UK rednecks are now having buyers remorse......LOLOLOLOLOL

They would like to completely roll back the entire New Deal era. Problem is, the "other" party has not had "the peoples" back in this regard. If you think voting Dem and then just going back home to await resistance on their part is going to work, I think you're mistaken. They've had 5-6 decades to stand up against this rerig and they've done nothing.
You're full of shit, the country rebounded from that worthless piece of socialist shit, Carter and we did quite well under Reagan. You lying smearing assholes can't stand the fact that your policies don't work so you rely on propaganda. It only works on kids, not people that were there.
Hey fuck head we are over it....the fact is, they're not over it....LOLOLOLOL....
More Than 1.5 Million Britons Are Demanding A Second EU Referendum
A petition calls for the U.K. government to act because Thursday’s winning margin to leave the union was so slim.
FYI Just heard on the news it's up to 1.9 million now, that signed the petition...
You couldn't make this shit up even on your worst day...I love it. Trump had best take notes as should his Nazi followers!!
So 1.9 million, on a online petition ? How many signatures are real ? I mean it is a website petition. How many butthurt lefties signed more than once ?
LOLOLOL...everythings a gotdamned conspiracy when white people don't get their way.....LOLOLOLO....God, how ignorant can a mf be?
Nah its funny to see someone throw a fit when things don't go their way. View attachment 79385
Better that than a shoe, eh?
Typical, things don't go a Liberals way its because of ignorant people. Bet money if they had voted to stay you would have been on here trumpeting the intelligence of the British people. The people of Britannia spoke get over it.
Hey fuck head we are over it....the fact is, they're not over it....LOLOLOLOL....
More Than 1.5 Million Britons Are Demanding A Second EU Referendum
A petition calls for the U.K. government to act because Thursday’s winning margin to leave the union was so slim.
FYI Just heard on the news it's up to 1.9 million now, that signed the petition...
You couldn't make this shit up even on your worst day...I love it. Trump had best take notes as should his Nazi followers!!
So 1.9 million, on a online petition ? How many signatures are real ? I mean it is a website petition. How many butthurt lefties signed more than once ?
i think i heard it was a petition on parliament's site, to let the parliament hear their's non binding.... we have the same options here in the US, the president has a petition option process... the votes in the USA for these petitions are verifiable and you can't vote twice.....

We the undersigned call upon HM Government to implement a rule that if the remain or leave vote is less than 60 [percent] based on a turnout less than 75[percent] there should be a referendum,” it states.
The British government is duty-bound to respond to any petition reaching more than 100,000 signatories, as they did in January after one was launched to ban Donald Trump from setting foot on U.K. soil.
FYI Just heard on the news it's up to 1.9 million now, that signed the petition...
You couldn't make this shit up even on your worst day...I love it. Trump had best take notes as should his Nazi followers!!
You are a seriously idiotic person. I wiish my Grandfathers were alive to educate people like you what real NAZI's were like.
If your grand daddy was alive today, not only would half his fuckin grandkids be black but he along with his Nazi friends would be doing the same exact shit you bitches do shit on a keyboard!!! LOLOLOLOLOLOLO
My Grandfathers fought against the NAZI's dumbass. Why do you have to bring race into this I didn't mention it. Is that your fall back when you don't have anything inteligent to say ?

By the way dumbass I have mixed race kids. My ex-wife was Black. So your racebaiting BS has no effect on me.
Damit, I thought your grand daddy was a need to clarify that comment you made. Listen, I'm a vet and I know my WWll history like a kudos to your grand daddy, I'm sorry if I miss spoke and I did....but miss me on this some of my best friends are black genre'!!
Grandfathers plural. Didn't say anything about best friends I said family. My ex-wife was more conservative than me.
They would like to completely roll back the entire New Deal era. Problem is, the "other" party has not had "the peoples" back in this regard. If you think voting Dem and then just going back home to await resistance on their part is going to work, I think you're mistaken. They've had 5-6 decades to stand up against this rerig and they've done nothing.
You're full of shit, the country rebounded from that worthless piece of socialist shit, Carter and we did quite well under Reagan. You lying smearing assholes can't stand the fact that your policies don't work so you rely on propaganda. It only works on kids, not people that were there.

