UK rednecks are now having buyers remorse......LOLOLOLOLOL

Typical, things don't go a Liberals way its because of ignorant people. Bet money if they had voted to stay you would have been on here trumpeting the intelligence of the British people. The people of Britannia spoke get over it.
Hey fuck head we are over it....the fact is, they're not over it....LOLOLOLOL....
More Than 1.5 Million Britons Are Demanding A Second EU Referendum
A petition calls for the U.K. government to act because Thursday’s winning margin to leave the union was so slim.
FYI Just heard on the news it's up to 1.9 million now, that signed the petition...
now it is 2,075,000
It was so very refreshing to see at least some Westerners that still value their countries sovereignty and borders. My hats off to the Brits, I honestly didn't think they still had it in them to make this break.

Now having said that, let's realize this is not a done deal. Much could happen that could keep the break from actually happening. We'll just have to wait and see.
Uh, hate to tell you, but over 2 million want a redo.....I know you've been nappin old man, but uh, its time to get with the times....LOLOLOLOLOL
Typical, things don't go a Liberals way its because of ignorant people. Bet money if they had voted to stay you would have been on here trumpeting the intelligence of the British people. The people of Britannia spoke get over it.
Hey fuck head we are over it....the fact is, they're not over it....LOLOLOLOL....
More Than 1.5 Million Britons Are Demanding A Second EU Referendum
A petition calls for the U.K. government to act because Thursday’s winning margin to leave the union was so slim.
FYI Just heard on the news it's up to 1.9 million now, that signed the petition...
You couldn't make this shit up even on your worst day...I love it. Trump had best take notes as should his Nazi followers!!
So 1.9 million, on a online petition ? How many signatures are real ? I mean it is a website petition. How many butthurt lefties signed more than once ?
i think i heard it was a petition on parliament's site, to let the parliament hear their's non binding.... we have the same options here in the US, the president has a petition option process... the votes in the USA for these petitions are verifiable and you can't vote twice.....
I find it amusing that everyone who isn't British thinks they know what's best for Britain
The Latest: Calls for 2nd referendum crash UK website
Jun. 24, 2016 5:45 PM EDT

Tens of thousands want a do-over.....thus far over 1 million redneck losers have signed up....lolololol

So many users are signing a petition for a re-run of Britain's referendum on European Union membership that they've crashed the House of Commons website hosting the document.....

Dear God, when will white people get it? When when when will white people get it? 2000 plus years mankind has been around and still the mindless fools haven't figured it out.....the man in the mirror is your biggest adversary and enemy and until you figure out which is which, you will continue to vote against your own best interest by listening to conservative ideology that has never ever ever once worked out to be a good thing...all they know how to do is scare the shit out of white people...once in office, once given the mantle....they're completely clueless and date, these mindless hero's haven't a plan a clue as to what to do next...sound sooooo familiar, so familiar!!

All the old people voted and when enacted will live to see perhaps 16 years of its effects....meanwhile all the young people vote to remain and once enacted, will last nearly 70 years of their life span...another reason why elderly euthanasia isn't a bad idea LOLOLO

Rod Serlings "Monsters on Maple Street pretty much sums up white people in a nut shell....Youtube it and learn, dumb shit for brains fuck heads!!

Even Pikeys aren't dumb enough to vote to leave the EU. Must've been Townies eh Swagger
The Latest: Calls for 2nd referendum crash UK website
Jun. 24, 2016 5:45 PM EDT

Tens of thousands want a do-over.....thus far over 1 million redneck losers have signed up....lolololol

So many users are signing a petition for a re-run of Britain's referendum on European Union membership that they've crashed the House of Commons website hosting the document.....

Dear God, when will white people get it? When when when will white people get it? 2000 plus years mankind has been around and still the mindless fools haven't figured it out.....the man in the mirror is your biggest adversary and enemy and until you figure out which is which, you will continue to vote against your own best interest by listening to conservative ideology that has never ever ever once worked out to be a good thing...all they know how to do is scare the shit out of white people...once in office, once given the mantle....they're completely clueless and date, these mindless hero's haven't a plan a clue as to what to do next...sound sooooo familiar, so familiar!!

All the old people voted and when enacted will live to see perhaps 16 years of its effects....meanwhile all the young people vote to remain and once enacted, will last nearly 70 years of their life span...another reason why elderly euthanasia isn't a bad idea LOLOLO

Rod Serlings "Monsters on Maple Street pretty much sums up white people in a nut shell....Youtube it and learn, dumb shit for brains fuck heads!!

