UK Prime Minister Rishi Sunak On Transgenderism

No, but no one's life was ruined, which is what you think will happen if they have to play against Tonya who was Tony last year.
No daughters huh? Figured.
Because he's tired of the bigots and their bullshit?
Got it At least you admit it was a priority for your party's leader.
I think actual women are more concerned with your attempts to turn them into unwilling breeding machines than the off chance they might run into transgender person.
DO you actually know any women? Ask them if they support your proposal to trash Title IX
Lots including my wife, my sisters, my nieces... and this isn't an issue that ranks very high with them.
Doubt you've discussed your desire to trash Title IX with any of them. And if equity between the sexes is not important to them, I feel sorry for you.
If you are saying that girls are so feeble that even a mediocre boy whose body has been weakened by hormone treatments can beat them all easily, then what's the point of Girl's sports again?
It has nothing to do with feeble. It has to do with the inherent differences between the skeletal, cardiovascular, muscular and pulmonary systems between boys and girls. There is NO doubt that boys hold a natural physical advantage over girls. What is it with democrats not understanding basic biology?? You people sound kind of stupid.

And there is no need for a boy to take hormones in order to compete in girls' high school sports at most of the places they are doing so. All he has to do is say, "I'm a girl." Get yourself informed before you think you know what you're talking about. You're ignorant on this subject and use politics to justify your uninformed opinions.

According to CIAC’s reference guide for its transgender policy, school districts should determine a student’s participation on sports teams based on the student’s gender identity and “daily life activities in the school and community at the time that sports eligibility is determined.”

Those rules, the guide says, are compliant both with state law and Title IX.

The guide outlines that in a 2019 consultation with the Office for Civil Rights, part of the US Department of Education, a federal compliance officer confirmed that Title IX “supports transgender athletic opportunities with the gender of which a person identifies.”

“(The compliance officer) further stated that such support does not require hormone therapy nor gender reassignment surgery,” the guide says.

No, my problem is that I don't pretend to suddenly care about girls as a pretext to hate trans people.
Look asshole, I am the mother of two daughters who played three sports each year in high school. I am the grandmother of two girls that I will encourage to play sports and I was frustrated as a girl when no sports were available to me. I coached 12 years of girls' softball with my late husband and 5 years of girls' 8th grade basketball at our local middle school.

You open the door to boys in girls' sports, which democrats have already done, there will be fewer and fewer girls being given the chance to play. Is that what you want?

You sound like you don't appreciate girls, nor understand them nor care about them. You also sound like a misogynist. I suspect many females have told you what an asshole you are and its made you bitter.

If a mentally ill boy wants to pretend he is a girl once he is 18, that's his right. I don't hate them but I suspect understanding that is above your pay grade. I feel very sorry for them. They're looking to fill a desperate need that has nothing to do with gender. If it were up to me, I'd prescribe intensive long term mental health counseling before any hormones or surgeries were done.
Yes the trannies snd their lib mentors are grooming children

Again, if you are going to repeat mindless rhetoric, there's no point discussing anything with you.

Doubt you've discussed your desire to trash Title IX with any of them. And if equity between the sexes is not important to them, I feel sorry for you.
Oh, quite the contrary, one of my nieces got a ride on a Title IX scholarship, but she's honest enough to admit she was gaming a system. My nephew got a ride for wrestling and was an NCAA champion, but this was a sport people actually cared about and came to see.

The thing is, Title IX Isn't about equality; it's about a set aside for women. If they gave out scholarships purely based on profitability to the school, the only people who would get scholarships are Men's Basketball and Football. It would be more honest just to give them scholarships for being women.

Contrariwise, if we got rid of scholarships and participation in sports was only for the love of the game, you'd see participation drop like a rock.

I went to UIC for college. No Football team and a Basketball team that was such a joke they couldn't give away tickets. But it had a full Title IX-mandated Athletic program with scholarships, which was paid for out of the fees that the rest of us were paying. The athletics department even got to appoint a representative to the fee advisory committee.