If you weren't so reactionary and Pavlovian you would have picked up on the fact that I don't see any difference in the "two" parties when it comes to the 5-6 decade long process that rerigged the american economy to the detriment of society as a whole. But that's what arises from a closed mind.
They would like to completely roll back the entire New Deal era. Problem is, the "other" party has not had "the peoples" back in this regard. If you think voting Dem and then just going back home to await resistance on their part is going to work, I think you're mistaken. They've had 5-6 decades to stand up against this rerig and they've done nothing.
You're full of shit, the country rebounded from that worthless piece of socialist shit, Carter and we did quite well under Reagan. You lying smearing assholes can't stand the fact that your policies don't work so you rely on propaganda. It only works on kids, not people that were there.
You are fuckin insane......Did well under Reagan? The only prosperity that this baffoon brought to this country was enhancing the wealthy and the DOD....if anyone did good under Reagan it was a direct result of the observe military spending we did. BUT THIS IS FACT:
1. Reagan was a serial tax raiser. He raised taxes 7 times during his years in office
2. Reagan nearly tripled the federal budget deficit.
3. Unemployment soared after Reagan’s 1981 tax 10%
4. Reagan grew the size of the federal government tremendously
7. Reagan gave amnesty to 3 million undocumented immigrants.
8. Reagan illegally funneled weapons to Iran
10. Reagan helped create the Taliban and Osama Bin Laden.
He ignored the Aids crisis, hated on women's rights, voted against ending Aparthide is South Africa.....
He was a joke!!
FYI Just heard on the news it's up to 1.9 million now, that signed the petition...
You couldn't make this shit up even on your worst day...I love it. Trump had best take notes as should his Nazi followers!!
You are a seriously idiotic person. I wiish my Grandfathers were alive to educate people like you what real NAZI's were like.
If your grand daddy was alive today, not only would half his fuckin grandkids be black but he along with his Nazi friends would be doing the same exact shit you bitches do shit on a keyboard!!! LOLOLOLOLOLOLO
My Grandfathers fought against the NAZI's dumbass. Why do you have to bring race into this I didn't mention it. Is that your fall back when you don't have anything inteligent to say ?

By the way dumbass I have mixed race kids. My ex-wife was Black. So your racebaiting BS has no effect on me.

Looks like it kinda does, look:

By the way dumbass I have mixed race kids. My ex-wife was Black.
Look, I've apologized for my attack, now either accept it or keep it moving. Read your damn comment about your granddaddy you idiot, it begs for interpretation, ya think?
You couldn't make this shit up even on your worst day...I love it. Trump had best take notes as should his Nazi followers!!
You are a seriously idiotic person. I wiish my Grandfathers were alive to educate people like you what real NAZI's were like.
If your grand daddy was alive today, not only would half his fuckin grandkids be black but he along with his Nazi friends would be doing the same exact shit you bitches do shit on a keyboard!!! LOLOLOLOLOLOLO
My Grandfathers fought against the NAZI's dumbass. Why do you have to bring race into this I didn't mention it. Is that your fall back when you don't have anything inteligent to say ?

By the way dumbass I have mixed race kids. My ex-wife was Black. So your racebaiting BS has no effect on me.
Damit, I thought your grand daddy was a need to clarify that comment you made. Listen, I'm a vet and I know my WWll history like a kudos to your grand daddy, I'm sorry if I miss spoke and I did....but miss me on this some of my best friends are black genre'!!
Grandfathers plural. Didn't say anything about best friends I said family. My ex-wife was more conservative than me.
Two things, do I open a vein or do I mail you a gift certificate? So you married a black bitch, what the fuck you want from me? Jezzzas you white fuck heads marry outside your race and suddenly you want creds....get the fuck outta here!!
Hey fuck head we are over it....the fact is, they're not over it....LOLOLOLOL....
More Than 1.5 Million Britons Are Demanding A Second EU Referendum
A petition calls for the U.K. government to act because Thursday’s winning margin to leave the union was so slim.
FYI Just heard on the news it's up to 1.9 million now, that signed the petition...
You couldn't make this shit up even on your worst day...I love it. Trump had best take notes as should his Nazi followers!!
So 1.9 million, on a online petition ? How many signatures are real ? I mean it is a website petition. How many butthurt lefties signed more than once ?
LOLOLOL...everythings a gotdamned conspiracy when white people don't get their way.....LOLOLOLO....God, how ignorant can a mf be?

