UK Targets Disabled for Euthanasia as a Cost-Saving Measure

And who's been in charge of the NHS the last 3 years? TORIES- the Pubs of the UK who screw up the NHS and complain about it- they also are big on austerity that's put them back into recession. The same crappe Pubs would do, and will do to ACA if they get the chance. Lying megarich imperial a-holes, just like Pubs. The Daily Mail is a bs RW rag...

It's under the Tories that all the NHS failings are coming to light.

And I gave you the BBC's report and BBC's investigation and there are a myriad of government investigations going on as well.
I do not believe in Euthenasia. It is murder. I would never accept it under any conditions any more than I would accept abortion. You must be kidding me here. There is nothing compassionate about it.

Is that right? Hmmm. I pray you never suffer like I have seen people suffer and beg for death only to be told they have to live because those in control think like you.

And I pray you're never put down like an unwanted dog because those in control have decided your existence is too inconvenient for them to be bothered with.

You don't want to play the "Compassion equals killing people I don't want around" game with me, Chuckles. I will stomp you like a French peasant in a vat full of grapes.
Guns don't kill people, socialized medical "care" kills people.

Getting sick and going to the hospital kills many Americans needlessly. Apparently, you don't pay attention to the facts. It has nothing to do with socialized medicine.

Deadly 'superbugs' invade U.S. health care facilities

Don't get sick and go to the hospital, especially if you already have a compromised immune system. The chances are getting higher all the time that you will be exposed to a bacteria resistant infection or superbug.

Especially now that it's getting increasingly difficult to get hospital personnel to wash their hands.

Unusual News - Hospitals Enforce Hand-Washing to Reduce High Patient Death Rate from In-House Infections - AllGov - News

The surprise is not so much that medical personnel don't wash their hands, the surprise is how many would rather take steps to cheat the system than wash their hands.
Guns don't kill people, socialized medical "care" kills people.

Getting sick and going to the hospital kills many Americans needlessly. Apparently, you don't pay attention to the facts. It has nothing to do with socialized medicine.

Deadly 'superbugs' invade U.S. health care facilities

Don't get sick and go to the hospital, especially if you already have a compromised immune system. The chances are getting higher all the time that you will be exposed to a bacteria resistant infection or superbug.

Especially now that it's getting increasingly difficult to get hospital personnel to wash their hands.

Unusual News - Hospitals Enforce Hand-Washing to Reduce High Patient Death Rate from In-House Infections - AllGov - News

The surprise is not so much that medical personnel don't wash their hands, the surprise is how many would rather take steps to cheat the system than wash their hands.

Are you shitting me? I thought we settled that whole "handwashing for medical personnel" thing somewhere back in the Renaissance.
Getting sick and going to the hospital kills many Americans needlessly. Apparently, you don't pay attention to the facts. It has nothing to do with socialized medicine.

Deadly 'superbugs' invade U.S. health care facilities

Don't get sick and go to the hospital, especially if you already have a compromised immune system. The chances are getting higher all the time that you will be exposed to a bacteria resistant infection or superbug.

Especially now that it's getting increasingly difficult to get hospital personnel to wash their hands.

Unusual News - Hospitals Enforce Hand-Washing to Reduce High Patient Death Rate from In-House Infections - AllGov - News

The surprise is not so much that medical personnel don't wash their hands, the surprise is how many would rather take steps to cheat the system than wash their hands.

Are you shitting me? I thought we settled that whole "handwashing for medical personnel" thing somewhere back in the Renaissance.

Medical personnel not washing their hands is making a comeback. In some cases it's cultural. In the UK it's muslim women who are health care providers who refuse to wash their hands.

Female Muslim medics 'disobey hygiene rules' - Telegraph

It's no different here, except we won't put it in the news.

Then there are the other cultures in the US who don't find hand washing necessary. Look at all the incidents of food borne illnesses that crop up, most caused by processors or restaurants whose employees do not wash their hands.
Especially now that it's getting increasingly difficult to get hospital personnel to wash their hands.

