UK rednecks are now having buyers remorse......LOLOLOLOLOL

People need to stop censoring themselves so much. If some racist black buffalo like Triggered says something derogatory about whites, don't be pussies....say something derogatory about blacks.

If she can't take what she dishes out, fuck her.
Typical, things don't go a Liberals way its because of ignorant people. Bet money if they had voted to stay you would have been on here trumpeting the intelligence of the British people. The people of Britannia spoke get over it.
People need to stop censoring themselves so much. If some racist black buffalo like Triggered says something derogatory about whites, don't be pussies....say something derogatory about blacks.

If she can't take what she dishes out, fuck her.
I don't sink to that level of bs.
That's why conservatives always lose. They aren't willing to go in the gutter like the leftists will. Somebody has to do it or we will keep losing.
People need to stop censoring themselves so much. If some racist black buffalo like Triggered says something derogatory about whites, don't be pussies....say something derogatory about blacks.

If she can't take what she dishes out, fuck her.
You`re bringing your gay fantasies here? Spare us please.
Progressive heads...........exploding today s0ns!!!:bye1::bye1:

Talk about a kick to the balls.........its :fu:to the multicultural crap time, and none too soon for Britain as their culture has been slouching towards the shithole. Hopefully, Americans are paying attention because the shithole is about to get huge here depending on the election outcome. If Americans want a third world country with people who say "FUCK YOU!!" to assimilation as we have seen in the EU, then they throw their cards behind crooked Hillary!!:eusa_dance::eusa_dance:

Lets please not forget.......a shithole for American culture means absolute power for the need for elections anymore. As such, this is why progressives despise ANYTHING traditional on America.:coffee:
pro muslim major leading the exit of EU due to immigration??

and now might be PM?

he was involved in the ships trying to break the blockade of gaza and tried to do the same with trucks through Africa to gaza

Rolly polly with rag mop yellow hair, he looks rather clownish
Maybe there should be a maximum voting age. After all, senior citizens are more susceptible to fraud and deceit.
I'm almost 60....and I hate to say it, but old people should all just die the fuck off, especially white old people!!
and just the other day you were saying what an ass a poster was for wishing guno you know what a hypocrite is?...if not take a look in your mirror,just step back quick because it might break...
Maybe there should be a maximum voting age. After all, senior citizens are more susceptible to fraud and deceit.
Better yet, don't dumb fuck kids that know nothing about life except what they've been told vote.

You may have a point there. When I was 18 I voted for Dole.

On the other hand, just as there is a lower limit to what is considered the "age of reason" so there should be an upper limit.
Only a liberal would deny votes to people they think would vote against their progressive ideals. Fortunately, you ass stains don't have that power.

Let's be real. The vast majority of this country's problems are due to people who are "from another time" being allowed to vote. Why should we have to wait for y'all to die before having a decent society.

The only solace comes in knowing that the shitty decisions your generation has made regarding the environment, healthcare, and nutrition will put most of y'all in the ground a number of years sooner that otherwise. Good day.
remember agit,when you get up there some young pissant might be saying the same thing about might feel somewhat different then....
Maybe there should be a maximum voting age. After all, senior citizens are more susceptible to fraud and deceit.
Better yet, don't dumb fuck kids that know nothing about life except what they've been told vote.

You may have a point there. When I was 18 I voted for Dole.

On the other hand, just as there is a lower limit to what is considered the "age of reason" so there should be an upper limit.
Only a liberal would deny votes to people they think would vote against their progressive ideals. Fortunately, you ass stains don't have that power.

Let's be real. The vast majority of this country's problems are due to people who are "from another time" being allowed to vote. Why should we have to wait for y'all to die before having a decent society.

The only solace comes in knowing that the shitty decisions your generation has made regarding the environment, healthcare, and nutrition will put most of y'all in the ground a number of years sooner that otherwise. Good day.
We became and still are the global super power. The people you despise did that. Which proves you're a fucking moron. I'd much prefer and IQ test before voting so we don't have to suffer the consequences of the retard vote.
An IQ test and a tox screen so we don't suffer the consequences of the doper vote.
Some voters wish they could turn back time.

As global stock markets tumbled and the value of the pound plummeted to a 30-year low following the United Kingdom’s vote to leave the European Union, it appears that some people are now having serious regrets.

The #REGREXIT hashtag began trending on Twitter on Saturday morning, just as a petition calling for the country to hold a second referendum on its membership in the European Union passed 1.5 million signatures.

