UK Prime Minister Rishi Sunak On Transgenderism

“We shouldn’t be bullied into believing that people can be any sex they want to be, they can’t.A man is a man, a woman is a woman that’s just common sense.”

A kid in kindergarten knows the different between a man and a woman. Why do some 30 year olds have a problem figuring it out? What gets me is that we even have to have this discussion. South Park is no longer parody; it's become a documentary.

He should making laws to curb the Trans mental illness.
“We shouldn’t be bullied into believing that people can be any sex they want to be, they can’t.A man is a man, a woman is a woman that’s just common sense.”

A kid in kindergarten knows the different between a man and a woman. Why do some 30 year olds have a problem figuring it out? What gets me is that we even have to have this discussion. South Park is no longer parody; it's become a documentary.

Which gender have you decided on?
Lifestyle implies choice. Trans people didn't choose to be transgender any more than you choose to be cisgender.
They chose to be pumped full of mind and body altering drugs that attempt to hide their true sex

Or did they choose?

When lib groomers poison little childrens mind with crazy ideas the trannies are denied a chance to live s normal life
They chose to be pumped full of mind and body altering drugs that attempt to hide their true sex

Or did they choose?

When lib groomers poison little childrens mind with crazy ideas the trannies are denied a chance to live s normal life

Oh, I think kids getting gender-affirming care have much more agency than the millions of kids who are being pumped up with SSRI's to make them more manageable in the classroom. 11% of kids are diagnosed with ADHD, and 77% of them are drugged up. Only 1% of kids are diagnosed with Gender dysphoria and the number of them getting treatment is less than 10%.

But you guys don't talk about that.
Well, figure skating, to start with. But as long as you brought it up, why have your own league if you are inferior.

I think it's totally unfair I can't be an NBA player! I think we need to have a league for short, pudgy, uncoordinated guys, just to make it all fair!
Figure skating???? LOL. Men have been doing quad jumps since 1988, women since 2018. Way more men do them today than women.

But I'll give you that ice skating is likely one sport women, except for the quad jumps, could compete with men. I bet you can't think of 5 more sports like this. And there are plenty of basketball leagues for out of shape people like you. Search your local Y or community rec dept.
So when a transwoman does better than a ciswoman she is excelling. See how that works.
Of course I see how it works. The problem is he has a built in advantage and will win more easily without working as hard. See how that works?
Oh, I think kids getting gender-affirming care have much more agency than the millions of kids who are being pumped up with SSRI's to make them more manageable in the classroom. 11% of kids are diagnosed with ADHD, and 77% of them are drugged up. Only 1% of kids are diagnosed with Gender dysphoria and the number of them getting treatment is less than 10%.

But you guys don't talk about that.
The answer is less drugs for everyone rather than more drugs for sexually confused children
Except no one is going after kids, and one story time hour a year isn't much of a disruption.

This isn't about the kids, as stated we are treating very few transgender kids while pumping millions of them up with SSRI's.
Of course it is a disruption. Democrats know full well that parents are not going to sit by and watch their kids indoctrinated into such nonsense, any more than Democrats would sit by if there was one story time hour per year, indoctrinating their kids into Christianity.

They love any distraction from the abysmal failure of public schools to educate America's children.

Your comments about SSRI's sound interesting. I encourage you to start a thread about that instead of trying to derail every thread that makes you uncomfortable.
Well, figure skating, to start with. But as long as you brought it up, why have your own league if you are inferior.

I think it's totally unfair I can't be an NBA player! I think we need to have a league for short, pudgy, uncoordinated guys, just to make it all fair!

So when a transwoman does better than a ciswoman she is excelling. See how that works.

Mannish woman beaten by womanish man is not something I can get upset about.

Left up to me, we'd only give scholarships for ACADEMIC achievement or service to the country.
I guess I encountered way too many dumb jocks in college to have any respect for them. (And my school wasn't a jockstrap school)

Joe, let’s give you a test:

You are the Judge in a trial in which a trans woman, with a fully functioning male reproductive system is found guilty of the brutal rape of a Woman.

You have the power to determine which prison the Trans Woman is to be housed.

Do you place the trans Woman in a Men’s, or Woman’s Prison?
Joe, let’s give you a test:

You are the Judge in a trial in which a trans woman, with a fully functioning male reproductive system is found guilty of the brutal rape of a Woman.

You have the power to determine which prison the Trans Woman is to be housed.

Do you place the trans Woman in a Men’s, or Woman’s Prison?

Depends on how far along he's transitioned, doesn't it?
You don't think women aren't being raped in prison now by other cis-women?

I mean it's kind of adorable that you pretend you care about the well-being of prisoners.

Of course it is a disruption. Democrats know full well that parents are not going to sit by and watch their kids indoctrinated into such nonsense, any more than Democrats would sit by if there was one story time hour per year, indoctrinating their kids into Christianity.

Actually, Christians should be concerned about that. If I'm a Catholic, I don't want my kids earing some evangelical shit.

They love any distraction from the abysmal failure of public schools to educate America's children.

