UK Prime Minister Rishi Sunak On Transgenderism

Well, then he's obviously not trans yet.
But it's just adorable that you pretend you care about the well-being of prisoners.

I've given you my answer- you make a case by case determination.
Oh praise Allah!

Finally a Democrat who can tell us how trans a male has to be before they should be allowed in women's spaces.

Go ahead, please!
Now Joe is the judge of who is and who is not trans.

What a coward

You have the information needed to render a judgement as to where the rapist is to be housed.

When I get useful information and not hypotheticals, I will.

I would probably look at the case file before I'd make a decision, which is exactly what prisons do when resolving these issues.

There have been drag queen shows in America for a very long time and for the most part that teensy percentage of the population coexisted peacefully among other America citizens. For the vast majority of us, there was a live and let live attitude.

And if most citizens considered them weird, freaks, outliers, they were for the most part tolerated and were sometimes entertaining. People had harmless fun with them such as in this scene from "Crocodile Dundee":

I'm going to cut you off right here..
Minstrel Shows were once considered "entertaining".
Putting white actors in "Yellowface" to play stereotypical Asian characters was once considered entertaining.

The problem is, it's easy to tolerate someone if you don't have to respect them.

I won't say what Joe wants. But his consistent mischaracterization of the position of Republicans, rightwing Americans, Patriots, common sense people, especially on topics like transgenderism, is not at all defensible.

Here's the thing. I used to vote Republican when they used to have good ideas, like limited government, strong national defense, regulation reform.

Now it's about hating gays and Mexicans, just like Jesus did.
Oh praise Allah!

Finally a Democrat who can tell us how trans a male has to be before they should be allowed in women's spaces.

Go ahead, please!

Um, we were talking about prisons. No woman considers that "her space" and she'd probably rather not be there.

The problem is, most women we lock up aren't murderers or rapists. They are usually in there for property crimes and drug offenses. They aren't a threat to society, but someone is making a profit off their incarceration.

So my solution - let those ladies out, and toss the Tranny in if she's far enough along in her transition.

Problem solved.
When I get useful information and not hypotheticals, I will.

I would probably look at the case file before I'd make a decision, which is exactly what prisons do when resolving these issues.

I'm going to cut you off right here..
Minstrel Shows were once considered "entertaining".
Putting white actors in "Yellowface" to play stereotypical Asian characters was once considered entertaining.

The problem is, it's easy to tolerate someone if you don't have to respect them.

Here's the thing. I used to vote Republican when they used to have good ideas, like limited government, strong national defense, regulation reform.

Now it's about hating gays and Mexicans, just like Jesus did.

Joe, you simply admitted you don’t truly believe men can be trans women.

Um, we were talking about prisons. No woman considers that "her space" and she'd probably rather not be there.
Bull! Ask any woman in prison if she wants a biological male, convicted of rape, to be in her cell.
The problem is, most women we lock up aren't murderers or rapists. They are usually in there for property crimes and drug offenses. They aren't a threat to society, but someone is making a profit off their incarceration.

So my solution - let those ladies out, and toss the Tranny in if she's far enough along in her transition.

Problem solved.
Since that is not going to happen, we need to decide whether these women in prison for property crimes and drug offenses deserve to be raped by biological men put in their cells for for the purpose of vitue signalling on the part of politicians.

Your answer is clearly yes.
Joe, you simply admitted you don’t truly believe men can be trans women.

Oh,I firmly believe that there are Transwomen, I just don't think the imaginary rapist you described exists.

I also don't think we should lock women up with Unicorns...

Bull! Ask any woman in prison if she wants a biological male, convicted of rape, to be in her cell.

I doubt we'd put them in the same cell. If a transwoman who hasn't transitioned yet is sent to prison, she'll probably get her own cell.

I'm sure if you asked any woman in prison what she wants, she'd prefer to not be there at all.

Of course, women in women's prisons are routinely raped by other women and guards.

In many women’s prisons, male corrections officers are allowed to watch the women when they are dressing, showering, or using the toilet, and some guards regularly harass women prisoners. Women also report groping and other sexual abuse by male staff during pat frisks and searches. For victims of prior abuse, this environment further exacerbates their trauma.

In Dorothy’s prison housing unit, one particular correctional officer began singling her out and asking for sexual favors in exchange for providing her with food or her normal share of personal hygiene products. At first, Dorothy thought he was not serious, but then his threats became real; he started withholding about half of her meals, as well as soap and toilet paper.

Since that is not going to happen, we need to decide whether these women in prison for property crimes and drug offenses deserve to be raped by biological men put in their cells for for the purpose of vitue signalling on the part of politicians.

See above. Maybe we need to worry more about the guards than your imaginary trans person (who can just be put in her own cell.)