Tweeters vented their anger on a variety of themes. Some of those who voted “leave” said they now felt betrayed and wish they could turn back time and opt to remain. Others called out those same “leave” voters for choosing to exit the EU without having done the proper research:

Multiple people have reportedly admitted they didn’t actually understand what they’d been voting for, either believing they were registering a protest vote against the government or just presuming that the “leave” campaign would never win.

A whole host of other people who voted to leave the EU have also come forward to express their regret with the result. (Watch their stories by clicking here.)

The campaign to leave won 51.9 percent of the vote in Thursday’s referendum, compared to 48.1 percent on the “remain” side. It’s prompted the resignation of Prime Minister David Cameron and sparked fears that other European nations could follow suit in leaving the union.

More: Britons Express Serious #Regrexit As Reality Of Brexit Becomes Clear

Too bad, too sad. This is what happens when ignorant voters don't fully understand the issues. I hope American voters aren't that stupid in November.
More Than 1.5 Million Britons Are Demanding A Second EU Referendum
A petition calls for the U.K. government to act because Thursday’s winning margin to leave the union was so slim......wha ha ha ha now its up to 1.5 million...ha ha ha ha, unfuckin believable how stupid and disgusting old white people are in the world....LOLLOLOLOLOL.....conservatives eat your fuckin hearts out...everybody hates you!!
Some voters wish they could turn back time.

As global stock markets tumbled and the value of the pound plummeted to a 30-year low following the United Kingdom’s vote to leave the European Union, it appears that some people are now having serious regrets.

The #REGREXIT hashtag began trending on Twitter on Saturday morning, just as a petition calling for the country to hold a second referendum on its membership in the European Union passed 1.5 million signatures.

Tweeters vented their anger on a variety of themes. Some of those who voted “leave” said they now felt betrayed and wish they could turn back time and opt to remain. Others called out those same “leave” voters for choosing to exit the EU without having done the proper research:

Multiple people have reportedly admitted they didn’t actually understand what they’d been voting for, either believing they were registering a protest vote against the government or just presuming that the “leave” campaign would never win.

A whole host of other people who voted to leave the EU have also come forward to express their regret with the result. (Watch their stories by clicking here.)

The campaign to leave won 51.9 percent of the vote in Thursday’s referendum, compared to 48.1 percent on the “remain” side. It’s prompted the resignation of Prime Minister David Cameron and sparked fears that other European nations could follow suit in leaving the union.

More: Britons Express Serious #Regrexit As Reality Of Brexit Becomes Clear

Too bad, too sad. This is what happens when ignorant voters don't fully understand the issues. I hope American voters aren't that stupid in November.

How 'bout we let Brits run Britain.
Maybe there should be a maximum voting age. After all, senior citizens are more susceptible to fraud and deceit.
Better yet, don't dumb fuck kids that know nothing about life except what they've been told vote.
Hey you shit for brains moron, it was the old people that voted overwhelmingly to leave...the young people voted to stay and that's because the old people have had privy to its effects, its now time to die and the hell with everyone else. If it wasn't for the EU, them old fucks would be speaking German today!!

A petition calls for the U.K. government to act because Thursday’s winning margin to leave the union was so slim.

Calls for the United Kingdom to hold a second referendum on its membership of the European Union are growing.

A petition demanding a rerun of Thursday’s vote which resulted in the British exit, dubbed a “Brexit,” after the “leave” campaign won 51.9 percent to Remain’s 48.1 percent, had garnered more than 2 million signatures by midday on Saturday.

More: More Than 2 Million Britons Are Demanding A Second EU Referendum

Good luck with that. Is that even possible?
Maybe there should be a maximum voting age. After all, senior citizens are more susceptible to fraud and deceit.
Better yet, don't dumb fuck kids that know nothing about life except what they've been told vote.

You may have a point there. When I was 18 I voted for Dole.

On the other hand, just as there is a lower limit to what is considered the "age of reason" so there should be an upper limit.
Only a liberal would deny votes to people they think would vote against their progressive ideals. Fortunately, you ass stains don't have that power.
Uh, Obama got elected not once but twice and and and...had Bush not cheated, you morons would have had 12 years of liberals......the fact is, conservatives whites unless you cheat and you do, lack skills, power and votes in this country!!
People need to stop censoring themselves so much. If some racist black buffalo like Triggered says something derogatory about whites, don't be pussies....say something derogatory about blacks.

If she can't take what she dishes out, fuck her.
First off, I could give a rats fuck about you white ingrates and what you think or say about me. So kudos to your comments. I don't need protection, I don't need anyone defending me or offending me....because everything you nuts say here, is nothing but comedic fodder for me after a few drinks and a hard day at work. I love it!!...especially coming from your old white ass.

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