UK probes Islamists' plot of taking over schools


Gold Member
Apr 20, 2013
The U.S.
Harassment of innocent Muslims continues in the UK.


LONDON: UK police have zeroed in on at least 25 schools in Birmingham, Britain's second largest city, to investigate an alleged plot by Islamists to take over the curriculum.

The probe into the so-called 'Operation Trojan Horse' by Islamist hardliners, which came to light over the weekend, has been widened after Birmingham City Council said it had received over 200 reports in relation to inquiries it made to gauge the level of influence in the day-to-day running of schools.

Birmingham has a large Muslim population - nearly 22 per cent, according to the 2011 census.

Former head teacher Ian Kershaw has been appointed as chief advisor of the probe after an anonymous letter was sent to the city's authorities warning against the covert operation.

Kershaw will conduct a study and report to a newly-formed review group made up of MPs, police, councillors and faith groups.

His report will be published alongside a parallel investigation by the department for education (DfE) in May.

The 25 schools now being looked at include primaries, secondaries and academies.

The 200-plus reports to the council include emails and calls from staff, parents and governors.

"It is about the general specifics, the behaviour of the schools, what happens within the schools, the school day, the assembly," said Sir Albert Bore, leader of Birmingham City Council.

Concerns were raised last year when an undated and anonymous letter outlined a suspected plot, dubbed 'Operation Trojan Horse', which allegedly had already ousted four head teachers and brought about an adherence to more hardline Islamic principles.

The letter was apparently penned by someone in Birmingham to a contact in Bradford.

Sir Albert said the city council had spoken to local authorities in both Manchester and Bradford.

Since the allegations made in the Trojan Horse letter came to light, a number of school staff have come forward to make various statements.

These include claims of boys and girls being segregated in classrooms and assemblies, sex education being banned and non-Muslim staff bullied.

On a visit to Birmingham this month, Prime Minister David Cameron had said: "We will not accept any school being run by extremists or promoting extremist views."

UK probes Islamists' plot of taking over schools - The Times of India
harassment of innocent muslims continues in the uk.


london: Uk police have zeroed in on at least 25 schools in birmingham, britain's second largest city, to investigate an alleged plot by islamists to take over the curriculum.

The probe into the so-called 'operation trojan horse' by islamist hardliners, which came to light over the weekend, has been widened after birmingham city council said it had received over 200 reports in relation to inquiries it made to gauge the level of influence in the day-to-day running of schools.

Birmingham has a large muslim population - nearly 22 per cent, according to the 2011 census.

Former head teacher ian kershaw has been appointed as chief advisor of the probe after an anonymous letter was sent to the city's authorities warning against the covert operation.

Kershaw will conduct a study and report to a newly-formed review group made up of mps, police, councillors and faith groups.

His report will be published alongside a parallel investigation by the department for education (dfe) in may.

The 25 schools now being looked at include primaries, secondaries and academies.

The 200-plus reports to the council include emails and calls from staff, parents and governors.

"it is about the general specifics, the behaviour of the schools, what happens within the schools, the school day, the assembly," said sir albert bore, leader of birmingham city council.

Concerns were raised last year when an undated and anonymous letter outlined a suspected plot, dubbed 'operation trojan horse', which allegedly had already ousted four head teachers and brought about an adherence to more hardline islamic principles.

The letter was apparently penned by someone in birmingham to a contact in bradford.

Sir albert said the city council had spoken to local authorities in both manchester and bradford.

Since the allegations made in the trojan horse letter came to light, a number of school staff have come forward to make various statements.

These include claims of boys and girls being segregated in classrooms and assemblies, sex education being banned and non-muslim staff bullied.

On a visit to birmingham this month, prime minister david cameron had said: "we will not accept any school being run by extremists or promoting extremist views."

uk probes islamists' plot of taking over schools - the times of india


The eventual civil war should be interesting.
Yes, there will be a civil war down the line. Who knows when? The muslims will decide when they feel strong enough. Hopefully, it will be after I am dead and gone.

They don't understand peaceful living among others of different religious faith. They wait until they are a large enough minority, then start to make demands for such things as shia law. This is happening already in the UK.