Unusual News - Hospitals Enforce Hand-Washing to Reduce High Patient Death Rate from In-House Infections - AllGov - News

The surprise is not so much that medical personnel don't wash their hands, the surprise is how many would rather take steps to cheat the system than wash their hands.

Are you shitting me? I thought we settled that whole "handwashing for medical personnel" thing somewhere back in the Renaissance.

Medical personnel not washing their hands is making a comeback. In some cases it's cultural. In the UK it's muslim women who are health care providers who refuse to wash their hands.

Female Muslim medics 'disobey hygiene rules' - Telegraph

It's no different here, except we won't put it in the news.

Then there are the other cultures in the US who don't find hand washing necessary. Look at all the incidents of food borne illnesses that crop up, most caused by processors or restaurants whose employees do not wash their hands.

Wow. Just . . . wow.

I went to school to be a medical coder (in other words, an office worker), and I had to take a one-day training class on proper handwashing for medical personnel, just so I didn't convey germs to people via their insurance paperwork. I can't even imagine touching someone's body or their food without scrubbing my hands. Hell, I don't even cook AT HOME without scrubbing my hands first.
I do not believe in Euthenasia. It is murder. I would never accept it under any conditions any more than I would accept abortion. You must be kidding me here. There is nothing compassionate about it.

Is that right? Hmmm. I pray you never suffer like I have seen people suffer and beg for death only to be told they have to live because those in control think like you.

And I pray you're never put down like an unwanted dog because those in control have decided your existence is too inconvenient for them to be bothered with.

You don't want to play the "Compassion equals killing people I don't want around" game with me, Chuckles. I will stomp you like a French peasant in a vat full of grapes.

From what I've seen and read...the only thing even CLOSE to euthanasia......and this is a HUGE palliative care. Palliative Care is when a person is dying of a disease and there is no hope of recovery. Let's say you have lung've tried all avenues to get it into had your right lung removed, you've done the courses of Chemotherapy and radiation, and the damned cancer won't stop growing inside you. Your Oncologist tells you in no uncertain terms that there's nothing left for them to try and that in 3-6 months you will die.

He recommends Hospice to come into you and your family's lives. The hospice team is specially trained to deal with death and dying and to make it as painless as humanely possible while preserving as.much dignity as possible for you and your family. This includes the use of narcotics to control the pain, real therapeutic counseling for you and your family to help deal with the stress and fear of your.passing, including involving your pastor(if you're religious).

This is not euthanasia....this is compassion.
Is that right? Hmmm. I pray you never suffer like I have seen people suffer and beg for death only to be told they have to live because those in control think like you.

And I pray you're never put down like an unwanted dog because those in control have decided your existence is too inconvenient for them to be bothered with.

You don't want to play the "Compassion equals killing people I don't want around" game with me, Chuckles. I will stomp you like a French peasant in a vat full of grapes.

From what I've seen and read...the only thing even CLOSE to euthanasia......and this is a HUGE palliative care. Palliative Care is when a person is dying of a disease and there is no hope of recovery. Let's say you have lung've tried all avenues to get it into had your right lung removed, you've done the courses of Chemotherapy and radiation, and the damned cancer won't stop growing inside you. Your Oncologist tells you in no uncertain terms that there's nothing left for them to try and that in 3-6 months you will die.

He recommends Hospice to come into you and your family's lives. The hospice team is specially trained to deal with death and dying and to make it as painless as humanely possible while preserving as.much dignity as possible for you and your family. This includes the use of narcotics to control the pain, real therapeutic counseling for you and your family to help deal with the stress and fear of your.passing, including involving your pastor(if you're religious).

This is not euthanasia....this is compassion.

Well its all about how things are can say..."Im going to have an abortion" or you can say, "Im going to go to a doctor, and have him reach inside of me and crush my babies skull with forceps and then suck it out with a vacuum."