I think it's getting time for you to take another extended stay away, you're just getting downright nasty and mean now. Trying to give goono a run for his money ?
Dude, I got a potty mouth, I hate myself for it, but that's just the case....I curse a lot. I can't tell you how many times my black ass is called into the office at work each week...almost lost my job a few times, but I'm too damned old to change, can't help it!!
....over 1 million redneck losers have signed up.......when will white people get it? When when when will white people get it? ...all they know how to do is scare the shit out of white people...once in office, once given the mantle..............another reason why elderly euthanasia isn't a bad idea .......Youtube it and learn, dumb shit for brains fuck heads!!...
Two things, do I open a vein or do I mail you a gift certificate? So you married a black bitch, what the fuck you want from me? Jezzzas you white fuck heads marry outside your race and suddenly you want creds....get the fuck outta here!!

Racist, ageist and angrily hateful. Just another post from the far Left. Get some help before you hurt yourself or someone else.
....over 1 million redneck losers have signed up.......when will white people get it? When when when will white people get it? ...all they know how to do is scare the shit out of white people...once in office, once given the mantle..............another reason why elderly euthanasia isn't a bad idea .......Youtube it and learn, dumb shit for brains fuck heads!!...
Two things, do I open a vein or do I mail you a gift certificate? So you married a black bitch, what the fuck you want from me? Jezzzas you white fuck heads marry outside your race and suddenly you want creds....get the fuck outta here!!

Racist, ageist and angrily hateful. Just another post from the far Left. Get some help before you hurt yourself or someone else.
okay okay okay nuts win...I love all white people and want desperately to hug one with my pet python leading the way....feel better?
Typical of the left. Simply recount or redo until it comes up right.
Pot meet kettle......Bush Gore ring a bell
You dumb cvnt. The dims were the ones pushing the recounts. Just like here in WA when Dino Rossi won the gubernatorial race, counted twice, still was unsatisfactory so they did it a third time with a hundred votes over. Maybe your life would be better instead of trying to get by on racism and hatred. It isn't working for "the community".
They would like to completely roll back the entire New Deal era. Problem is, the "other" party has not had "the peoples" back in this regard. If you think voting Dem and then just going back home to await resistance on their part is going to work, I think you're mistaken. They've had 5-6 decades to stand up against this rerig and they've done nothing.
You're full of shit, the country rebounded from that worthless piece of socialist shit, Carter and we did quite well under Reagan. You lying smearing assholes can't stand the fact that your policies don't work so you rely on propaganda. It only works on kids, not people that were there.

If you weren't so reactionary and Pavlovian you would have picked up on the fact that I don't see any difference in the "two" parties when it comes to the 5-6 decade long process that rerigged the american economy to the detriment of society as a whole. But that's what arises from a closed mind.
If you weren't such a dumb fuck you would have remembered what you said.
"the "other" party has not had "the peoples" back in this regard."
Typical of the left. Simply recount or redo until it comes up right.
Pot meet kettle......Bush Gore ring a bell
You dumb cvnt. The dims were the ones pushing the recounts. Just like here in WA when Dino Rossi won the gubernatorial race, counted twice, still was unsatisfactory so they did it a third time with a hundred votes over. Maybe your life would be better instead of trying to get by on racism and hatred. It isn't working for "the community".
ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ, wake me up when you have something of value to whine about.....I'm out!!
okay okay okay nuts win...I love all white people and want desperately to hug one with my pet python leading the way....feel better?
Dude, you're the one who needs to feel better before you end up with a needle in your arm like John Allen Muhammad.
And the slack jawed uneducated rightwing albinos here in America cheer

Dow plunges over 600 points as U.K. 'earthquake' crushes global markets

Dow plunges over 600 points as U.K. 'earthquake' crushes global markets
The markets aren't "crushed" and it wasn't an 'earthquake.' The media is making this much, much more an end-of-world scenario than is warranted. It will have an effect on world economies, in time, but it will not be a catastrophe. BEWARE of the hyena media's propensity to whip everyone into a froth at the faintest smell of blood. Watch some real news, read some real articles, folks. The U.K. had a right to do what it did and the only people screaming are the ones who lost. No one is really "sorry" for the choice they made. Not yet, anyway.

Things will be alright.

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