So now that we've established that it's just a system people are gaming, I just can't get that worked up that other people are gaming it, if that's what transgender people are doing, which they probably aren't.
It has nothing to do with feeble. It has to do with the inherent differences between the skeletal, cardiovascular, muscular and pulmonary systems between boys and girls. There is NO doubt that boys hold a natural physical advantage over girls. What is it with democrats not understanding basic biology?? You people sound kind of stupid.

And there is no need for a boy to take hormones in order to compete in girls' high school sports at most of the places they are doing so. All he has to do is say, "I'm a girl." Get yourself informed before you think you know what you're talking about. You're ignorant on this subject and use politics to justify your uninformed opinions.

I would have no problem changing the requirements that a trans-athlete has to be on hormone treatment for at least a year before she can be considered for the team. Of course, that would require you guys stop pretending that you know better than the doctors and blocking kids from getting gender affirming treatments... which we know you won't do.

Look asshole, I am the mother of two daughters who played three sports each year in high school. I am the grandmother of two girls that I will encourage to play sports and I was frustrated as a girl when no sports were available to me. I coached 12 years of girls' softball with my late husband and 5 years of girls' 8th grade basketball at our local middle school.

Wait, wait... checking if I care. Nope, I don't.

You open the door to boys in girls' sports, which democrats have already done, there will be fewer and fewer girls being given the chance to play. Is that what you want?

Why would they be given less of a chance to play? Oh, that's right, because there are already limited spots on these teams... So some girls have already been denied a chance to play, but you don't seem terribly upset about that.

You sound like you don't appreciate girls, nor understand them nor care about them. You also sound like a misogynist. I suspect many females have told you what an asshole you are and its made you bitter.
Nope, I'm happily married. But thanks for asking. I don't think men are supposed to understand women, though.

I just have different things I care about.
I care about equal pay for women.
I care about them having access to reproductive health care.
I care about crimes against women being seriously dealt with.
I care that we had a clown in the white house who bragged about grabbing women by the pussy, and all of you just said that was perfectly okay.

I'm not worried that she might encounter a trans person someday and might have to use a pronoun that person prefers.

If a mentally ill boy wants to pretend he is a girl once he is 18, that's his right. I don't hate them but I suspect understanding that is above your pay grade. I feel very sorry for them. They're looking to fill a desperate need that has nothing to do with gender. If it were up to me, I'd prescribe intensive long term mental health counseling before any hormones or surgeries were done.

Except that you are trying to paint your discomfort as their problem. Pretty much just like you people did with blacks who wanted to eat at the same lunch counter 60 years ago, or women who wanted to work in the same office 40 years ago, or gays who wanted the same recognition for their relationships you take for granted.
When did drag queens become the most important issue in the lives of the right wing?

I guess when they can't hate minorities, women or gays anymore, the mindless hate pool becomes a little shallow.

(You can repeat an insult you didn't understand now.)
When you started promoting the lifestyle to children. That is when.
When you started promoting the lifestyle to children. That is when.

Except it isn't a lifestyle and no one is promoting it.

The problem is that you guys are still pretending that gender identity is a choice, just like you tried to pretend that sexual orientation was a choice. (I think you guys are over that now, but I can't tell.)

A kid isn't going to decide to be transgender because he wants to win a plastic trophy, or because a drag queen read him a story, or because he saw Bugs Bunny wear a dress to fool Elmer Fudd.

She's going to be transgender because that's the way her brain is wired.
Except it isn't a lifestyle and no one is promoting it.

The problem is that you guys are still pretending that gender identity is a choice, just like you tried to pretend that sexual orientation was a choice. (I think you guys are over that now, but I can't tell.)

A kid isn't going to decide to be transgender because he wants to win a plastic trophy, or because a drag queen read him a story, or because he saw Bugs Bunny wear a dress to fool Elmer Fudd.

She's going to be transgender because that's the way her brain is wired.
It is not a lifestyle? Since when?
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If you are saying that girls are so feeble that even a mediocre boy whose body has been weakened by hormone treatments can beat them all easily, then what's the point of Girl's sports again?