Governments here have shied away from confrontation with muslim leaders for many years. As long as the leaders make the right noises, about peace, our leaders grasp at this so called 'moderation.'

I am 60 years old, and in my short lifetime, have seen my country change from an almost complete white society, to a mish mash of the world's races. Most want to live in peace, and get on with their lives within our society. The muslims are different, they want things done their way.

Eventually I believe, they will demand a part of this small island for themselves. Probably in their strongholds from Birmingham up towards the old mill towns in the north where they are strongly represented. I live in such a town.

I believe eventually, the white people will leave these areas, and they will become almost completely muslim. Then they will take over, and demand an independent muslim state. The government will refuse, and then a bombing campaign will start probably similar to the one in Northern Ireland, but on a bigger scale. They will prove their willingness to die for their faith, and a long civil war will begin.

Then it will be a fight to the death to save my island. It will be them or us. I dread the idea of it, and no doubt the government like to convince themselves it won't happen. It will.
Gross human rights violation of Muslims does not equal civil war. You guys are just stirring up negative emotions which is not good for anybody.
Gross human rights violation of Muslims does not equal civil war. You guys are just stirring up negative emotions which is not good for anybody.

You have to live here to understand what is going on. These people play the long game. I have been watching them grow in strength since I was a kid. They have very large families compared to our small ones. They are clever, and know how to use the system to their advantage. They stick together, and help each other.

What I say about them is true. The muslims want control of my country. They are not in a hurry, and know growing numbers, mean more power and influence. It is not just here in England they are a problem, other countries like Holland also.

They don't think of themselves as English, even though they are born here. Being a muslim is what is important. We have problems here with so called 'honor killings,' and many hundreds of young radical muslims are being watched 24 hours a day by the authorities. Many plots since the underground explosions in 2005, which killed 52 people have been foiled, and people jailed.

I am not a rabid fanatic waving a Union Jack. I am a realist who fears for the future of this country. This attempt to hijack education in Birmingham is just another move in their long term plans. Make sure the kids are educated how radical muslims want them to be. They are dangerous people. Not all of them by any means, but the majority seem to go along with the radical minority.

Sooner or later, we are going to have to make a stand. The politicians will do whatever it takes to avoid this. They will give in to demands, and pretend they haven't with mealy words. The white English people of this island are dispirited, and feel liberal politicians don't care about us. Just go to work, pay your taxes, and keep your mouths shut.
Gross human rights violation of Muslims does not equal civil war. You guys are just stirring up negative emotions which is not good for anybody.

There will be a civil war eventually, nothing surer, and anything that befalls the Muslims one could say will be their own fault.

[ame] [/ame]
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Gross human rights violation of Muslims does not equal civil war. You guys are just stirring up negative emotions which is not good for anybody.

This might help you understand;

[ame=]60 Minutes EDL and Oz - YouTube[/ame]
Gross human rights violation of Muslims does not equal civil war. You guys are just stirring up negative emotions which is not good for anybody.

There will be a civil war eventually, nothing surer, and anything that befalls the Muslims one could say will be their own fault.

[ame=]Muslim Disrespect of Remembrance Day : Poppy Burning - YouTube[/ame]

I used to think years ago things would work out ok eventually. Events of recent years have proven me wrong. The slaughter of soldier Lee Rigby on the streets of his own country by fanatical muslims has now been quietly pushed into the background. All politicians in this country care about is keeping a lid on problems Sort of keep kicking the can down the road.

The muslims will keep advancing slowly, and as quietly as they can. This education problem in Birmingham has been spotted, and a top anti-terrorist guy has been sent to look into what's going on. The local police chief in Birmingham isn't happy about this. He says it sends the wrong message to the 'muslim community.' All he cares about is keeping the peace...... at whatever long term price.

A civil war may be many years away, it's hard to be sure. The muslims will try to take over legally if they can. More and more muslim members of parliament is a way forward. White politicians will bend over backwards to avert any conflict. But, when the muslims feel they are strong enough, they will try to take over. Find me a society anywhere in the world were muslims have not taken over when strong enough. They then terrorize minorities like we see every so often in Pakistan. It's their way, or the highway. No middle of the road living in peace. They're not happy unless it's a totally muslim society.

