UK rednecks are now having buyers remorse......LOLOLOLOLOL

I dont even know why people are panicking for , the market will correct itself.
Sometimes one has to go through pain....a lot of start over as a country. Glad I don't live there though. Its onna be bad. Real bad.
Why am I not surprised to see little children marching because having freedom is a burden they just cannot bear? Is it sort of Stockholm Syndrome? They've been beaten so often that they've come to like it?
Sometimes one has to go through pain....a lot of start over as a country. Glad I don't live there though. Its onna be bad. Real bad.
Im sure they can handle it, people are still gonna do business with England
Oh the pain!

When America went independent the pain was so strong that most of today's young would have begged to go back to being ruled by an elite. Probably by noon on the second day.
Yes they will handle it...those that lose big time will have to endureendure tremendous hardship.the govt needs to assist until things stabilize.
The Latest: Calls for 2nd referendum crash UK website
Jun. 24, 2016 5:45 PM EDT

Tens of thousands want a do-over.....thus far over 1 million redneck losers have signed up....lolololol

So many users are signing a petition for a re-run of Britain's referendum on European Union membership that they've crashed the House of Commons website hosting the document.....

The Latest: Calls for 2nd referendum crash UK website
Jun. 24, 2016 5:45 PM EDT

Tens of thousands want a do-over.....thus far over 1 million redneck losers have signed up....lolololol

So many users are signing a petition for a re-run of Britain's referendum on European Union membership that they've crashed the House of Commons website hosting the document.....

Dear God, when will white people get it? When when when will white people get it? 2000 plus years mankind has been around and still the mindless fools haven't figured it out.....the man in the mirror is your biggest adversary and enemy and until you figure out which is which, you will continue to vote against your own best interest by listening to conservative ideology that has never ever ever once worked out to be a good thing...all they know how to do is scare the shit out of white people...once in office, once given the mantle....they're completely clueless and date, these mindless hero's haven't a plan a clue as to what to do next...sound sooooo familiar, so familiar!!

All the old people voted and when enacted will live to see perhaps 16 years of its effects....meanwhile all the young people vote to remain and once enacted, will last nearly 70 years of their life span...another reason why elderly euthanasia isn't a bad idea LOLOLO

Rod Serlings "Monsters on Maple Street pretty much sums up white people in a nut shell....Youtube it and learn, dumb shit for brains fuck heads!!

Dear God, when will white people get it? When when when will white people get it? 2000 plus years mankind has been around and still the mindless fools haven't figured it out.....the man in the mirror is your biggest adversary and enemy and until you figure out which is which, you will continue to vote against your own best interest by listening to conservative ideology that has never ever ever once worked out to be a good thing...all they know how to do is scare the shit out of white people...once in office, once given the mantle....they're completely clueless and date, these mindless hero's haven't a plan a clue as to what to do next...sound sooooo familiar, so familiar!!

All the old people voted and when enacted will live to see perhaps 16 years of its effects....meanwhile all the young people vote to remain and once enacted, will last nearly 70 years of their life span...another reason why elderly euthanasia isn't a bad idea LOLOLO

Rod Serlings "Monsters on Maple Street pretty much sums up white people in a nut shell....Youtube it and learn, dumb shit for brains fuck heads!!

I think getting Out of the EU has nothing to do with being afraid, but more with people wanting to have self determination over their own lives. Rather than having some assholes 1000 miles away tell them what they need to do.
You dont like white people so you talk trash, thats it

Why is it, as in Germany, every single time white people find themselves faced with adversity and hardship, its ALWAYS THE FAULT OF SOMEONE ELSE?????? This is historic fact. You never look in the mirror or your voting history, you just blame it on the brown people and put a period behind are indeed, your race a sad lot on far 2 million plus and counting want back in, because reality is a bitch!!!
I'm almost 60....and I hate to say it, but old people should all just die the fuck off, especially white old people!!
. Can we stage a final hanging for old ti,e sake and make it YOU,
I'm for the young people, I wish them the best and I hope and pray in this country they come out in droves this election season and shut down old white people permanently.....its time for us to let them have a say in the world.....we're done.
The Latest: Calls for 2nd referendum crash UK website
Jun. 24, 2016 5:45 PM EDT

Tens of thousands want a do-over.....thus far over 1 million redneck losers have signed up....lolololol

So many users are signing a petition for a re-run of Britain's referendum on European Union membership that they've crashed the House of Commons website hosting the document.....

