UK rednecks are now having buyers remorse......LOLOLOLOLOL

FYI Just heard on the news it's up to 1.9 million now, that signed the petition...
You couldn't make this shit up even on your worst day...I love it. Trump had best take notes as should his Nazi followers!!
So 1.9 million, on a online petition ? How many signatures are real ? I mean it is a website petition. How many butthurt lefties signed more than once ?
LOLOLOL...everythings a gotdamned conspiracy when white people don't get their way.....LOLOLOLO....God, how ignorant can a mf be?

I think it's getting time for you to take another extended stay away, you're just getting downright nasty and mean now. Trying to give goono a run for his money ?
Dude, I got a potty mouth, I hate myself for it, but that's just the case....I curse a lot. I can't tell you how many times my black ass is called into the office at work each week...almost lost my job a few times, but I'm too damned old to change, can't help it!!

It's not the cursing, it's your hate. You're as bad as me.
They would like to completely roll back the entire New Deal era. Problem is, the "other" party has not had "the peoples" back in this regard. If you think voting Dem and then just going back home to await resistance on their part is going to work, I think you're mistaken. They've had 5-6 decades to stand up against this rerig and they've done nothing.
You're full of shit, the country rebounded from that worthless piece of socialist shit, Carter and we did quite well under Reagan. You lying smearing assholes can't stand the fact that your policies don't work so you rely on propaganda. It only works on kids, not people that were there.

If you weren't so reactionary and Pavlovian you would have picked up on the fact that I don't see any difference in the "two" parties when it comes to the 5-6 decade long process that rerigged the american economy to the detriment of society as a whole. But that's what arises from a closed mind.
If you weren't such a dumb fuck you would have remembered what you said.
"the "other" party has not had "the peoples" back in this regard."

Yeah, exactly, both parties fuck "the people", get it?
You couldn't make this shit up even on your worst day...I love it. Trump had best take notes as should his Nazi followers!!
So 1.9 million, on a online petition ? How many signatures are real ? I mean it is a website petition. How many butthurt lefties signed more than once ?
LOLOLOL...everythings a gotdamned conspiracy when white people don't get their way.....LOLOLOLO....God, how ignorant can a mf be?

I think it's getting time for you to take another extended stay away, you're just getting downright nasty and mean now. Trying to give goono a run for his money ?
Dude, I got a potty mouth, I hate myself for it, but that's just the case....I curse a lot. I can't tell you how many times my black ass is called into the office at work each week...almost lost my job a few times, but I'm too damned old to change, can't help it!!

It's not the cursing, it's your hate. You're as bad as me.

Nah, nowhere near you.
And the slack jawed uneducated rightwing albinos here in America cheer

Dow plunges over 600 points as U.K. 'earthquake' crushes global markets

Dow plunges over 600 points as U.K. 'earthquake' crushes global markets
The markets aren't "crushed" and it wasn't an 'earthquake.' The media is making this much, much more an end-of-world scenario than is warranted. It will have an effect on world economies, in time, but it will not be a catastrophe. BEWARE of the hyena media's propensity to whip everyone into a froth at the faintest smell of blood. Watch some real news, read some real articles, folks. The U.K. had a right to do what it did and the only people screaming are the ones who lost. No one is really "sorry" for the choice they made. Not yet, anyway.

Things will be alright.

BEWARE of the hyena media's propensity to whip everyone into a froth at the faintest smell of blood. Watch some real news, read some real articles, folks.

What she said.
They would like to completely roll back the entire New Deal era. Problem is, the "other" party has not had "the peoples" back in this regard. If you think voting Dem and then just going back home to await resistance on their part is going to work, I think you're mistaken. They've had 5-6 decades to stand up against this rerig and they've done nothing.
You're full of shit, the country rebounded from that worthless piece of socialist shit, Carter and we did quite well under Reagan. You lying smearing assholes can't stand the fact that your policies don't work so you rely on propaganda. It only works on kids, not people that were there.

If you weren't so reactionary and Pavlovian you would have picked up on the fact that I don't see any difference in the "two" parties when it comes to the 5-6 decade long process that rerigged the american economy to the detriment of society as a whole. But that's what arises from a closed mind.
If you weren't such a dumb fuck you would have remembered what you said.
"the "other" party has not had "the peoples" back in this regard."

Yeah, exactly, both parties fuck "the people", get it?
No, the GOP did America great, you dumb fuck. And is helping now by cutting growth. Dumb fuck.
They would like to completely roll back the entire New Deal era. Problem is, the "other" party has not had "the peoples" back in this regard. If you think voting Dem and then just going back home to await resistance on their part is going to work, I think you're mistaken. They've had 5-6 decades to stand up against this rerig and they've done nothing.
You're full of shit, the country rebounded from that worthless piece of socialist shit, Carter and we did quite well under Reagan. You lying smearing assholes can't stand the fact that your policies don't work so you rely on propaganda. It only works on kids, not people that were there.

