UK Prime Minister Rishi Sunak On Transgenderism

And I told you why they are not equal in ice skating in that more men are capable of doing quad jumps than women. So I gave you another chance to name other sports, which you couldn't.

Which is the essential point of difference of opinion between you and me beyond your own misogyny.

You're ignorant to the differences between males and females and the FACT that males are stronger, taller, have greater cardiovascular capacity, are faster than females, etc. They, in general, will defeat women BADLY in head to head competition at equal levels.

Nobody can fix stupid when it's willful.

Frankly, I'm fine with not continuing this, Joe.

Joe must think Serena Williams isn’t very talented then. Losing to a lowly ranked Male tennis player.
I don't know for sure he thinks that, but he sure does refuse to actually engage in a discussion of a topic.

Oh, I gave you answers that did not validate your bigotries.

And I told you why they are not equal in ice skating in that more men are capable of doing quad jumps than women. So I gave you another chance to name other sports, which you couldn't.
Except that figure skating is about people wanting to watch it... not how high people can jump. Who wants to watch a dude skating?

You're ignorant to the differences between males and females and the FACT that males are stronger, taller, have greater cardiovascular capacity, are faster than females, etc. They, in general, will defeat women BADLY in head to head competition at equal levels.

I'm perfectly aware of it... I don't see a need to throw away a bunch of scholarship money on people who are weaker, shorter, and have less cardiovascular capacity.

Again, remember, EVERY SCHOLARSHIP IS PAID FOR BY A STUDENT WHO HAD TO WORK TO PAY OFF HIS TUITION! When I went to college, I was in the National Guard and worked two minimum-wage jobs. That two-thirds of my student fees went to subsidizing a completely unnecessary athletics program was a sore spot for me at the time, and 40 years later, I still think it was stupid.

Frankly, I'm fine with not continuing this, Joe.
Your concession is duly noted.

Once again Joe (or is it Lia) takes the cowards way out and shows, again, he thinks equality for Women is a scam.

I think "equality" is a scam. There is always going to be someone stronger, someone smarter, someone better looking, someone with better connections, someone with more plain old, dumb luck.

So if you are going to have a scam of set-asides for women, you really can't whine that some trans people are going to game the system.
Joe must think Serena Williams isn’t very talented then. Losing to a lowly ranked Male tennis player.

A mannish woman loses to a womanish man! I can't get worked up.

Then again, Billy Jean King beat Bobby Riggs, and everyone thought that was impressive. (Forgetting Riggs was like 20 years older and had retired.)
Oh, I gave you answers that did not validate your bigotries.

Except that figure skating is about people wanting to watch it... not how high people can jump. Who wants to watch a dude skating?

I'm perfectly aware of it... I don't see a need to throw away a bunch of scholarship money on people who are weaker, shorter, and have less cardiovascular capacity.

Again, remember, EVERY SCHOLARSHIP IS PAID FOR BY A STUDENT WHO HAD TO WORK TO PAY OFF HIS TUITION! When I went to college, I was in the National Guard and worked two minimum-wage jobs. That two-thirds of my student fees went to subsidizing a completely unnecessary athletics program was a sore spot for me at the time, and 40 years later, I still think it was stupid.

Your concession is duly noted.

I think "equality" is a scam. There is always going to be someone stronger, someone smarter, someone better looking, someone with better connections, someone with more plain old, dumb luck.

So if you are going to have a scam of set-asides for women, you really can't whine that some trans people are going to game the system.

We are done. You complete disregard for women (real women) is all I needed to know about you Lia.
A mannish woman loses to a womanish man! I can't get worked up.

Then again, Billy Jean King beat Bobby Riggs, and everyone thought that was impressive. (Forgetting Riggs was like 20 years older and had retired.)

Bye Bye. I don’t talk to those with such disrespect for women.
We are done. You complete disregard for women (real women) is all I needed to know about you Lia.

Again, your concession is duly noted.