Dear God, when will white people get it? When when when will white people get it? 2000 plus years mankind has been around and still the mindless fools haven't figured it out.....the man in the mirror is your biggest adversary and enemy and until you figure out which is which, you will continue to vote against your own best interest by listening to conservative ideology that has never ever ever once worked out to be a good thing...all they know how to do is scare the shit out of white people...once in office, once given the mantle....they're completely clueless and date, these mindless hero's haven't a plan a clue as to what to do next...sound sooooo familiar, so familiar!!

All the old people voted and when enacted will live to see perhaps 16 years of its effects....meanwhile all the young people vote to remain and once enacted, will last nearly 70 years of their life span...another reason why elderly euthanasia isn't a bad idea LOLOLO

Rod Serlings "Monsters on Maple Street pretty much sums up white people in a nut shell....Youtube it and learn, dumb shit for brains fuck heads!!

There's not going to be a Second Referendum, out is out.

Either Britain starts the negotiation within the next few weeks, or they'll just be ignored, they're being ignored already, the rest of the EU are acting NOW like Britain is no longer a member, which it's NOT.

The British Commissioner is resigning, and friends of ours who work within the EU have told us that the British flags are in the process of being removed, next week 27 EU Leaders are having a meeting, David Cameron hasn't been invited as he's the PM of a nation that's not considered a part of the EU now.

The SJW and the bedwetters who are using multiple voting ie. RIGGING in that Online Poll are pathetic and wasting their time, they might have to debate such idiocy in the House of Commons, but it won't result in a Second Referendum.

The majority of British people voted to Leave and that's the Democratic result, period.

Of course the SJW and the bedwetters are saying that 17.2 million British people are "racist bigots" or something because that's ALL the brainwashed idiots have and I don't think many people are listening to their horsecrap anymore.

They lost, so the Sore Losers should just STFU because they won't get a Second Referendum.

Probably the next thing is, in typical fashion will be the Organised Agitators organising violent rioting and if they do that, the British police will soon deal with their sorry asses.

Again the Leftists exhibit their CONTEMPT for Democracy, they do this worldwide.

The Leftists are the New Fascists.
The Latest: Calls for 2nd referendum crash UK website
Jun. 24, 2016 5:45 PM EDT

Tens of thousands want a do-over.....thus far over 1 million redneck losers have signed up....lolololol

So many users are signing a petition for a re-run of Britain's referendum on European Union membership that they've crashed the House of Commons website hosting the document.....

Dear God, when will white people get it? When when when will white people get it? 2000 plus years mankind has been around and still the mindless fools haven't figured it out.....the man in the mirror is your biggest adversary and enemy and until you figure out which is which, you will continue to vote against your own best interest by listening to conservative ideology that has never ever ever once worked out to be a good thing...all they know how to do is scare the shit out of white people...once in office, once given the mantle....they're completely clueless and date, these mindless hero's haven't a plan a clue as to what to do next...sound sooooo familiar, so familiar!!

All the old people voted and when enacted will live to see perhaps 16 years of its effects....meanwhile all the young people vote to remain and once enacted, will last nearly 70 years of their life span...another reason why elderly euthanasia isn't a bad idea LOLOLO

Rod Serlings "Monsters on Maple Street pretty much sums up white people in a nut shell....Youtube it and learn, dumb shit for brains fuck heads!!

There's not going to be a Second Referendum, out is out.

Either Britain starts the negotiation within the next few weeks, or they'll just be ignored, they're being ignored already, the rest of the EU are acting NOW like Britain is no longer a member, which it's NOT.

The British Commissioner is resigning, and friends of ours who work within the EU have told us that the British flags are in the process of being removed, next week 27 EU Leaders are having a meeting, David Cameron hasn't been invited as he's the PM of a nation that's not considered a part of the EU now.

The SJW and the bedwetters who are using multiple voting ie. RIGGING in that Online Poll are pathetic and wasting their time, they might have to debate such idiocy in the House of Commons, but it won't result in a Second Referendum.

