UK Targets Disabled for Euthanasia as a Cost-Saving Measure


Diamond Member
Apr 1, 2011
Here it is folks, the way those socialized healthcare systems save money:

In a chilling story by Rebekah Maxwell, people with disabilities in the UK are being targeted to be euthanized based on what she claims is the almighty dollar.

“But a much more practical motivation also exists, and it goes ka-ching. In a land of nationalized health care, every worker pays into the system, so everybody can access the system. But some people are too weak, too old, too disabled to work. Yet they still need medical treatment, draining the system of resources without contributing to the pot.

No longer does the UK have to be concerned with passing laws to allow physicians to kill those who “want to die”. Things have now deteriorated to the point that physicians in the their health care system are deciding on their own to kill the medically vulnerable.

“According to a government-commissioned study, hospitals in the UK are quite literally killing off disabled citizens–because the healthcare workers believe those patients aren’t worth treating.”​

UK Targets Disabled for Euthanasia as a Cost-Saving Measure |
Here it is folks, the way those socialized healthcare systems save money:

In a chilling story by Rebekah Maxwell, people with disabilities in the UK are being targeted to be euthanized based on what she claims is the almighty dollar.

“But a much more practical motivation also exists, and it goes ka-ching. In a land of nationalized health care, every worker pays into the system, so everybody can access the system. But some people are too weak, too old, too disabled to work. Yet they still need medical treatment, draining the system of resources without contributing to the pot.

No longer does the UK have to be concerned with passing laws to allow physicians to kill those who “want to die”. Things have now deteriorated to the point that physicians in the their health care system are deciding on their own to kill the medically vulnerable.

“According to a government-commissioned study, hospitals in the UK are quite literally killing off disabled citizens–because the healthcare workers believe those patients aren’t worth treating.”​

UK Targets Disabled for Euthanasia as a Cost-Saving Measure |

Somehow this has something to do with Obama?
Here it is folks, the way those socialized healthcare systems save money:

In a chilling story by Rebekah Maxwell, people with disabilities in the UK are being targeted to be euthanized based on what she claims is the almighty dollar.

“But a much more practical motivation also exists, and it goes ka-ching. In a land of nationalized health care, every worker pays into the system, so everybody can access the system. But some people are too weak, too old, too disabled to work. Yet they still need medical treatment, draining the system of resources without contributing to the pot.

No longer does the UK have to be concerned with passing laws to allow physicians to kill those who “want to die”. Things have now deteriorated to the point that physicians in the their health care system are deciding on their own to kill the medically vulnerable.

“According to a government-commissioned study, hospitals in the UK are quite literally killing off disabled citizens–because the healthcare workers believe those patients aren’t worth treating.”​

UK Targets Disabled for Euthanasia as a Cost-Saving Measure |

If you are ill and there is no chance you will recover, they will care for you until nature takes its course. That is not 'death panels', its life.
Here it is folks, the way those socialized healthcare systems save money:

In a chilling story by Rebekah Maxwell, people with disabilities in the UK are being targeted to be euthanized based on what she claims is the almighty dollar.

“But a much more practical motivation also exists, and it goes ka-ching. In a land of nationalized health care, every worker pays into the system, so everybody can access the system. But some people are too weak, too old, too disabled to work. Yet they still need medical treatment, draining the system of resources without contributing to the pot.

No longer does the UK have to be concerned with passing laws to allow physicians to kill those who “want to die”. Things have now deteriorated to the point that physicians in the their health care system are deciding on their own to kill the medically vulnerable.

“According to a government-commissioned study, hospitals in the UK are quite literally killing off disabled citizens–because the healthcare workers believe those patients aren’t worth treating.”​

UK Targets Disabled for Euthanasia as a Cost-Saving Measure |

Since life expectancy is one year less in the US, we can only imagine how many are being murdered in American hospitals. It has to be even worse than in the UK. :cuckoo:
Here it is folks, the way those socialized healthcare systems save money:

In a chilling story by Rebekah Maxwell, people with disabilities in the UK are being targeted to be euthanized based on what she claims is the almighty dollar.

“But a much more practical motivation also exists, and it goes ka-ching. In a land of nationalized health care, every worker pays into the system, so everybody can access the system. But some people are too weak, too old, too disabled to work. Yet they still need medical treatment, draining the system of resources without contributing to the pot.

