UK Targets Disabled for Euthanasia as a Cost-Saving Measure

Franco never addresses ANYTHING. He has posted 11,000+ times and contributed nothing. He posts exclusively hit-n-run one liners...I am starting to wonder if he's a person or a spambot.

You're starting to wonder? You didn't put that bed wetter on ignore immediately?

Come on dude, you're smarter than that.

Of course I did...but it's not like I actually have to see his posts.
If anyone would like to see a death panel in action, just watch a loved one go through the dying process with cancer.

At some point, you will see the insurance company do their damndest to throw them out of the hospital.
I've seen it....It's not a pretty sight either way.

All things being equal, I'd go with cashing it in at home amongst friends and family rather than in a hospital....Like my best friend did four years ago, come the 23rd.

I saw one person go through chemo...and decided that if ever diagnosed with cancer, I'm eating my shotgun.
Franco never addresses ANYTHING. He has posted 11,000+ times and contributed nothing. He posts exclusively hit-n-run one liners...I am starting to wonder if he's a person or a spambot.

You're starting to wonder? You didn't put that bed wetter on ignore immediately?

Come on dude, you're smarter than that.

Of course I did...but it's not like I actually have to see his posts.

I've got more facts and truth just in my sig than you chumps know or Fox etc etc has ever reported. You can't handle the truth LOL. That's why you have to put me on ignore and stick to the Pub Propaganda Machine. Pathetic loudmouth moron ugly American 50%+ racist hater
It looks like no one would be interested in trying to get a lung transplant for that ten year old girl.

The only way government health care works is if the government has the power to kill off its sick. Government health care is run like veterinary medicine. We are pets owned by the government.
Once they can kill off the terminally ill they can move on to the catastrophically injured. Then to the deveopmentally disabled. Criminally insane. Then anyone who poses criticism of the government.
One of the biggest scandals in the NHS was that they were caught red handed giving bonuses to hospitals to really implement what they call the Liverpool Care Pathway aka starving and dehydrating patients to death.

I don't know if you read the story, but if you did you might have noticed:

The LCP is intended to ease the final hours of patients who are close to death and to spare them the suffering associated with invasive treatment.

The Trust was offered £73,385 for increasing numbers of patients who die at home rather than in hospital.

Part of the scheme was a target for the number of patients discharged from hospital to die at home after being put on the Liverpool Care Pathway.

Read more: Hospitals bribed to put patients on pathway to death: Cash incentive for NHS trusts that meet targets on Liverpool Care Pathway | Mail Online
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It seems the system is under review - but personally I support the idea of patients being able to die at home. Why don't you?

My father chose to die at home.

I have absolutely no problem with granting any person's wish to die wherever they choose and with dignity.

I have a real freaking problem with giving bonuses to hospitals to *cough*help people on their way.

Quite a number of cases have come up where aged parents and loved ones have been put on the LCP without any notification to the relatives.

And you have to understand that the decision to put someone on the pathway is not made by the patient all the time.

Get it? The patient in many cases doesn't ask to be allowed to die on LCP.

There's sadly more than enough nightmare stories when it comes to the NHS.

I follow the NHS scandals with great interest since I've been pushing for a serious two tier health system up here for a number of years. The NHS is the primo example of socialized medicine gone wrong.

The LCP has continued to be controversial. It has been claimed that elderly patients were admitted to hospital for emergency treatment and put on the LCP without documented proof that the patient wanted it, or could not recover from their health problem;

48 year old Norfolk man Andrew Flanagan was revived by his family and went home for a further five weeks after doctors put him on the LCP.

The Royal College of Physicians found that up to half of families were not informed of clinicians’ decision to put a relative on the pathway.

Writing in the Daily Mail, Patrick Pullicino has claimed that doctors' use of the LCP protocol has turned it into the equivalent of euthanasia of the elderly.

In a letter to The Daily Telegraph, six doctors belonging to the Medical Ethics Alliance called on LCP to provide evidence that the pathway is "safe and effective, or even required", arguing that, in the elderly, natural death is more often painless, provision of fluids is the main way of easing thirst, and "no one should be deprived of consciousness except for the gravest reason

Liverpool Care Pathway for the Dying Patient - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
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That's why ALL "gov't run" health systems have over 80% approval and our Pub mess had 34% in 2007 and costs twice as much...terminal RW idiocy sucks...your party is hanging itself for a generation.
That BS about a death panel of retired doctors is purely imaginary propaganda. Change the channel.

Mail Online= RW shyttesheet, pure Torycrappe, only party that competes in bs with the GOP. Over 80% in UK love NHS, our approval rate was 34% in 2007, less than half the % in ANY universal health care system. Dumbasses.:eusa_whistle:

Link to your statistics or I call bullshit.

BBC investigation left wing enough for you?

Sheesh you are just such a partisan moron.

Almost half of the acute hospital trusts in the East have been offered incentives by the government to put dying patients on a programme that allows doctors to withdraw treatment

More than 10,000 patients in the region have been put on the Liverpool Care Pathway (LCP) in the last three years, a BBC investigation has found.