Every time I read your posts, I picture you like this.
View attachment 79350

America will not be kind to you mutant inbred albinos going forward, the demographics just aren't on your side

so enjoy yourselves its latter then you think

Its not so much the demographics is a changing and changing fast...the minds of people are changing and that's what's important here. This country is tiring of yesterday. Yesterday brought prosperity, yes, but it also came with exclusion, bigotry and hardship for so many people of color and now that the tides are changing, white people are doing everything possible to latch onto those bygone days.....and doing so by voting for idiots that cater to that madness and it always, always always back fire in their face, that's the sadness here. When you vote for people that have the same mindset as you, stuck on stupid.....don't expect results.

Exclusion, bigotry and hardship that was brought by the Democratic Party for the majority of this countries existence.
I find it amusing that everyone who isn't British thinks they know what's best for Britain
I don't presume to but I repect their majority decision.
The Latest: Calls for 2nd referendum crash UK website
Jun. 24, 2016 5:45 PM EDT

Tens of thousands want a do-over.....thus far over 1 million redneck losers have signed up....lolololol

So many users are signing a petition for a re-run of Britain's referendum on European Union membership that they've crashed the House of Commons website hosting the document.....

Dear God, when will white people get it? When when when will white people get it? 2000 plus years mankind has been around and still the mindless fools haven't figured it out.....the man in the mirror is your biggest adversary and enemy and until you figure out which is which, you will continue to vote against your own best interest by listening to conservative ideology that has never ever ever once worked out to be a good thing...all they know how to do is scare the shit out of white people...once in office, once given the mantle....they're completely clueless and date, these mindless hero's haven't a plan a clue as to what to do next...sound sooooo familiar, so familiar!!

All the old people voted and when enacted will live to see perhaps 16 years of its effects....meanwhile all the young people vote to remain and once enacted, will last nearly 70 years of their life span...another reason why elderly euthanasia isn't a bad idea LOLOLO

Rod Serlings "Monsters on Maple Street pretty much sums up white people in a nut shell....Youtube it and learn, dumb shit for brains fuck heads!!

Every time I read your posts, I picture you like this.
View attachment 79350

America will not be kind to you mutant inbred albinos going forward, the demographics just aren't on your side

so enjoy yourselves its latter then you think

Its not so much the demographics is a changing and changing fast...the minds of people are changing and that's what's important here. This country is tiring of yesterday. Yesterday brought prosperity, yes, but it also came with exclusion, bigotry and hardship for so many people of color and now that the tides are changing, white people are doing everything possible to latch onto those bygone days.....and doing so by voting for idiots that cater to that madness and it always, always always back fire in their face, that's the sadness here. When you vote for people that have the same mindset as you, stuck on stupid.....don't expect results.