No longer does the UK have to be concerned with passing laws to allow physicians to kill those who “want to die”. Things have now deteriorated to the point that physicians in the their health care system are deciding on their own to kill the medically vulnerable.

“According to a government-commissioned study, hospitals in the UK are quite literally killing off disabled citizens–because the healthcare workers believe those patients aren’t worth treating.”​

UK Targets Disabled for Euthanasia as a Cost-Saving Measure |

If you are ill and there is no chance you will recover, they will care for you until nature takes its course. That is not 'death panels', its life.

Yes, life is death. Sickness is health.
Where have we heard this before?
Here it is folks, the way those socialized healthcare systems save money:

In a chilling story by Rebekah Maxwell, people with disabilities in the UK are being targeted to be euthanized based on what she claims is the almighty dollar.

“But a much more practical motivation also exists, and it goes ka-ching. In a land of nationalized health care, every worker pays into the system, so everybody can access the system. But some people are too weak, too old, too disabled to work. Yet they still need medical treatment, draining the system of resources without contributing to the pot.

No longer does the UK have to be concerned with passing laws to allow physicians to kill those who “want to die”. Things have now deteriorated to the point that physicians in the their health care system are deciding on their own to kill the medically vulnerable.

“According to a government-commissioned study, hospitals in the UK are quite literally killing off disabled citizens–because the healthcare workers believe those patients aren’t worth treating.”​

UK Targets Disabled for Euthanasia as a Cost-Saving Measure |

Well goodbye rightwing bible thumpers then! :dance::dance::mm::mm:

Kathleen Taylor, Neuroscientist, Says Religious Fundamentalism Could Be Treated As A Mental Illness
Kathleen Taylor, Neuroscientist, Says Religious Fundamentalism Could Be Treated As A Mental Illness
Here it is folks, the way those socialized healthcare systems save money:

In a chilling story by Rebekah Maxwell, people with disabilities in the UK are being targeted to be euthanized based on what she claims is the almighty dollar.

“But a much more practical motivation also exists, and it goes ka-ching. In a land of nationalized health care, every worker pays into the system, so everybody can access the system. But some people are too weak, too old, too disabled to work. Yet they still need medical treatment, draining the system of resources without contributing to the pot.

No longer does the UK have to be concerned with passing laws to allow physicians to kill those who “want to die”. Things have now deteriorated to the point that physicians in the their health care system are deciding on their own to kill the medically vulnerable.

“According to a government-commissioned study, hospitals in the UK are quite literally killing off disabled citizens–because the healthcare workers believe those patients aren’t worth treating.”​

UK Targets Disabled for Euthanasia as a Cost-Saving Measure |

If you are ill and there is no chance you will recover, they will care for you until nature takes its course. That is not 'death panels', its life.

Yes, life is death. Sickness is health.
Where have we heard this before?

From assholes like you. Things like guns are not made to kill.
Here it is folks, the way those socialized healthcare systems save money:

In a chilling story by Rebekah Maxwell, people with disabilities in the UK are being targeted to be euthanized based on what she claims is the almighty dollar.

“But a much more practical motivation also exists, and it goes ka-ching. In a land of nationalized health care, every worker pays into the system, so everybody can access the system. But some people are too weak, too old, too disabled to work. Yet they still need medical treatment, draining the system of resources without contributing to the pot.

No longer does the UK have to be concerned with passing laws to allow physicians to kill those who “want to die”. Things have now deteriorated to the point that physicians in the their health care system are deciding on their own to kill the medically vulnerable.

“According to a government-commissioned study, hospitals in the UK are quite literally killing off disabled citizens–because the healthcare workers believe those patients aren’t worth treating.”​

UK Targets Disabled for Euthanasia as a Cost-Saving Measure |

They didn't give ONE CASE of someone actually being killed by their doctor.

They said that 24 patients a day are "allowed to die". That's actually kind of vague.

By way of comparison, 96,000 Americans die every year because of medical malpractice. That's over 250 a day.

Now, there is the overall question, how much resources do you waste on people who have no hope of recovery? 11% of medical resources in the US- public AND private - are spent extending the lives of terminally ill patients.

At what point do you give up? At what point are you doing more harm than good. Letting someone linger for a few more weeks in agonizing pain when there is no hope of recovery, because someone is making a profit on the deal, is hardly a good idea.

This is hardly an academic issue for me. Both of my parents died of cancer when I was a young man. Some of the insane shit they did to stretch them out for a few more weeks bordered on torture.

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