One of them sounds better than the other...
Here it is folks, the way those socialized healthcare systems save money:

In a chilling story by Rebekah Maxwell, people with disabilities in the UK are being targeted to be euthanized based on what she claims is the almighty dollar.

“But a much more practical motivation also exists, and it goes ka-ching. In a land of nationalized health care, every worker pays into the system, so everybody can access the system. But some people are too weak, too old, too disabled to work. Yet they still need medical treatment, draining the system of resources without contributing to the pot.

No longer does the UK have to be concerned with passing laws to allow physicians to kill those who “want to die”. Things have now deteriorated to the point that physicians in the their health care system are deciding on their own to kill the medically vulnerable.

“According to a government-commissioned study, hospitals in the UK are quite literally killing off disabled citizens–because the healthcare workers believe those patients aren’t worth treating.”​

UK Targets Disabled for Euthanasia as a Cost-Saving Measure |

Somehow this has something to do with Obama?

Funny how in England they used Pounds but somehow the author says it will save dollars. Another one of Bripat's fantasies.
Is that right? Hmmm. I pray you never suffer like I have seen people suffer and beg for death only to be told they have to live because those in control think like you.

And I pray you're never put down like an unwanted dog because those in control have decided your existence is too inconvenient for them to be bothered with.

You don't want to play the "Compassion equals killing people I don't want around" game with me, Chuckles. I will stomp you like a French peasant in a vat full of grapes.

From what I've seen and read...the only thing even CLOSE to euthanasia......and this is a HUGE palliative care. Palliative Care is when a person is dying of a disease and there is no hope of recovery. Let's say you have lung've tried all avenues to get it into had your right lung removed, you've done the courses of Chemotherapy and radiation, and the damned cancer won't stop growing inside you. Your Oncologist tells you in no uncertain terms that there's nothing left for them to try and that in 3-6 months you will die.

He recommends Hospice to come into you and your family's lives. The hospice team is specially trained to deal with death and dying and to make it as painless as humanely possible while preserving as.much dignity as possible for you and your family. This includes the use of narcotics to control the pain, real therapeutic counseling for you and your family to help deal with the stress and fear of your.passing, including involving your pastor(if you're religious).

This is not euthanasia....this is compassion.

There's a big difference between "We can't save your life, and we're going to make your end painless" and "We don't want to save your life, and we're going to kill you". For some reason, though, people have a hard time discerning that.
Here it is folks, the way those socialized healthcare systems save money:

In a chilling story by Rebekah Maxwell, people with disabilities in the UK are being targeted to be euthanized based on what she claims is the almighty dollar.

“But a much more practical motivation also exists, and it goes ka-ching. In a land of nationalized health care, every worker pays into the system, so everybody can access the system. But some people are too weak, too old, too disabled to work. Yet they still need medical treatment, draining the system of resources without contributing to the pot.

No longer does the UK have to be concerned with passing laws to allow physicians to kill those who “want to die”. Things have now deteriorated to the point that physicians in the their health care system are deciding on their own to kill the medically vulnerable.

“According to a government-commissioned study, hospitals in the UK are quite literally killing off disabled citizens–because the healthcare workers believe those patients aren’t worth treating.”​

UK Targets Disabled for Euthanasia as a Cost-Saving Measure |

Somehow this has something to do with Obama?

Funny how in England they used Pounds but somehow the author says it will save dollars. Another one of Bripat's fantasies.

What an absolutely irrelevant and trivial point to get your irrelevant and trivial mind stuck on. "Ooh, an American writing about government policies in the UK used American terminology. That makes the whole thing invalid." :cuckoo:
Just think of what it would be like if we had mandatory organ donation. We'd have euthanasia for sprained ankles.
And I pray you're never put down like an unwanted dog because those in control have decided your existence is too inconvenient for them to be bothered with.