I wish this wasn't so, but wishing does no good at all. I look at my grandchildren, and am angered at what we are going to leave them to cope with. Politicians of many years standing in this country should hang their heads in shame.
Anyone remember Enoch Powell, the first victim of political correctness?

Rivers of Blood: Why Enoch Powell Was Right!

I remember Enoch Powell very well. When he made his speech, many agreed with him. But, the Conservative party threw him out of their ranks. He could have kept his mouth shut like many others did, and advanced within the party to high position. He instead chose to take a stand, and paid the political price. He was an honest man who served his country in war.
Anyone remember Enoch Powell, the first victim of political correctness?

Rivers of Blood: Why Enoch Powell Was Right!

I remember Enoch Powell very well. When he made his speech, many agreed with him. But, the Conservative party threw him out of their ranks. He could have kept his mouth shut like many others did, and advanced within the party to high position. He instead chose to take a stand, and paid the political price. He was an honest man who served his country in war.

Muslims taking over UK is a very unrealistic scenario and I think it is nothing but a result of an insecure mind.
It seems like British media is doing its best to raise anti Muslim hysteria.


Schools in Birmingham are illegally segregating pupils, discriminating against non-Muslim students and restricting the GCSE syllabus to “comply with conservative Islamic teaching”, an official report leaked to The Telegraph discloses.
Department for Education inspectors said that girls in a school at the centre of the so-called “Trojan Horse” plot were forced to sit at the back of the class, some Christian pupils were left to “teach themselves” and an extremist preacher was invited to speak to children.
The report, into three schools in the city, follows weeks of controversy over the alleged plot to “Islamise” secular schools in Birmingham and will lead to calls for intervention. The report focuses on Park View School and its sister schools, Golden Hillock and Nansen, the only primary of the three. Inspectors found that Park View practised forced and discriminatory sex segregation and has “restricted” GCSE subjects “to comply with conservative Islamic teaching”.
Core elements of the GCSE syllabus were missed out as “un-Islamic” and an extremist preacher with known al-Qaeda sympathies and anti-Semitic views was invited to speak with children. At Golden Hillock, there was discrimination against non-Muslims, the report found. Its handful of Christian students “have to teach themselves” in one GCSE subject after the teacher “concentrated on the students who were doing the Islamic course”.
At Nansen, Year 6 children, aged 10 and 11, received no teaching at all in the arts, humanities or music.