The majority of British people voted to Leave and that's the Democratic result, period.

Of course the SJW and the bedwetters are saying that 17.2 million British people are "racist bigots" or something because that's ALL the brainwashed idiots have and I don't think many people are listening to their horsecrap anymore.

They lost, so the Sore Losers should just STFU because they won't get a Second Referendum.

Probably the next thing is, in typical fashion will be them Organised Agitators organising violent rioting and if they do that, the British police will soon deal with their sorry asses.

Again the Leftists exhibit their CONTEMPT for Democracy, they do this worldwide.

The Leftists are the New Fascists.

Hey moron, its not the sore losers who are demanding a recount....its those winners who are seeing the aftermath of their votes that are crashing websites wanting a the story, stupid.....interview after interview, those that wanted out are having second thoughts.....duh!!!!! When you fuck with a rednecks coins, expect them to get with reality LOLOLOLOL
The Latest: Calls for 2nd referendum crash UK website
Jun. 24, 2016 5:45 PM EDT

Tens of thousands want a do-over.....thus far over 1 million redneck losers have signed up....lolololol

So many users are signing a petition for a re-run of Britain's referendum on European Union membership that they've crashed the House of Commons website hosting the document.....

Dear God, when will white people get it? When when when will white people get it? 2000 plus years mankind has been around and still the mindless fools haven't figured it out.....the man in the mirror is your biggest adversary and enemy and until you figure out which is which, you will continue to vote against your own best interest by listening to conservative ideology that has never ever ever once worked out to be a good thing...all they know how to do is scare the shit out of white people...once in office, once given the mantle....they're completely clueless and date, these mindless hero's haven't a plan a clue as to what to do next...sound sooooo familiar, so familiar!!

All the old people voted and when enacted will live to see perhaps 16 years of its effects....meanwhile all the young people vote to remain and once enacted, will last nearly 70 years of their life span...another reason why elderly euthanasia isn't a bad idea LOLOLO

Rod Serlings "Monsters on Maple Street pretty much sums up white people in a nut shell....Youtube it and learn, dumb shit for brains fuck heads!!

There's not going to be a Second Referendum, out is out.

Either Britain starts the negotiation within the next few weeks, or they'll just be ignored, they're being ignored already, the rest of the EU are acting NOW like Britain is no longer a member, which it's NOT.

The British Commissioner is resigning, and friends of ours who work within the EU have told us that the British flags are in the process of being removed, next week 27 EU Leaders are having a meeting, David Cameron hasn't been invited as he's the PM of a nation that's not considered a part of the EU now.

The SJW and the bedwetters who are using multiple voting ie. RIGGING in that Online Poll are pathetic and wasting their time, they might have to debate such idiocy in the House of Commons, but it won't result in a Second Referendum.

The majority of British people voted to Leave and that's the Democratic result, period.

Of course the SJW and the bedwetters are saying that 17.2 million British people are "racist bigots" or something because that's ALL the brainwashed idiots have and I don't think many people are listening to their horsecrap anymore.

They lost, so the Sore Losers should just STFU because they won't get a Second Referendum.

Probably the next thing is, in typical fashion will be them Organised Agitators organising violent rioting and if they do that, the British police will soon deal with their sorry asses.

Again the Leftists exhibit their CONTEMPT for Democracy, they do this worldwide.

The Leftists are the New Fascists.

Hey moron, its not the sore losers who are demanding a recount....its those winners who are seeing the aftermath of their votes that are crashing websites wanting a the story, stupid.....interview after interview, those that wanted out are having second thoughts.....duh!!!!! When you fuck with a rednecks coins, expect them to get with reality LOLOLOLOL Just ask the stupid hicks in Ky. that voted in a anti ACA these morons are wondering where the hell their free shit went. LOLOLOLO
Doesn't the nignog op know that millions of ppl voted to remain so DUH ppl want a redo those proud British folks that voted out do not...such a lack of common sense and no grasp on reality from the op
The Latest: Calls for 2nd referendum crash UK website
Jun. 24, 2016 5:45 PM EDT

Tens of thousands want a do-over.....thus far over 1 million redneck losers have signed up....lolololol

So many users are signing a petition for a re-run of Britain's referendum on European Union membership that they've crashed the House of Commons website hosting the document.....