Your answer is clearly yes.
My answer is, you evaluate every case on a case-by-case basis.

We probably wouldn't put this person in Gen Pop, just like we don't put cops convicted of killing black people in Gen Pop.
Oh,I firmly believe that there are Transwomen, I just don't think the imaginary rapist you described exists.

I also don't think we should lock women up with Unicorns...

I doubt we'd put them in the same cell. If a transwoman who hasn't transitioned yet is sent to prison, she'll probably get her own cell.

I'm sure if you asked any woman in prison what she wants, she'd prefer to not be there at all.

Of course, women in women's prisons are routinely raped by other women and guards.

In many women’s prisons, male corrections officers are allowed to watch the women when they are dressing, showering, or using the toilet, and some guards regularly harass women prisoners. Women also report groping and other sexual abuse by male staff during pat frisks and searches. For victims of prior abuse, this environment further exacerbates their trauma.

In Dorothy’s prison housing unit, one particular correctional officer began singling her out and asking for sexual favors in exchange for providing her with food or her normal share of personal hygiene products. At first, Dorothy thought he was not serious, but then his threats became real; he started withholding about half of her meals, as well as soap and toilet paper.

See above. Maybe we need to worry more about the guards than your imaginary trans person (who can just be put in her own cell.)

My answer is, you evaluate every case on a case-by-case basis.

We probably wouldn't put this person in Gen Pop, just like we don't put cops convicted of killing black people in Gen Pop.
It’s a hypothetical Joe, you are running from answering, what should be a simple question .
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Oh,I firmly believe that there are Transwomen, I just don't think the imaginary rapist you described exists.

I also don't think we should lock women up with Unicorns...

I doubt we'd put them in the same cell. If a transwoman who hasn't transitioned yet is sent to prison, she'll probably get her own cell.

I'm sure if you asked any woman in prison what she wants, she'd prefer to not be there at all.

Of course, women in women's prisons are routinely raped by other women and guards.

In many women’s prisons, male corrections officers are allowed to watch the women when they are dressing, showering, or using the toilet, and some guards regularly harass women prisoners. Women also report groping and other sexual abuse by male staff during pat frisks and searches. For victims of prior abuse, this environment further exacerbates their trauma.

In Dorothy’s prison housing unit, one particular correctional officer began singling her out and asking for sexual favors in exchange for providing her with food or her normal share of personal hygiene products. At first, Dorothy thought he was not serious, but then his threats became real; he started withholding about half of her meals, as well as soap and toilet paper.

See above. Maybe we need to worry more about the guards than your imaginary trans person (who can just be put in her own cell.)

My answer is, you evaluate every case on a case-by-case basis.

We probably wouldn't put this person in Gen Pop, just like we don't put cops convicted of killing black people in Gen Pop.
I guess this is not one of the women that we "must believe?"

An inmate at Illinois’ largest women’s prison says she was raped by a transgender inmate who was transferred into her housing unit last year, and claims Illinois Department of Corrections officials conducted a “sham investigation” to help cover up the incident.

In a federal lawsuit filed last week, a Jane Doe inmate at the Logan Correctional Center in central Illinois said that after being sexually assaulted in June 2019, she was coerced by a supervisory officer into denying the attack took place and then punished for filing a “false” complaint under the Prison Rape Elimination Act (PREA).

Could you write a letter to this Jane Doe that was raped by a transgender inmate who was given access to her, that it was just her imagination, like when she was a kid and daydreamed about riding unicorns?

Just write what you would say to her here, and I'll make sure she gets it. That should make her feel less traumatized, right?
Democrats, why would you want a dude in the middle of this:


I can't imagine anyone wanting that . . .
I'm going to cut you off right here..
Minstrel Shows were once considered "entertaining".
Putting white actors in "Yellowface" to play stereotypical Asian characters was once considered entertaining.

The problem is, it's easy to tolerate someone if you don't have to respect them.

Here's the thing. I used to vote Republican when they used to have good ideas, like limited government, strong national defense, regulation reform.

Now it's about hating gays and Mexicans, just like Jesus
Which just like some of your comrades here completely misses the point I made and made it into something it was not. And I seriously SERIOUSLY doubt that you are truthful that you once voted Republican. You have NEVER posted anything I've read that indicates you believe anything that is not hard core leftist.

For the record, Jesus didn't know Mexicans existed and is not quoted anywhere in the Bible as saying anything about gays.
Nice moving the goalposts.
Nice white flag there.

Nothing was moved but your own ability to actually make an argument in favor of men taking over women's sports. I guess you couldn't think of any other sports where men and women can compete on equal footing. Hope you learned something.

Is the Y going to give me a scholarship? Because that's what this is all about, isn't it?
No, that is not what this is all about. Y's AND X's carried by athletes give hard working, talented people scholarships.

