UK police urging people to carry emergency gear


Diamond Member
Sep 21, 2012
Sin City

Getting a lot of criticism on Twitter.

The tweet by Police Scotland said: 'September is preparedness month. Emergencies can happen at any time and it's recommended to have a #GrabBag ready containing essential items including medication, copies of important documents, food/water, torch, radio and other personal items.'

The recommendations are part of annual preparedness month that is being promoted by local authorities and emergency services.

And here’s the post:

The post said: 'In these unsettled times, it's good to know that the police are always on hand to remind us that we should be in a permanent state of fear and borderline terror about the sword of Damocles hanging over all our heads. FEEL IT FEEL THE FEAR FEEL IIIIIIIT.'

More @ Police forces advise people to carry emergency 'grab bags' containing first aid kit | Daily Mail Online
and interesting to me but here in the USA there are all sorts of SURVIVAL Shows on mainline USA TV shows . I some times wonder if someone is getting USA Population ready for something . Everything from eating bugs to sleeping nude in bug infested survival shelters to killing 'cute widdle' animals and then drinking the warm blood of the newly deceased 'Widdle cuties'. ---------- makes me wonder .Longknife
Mobile phone and charger.

The phone would be great to contact family when the landlines go down. Until the battery is dead. In a major disaster the power would be off so I guess the charger could be used as kind of a bolo-on-a-string to whirl around one's head to fend off looters or maybe just to hear the pretty whirling sound.
theres only one 2 things that make sense to me , Mom . Dad and the kids will have to wonder if I am alive or dead .

Getting a lot of criticism on Twitter.

The tweet by Police Scotland said: 'September is preparedness month. Emergencies can happen at any time and it's recommended to have a #GrabBag ready containing essential items including medication, copies of important documents, food/water, torch, radio and other personal items.'

The recommendations are part of annual preparedness month that is being promoted by local authorities and emergency services.

And here’s the post:

The post said: 'In these unsettled times, it's good to know that the police are always on hand to remind us that we should be in a permanent state of fear and borderline terror about the sword of Damocles hanging over all our heads. FEEL IT FEEL THE FEAR FEEL IIIIIIIT.'

More @ Police forces advise people to carry emergency 'grab bags' containing first aid kit | Daily Mail Online
Oh, look...nothing in there you can actually y'know, defend yourself with.

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