Dear God, when will white people get it? When when when will white people get it? 2000 plus years mankind has been around and still the mindless fools haven't figured it out.....the man in the mirror is your biggest adversary and enemy and until you figure out which is which, you will continue to vote against your own best interest by listening to conservative ideology that has never ever ever once worked out to be a good thing...all they know how to do is scare the shit out of white people...once in office, once given the mantle....they're completely clueless and date, these mindless hero's haven't a plan a clue as to what to do next...sound sooooo familiar, so familiar!!

All the old people voted and when enacted will live to see perhaps 16 years of its effects....meanwhile all the young people vote to remain and once enacted, will last nearly 70 years of their life span...another reason why elderly euthanasia isn't a bad idea LOLOLO

Rod Serlings "Monsters on Maple Street pretty much sums up white people in a nut shell....Youtube it and learn, dumb shit for brains fuck heads!!

There's not going to be a Second Referendum, out is out.

Either Britain starts the negotiation within the next few weeks, or they'll just be ignored, they're being ignored already, the rest of the EU are acting NOW like Britain is no longer a member, which it's NOT.

The British Commissioner is resigning, and friends of ours who work within the EU have told us that the British flags are in the process of being removed, next week 27 EU Leaders are having a meeting, David Cameron hasn't been invited as he's the PM of a nation that's not considered a part of the EU now.

The SJW and the bedwetters who are using multiple voting ie. RIGGING in that Online Poll are pathetic and wasting their time, they might have to debate such idiocy in the House of Commons, but it won't result in a Second Referendum.

The majority of British people voted to Leave and that's the Democratic result, period.

Of course the SJW and the bedwetters are saying that 17.2 million British people are "racist bigots" or something because that's ALL the brainwashed idiots have and I don't think many people are listening to their horsecrap anymore.

They lost, so the Sore Losers should just STFU because they won't get a Second Referendum.

Probably the next thing is, in typical fashion will be them Organised Agitators organising violent rioting and if they do that, the British police will soon deal with their sorry asses.

Again the Leftists exhibit their CONTEMPT for Democracy, they do this worldwide.

The Leftists are the New Fascists.

Hey moron, its not the sore losers who are demanding a recount....its those winners who are seeing the aftermath of their votes that are crashing websites wanting a the story, stupid.....interview after interview, those that wanted out are having second thoughts.....duh!!!!! When you fuck with a rednecks coins, expect them to get with reality LOLOLOLOL

Um, no, our British friends are aware who William Oliver Healey is, he's a SJW and a trouble causer and HE began that Online Petition and here are some of his friends....decent and normal British people I don't think want their nation in the hands of morons like the morons in the below video.

The rather retarded one with the bad spectacles, I mean, she/he/whatever can barely get a coherent sentence out of her/his/it's mouth. Oh notice she/he/it states that she/he/it is from Amnesty International....and that weirdo who she/he/it talks to says the weirdo "I'm from LGBT Against Islamophobia"

So WHAT have Amnesty International and LGBT Against Islamophobia got to do with Brexit? That's right NOTHING, the Online Petition is solely designed to CAUSE TROUBLE and sow division.

Also the look on NORMAL Britishers faces as they pass the below nutters is absolute disgust as it should be.

You see, you have to know people who know about this sort of shit in the below video and also who are aware of British Traitors like William Oliver Healey.

Edited to add comment.
Last edited:
You are a seriously idiotic person. I wiish my Grandfathers were alive to educate people like you what real NAZI's were like.
If your grand daddy was alive today, not only would half his fuckin grandkids be black but he along with his Nazi friends would be doing the same exact shit you bitches do shit on a keyboard!!! LOLOLOLOLOLOLO
My Grandfathers fought against the NAZI's dumbass. Why do you have to bring race into this I didn't mention it. Is that your fall back when you don't have anything inteligent to say ?