You don't want to play the "Compassion equals killing people I don't want around" game with me, Chuckles. I will stomp you like a French peasant in a vat full of grapes.

From what I've seen and read...the only thing even CLOSE to euthanasia......and this is a HUGE palliative care. Palliative Care is when a person is dying of a disease and there is no hope of recovery. Let's say you have lung've tried all avenues to get it into had your right lung removed, you've done the courses of Chemotherapy and radiation, and the damned cancer won't stop growing inside you. Your Oncologist tells you in no uncertain terms that there's nothing left for them to try and that in 3-6 months you will die.

He recommends Hospice to come into you and your family's lives. The hospice team is specially trained to deal with death and dying and to make it as painless as humanely possible while preserving as.much dignity as possible for you and your family. This includes the use of narcotics to control the pain, real therapeutic counseling for you and your family to help deal with the stress and fear of your.passing, including involving your pastor(if you're religious).

This is not euthanasia....this is compassion.

There's a big difference between "We can't save your life, and we're going to make your end painless" and "We don't want to save your life, and we're going to kill you". For some reason, though, people have a hard time discerning that.

Well....if you really want to take an HONEST look at that, how many.people has our own private sector, for profit insurance.companies killed because they denied claims, dropped people and got out of paying because of the "pre-existing condition" loophole?

If you REALLY want to talk about Death Panels....take a look at the actuaries who decide to cut people off when the "risk" of losing some money is unacceptable.

But, I'm betting you really don't want to be honest, do you?
From what I've seen and read...the only thing even CLOSE to euthanasia......and this is a HUGE palliative care. Palliative Care is when a person is dying of a disease and there is no hope of recovery. Let's say you have lung've tried all avenues to get it into had your right lung removed, you've done the courses of Chemotherapy and radiation, and the damned cancer won't stop growing inside you. Your Oncologist tells you in no uncertain terms that there's nothing left for them to try and that in 3-6 months you will die.

He recommends Hospice to come into you and your family's lives. The hospice team is specially trained to deal with death and dying and to make it as painless as humanely possible while preserving as.much dignity as possible for you and your family. This includes the use of narcotics to control the pain, real therapeutic counseling for you and your family to help deal with the stress and fear of your.passing, including involving your pastor(if you're religious).

This is not euthanasia....this is compassion.

There's a big difference between "We can't save your life, and we're going to make your end painless" and "We don't want to save your life, and we're going to kill you". For some reason, though, people have a hard time discerning that.

Well....if you really want to take an HONEST look at that, how many.people has our own private sector, for profit insurance.companies killed because they denied claims, dropped people and got out of paying because of the "pre-existing condition" loophole?

If you REALLY want to talk about Death Panels....take a look at the actuaries who decide to cut people off when the "risk" of losing some money is unacceptable.

But, I'm betting you really don't want to be honest, do you?

Oh, you want to be honest? Okay, let's REALLY be honest.

How about we start with the peculiar notion that if Entity #1 refuses to provide funding for Entity #2's medical procedure, Entity #1 has "killed" Entity #2? I'm not even sure where to start listing the things that are ridiculous and wrong about that perspective on the world; and honesty demands that I tell you that if this is truly the attitude from which you approach life, then you and I have nothing to talk about, because while we will both be using English words, we will not be speaking the same language.

The second stop on the Honesty Tour requires us to look at how people approach having private insurance, and feel free to stop me if you think I'm incorrect or dishonest about any of this. When a person signs up for private health insurance, he is issued a thick packet of information detailing, with excruciating precision, exactly what treatments and procedures are included in the coverage he's getting.