And you don't respect people by patronizing them.
Hard Stop.
You do realize that all prisoners do, all the time, if file lawsuits and complaints, don't you? Ironically, she didn't name the transgender inmate as a defendant in her suit. Hmmmm.. I wonder why?
So because she is a prisoner, she does not fall into the category of "we must believe the women." Amazing how many exceptions the left finds to what was once their article of faith.

Not sure why you would find the story implausible. Put a biological male with a history of sexual violence, in prison with women, and it would be implausible if no rape occured.
So because she is a prisoner, she does not fall into the category of "we must believe the women." Amazing how many exceptions the left finds to what was once their article of faith.

I never subscribed to "we must believe the women". You evaluate each case on a case by case basis, examine the evidence, and move on from there.

I thought Anita Hill was a liar. Simply, her story made no sense on a logical level. (If Clarance Thomas was such an awful boss, why did she transfer along with him to another department?)

And yes, prisoners have forfeited many of their rights, that's why they are in prison.

Not sure why you would find the story implausible. Put a biological male with a history of sexual violence, in prison with women, and it would be implausible if no rape occured.

Oh, mostly because these women are in lock down 24/7. Oh, yeah, and she's a criminal who already couldn't live by the standards of normal society.

Again, it's adorable when you pretend to care about prisoner rights. Almost as adorable as when you freak about a transgender kid using the same bathroom, but make all sorts of excuses about why mass shooters aren't a real threat.
Again, it's adorable when you pretend to care about prisoner rights. Almost as adorable as when you freak about a transgender kid using the same bathroom, but make all sorts of excuses about why mass shooters aren't a real threat.
See, when you start lying, any debate is pointless. But, I guess that is your goal, to bail out of a losing argument without admitting that's what you're doing.
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See, when you start lying, any debate is pointless. But, I guess that is your goal, to bail out of a losing argument without admitting that's what you're doing.

Nope, I'm just pointing out about the FAKE outrage.

You say that kids are in danger from drag queens, but you do nothing to stop mass shooters.

You are upset that a transgender might be locked in prison with innocent women, but you have no problem with a prison industrial complex that locks up hundreds of thousands of people for non-violent offenses.

You freak out about the very few kids who qualify for Gender-Affirming care, but you are fine with hundreds of thousands given mind-altering drugs to make them more manageable in the classroom.

Just be honest, you are freaked out by transgender people, and want to find excuses.
Nope, I'm just pointing out about the FAKE outrage.

You say that kids are in danger from drag queens, but you do nothing to stop mass shooters.

You are upset that a transgender might be locked in prison with innocent women, but you have no problem with a prison industrial complex that locks up hundreds of thousands of people for non-violent offenses.

You freak out about the very few kids who qualify for Gender-Affirming care, but you are fine with hundreds of thousands given mind-altering drugs to make them more manageable in the classroom.

Just be honest, you are freaked out by transgender people, and want to find excuses.
You lied when you said that I make all kinds of excuses why school shooters are not a real threat.

Correct that lie, or further conversation is useless.

PS: You also lie when you say that I am fine with kids being given drugs to make them more manageable in the classroom.

It's pointless to argue or debate with a person whose method is to pile one like on top of another in order to avoid real debate.
You lied when you said that I make all kinds of excuses why school shooters are not a real threat.

Correct that lie, or further conversation is useless.

PS: You also lie when you say that I am fine with kids being given drugs to make them more manageable in the classroom.

It's pointless to argue or debate with a person whose method is to pile one like on top of another in order to avoid real debate.

That’s why I put the troll on ignore.
Cross-eyed politicians are suspect, doubly so when they are not born of patriot fathers.

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Nice lib blue tie... btw.

You lied when you said that I make all kinds of excuses why school shooters are not a real threat.

Correct that lie, or further conversation is useless.

PS: You also lie when you say that I am fine with kids being given drugs to make them more manageable in the classroom.
I think your priorities speak for themselves, don't they?

You are freaking out about the MINISCULE number of transgender folk, and ignoring these much larger problems.

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