Exclusion, bigotry and hardship that was brought by the Democratic Party for the majority of this countries existence.
Typical, things don't go a Liberals way its because of ignorant people. Bet money if they had voted to stay you would have been on here trumpeting the intelligence of the British people. The people of Britannia spoke get over it.
Hey fuck head we are over it....the fact is, they're not over it....LOLOLOLOL....
More Than 1.5 Million Britons Are Demanding A Second EU Referendum
A petition calls for the U.K. government to act because Thursday’s winning margin to leave the union was so slim.
FYI Just heard on the news it's up to 1.9 million now, that signed the petition...
You couldn't make this shit up even on your worst day...I love it. Trump had best take notes as should his Nazi followers!!
So 1.9 million, on a online petition ? How many signatures are real ? I mean it is a website petition. How many butthurt lefties signed more than once ?
i think i heard it was a petition on parliament's site, to let the parliament hear their's non binding.... we have the same options here in the US, the president has a petition option process... the votes in the USA for these petitions are verifiable and you can't vote twice.....
Really got proof of that. How do they stop you from voting more than once ?
Typical, things don't go a Liberals way its because of ignorant people. Bet money if they had voted to stay you would have been on here trumpeting the intelligence of the British people. The people of Britannia spoke get over it.
Hey fuck head we are over it....the fact is, they're not over it....LOLOLOLOL....
More Than 1.5 Million Britons Are Demanding A Second EU Referendum
A petition calls for the U.K. government to act because Thursday’s winning margin to leave the union was so slim.
FYI Just heard on the news it's up to 1.9 million now, that signed the petition...
You couldn't make this shit up even on your worst day...I love it. Trump had best take notes as should his Nazi followers!!
You are a seriously idiotic person. I wiish my Grandfathers were alive to educate people like you what real NAZI's were like.
If your grand daddy was alive today, not only would half his fuckin grandkids be black but he along with his Nazi friends would be doing the same exact shit you bitches do shit on a keyboard!!! LOLOLOLOLOLOLO
Maybe there should be a maximum voting age. After all, senior citizens are more susceptible to fraud and deceit.
Better yet, don't dumb fuck kids that know nothing about life except what they've been told vote.
Hey you shit for brains moron, it was the old people that voted overwhelmingly to leave...the young people voted to stay and that's because the old people have had privy to its effects, its now time to die and the hell with everyone else. If it wasn't for the EU, them old fucks would be speaking German today!!
Gee EU wasnt even around in WWII and only ones left was the Brits.......
I'm talking about the unification of Europe you moron. Listen, here's the problem....asked over and over and over, what's the PLAN.... the conservatives have NOTHING....WHICH IS TYPICAL...THAT'S WHY EVERYONE'S IN A FUCKIN PANIC, BECAUSE THE ONLY THING CONSERVATIVES KNOW HOW TO DO, IS SCARE THE HELL OUT OF WHITE PEOPLE AND THEN NOTHING!!! YOU PEOPLE ARE A FUCKIN JOKE, A GOTDAMNED JOKE!!
Then why would they be speaking german dumbass..........none of your points are connected or support the other......there wont be another vote,,,,,thats not how things work.........if poor millenials want to be EU than can immigrate to the other countries
Don't try to play me for fuckin stupid with this nit picky shit......yeah most of Europe was under Nazi rule, but France finally came around, no?
Typical, things don't go a Liberals way its because of ignorant people. Bet money if they had voted to stay you would have been on here trumpeting the intelligence of the British people. The people of Britannia spoke get over it.
Hey fuck head we are over it....the fact is, they're not over it....LOLOLOLOL....
More Than 1.5 Million Britons Are Demanding A Second EU Referendum
A petition calls for the U.K. government to act because Thursday’s winning margin to leave the union was so slim.
FYI Just heard on the news it's up to 1.9 million now, that signed the petition...
You couldn't make this shit up even on your worst day...I love it. Trump had best take notes as should his Nazi followers!!
You are a seriously idiotic person. I wiish my Grandfathers were alive to educate people like you what real NAZI's were like.
If your grand daddy was alive today, not only would half his fuckin grandkids be black but he along with his Nazi friends would be doing the same exact shit you bitches do shit on a keyboard!!! LOLOLOLOLOLOLO
My Grandfathers fought against the NAZI's dumbass. Why do you have to bring race into this I didn't mention it. Is that your fall back when you don't have anything inteligent to say ?

By the way dumbass I have mixed race kids. My ex-wife was Black. So your racebaiting BS has no effect on me.
We should have never allowed retirement of working folk to become tied to Wall Street and/or the stock market, that's our mistake.
Don't vote Republican. That's what will happen, if we privatize SS.

They would like to completely roll back the entire New Deal era. Problem is, the "other" party has not had "the peoples" back in this regard. If you think voting Dem and then just going back home to await resistance on their part is going to work, I think you're mistaken. They've had 5-6 decades to stand up against this rerig and they've done nothing.
Typical, things don't go a Liberals way its because of ignorant people. Bet money if they had voted to stay you would have been on here trumpeting the intelligence of the British people. The people of Britannia spoke get over it.
Hey fuck head we are over it....the fact is, they're not over it....LOLOLOLOL....
More Than 1.5 Million Britons Are Demanding A Second EU Referendum
A petition calls for the U.K. government to act because Thursday’s winning margin to leave the union was so slim.
FYI Just heard on the news it's up to 1.9 million now, that signed the petition...
You couldn't make this shit up even on your worst day...I love it. Trump had best take notes as should his Nazi followers!!
So 1.9 million, on a online petition ? How many signatures are real ? I mean it is a website petition. How many butthurt lefties signed more than once ?
LOLOLOL...everythings a gotdamned conspiracy when white people don't get their way.....LOLOLOLO....God, how ignorant can a mf be?
Hey fuck head we are over it....the fact is, they're not over it....LOLOLOLOL....
More Than 1.5 Million Britons Are Demanding A Second EU Referendum
A petition calls for the U.K. government to act because Thursday’s winning margin to leave the union was so slim.
FYI Just heard on the news it's up to 1.9 million now, that signed the petition...
You couldn't make this shit up even on your worst day...I love it. Trump had best take notes as should his Nazi followers!!
You are a seriously idiotic person. I wiish my Grandfathers were alive to educate people like you what real NAZI's were like.
If your grand daddy was alive today, not only would half his fuckin grandkids be black but he along with his Nazi friends would be doing the same exact shit you bitches do shit on a keyboard!!! LOLOLOLOLOLOLO
My Grandfathers fought against the NAZI's dumbass. Why do you have to bring race into this I didn't mention it. Is that your fall back when you don't have anything inteligent to say ?