By the way dumbass I have mixed race kids. My ex-wife was Black. So your racebaiting BS has no effect on me.
Damit, I thought your grand daddy was a need to clarify that comment you made. Listen, I'm a vet and I know my WWll history like a kudos to your grand daddy, I'm sorry if I miss spoke and I did....but miss me on this some of my best friends are black genre'!!
Grandfathers plural. Didn't say anything about best friends I said family. My ex-wife was more conservative than me.
Two things, do I open a vein or do I mail you a gift certificate? So you married a black bitch, what the fuck you want from me? Jezzzas you white fuck heads marry outside your race and suddenly you want creds....get the fuck outta here!!
So thats what you think of women bitches ? I got your number , your one bitter SOB and I don't want "creds". I just indicated that your bullshit will not fly with me. But you drone on and on. I didn't bring race into this you did.
The Latest: Calls for 2nd referendum crash UK website
Jun. 24, 2016 5:45 PM EDT

Tens of thousands want a do-over.....thus far over 1 million redneck losers have signed up....lolololol

So many users are signing a petition for a re-run of Britain's referendum on European Union membership that they've crashed the House of Commons website hosting the document.....

Dear God, when will white people get it? When when when will white people get it? 2000 plus years mankind has been around and still the mindless fools haven't figured it out.....the man in the mirror is your biggest adversary and enemy and until you figure out which is which, you will continue to vote against your own best interest by listening to conservative ideology that has never ever ever once worked out to be a good thing...all they know how to do is scare the shit out of white people...once in office, once given the mantle....they're completely clueless and date, these mindless hero's haven't a plan a clue as to what to do next...sound sooooo familiar, so familiar!!

All the old people voted and when enacted will live to see perhaps 16 years of its effects....meanwhile all the young people vote to remain and once enacted, will last nearly 70 years of their life span...another reason why elderly euthanasia isn't a bad idea LOLOLO

Rod Serlings "Monsters on Maple Street pretty much sums up white people in a nut shell....Youtube it and learn, dumb shit for brains fuck heads!!

There's not going to be a Second Referendum, out is out.

Either Britain starts the negotiation within the next few weeks, or they'll just be ignored, they're being ignored already, the rest of the EU are acting NOW like Britain is no longer a member, which it's NOT.

The British Commissioner is resigning, and friends of ours who work within the EU have told us that the British flags are in the process of being removed, next week 27 EU Leaders are having a meeting, David Cameron hasn't been invited as he's the PM of a nation that's not considered a part of the EU now.

The SJW and the bedwetters who are using multiple voting ie. RIGGING in that Online Poll are pathetic and wasting their time, they might have to debate such idiocy in the House of Commons, but it won't result in a Second Referendum.

The majority of British people voted to Leave and that's the Democratic result, period.

Of course the SJW and the bedwetters are saying that 17.2 million British people are "racist bigots" or something because that's ALL the brainwashed idiots have and I don't think many people are listening to their horsecrap anymore.

They lost, so the Sore Losers should just STFU because they won't get a Second Referendum.

Probably the next thing is, in typical fashion will be them Organised Agitators organising violent rioting and if they do that, the British police will soon deal with their sorry asses.

Again the Leftists exhibit their CONTEMPT for Democracy, they do this worldwide.

The Leftists are the New Fascists.

Hey moron, its not the sore losers who are demanding a recount....its those winners who are seeing the aftermath of their votes that are crashing websites wanting a the story, stupid.....interview after interview, those that wanted out are having second thoughts.....duh!!!!! When you fuck with a rednecks coins, expect them to get with reality LOLOLOLOL Just ask the stupid hicks in Ky. that voted in a anti ACA these morons are wondering where the hell their free shit went. LOLOLOLO

William Oliver Healey STARTED that Online Petition, he's a SJW but NOT of the Leftist type.

What is known, he's doing a Politics Degree at DeMontford University AND he's a well-known to certain organisations shall I say, as being a NEO-NAZI.

Lol hilarious, a NEO-NAZI starts an Online Petition and a ton of MORONIC Leftist SJW all then wet their panties and start to do multiple voting in it.

Hilarious and shows how STUPID the Leftist SJW are.
The Latest: Calls for 2nd referendum crash UK website
Jun. 24, 2016 5:45 PM EDT

Tens of thousands want a do-over.....thus far over 1 million redneck losers have signed up....lolololol

So many users are signing a petition for a re-run of Britain's referendum on European Union membership that they've crashed the House of Commons website hosting the document.....

