masters signed a treaty to let Hong Kong operate as a autonomous region until 2047. Communist China violated that treaty, an act of war. But Britain has fallen to the Muzzie Beasts and has no will, nor ability to fight anymore. They are a fallen empire. As America soon will be.
I feel for all those strong proud Brits of the past. Some old enough to have watched their weak leaders like Chamberlain allow the rise of the German monster, only to have Churchill, the poor solider with plenty of help from America, save their island. The elites rarely have a clue, then as in now.

As I predicted, giving up Hong Kong with China is now going to ensure that China is more brazen and aggressive. They will eventually invade Taiwan, after they do their best to control the next leader there. In the meantime they will go about the world demanding the return of old lands due to "colonialism". This word is also getting much play in the anti-American media in the West.

One by one, they will divide and conquer. Until Western Values and power no longer exist. First HK, a virus that destroys the worlds economies and kills millions, soon the Olympics and further global expansion. Eventually even local citizens will see that the writing is on the wall and their former leaders are too weak to defend their interests and they will just invite China to control their lives.

Geng Shuang, Permanent Representative of Beijing to the UN, delivered a speech to the UN Special Committee on Decolonization. He urged Britain to “start dialogue and negotiations” with Argentina, which could see the islands ceded.

In 1982, Argentina invaded the Falklands, which it calls the Islas Malvinas, and neighboring South Georgia.
The UK retaliated, recapturing the two territories in a war that left nearly 1,000 dead.
Relations between Beijing and London have deteriorated dramatically over the past two years, with the two powers clashing over trade, Hong Kong and human rights.

Mr. Shuang said, “China has always maintained that territorial disputes between countries should be resolved through peaceful negotiations in accordance with the purposes and principles of the United Nations Charter.

“We hope that Britain will actively respond to Argentina’s request, enter into dialogue and negotiations as soon as possible with a view to finding a peaceful, just and lasting solution in accordance with the relevant UN resolutions. ”
In 1965, the United Nations General Assembly passed Resolution 2065, which asserted that the Falkland Islands dispute is a colonial situation.

The UK’s claim to the islands is supported by its 3,000 inhabitants, who overwhelmingly want to remain British.
In 2013, 99.8% of Falkland Islanders who voted supported their status as a British Overseas Territory.
Hong Kong was on a 99 year (common) lease to the UK which expired in 1997 and CCP chose not to renew the lease.

China agreed to allow Hong Kong to be self run until 2047 with the Sino-British Joint Agreement which they signed when UK gave HK back to China two years early in 1997.

The Sino-British Joint Declaration, stipulated that Hong Kong would remain governmentally unchanged for a period of 50 years - that Hong Kong's democratic freedoms and capitalist economy would remain untouched by the PRC until 2047.

HK is now just the same as Mainland China which is why thousands have fled to the UK, a mass rush came on July 1st as it was the last day of flights to the UK without potential delays.
Hong Kong was on a 99 year (common) lease to the UK which expired in 1997 and CCP choose not to renew the lease.

Joe Biden's masters signed a treaty to let Hong Kong operate as a autonomous region until 2047. Communist China violated that treaty, an act of war. But Britain has fallen to the Muzzie Beasts and has no will, nor ability to fight anymore. They are a fallen empire. As America soon will be.

It's why I've been sounding the alarm to Americans for some time, the West desperately needs a strong, vibrant U.S Empire. Many in the world do NOT want this, as they see your Constitution, liberty and domestic strength as a threat to their global power grab.

Don't look to Canada and the U.K, they have many who are China First in positions of power at different levels of government. These nations are sadly in steep decline due to massive domestic policing and a reliance on "old money, which ensured a lack of innovation. Even the British Intel were so wrong about China that they kept focus on Russia, something U.S intel followed suit on. What an ill fated decison.

America needs to get closer to nations such as Japan, Taiwan, Australia, India. Protect them and demand they support human rights and capitalism. Keep American Values of old, not these new alt-left socialist A-Holes, front and centre.
Hong Kong was on a 99 year (common) lease to the UK which expired in 1997 and CCP choose not to renew the lease.

Joe Biden's masters signed a treaty to let Hong Kong operate as a autonomous region until 2047. Communist China violated that treaty, an act of war. But Britain has fallen to the Muzzie Beasts and has no will, nor ability to fight anymore. They are a fallen empire. As America soon will be.
Whom did Biden sign the treaty with? Certainly not the CCP. Walt Disney Productions? There's a Disney World in Hong Kong.
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The Malvinas is a windswept shit hole in the middle of the Atlantic. Certainly not worth fighting over.
You seem to have confused Wales with The Malvinas -though you did get the location right. Alas, indoctrination in lieu of education will do that to you. Still, you still have a way to go so you can believe that The Severn is actually The Atlantic.
What could Britain do with Hong Kong, really? Go to war against China over it? If I remember correctly, a significant part (if not the majority) of the population there enthusiastically greeted the union with China, because they believed the formula of 'one nation, two political systems' would work for a long period of time. Well, they were wrong.

About the Falklands.. Well, that is a good question. The main part of it is why Britain keeps them in the first turn. To show its global presence, maybe. If they give up the Falklands, they should be prepared that the next step will be Gibraltar.
What could Britain do with Hong Kong, really? Go to war against China over it? If I remember correctly, a significant part (if not the majority) of the population there enthusiastically greeted the union with China, because they believed the formula of 'one nation, two political systems' would work for a long period of time. Well, they were wrong.

About the Falklands.. Well, that is a good question. The main part of it is why Britain keeps them in the first turn. To show its global presence, maybe. If they give up the Falklands, they should be prepared that the next step will be Gibraltar.
All of these places are relics of a colonial past and should be given up.
I really, really, really feel that China will never, ever be the No. 1 power in the world because of its language, which does not have an alphabet.

Being required to memorize thousands of characters is something that people in other cultures simply will refuse to do.

So while Latin and French and Spanish and now English have served as international languages, Chinese never will. It's like expecting human beings to start using Egyptian hieroglyphics.
What could Britain do with Hong Kong, really? Go to war against China over it? If I remember correctly, a significant part (if not the majority) of the population there enthusiastically greeted the union with China, because they believed the formula of 'one nation, two political systems' would work for a long period of time. Well, they were wrong.

About the Falklands.. Well, that is a good question. The main part of it is why Britain keeps them in the first turn. To show its global presence, maybe. If they give up the Falklands, they should be prepared that the next step will be Gibraltar.
All of these places are relics of a colonial past and should be given up.
Well, many countries have 'colonial' past. Actually, all White and Black population of the Americas is relics of this.

I agree that the British empire has some shameful pages of its history. But you can't develop your nation highlighting only dark sides of your history.
America needs to get closer to nations such as Japan, Taiwan, Australia, India. Protect them and demand they support human rights and capitalism. Keep American Values of old, not these new alt-left socialist A-Holes, front and centre.
I don't believe that Canada and the UK are lost causes

As in America many people in positions of power and influence have been compromised by chinese money and/or sexy honeypots

Maybe I'm wrong about the western democracies including America, but I don't believe we are ready to become a nation of rickshaw drivers for rich communist chinese

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