Now, most people in America don't even read for entertainment, let alone read long and quite boring legal documents such as their insurance coverage handbook. So at best, they skim through it, and at worst, they disregard it entirely beyond the amount that their premiums will cost them every month. Rather than actually knowing EXACTLY what is and isn't covered, and under what circumstances, they simply assume that "obviously, this is covered, because it ought to be". Then, when something non-routine and expensive comes up, they compound their mistake by not bothering to call the insurance provider and verify their coverage for that situation. And when the bill is submitted to the insurance provider and rejected, they bitch and moan and whine about how they were "cheated" out of their "rightful" coverage, and the coldhearted, greedy insurance bastards "killed" the patient. Oh, and they seldom provide for any sort of backup plan along the lines of "it's my health, perhaps I should be responsible for it".

The third stop on the Honesty Tour is the fact that when one is dealing with private insurance companies, one has recourse to the government via the legal system should they deny coverage for something which was, in fact, promised to be covered. But if the insurance provider IS the government, then where do you go? You don't know pain-in-the-ass red tape until you've tried to challenge a Medicaid or Medicare ruling regarding coverage.

But, I'm betting you really don't want to be honest, do you?
According to the Obamacare seminars for Doctors ( required ) many of you will no longer be driving after 2014. Every car will have a black box in them. This is by order of Obamacare - all car manufacturers must comply.

You will have to pass a physical requiring you to be in top shape and have 20/20 vision to keep your license. Absurd? Yes. True? You better believe it. There is a reason you haven't been able to read Obamacare fully yet. It is yet to be written. It will be but for now it is being instructed without any paper trail to expose them. How's that transparency thing working out for ya about now? - Jeri

You are really mentally ill. Do you nutters sit around church and come up with that nut weasel stuff?
And I pray you're never put down like an unwanted dog because those in control have decided your existence is too inconvenient for them to be bothered with.

You don't want to play the "Compassion equals killing people I don't want around" game with me, Chuckles. I will stomp you like a French peasant in a vat full of grapes.

From what I've seen and read...the only thing even CLOSE to euthanasia......and this is a HUGE palliative care. Palliative Care is when a person is dying of a disease and there is no hope of recovery. Let's say you have lung've tried all avenues to get it into had your right lung removed, you've done the courses of Chemotherapy and radiation, and the damned cancer won't stop growing inside you. Your Oncologist tells you in no uncertain terms that there's nothing left for them to try and that in 3-6 months you will die.

He recommends Hospice to come into you and your family's lives. The hospice team is specially trained to deal with death and dying and to make it as painless as humanely possible while preserving as.much dignity as possible for you and your family. This includes the use of narcotics to control the pain, real therapeutic counseling for you and your family to help deal with the stress and fear of your.passing, including involving your pastor(if you're religious).

This is not euthanasia....this is compassion.

There's a big difference between "We can't save your life, and we're going to make your end painless" and "We don't want to save your life, and we're going to kill you". For some reason, though, people have a hard time discerning that.

In Britain they have upped the ante. Not sure if you saw any of my other posts but there have been a myriad of NHS scandals that have come to light.

This Liverpool Care Pathway scandal is jaw dropping unreal. Hospitals were actually given bonuses for reaching "targets" aka hitting the mark by putting "x" amount of patients on the Pathway which means death.

"Incentives" as it were.

Almost half of the acute hospital trusts in the East have been offered incentives by the government to put dying patients on a programme that allows doctors to withdraw treatment

More than 10,000 patients in the region have been put on the Liverpool Care Pathway (LCP) in the last three years, a BBC investigation has found.

The programme was designed to ease the suffering of people at the end of their lives, but the Government has ordered an independent review after complaints that some patients and their relatives were not being told they were on it.

The hospitals get bonus payments to put patients on the pathway.

BBC News - Liverpool Care Pathway: More than 10,000 patients placed on plan
Jeri, do you actually have a link to site that isn't maintained by people who wear tin-foil hats?

Here's the question I guess we don't want to ask.

Is it okay to let a poor person die of a treatable disease because he is poor, while extending the lives of a wealthy person with no hope of recovery because someone can make a profit off of him?

Because that is in effect our current system.

Are you referring to the Doctors who already know what's in there before it is written? Who do you think did the story? A doctor who knew what was going down.