The document, classified “official-sensitive”, describes the results of inspections of the schools last month by officials from the DfE. All three are supposedly non-faith schools run by the Park View Educational Trust.
Allegations that radical Muslims were seeking to “Islamise” secular schools in Birmingham first emerged publicly last month in a leaked letter, describing an operation purportedly named “Trojan Horse”.
The letter supposedly described how activists could stir up Muslim parents to oust secular headteachers. Park View and its chairman of governors, Tahir Alam, were named in the letter as being at the centre of the plot. Mr Alam and the school have furiously denied the claims as “fictitious”, “Islamophobic” and a “witch-hunt”.
However, the leaked report substantiates many of the claims made against the school. It accuses Park View of 20 separate breaches of the law, the schools’ funding agreement with the DfE, and the Academy Schools Handbook.
The inspectors found that, contrary to its denials, Park View did practise forced and discriminatory gender segregation, with “boys sitting towards the front of the class and girls at the back or around the sides”.
The school has always claimed that any separation of the sexes was voluntary. However, the report says: “Students told us they were required to sit in the places which they were given by teachers.” This constituted “non-compliance with the Equality Act” and potentially “less favourable treatment for girls”. There was entirely separated teaching, in separate rooms, for some subjects, the report says.
The small number of Christian or non-Muslim pupils also suffered discrimination, the report says.
At Golden Hillock, five Christian students in Year 11 “have to teach themselves” in one GCSE subject, religious education, because the teacher gave all his or her time “to the students who are doing the Islamic course”.
Sheikh Shady al-Suleiman, an extremist preacher who “is known to extol... the stoning of homosexuals, anti-Semitic views [and is] sympathetic to al-Qaeda”, was invited to address students at Park View, the inspectors found.
The core curriculum at the two secondary schools had been Islamised, with GCSE subjects “restricted to comply with conservative Islamic teaching”.
Children told the inspectors that in biology the teacher “briefly delivered the theory of evolution to comply with the syllabus”, but told students that “this is not what we believe”.
In biology, the inspectors also found that “topics such as body structure and the menstrual cycle were not covered in class, though pupils needed them for the GCSE exam . . . students told us that as Muslims they were not allowed to study matters such as reproduction with the opposite sex”. At Park View, a “madrassah curriculum” was followed in personal, health and social education, the report said.
Though all the schools are supposed to be secular, the inspectors said they were not sufficiently welcoming to those of other faiths or no faith, with students at Park View encouraged to “begin and end each lesson with a prayer” and loudspeakers used to “broadcast the call for prayer across the school”.
The report added that the respected non-Muslim headteacher was marginalised, and female staff at one of the schools were treated in a “rude and dismissive” way.
Teaching standards and children’s safety were placed at risk after the schools’ management recruited close relatives, without adequate teaching experience or proper background checks, to key leadership posts.
At Golden Hillock, any discussion of sexual orientation or intimacy was banned, affecting “the broad and balanced teaching of many subjects, including art and English literature”, the inspectors found.
At Nansen, there were “no lessons in the humanities, arts or music” for one entire year, Year 6, and only “limited” teaching in Year 5. Arabic, however, was compulsory for all students — almost unheard of at a primary school.
Female staff at the schools were discriminated against, the report says. “One of the senior leaders [at Nansen] interviewed reported that she had never met a governor or been invited to a governing body meeting, although the male senior leader with similar responsibilities was invited to every meeting”.
At Golden Hillock, three members of staff told inspectors that governors were “rude to women and dismissive of their input” and that some governors “will not shake the hands of female senior leaders”.
The report makes clear that Park View’s most senior female leader, the non-Muslim executive headteacher, Lindsey Clark, had been reduced to a figurehead, marginalised to the extent that she “was unaware of the names of some of the more recent appointments to the senior leadership team” at her own school. Last week, Mrs Clark retired.
All three schools were in reality run by Mr Alam, who had an “inappropriate day-to-day role in the running of the schools” and who received undeclared four-figure payments from them as a “consultant”, the report states.
At Nansen the deputy headteacher, Razwan Faraz, “was appointed deputy only three years after [achieving] qualified teacher status”, the report says. No references from outside the schools were taken up for him.
As The Telegraph revealed last month, Mr Faraz, the brother of a convicted terrorist, is the administrator of a group of teachers, governors and school consultants called Educational Activists which pursues what he calls an “Islamising agenda” in Birmingham schools.
Mr Alam, a leading activist in the Muslim Council of Britain (MCB), has a number of hardline views. In evidence for the MCB to the UN’s high commissioner for human rights in 2008, he said he would “caution against advocating that desegregation [in schools] should be actively pursued” and stressed the “obligatory nature” of the hijab for Muslim women and girls.
The disclosures came as Tristram Hunt, the shadow education secretary, prepared to make a strong attack on “divisive” attempts to impose religious values on secular schools.
Speaking at the NASUWT union conference in Birmingham, he was due to say: “We cannot have narrow, religious motives which seek to divide and isolate dictating state schooling. We cannot have headteachers forced out, teachers undermined, curricula rewritten and cultural or gender-based segregation.
“Indeed, it is more important than ever in a modern, multi-cultural city like this one that schooling serves to unite, not fracture communities.”
A spokesman for Park View Educational Trust said: “This is a confidential draft report which the trust is entitled to respond to within a given timescale and it should not have been made public. We are extremely disappointed that our entitlement to confidentiality has been breached and we will not comment any further.”

State schools isolate non-Muslims - Telegraph
Anyone remember Enoch Powell, the first victim of political correctness?

Rivers of Blood: Why Enoch Powell Was Right!

I remember Enoch Powell very well. When he made his speech, many agreed with him. But, the Conservative party threw him out of their ranks. He could have kept his mouth shut like many others did, and advanced within the party to high position. He instead chose to take a stand, and paid the political price. He was an honest man who served his country in war.