If you weren't so reactionary and Pavlovian you would have picked up on the fact that I don't see any difference in the "two" parties when it comes to the 5-6 decade long process that rerigged the american economy to the detriment of society as a whole. But that's what arises from a closed mind.
If you weren't such a dumb fuck you would have remembered what you said.
"the "other" party has not had "the peoples" back in this regard."

Yeah, exactly, both parties fuck "the people", get it?
No, the GOP did America great, you dumb fuck. And is helping now by cutting growth. Dumb fuck.

Yes of course, bwa ha ha ha ha ha ha .....
Maybe there should be a maximum voting age. After all, senior citizens are more susceptible to fraud and deceit.
I'm almost 60....and I hate to say it, but old people should all just die the fuck off, especially white old people!!
You've made your racism clear before but I think you managed to lower the bar. You want me dead? Come get me bitch.
Don't worry. Liberals are all bark and no bite. Remember they are afraid of guns. 300 to 1 speaks volumes
America will not be kind to you mutant inbred albinos going forward, the demographics just aren't on your side

so enjoy yourselves its latter then you think...
Ahhh, I think the reason the far Left wants to ban guns is because they believe their own anger issues may cause them to commit mass murder.

Why is it so hard for you guys to see a shrink?
All the sniping and arguing should stop. Take it to the streets with real blood and real bullets. End it, battle to the death, winner take all.
“So many users are signing a petition for a re-run of Britain's referendum on European Union membership that they've crashed the House of Commons website hosting the document....”

And this is one of the many failings of a democracy: no means to address situations when the people err and do something stupid.

In our Constitutional Republic, where citizens are subject solely to the rule of law, they can seek relief in the courts when the people err, as we saw with regard to California’s Proposition 8.
The Latest: Calls for 2nd referendum crash UK website
Jun. 24, 2016 5:45 PM EDT

Tens of thousands want a do-over.....thus far over 1 million redneck losers have signed up....lolololol

So many users are signing a petition for a re-run of Britain's referendum on European Union membership that they've crashed the House of Commons website hosting the document.....

The Latest: Calls for 2nd referendum crash UK website
Jun. 24, 2016 5:45 PM EDT

Tens of thousands want a do-over.....thus far over 1 million redneck losers have signed up....lolololol

So many users are signing a petition for a re-run of Britain's referendum on European Union membership that they've crashed the House of Commons website hosting the document.....

Dear God, when will white people get it? When when when will white people get it? 2000 plus years mankind has been around and still the mindless fools haven't figured it out.....the man in the mirror is your biggest adversary and enemy and until you figure out which is which, you will continue to vote against your own best interest by listening to conservative ideology that has never ever ever once worked out to be a good thing...all they know how to do is scare the shit out of white people...once in office, once given the mantle....they're completely clueless and date, these mindless hero's haven't a plan a clue as to what to do next...sound sooooo familiar, so familiar!!

All the old people voted and when enacted will live to see perhaps 16 years of its effects....meanwhile all the young people vote to remain and once enacted, will last nearly 70 years of their life span...another reason why elderly euthanasia isn't a bad idea LOLOLO

Rod Serlings "Monsters on Maple Street pretty much sums up white people in a nut shell....Youtube it and learn, dumb shit for brains fuck heads!!

Dear God, when will white people get it? When when when will white people get it? 2000 plus years mankind has been around and still the mindless fools haven't figured it out.....the man in the mirror is your biggest adversary and enemy and until you figure out which is which, you will continue to vote against your own best interest by listening to conservative ideology that has never ever ever once worked out to be a good thing...all they know how to do is scare the shit out of white people...once in office, once given the mantle....they're completely clueless and date, these mindless hero's haven't a plan a clue as to what to do next...sound sooooo familiar, so familiar!!

All the old people voted and when enacted will live to see perhaps 16 years of its effects....meanwhile all the young people vote to remain and once enacted, will last nearly 70 years of their life span...another reason why elderly euthanasia isn't a bad idea LOLOLO

Rod Serlings "Monsters on Maple Street pretty much sums up white people in a nut shell....Youtube it and learn, dumb shit for brains fuck heads!!

I think getting Out of the EU has nothing to do with being afraid, but more with people wanting to have self determination over their own lives. Rather than having some assholes 1000 miles away tell them what they need to do.
You dont like white people so you talk trash, thats it

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