The Latest: Calls for 2nd referendum crash UK website
Jun. 24, 2016 5:45 PM EDT

Tens of thousands want a do-over.....thus far over 1 million redneck losers have signed up....lolololol

So many users are signing a petition for a re-run of Britain's referendum on European Union membership that they've crashed the House of Commons website hosting the document.....

Dear God, when will white people get it? When when when will white people get it? 2000 plus years mankind has been around and still the mindless fools haven't figured it out.....the man in the mirror is your biggest adversary and enemy and until you figure out which is which, you will continue to vote against your own best interest by listening to conservative ideology that has never ever ever once worked out to be a good thing...all they know how to do is scare the shit out of white people...once in office, once given the mantle....they're completely clueless and date, these mindless hero's haven't a plan a clue as to what to do next...sound sooooo familiar, so familiar!!

All the old people voted and when enacted will live to see perhaps 16 years of its effects....meanwhile all the young people vote to remain and once enacted, will last nearly 70 years of their life span...another reason why elderly euthanasia isn't a bad idea LOLOLO

Rod Serlings "Monsters on Maple Street pretty much sums up white people in a nut shell....Youtube it and learn, dumb shit for brains fuck heads!!

Dear God, when will white people get it? When when when will white people get it? 2000 plus years mankind has been around and still the mindless fools haven't figured it out.....the man in the mirror is your biggest adversary and enemy and until you figure out which is which, you will continue to vote against your own best interest by listening to conservative ideology that has never ever ever once worked out to be a good thing...all they know how to do is scare the shit out of white people...once in office, once given the mantle....they're completely clueless and date, these mindless hero's haven't a plan a clue as to what to do next...sound sooooo familiar, so familiar!!

All the old people voted and when enacted will live to see perhaps 16 years of its effects....meanwhile all the young people vote to remain and once enacted, will last nearly 70 years of their life span...another reason why elderly euthanasia isn't a bad idea LOLOLO

Rod Serlings "Monsters on Maple Street pretty much sums up white people in a nut shell....Youtube it and learn, dumb shit for brains fuck heads!!

I think getting Out of the EU has nothing to do with being afraid, but more with people wanting to have self determination over their own lives. Rather than having some assholes 1000 miles away tell them what they need to do.
You dont like white people so you talk trash, thats it

Why is it, as in Germany, every single time white people find themselves faced with adversity and hardship, its ALWAYS THE FAULT OF SOMEONE ELSE?????? This is historic fact. You never look in the mirror or your voting history, you just blame it on the brown people and put a period behind are indeed, your race a sad lot on far 2 million plus and counting want back in, because reality is a bitch!!!

STFU you racist Xenophobe.
People need to stop censoring themselves so much. If some racist black buffalo like Triggered says something derogatory about whites, don't be pussies....say something derogatory about blacks.

If she can't take what she dishes out, fuck her.

You're a retard.

Like that, for instance.
The Latest: Calls for 2nd referendum crash UK website
Jun. 24, 2016 5:45 PM EDT

Tens of thousands want a do-over.....thus far over 1 million redneck losers have signed up....lolololol

So many users are signing a petition for a re-run of Britain's referendum on European Union membership that they've crashed the House of Commons website hosting the document.....

Dear God, when will white people get it? When when when will white people get it? 2000 plus years mankind has been around and still the mindless fools haven't figured it out.....the man in the mirror is your biggest adversary and enemy and until you figure out which is which, you will continue to vote against your own best interest by listening to conservative ideology that has never ever ever once worked out to be a good thing...all they know how to do is scare the shit out of white people...once in office, once given the mantle....they're completely clueless and date, these mindless hero's haven't a plan a clue as to what to do next...sound sooooo familiar, so familiar!!

All the old people voted and when enacted will live to see perhaps 16 years of its effects....meanwhile all the young people vote to remain and once enacted, will last nearly 70 years of their life span...another reason why elderly euthanasia isn't a bad idea LOLOLO

Rod Serlings "Monsters on Maple Street pretty much sums up white people in a nut shell....Youtube it and learn, dumb shit for brains fuck heads!!

Every time I read your posts, I picture you like this.
View attachment 79350

Everytime I see you post I picture this.


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