I favor not giving a Y a scholarship that belongs to an X. THAT is what this is all about.
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It’s a hypothetical Joe, you are running from answering, what should be a simple question .

An inmate at Illinois’ largest women’s prison says she was raped by a transgender inmate who was transferred into her housing unit last year, and claims Illinois Department of Corrections officials conducted a “sham investigation” to help cover up the incident.

Hard Stop.
You do realize that all prisoners do, all the time, if file lawsuits and complaints, don't you? Ironically, she didn't name the transgender inmate as a defendant in her suit. Hmmmm.. I wonder why?

Which just like some of your comrades here completely misses the point I made and made it into something it was not. And I seriously SERIOUSLY doubt that you are truthful that you once voted Republican. You have NEVER posted anything I've read that indicates you believe anything that is not hard core leftist.

Right, because, again, the GOP has changed so radically in the last few decades, hasn't it?

Let's be honest. YOu guys now Hate Romney (which I'm okay with because I really hate Mormons), you hate McCain, you hate Dubya Bush, you hate most elected officials who aren't kissing Trump's ring.

You used to be the party of Family Values... Now you make excuses for a guy who pays porn stars for sex and brags about grabbing women by the pussy.
You used to be the party of national defense. Now you are cheering for Russia to crush Ukrainian freedom.
You used to be the party of fiscal conservatism. Now you support Trump running up 8 trillion in new debt in 4 years.

Heck, Ronnie Reagan wouldn't fly with today's GOP. He gave amnesty to 3 million illegals, appointed moderates to the courts, and raised taxes when that was appropriate. All heresies in the Cult of Trump.

For the record, Jesus didn't know Mexicans existed and is not quoted anywhere in the Bible as saying anything about gays.
You miss the point. Besides the fact of what Jesus knew (he was God, wasn't he? He knew Mexicans existed, or would exist because he knew everything, right?), the point is that the racism and homophobia of the Christian Right have come to define it. Of course, it's 180 degrees away from what Jesus actually talked about.
Nice white flag there.

Nothing was moved but your own ability to actually make an argument in favor of men taking over women's sports. I guess you couldn't think of any other sports where men and women can compete on equal footing. Hope you learned something.

You asked for a sport. I gave you one. Then you asked for five sports. I normally don't care enough about women's sports to name them.

No, that is not what this is all about. Y's AND X's carried by athletes give hard working, talented people scholarships.

They can't be that talented if a mediocre man can come in and steal their scholarships.

I favor not giving a Y a scholarship that belongs to an X. THAT is what this is all about.
Actually, the scholarships don't belong to anyone; it's a gift. A gift that is paid for by other students who are paying full price and often incurring lifetimes of crippling debt. If you chucked the stupidity that is Title IX and schools only gave out scholarships for sports that make them money, this wouldn't be an issue.

When I went to UIC, our Title IX-mandated athletics program was paid for by student fees. UIC didn't have a football team (that would be Urbana) and our basketball team was a joke. But the rest of us were paying for them.

This is why I just can't get worked up if a dude puts a pink bow in his hair and scams the scammers.
Hard Stop.
You do realize that all prisoners do, all the time, if file lawsuits and complaints, don't you? Ironically, she didn't name the transgender inmate as a defendant in her suit. Hmmmm.. I wonder why?

Right, because, again, the GOP has changed so radically in the last few decades, hasn't it?

Let's be honest. YOu guys now Hate Romney (which I'm okay with because I really hate Mormons), you hate McCain, you hate Dubya Bush, you hate most elected officials who aren't kissing Trump's ring.

You used to be the party of Family Values... Now you make excuses for a guy who pays porn stars for sex and brags about grabbing women by the pussy.
You used to be the party of national defense. Now you are cheering for Russia to crush Ukrainian freedom.
You used to be the party of fiscal conservatism. Now you support Trump running up 8 trillion in new debt in 4 years.

Heck, Ronnie Reagan wouldn't fly with today's GOP. He gave amnesty to 3 million illegals, appointed moderates to the courts, and raised taxes when that was appropriate. All heresies in the Cult of Trump.

You miss the point. Besides the fact of what Jesus knew (he was God, wasn't he? He knew Mexicans existed, or would exist because he knew everything, right?), the point is that the racism and homophobia of the Christian Right have come to define it. Of course, it's 180 degrees away from what Jesus actually talked about.
I'm sorry Joe. But you are so straining at gnats to avoid the topic and so incapable of addressing the point(s) made that there is no way to coherently respond to you here. Do have a pleasant afternoon and evening.
Hard Stop.
You do realize that all prisoners do, all the time, if file lawsuits and complaints, don't you? Ironically, she didn't name the transgender inmate as a defendant in her suit. Hmmmm.. I wonder why?