Now that they have adopted Complete Lives Systems as the plan for Obamacare, yes, I can probably find you something else you can read on it.

I do not believe in Euthenasia. It is murder. I would never accept it under any conditions any more than I would accept abortion. You must be kidding me here. There is nothing compassionate about it.

Speaking of wealthy. I have several friends who are wealthy and elderly. They have sharper minds than most of you here and when it comes to contribution? There is no comparison. They have you beat hands down. Who do you think was the backbone of the tea party? The elderly.

About healthcare in Britain. It is awful. It's true. They are literally murdering people over there by withholding healthcare. But that isn't the very worst of it. You see NHS is only part of their healthcare system. I have a dear friend who was on NHS and due to Diabetes II they told him it isn't curable - you'll have to be put on LPC. That is an even lower status and many of the Brits, Welsh, etc. are on it. I asked him what is LPC? He told me that is when they have decided to make sure you die as you are a burden to the system. He is 46 yrs old, folks. Forty Six and the highest ranking Major in his Country. How does that sound? Fair? I don't think so. I'm Furious over how Soldiers are being treated. Is this the thanks they get? Don't think Obamacare isn't going to do the same thing to our soldiers here. He will.

Is anyone paying attention out there? - Jeri

So you do not believe in putting down your dog, cat, or horse, or any other animal if it is in distress and dying? It amazes me how we show more compassion for our pets than we do for those we love. You would sit and watch your mother die an agonizing death over the final two weeks to a month rather than allowing her to die peacefully. That truly is amazing.

Just remember what the Schiavoites pulled with her end of life, they turned it into a traveling Gospel freakshow and insinuated themselves into a tragic situation which they had no business in
Jeri, do you actually have a link to site that isn't maintained by people who wear tin-foil hats?

Here's the question I guess we don't want to ask.

Is it okay to let a poor person die of a treatable disease because he is poor, while extending the lives of a wealthy person with no hope of recovery because someone can make a profit off of him?

Because that is in effect our current system.

Are you referring to the Doctors who already know what's in there before it is written? Who do you think did the story? A doctor who knew what was going down.

Now that they have adopted Complete Lives Systems as the plan for Obamacare, yes, I can probably find you something else you can read on it.

I do not believe in Euthenasia. It is murder. I would never accept it under any conditions any more than I would accept abortion. You must be kidding me here. There is nothing compassionate about it.

Speaking of wealthy. I have several friends who are wealthy and elderly. They have sharper minds than most of you here and when it comes to contribution? There is no comparison. They have you beat hands down. Who do you think was the backbone of the tea party? The elderly.

About healthcare in Britain. It is awful. It's true. They are literally murdering people over there by withholding healthcare. But that isn't the very worst of it. You see NHS is only part of their healthcare system. I have a dear friend who was on NHS and due to Diabetes II they told him it isn't curable - you'll have to be put on LPC. That is an even lower status and many of the Brits, Welsh, etc. are on it. I asked him what is LPC? He told me that is when they have decided to make sure you die as you are a burden to the system. He is 46 yrs old, folks. Forty Six and the highest ranking Major in his Country. How does that sound? Fair? I don't think so. I'm Furious over how Soldiers are being treated. Is this the thanks they get? Don't think Obamacare isn't going to do the same thing to our soldiers here. He will.

Is anyone paying attention out there? - Jeri

So you do not believe in putting down your dog, cat, or horse, or any other animal if it is in distress and dying? It amazes me how we show more compassion for our pets than we do for those we love. You would sit and watch your mother die an agonizing death over the final two weeks to a month rather than allowing her to die peacefully. That truly is amazing.

While I certainly view YOU in the same category as a dumb animal, the same is not true of my family and friends. Likewise, while I agree that you have nothing whatsoever of value to add to the world by your continued existence, and therefore should simply be shot at the first sign of inconvenience, the same cannot be said of my loved ones.

Please attempt to understand the difference.

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