UK Targets Disabled for Euthanasia as a Cost-Saving Measure

Nope...No death panels there!

Ahh, it'll never happen in America. We can go down exactly the same path as the Europeans do while totally avoiding all the pitfalls that destroy them, because we're so much better than they are, and have MUCH smarter leaders than they do. Everyone knows that the only reason socialism hasn't worked before is because we didn't have THIS crop of leftists implementing it . . . and the next crop, and the next, ad infinitum. :eusa_whistle:

Not that I'm making a pitch for European policies, but what leads you to believe that the Europeans are on a path of self destruction? Overall, most European countries are doing as well as us or better, although there are a couple doing significantly worse.

Would it surprise you to know that your personal estimation of "as well as or better than us" carries as much weight with me as a puff of warm hydrogen?
Just think of what it would be like if we had mandatory organ donation. We'd have euthanasia for sprained ankles.

Organ donation should be compulsory, but no one is going to kill you if you sprained your ankle. Don't be ridiculous.
Just think of what it would be like if we had mandatory organ donation. We'd have euthanasia for sprained ankles.

Organ donation should be compulsory, but no one is going to kill you if you sprained your ankle. Don't be ridiculous.

Organ donation should be compulsory? Whatever happened to the sacred doctrine of "my body, my choice"? Why the fuck is it that you hypocritical leftist halfwits NEVER, EVER see any reason to respect anyone's right to make decisions about their own body when it's actually about THEIR body, rather than someone else's?

I can't decide if you should be more concerned with how dishonest this makes you sound, or how stupid it makes you sound. Not that it matters, since I know you have no shame about either effect.

The only conspiracy I see here is the Trolling Post with conspiracy link attached by Polkow that doesn't relate to the OP. Other than that we are good to go here.

You don't know about it because you don't want to know about it. Where there is a will there is a way. Find someone to educate you on the subject. You're a smart southern boy, right? - Jeri

No, I live in the NOrth, which is the intelligent part of the country.

Which you would know if you read the profile thing up in the left-hand corner.

The reality is, ObamaCare was just fine with you wingnuts when they called it RomneyCare.

What we NEED to do is go to single payer, universal coverage.

Here's the thing, guy, we already have "Death Panels", but they work for private insurance.

Just ask Nataline Sarkisyan, whose liver transplant was denied by Cigna as "Expiramental" (i.e. cost too much), but Cigna paid their CEO 82 million when he retired.

That's truly fucked up.

Joe, cut the nonsense. I was born in Brooklyn, NY. Have family up there - moved to South but I know a Southerner when I see one. You are not a NY'er. I don't give a flip what you say. I can spot a NY'er in a NY minute and you ain't it.

No offense to the South but NY'ers are alot faster than ole' Joe here. This guy is definitely mississippi material. Do they know you as "slow Joe"... the pdf was on the same link you said you couldn't find any independent info on CLS. Blind or slow you are no NY'er. ( save the sales speech )

- Jeri

What neighborhood in Brooklyn Jeri? If you did its a good thing you moved down to LOW IQ land as you know that bible thumping nutter stuff dosen't
play to well here in NYC
Just think of what it would be like if we had mandatory organ donation. We'd have euthanasia for sprained ankles.

Organ donation should be compulsory, but no one is going to kill you if you sprained your ankle. Don't be ridiculous.

Organ donation should be compulsory? Whatever happened to the sacred doctrine of "my body, my choice"? Why the fuck is it that you hypocritical leftist halfwits NEVER, EVER see any reason to respect anyone's right to make decisions about their own body when it's actually about THEIR body, rather than someone else's?

I can't decide if you should be more concerned with how dishonest this makes you sound, or how stupid it makes you sound. Not that it matters, since I know you have no shame about either effect.

There is no need not to donate your organs, and once you are dead, you have no say over what happens to your body, anyway, and its not like you need it, is it?
Organ donation should be compulsory, but no one is going to kill you if you sprained your ankle. Don't be ridiculous.

Organ donation should be compulsory? Whatever happened to the sacred doctrine of "my body, my choice"? Why the fuck is it that you hypocritical leftist halfwits NEVER, EVER see any reason to respect anyone's right to make decisions about their own body when it's actually about THEIR body, rather than someone else's?

I can't decide if you should be more concerned with how dishonest this makes you sound, or how stupid it makes you sound. Not that it matters, since I know you have no shame about either effect.

There is no need not to donate your organs, and once you are dead, you have no say over what happens to your body, anyway, and its not like you need it, is it?

First of all, Mensa Girl, you DO have a say over what happens to your body after you die. There are numerous legal documents, starting with your Last Will and Testament, that allow you to do exactly that. What you are ACTUALLY trying to say is that, in your worldview, one SHOULDN'T have a say after one's death in what happens to one's body, because YOU, in your infinite wisdom, have decided that what YOU want to do with it is a better choice.

Second of all, let me see if I understand the rest of your post correctly. What you seem to be saying is that your holy mantra of "my body, my choice" is ACTUALLY "my body, my choice . . . provided Noomi believes that choice is needed". Is that the position you want to go with? That basically, the only organ in a person's body over which they should exercise any ownership or control is the uterus, and everything else belongs to the state, to use as they see fit?

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