Well, maybe if parents didn't treat public schools like free day care, there wouldn't be an issue.

Your comments about SSRI's sound interesting. I encourage you to start a thread about that instead of trying to derail every thread that makes you uncomfortable.

Oh, does exposing your fake panic make you uncomfortable?
But I'll give you that ice skating is likely one sport women, except for the quad jumps, could compete with men. I bet you can't think of 5 more sports like this. And there are plenty of basketball leagues for out of shape people like you. Search your local Y or community rec dept.

Nice moving the goalposts.

Is the Y going to give me a scholarship? Because that's what this is all about, isn't it?
Depends on how far along he's transitioned, doesn't it?
You don't think women aren't being raped in prison now by other cis-women?

I mean it's kind of adorable that you pretend you care about the well-being of prisoners.

Actually, Christians should be concerned about that. If I'm a Catholic, I don't want my kids earing some evangelical shit.

Well, maybe if parents didn't treat public schools like free day care, there wouldn't be an issue.

Oh, does exposing your fake panic make you uncomfortable?

Wow Joe, did you not notice that the trans had a fully functioning male reproductive system?

how many lesbian rapes end up in pregnancy?

Why avoid the question Joe? Do you not have the courage to answer without differing?
Well, then he's obviously not trans yet.
But it's just adorable that you pretend you care about the well-being of prisoners.

I've given you my answer- you make a case by case determination.

Wait, you can’t have a fully functioning male reproductive system and be trans?

No, Joe, you deflected. You had two choices and chose the cowards way out.
Wait, you can’t have a fully functioning male reproductive system and be trans?

Well, to start with, apparently the person you have described hasn't had bottom surgery and isn't using hormones to change her sex drive/emotions... So I'm not sure you can accurately describe that person as being transgender.

But again, it's adorable to see this new found concern for prisoner rights.
Well, to start with, apparently the person you have described hasn't had bottom surgery and isn't using hormones to change her sex drive/emotions... So I'm not sure you can accurately describe that person as being transgender.

But again, it's adorable to see this new found concern for prisoner rights.

Now Joe is the judge of who is and who is not trans.

What a coward

You have the information needed to render a judgement as to where the rapist is to be housed.

Render your decision
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When did drag queens become the most important issue in the lives of the right wing?

I guess when they can't hate minorities, women or gays anymore, the mindless hate pool becomes a little shallow.

(You can repeat an insult you didn't understand now.)
There have been drag queen shows in America for a very long time and for the most part that teensy percentage of the population coexisted peacefully among other America citizens. For the vast majority of us, there was a live and let live attitude.

And if most citizens considered them weird, freaks, outliers, they were for the most part tolerated and were sometimes entertaining. People had harmless fun with them such as in this scene from "Crocodile Dundee":

They became an issue only because the left has made them the poster children for every immoral thing the left stands for, has been in our faces with them, has infested our schools and institutions with lewd drag queen shows and demands that the huge majority of us accept and make accommodations for that teensy percentage. When they allowed biological males to take records, scholarships, opportunities from women and forced women to be at increased risk in what was once inviolable safe spaces for women.

They became an issue when our government allows them to control national defense and/or policy in ways that most Americans disagree.

They became an issue when they demanded that their most vulgar, obscene elements be incorporated into school curriculum and library books and that very young children be indoctrinated with it.
There have been drag queen shows in America for a very long time and for the most part that teensy percentage of the population coexisted peacefully among other America citizens. For the vast majority of us, there was a live and let live attitude.

And if most citizens considered them weird, freaks, outliers, they were for the most part tolerated and were sometimes entertaining. People had harmless fun with them such as in this scene from "Crocodile Dundee":

They became an issue only because the left has made them the poster children for every immoral thing the left stands for, has been in our faces with them, has infested our schools and institutions with lewd drag queen shows and demands that the huge majority of us accept and make accommodations for that teensy percentage. When they allowed biological males to take records, scholarships, opportunities from women and forced women to be at increased risk in what was once inviolable safe spaces for women.

They became an issue when our government allows them to control national defense and/or policy in ways that most Americans disagree.

They became an issue when they demanded that their most vulgar, obscene elements be incorporated into school curriculum and library books and that very young children be indoctrinated with it.

Joe conflates things on a regular basis. Drag queens did not demand access to womens private spaces. Drag Queens were entertainers for mostly adult purposes.

Now Joe wants to use them to advance the sexualization of children. Many Trans object to this, but are not listened to, for obvious reasons. Their voices don’t support the perverse narrative of the left.
Joe conflates things on a regular basis. Drag queens did not demand access to womens private spaces. Drag Queens were entertainers for mostly adult purposes.

Now Joe wants to use them to advance the sexualization of children. Many Trans object to this, but are not listened to, for obvious reasons. Their voices don’t support the perverse narrative of the left.
I won't say what Joe wants. But his consistent mischaracterization of the position of Republicans, rightwing Americans, Patriots, common sense people, especially on topics like transgenderism, is not at all defensible.

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