No, my problem is that I don't pretend to suddenly care about girls as a pretext to hate trans people.
Correct. You’ve made it repeatedly clear that you are a misogynist who doesn’t care much for them at all.
I would have no problem changing the requirements that a trans-athlete has to be on hormone treatment for at least a year before she can be considered for the team. Of course, that would require you guys stop pretending that you know better than the doctors and blocking kids from getting gender affirming treatments... which we know you won't do.

One of these athletes has been on female hormones for over a year. Do you think he still has an automatic advantage over the real women?

Wait, wait... checking if I care. Nope, I don't.
You should care. Perhaps you wouldn't say such stupid things if you did.

I don't think men are supposed to understand women, though.
LOL Thanks for proving my point.

Except that you are trying to paint your discomfort as their problem.
The only discomfort I feel is for the poor girls working so hard to compete at elite levels that are being slaughtered in competition by mentally ill boys being allowed to compete in girls' sports by ignorant misogynists like you.
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It is not a lifestyle? Since when?

Lifestyle implies choice. Trans people didn't choose to be transgender any more than you choose to be cisgender.

Correct. You’ve made it repeatedly clear that you are a misogynist who doesn’t care much for them at all.
Oh, I don't get upset about fake outrage from people who want to take women back to the 1950s when they were expected to be barefoot and pregnant.

Women would be far worse off in a MAGA world than a Liberal World, and you know it. This is just another fake outrage to get stupid people to vote against their own interests.

One of these athletes has been on female hormones for over a year. Do you think he still has an automatic advantage over the real women?
You give no context as to what sport they are competing in, so I don't know. If it's wrestling, then, um yeah, she has an advantage.

You should care. Perhaps you wouldn't say such stupid things if you did.
Nope, frankly, I don't care all that much that transwomen are gaming a system that is already being gamed by cis women.
The only discomfort I feel is for the poor girls working so hard to compete at elite levels that are being slaughtered in competition by mentally ill boys being allowed to compete in girls' sports by ignorant misogynists like you.

If the most important thing in life is winning a little plastic trophy, that's about as sad as the guy who wears his high school letter jacket well into his 20s.

"Boo-hoo, I didn't get into college on a Title IX scholarship because a Trans-kid beat me!"

I got into college on a military scholarship, she can, too. The military is short on its goals for recruiting.
You give no context as to what sport they are competing in, so I don't know. If it's wrestling, then, um yeah, she has an advantage.
LOL they're wearing swimsuits and one has on a swim cap.

What athletic sport would he NOT have an advantage in against the smaller, less muscular and real females? (you'll never answer this for obvious reasons)

Nope, frankly, I don't care all that much that transwomen are gaming a system that is already being gamed by cis women.
When a system offers someone a scholarship for excelling in a sport, excelling in a sport is NOT gaming a system.

That you're a misogynist that neither respects women or their sports is clear.

"Boo-hoo, I didn't get into college on a Title IX scholarship because a Trans-kid beat me!"
Riiiiigggghhhhht, that scholarship should go to the trans kid according to you.
When did drag queens become the most important issue in the lives of the right wing?

I guess when they can't hate minorities, women or gays anymore, the mindless hate pool becomes a little shallow.

(You can repeat an insult you didn't understand now.)

Joe conflates completely different groups to justify this absurd behavior.

So what else is new?
LOL they're wearing swimsuits and one has on a swim cap.

What athletic sport would he NOT have an advantage in against the smaller, less muscular and real females? (you'll never answer this for obvious reasons)

Well, figure skating, to start with. But as long as you brought it up, why have your own league if you are inferior.

I think it's totally unfair I can't be an NBA player! I think we need to have a league for short, pudgy, uncoordinated guys, just to make it all fair!

When a system offers someone a scholarship for excelling in a sport, excelling in a sport is NOT gaming a system.
So when a transwoman does better than a ciswoman she is excelling. See how that works.

Mannish woman beaten by womanish man is not something I can get upset about.

Riiiiigggghhhhht, that scholarship should go to the trans kid according to you.
Left up to me, we'd only give scholarships for ACADEMIC achievement or service to the country.
I guess I encountered way too many dumb jocks in college to have any respect for them. (And my school wasn't a jockstrap school)

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