Muslims taking over UK is a very unrealistic scenario and I think it is nothing but a result of an insecure mind.
My question is why the hell would any country accept the scum of the earth as immigrants. Multiculturalism does not work, but assimilation can.
My question is why the hell would any country accept the scum of the earth as immigrants. Multiculturalism does not work, but assimilation can.[/QUOTE]

Why it was allowed to happen no one knows, or wants to tell us. But it was, and continues. Laws have been brought in over the years to make the white English remain silent. The magic word 'racist' is always ready to be thrown. Our towns in the north of England are swamped with immigrants. Many don't work, and never have. They live off the taxpayers of this country.

They live in ghettos, and slowly but surely move into, then take over the areas we live. It is happening to many northern towns. Burnley, Bolton, Bradford, Rochdale, Blackburn, Oldham where I was born, and others.

No one in authority seem to care, and have turned their backs on us. I know my time in the town I live is coming to an end. I will have to move on. I do not want us to be the last white family living amongst them. They despise us, the infidel.

I pick my words carefully. I am not a fanatic, and hate nobody. I have watched events unfolding over many years. When the muslims feel they are ready, they will attempt to take over this country.
So a former islamic terrorism officer becomes a schools inspector and claims there is islamic terrorism happening there? Is there anywhere he wouldn't have seen it And they call it operation Trojan Horse? Are Muslims big on their Homer?

All sounds a bit on the silly side to me.
My question is why the hell would any country accept the scum of the earth as immigrants. Multiculturalism does not work, but assimilation can.

Why it was allowed to happen no one knows, or wants to tell us. But it was, and continues. Laws have been brought in over the years to make the white English remain silent. The magic word 'racist' is always ready to be thrown. Our towns in the north of England are swamped with immigrants. Many don't work, and never have. They live off the taxpayers of this country.

They live in ghettos, and slowly but surely move into, then take over the areas we live. It is happening to many northern towns. Burnley, Bolton, Bradford, Rochdale, Blackburn, Oldham where I was born, and others.

No one in authority seem to care, and have turned their backs on us. I know my time in the town I live is coming to an end. I will have to move on. I do not want us to be the last white family living amongst them. They despise us, the infidel.

I pick my words carefully. I am not a fanatic, and hate nobody. I have watched events unfolding over many years. When the muslims feel they are ready, they will attempt to take over this country.[/QUOTE]

Muslims Add Over £31 Billion To UK Economy

31bn GBP And that is just Muslim owned businesses. Not really living on benefits is it. Still I understand people from Oldham hate the muslims so much they happily vote for a neo-fascist party called the BNP in record numbers. A party whose leader has denied the holocaust. Shameful.

About 60 imams and leaders of Muslim organisations in the United Kingdom have signed an open letter to the government, accusing it of "criminalising Islam".

They say that the "terror threat" is being exploited for political capital in the run-up to the general election. Signatories of the letter include former Guantanamo Bay detainee Moazzam Begg and members of the Islamist group Hizb ut-Tahrir.

However, one of Britain's largest Muslim umbrella body, the Muslim Council of Britain (MCB), has not signed the letter.

The open letter accuses the government of trying to deflect attention from crises in the economy and health service, while trying to silence criticism of foreign policy.

The signatories criticise the "demonisation of Muslims in Britain...despite their disavowal of violence and never having supported terrorist acts."

"The expedient use of undefined and politically charged words like 'radicalisation' and 'extremism' is unacceptable as it criminalises legitimate political discourse," the letter says.

Apart from imams, the signatories include advocates, activists, community leaders, community organisations and student bodies.

Jahangir Mohammed, director of the Centre for Muslim Affairs, said the Counter-Terrorism and Security Act had made the entire Muslim community feel targeted. "Counter-terrorism policies are flawed and alienating," he said. "This approach is not working and actually backfiring. The entire Muslim community is being blamed for the actions of a violent few and as a result Muslims in Britain feel marginalised."

He added that the act would legitimise public servants' suspicions of Muslims and their beliefs and political views. "This goes against equality policies that state individuals should not be discriminated due to their political and religious beliefs," he said. "It will serve to destroy good community relations that have been built over many years and will treat Muslims as a suspect community."

British Muslims accuse govt of criminalising Islam sign open letter

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