By the way dumbass I have mixed race kids. My ex-wife was Black. So your racebaiting BS has no effect on me.

Looks like it kinda does, look:

By the way dumbass I have mixed race kids. My ex-wife was Black.
Typical, things don't go a Liberals way its because of ignorant people. Bet money if they had voted to stay you would have been on here trumpeting the intelligence of the British people. The people of Britannia spoke get over it.
Hey fuck head we are over it....the fact is, they're not over it....LOLOLOLOL....
More Than 1.5 Million Britons Are Demanding A Second EU Referendum
A petition calls for the U.K. government to act because Thursday’s winning margin to leave the union was so slim.
FYI Just heard on the news it's up to 1.9 million now, that signed the petition...
You couldn't make this shit up even on your worst day...I love it. Trump had best take notes as should his Nazi followers!!
So 1.9 million, on a online petition ? How many signatures are real ? I mean it is a website petition. How many butthurt lefties signed more than once ?
LOLOLOL...everythings a gotdamned conspiracy when white people don't get their way.....LOLOLOLO....God, how ignorant can a mf be?

I think it's getting time for you to take another extended stay away, you're just getting downright nasty and mean now. Trying to give goono a run for his money ?
Typical, things don't go a Liberals way its because of ignorant people. Bet money if they had voted to stay you would have been on here trumpeting the intelligence of the British people. The people of Britannia spoke get over it.
Hey fuck head we are over it....the fact is, they're not over it....LOLOLOLOL....
More Than 1.5 Million Britons Are Demanding A Second EU Referendum
A petition calls for the U.K. government to act because Thursday’s winning margin to leave the union was so slim.
FYI Just heard on the news it's up to 1.9 million now, that signed the petition...
You couldn't make this shit up even on your worst day...I love it. Trump had best take notes as should his Nazi followers!!
So 1.9 million, on a online petition ? How many signatures are real ? I mean it is a website petition. How many butthurt lefties signed more than once ?
LOLOLOL...everythings a gotdamned conspiracy when white people don't get their way.....LOLOLOLO....God, how ignorant can a mf be?
Nah its funny to see someone throw a fit when things don't go their way.
Hey fuck head we are over it....the fact is, they're not over it....LOLOLOLOL....
More Than 1.5 Million Britons Are Demanding A Second EU Referendum
A petition calls for the U.K. government to act because Thursday’s winning margin to leave the union was so slim.
FYI Just heard on the news it's up to 1.9 million now, that signed the petition...
You couldn't make this shit up even on your worst day...I love it. Trump had best take notes as should his Nazi followers!!
You are a seriously idiotic person. I wiish my Grandfathers were alive to educate people like you what real NAZI's were like.
If your grand daddy was alive today, not only would half his fuckin grandkids be black but he along with his Nazi friends would be doing the same exact shit you bitches do shit on a keyboard!!! LOLOLOLOLOLOLO
My Grandfathers fought against the NAZI's dumbass. Why do you have to bring race into this I didn't mention it. Is that your fall back when you don't have anything inteligent to say ?

By the way dumbass I have mixed race kids. My ex-wife was Black. So your racebaiting BS has no effect on me.
Damit, I thought your grand daddy was a need to clarify that comment you made. Listen, I'm a vet and I know my WWll history like a kudos to your grand daddy, I'm sorry if I miss spoke and I did....but miss me on this some of my best friends are black genre'!!

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