The programme was designed to ease the suffering of people at the end of their lives, but the Government has ordered an independent review after complaints that some patients and their relatives were not being told they were on it.

The hospitals get bonus payments to put patients on the pathway.

BBC News - Liverpool Care Pathway: More than 10,000 patients placed on plan
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Incentives to hospitals to put people on LCP. also known as withdrawing treatment and letting people die.

The investigation revealed figures for the number of patients at other hospitals placed on the LCP, and government incentives relating to the plan:

Hinchingbrooke Hospital, Huntingdon: 416 patients in the last three years
Peterborough and Stamford Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust: 466 patients in the last three years
Colchester Hospital University NHS Foundation Trust: 1,600 patients in the last two years
Basildon and Thurrock University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust: more than 1,400 patients over the last three years
Southend University Hospital NHS Foundation Trust: aims to put all patients deemed to be in their last days on an adapted version of the pathway
Princess Alexandra Hospital NHS Trust, Harlow: no records kept but the trust said it was offered a financial bonus to put three-quarters of patients deemed to be dying on the pathway
West Suffolk Hospital NHS Trust, Bury St Edmunds: more than 1,000 patients in the last three years. However, the hospital failed to meet the target, so did not receive an incentive payment
Ipswich Hospital NHS Trust: about 200 patients last year
Northampton General Hospital NHS Trust: 898 patients in the last three years
Norfolk and Norwich University Hospitals NHS Trust: more than 1,100 patients in the last three years. The trust was also paid £192,000 as a bonus for meeting targets to promote palliative care
Kettering General Hospital NHS Foundation Trust: no records kept
Papworth Hospital, near Huntingdon: the only acute hospital in the region not to use the LCP
Milton Keynes Hospital NHS Foundation Trust: 276 patients in the past year
Bedford Hospital NHS Trust: no records kept. Since 2004 the trust has been funded for an LCP nurse

Denise Charlesworth-Smith, of Norfolk, has become a national spokeswoman for relatives calling for changes to the LCP and will speak at the House of Lords on Wednesday.

BBC News - Liverpool Care Pathway: More than 10,000 patients placed on plan
And who's been in charge of the NHS the last 3 years? TORIES- the Pubs of the UK who screw up the NHS and complain about it- they also are big on austerity that's put them back into recession. The same crappe Pubs would do, and will do to ACA if they get the chance. Lying megarich imperial a-holes, just like Pubs. The Daily Mail is a bs RW rag...
Letting dying people die can save a helluva lot of money, and pain and suffering, and OVER payment to doctors and hospitals....but I'll take Labour handling it over the Tories anytime...
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East Anglia is lovely this time of year. Used to spend 2-3 months every other Summer on Grandfather's 14th-15th century Manor/ chicken farm in Gt Yeldham (near Colchester, Peterborough), and a week or 2 at Granny's in Cambridge (Addenbrooks)- and they're NOT just killing off Granny OR hoaxing global warming there, GD it. LOL
Addenbrooks- That’s where MY Granny went, at 96. Then a nursing home where they had chickens etc. She and her young buddy 89 were passing out sherry and cigarettes…”Mad Hatter’s tea party” my mother said…lol
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I do not believe in Euthenasia. It is murder. I would never accept it under any conditions any more than I would accept abortion. You must be kidding me here. There is nothing compassionate about it.

Is that right? Hmmm. I pray you never suffer like I have seen people suffer and beg for death only to be told they have to live because those in control think like you.
Guns don't kill people, socialized medical "care" kills people.

Getting sick and going to the hospital kills many Americans needlessly. Apparently, you don't pay attention to the facts. It has nothing to do with socialized medicine.

Deadly 'superbugs' invade U.S. health care facilities

Don't get sick and go to the hospital, especially if you already have a compromised immune system. The chances are getting higher all the time that you will be exposed to a bacteria resistant infection or superbug.
Guns don't kill people, socialized medical "care" kills people.

Getting sick and going to the hospital kills many Americans needlessly. Apparently, you don't pay attention to the facts. It has nothing to do with socialized medicine.

Deadly 'superbugs' invade U.S. health care facilities

Don't get sick and go to the hospital, especially if you already have a compromised immune system. The chances are getting higher all the time that you will be exposed to a bacteria resistant infection or superbug.
Most hospitals engage hand-in-glove with the socialistic welfare state, Dudley.

Now, I believe you were sputtering something or another about not paying attention to facts?
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Most hospitals engage hand-in-glove with the socialistic welfare state, Dudley.

Now, I believe you were sputtering something or another about not paying attention to facts?

You have to laugh, don't you?

Hospitals engage with the state....who'd have thought it? Where is the outrage?!

Starting with the fact that every developed country in the world offers universalhealthcareexcept the US; in which case most countries offer a mix of public and private health care. Under public healthcare, the government owns the hospitals.

So yes...hospitals "engage hand-in-glove" with the state because the state owns them, genius.

This has also been proven to be both cheaper and more effective - which is why you oppose it, perhaps?

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