Right, because, again, the GOP has changed so radically in the last few decades, hasn't it?

Let's be honest. YOu guys now Hate Romney (which I'm okay with because I really hate Mormons), you hate McCain, you hate Dubya Bush, you hate most elected officials who aren't kissing Trump's ring.

You used to be the party of Family Values... Now you make excuses for a guy who pays porn stars for sex and brags about grabbing women by the pussy.
You used to be the party of national defense. Now you are cheering for Russia to crush Ukrainian freedom.
You used to be the party of fiscal conservatism. Now you support Trump running up 8 trillion in new debt in 4 years.

Heck, Ronnie Reagan wouldn't fly with today's GOP. He gave amnesty to 3 million illegals, appointed moderates to the courts, and raised taxes when that was appropriate. All heresies in the Cult of Trump.

You miss the point. Besides the fact of what Jesus knew (he was God, wasn't he? He knew Mexicans existed, or would exist because he knew everything, right?), the point is that the racism and homophobia of the Christian Right have come to define it. Of course, it's 180 degrees away from what Jesus actually talked about.


Joe, a Transwoman brutally raped a woman. You are the judge. The jury has found the transwoman, with a fully functioning male reproductive system.

You have full authority to determine if the rapist is housed in a Men’s or a Woman’s Prison.

Which faculty is the rapist sent to?

What are you afraid of?
You asked for a sport. I gave you one. Then you asked for five sports. I normally don't care enough about women's sports to name them.

They can't be that talented if a mediocre man can come in and steal their scholarships.

Actually, the scholarships don't belong to anyone; it's a gift. A gift that is paid for by other students who are paying full price and often incurring lifetimes of crippling debt. If you chucked the stupidity that is Title IX and schools only gave out scholarships for sports that make them money, this wouldn't be an issue.

When I went to UIC, our Title IX-mandated athletics program was paid for by student fees. UIC didn't have a football team (that would be Urbana) and our basketball team was a joke. But the rest of us were paying for them.

This is why I just can't get worked up if a dude puts a pink bow in his hair and scams the scammers.
They can't be that talented if a mediocre man can come in and steal their scholarships

This all we need to know about JoeB131. Total disrespect for women.

The above quote is exactly the same thing we’ve heard from other trans women trying to justify their cheating ways. Your real name Lia?
I'm sorry Joe. But you are so straining at gnats to avoid the topic and so incapable of addressing the point(s) made that there is no way to coherently respond to you here. Do have a pleasant afternoon and evening.
Your concession is duly noted.

Joe, a Transwoman brutally raped a woman. You are the judge. The jury has found the transwoman, with a fully functioning male reproductive system.
Again, cite an ACTUAL case and a case file history, and then I can determine the best housing solution for this inmate.
It's adorable when you guys pretend you suddenly care about female inmates.

If he using his dick to have sex with women (consensual or not), it doesn't sound like he's actually transgender.

Which faculty is the rapist sent to?
"Faculty?" Never mind.

This all we need to know about JoeB131. Total disrespect for women.

The above quote is exactly the same thing we’ve heard from other trans women trying to justify their cheating ways.

Again, Title IX is a scam, so I can't get upset about scamming the scammers.
Your concession is duly noted.

Again, cite an ACTUAL case and a case file history, and then I can determine the best housing solution for this inmate.
It's adorable when you guys pretend you suddenly care about female inmates.

If he using his dick to have sex with women (consensual or not), it doesn't sound like he's actually transgender.

"Faculty?" Never mind.

Again, Title IX is a scam, so I can't get upset about scamming the scammers.
Your concession is duly noted.

Again, cite an ACTUAL case and a case file history, and then I can determine the best housing solution for this inmate.
It's adorable when you guys pretend you suddenly care about female inmates.

If he using his dick to have sex with women (consensual or not), it doesn't sound like he's actually transgender.

"Faculty?" Never mind.

Again, Title IX is a scam, so I can't get upset about scamming the scammers.

Once again Joe (or is it Lia) takes the cowards way out and shows, again, he thinks equality for Women is a scam.
You asked for a sport. I gave you one. Then you asked for five sports.
And I told you why they are not equal in ice skating in that more men are capable of doing quad jumps than women. So I gave you another chance to name other sports, which you couldn't.
They can't be that talented if a mediocre man can come in and steal their scholarships.
Which is the essential point of difference of opinion between you and me beyond your own misogyny.

You're ignorant to the differences between males and females and the FACT that males are stronger, taller, have greater cardiovascular capacity, are faster than females, etc. They, in general, will defeat women BADLY in head to head competition at equal levels.

Nobody can fix stupid when it's willful.

Frankly, I'm fine with not continuing this, Joe.

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