UK Targets Disabled for Euthanasia as a Cost-Saving Measure

Franco, do you people ever actually address the issues or would that be forcing you to rise to your level of incompetency here? Just wondering as Polkow is certain you all are intellectually superior. Could someone please provide some evidence of that claim? The matter of Euthanasia is a matter of murder in case that escaped you. It might be a wise idea to google complete lives systems and learn something before speaking about it. A novel idea but worth a try. - Jeri

Self inflicted murder, get out of their way.

Things will be better, I promise.
Here it is folks, the way those socialized healthcare systems save money:

In a chilling story by Rebekah Maxwell, people with disabilities in the UK are being targeted to be euthanized based on what she claims is the almighty dollar.

“But a much more practical motivation also exists, and it goes ka-ching. In a land of nationalized health care, every worker pays into the system, so everybody can access the system. But some people are too weak, too old, too disabled to work. Yet they still need medical treatment, draining the system of resources without contributing to the pot.

No longer does the UK have to be concerned with passing laws to allow physicians to kill those who “want to die”. Things have now deteriorated to the point that physicians in the their health care system are deciding on their own to kill the medically vulnerable.

“According to a government-commissioned study, hospitals in the UK are quite literally killing off disabled citizens–because the healthcare workers believe those patients aren’t worth treating.”​

UK Targets Disabled for Euthanasia as a Cost-Saving Measure |

They didn't give ONE CASE of someone actually being killed by their doctor.

They said that 24 patients a day are "allowed to die". That's actually kind of vague.

By way of comparison, 96,000 Americans die every year because of medical malpractice. That's over 250 a day.

Now, there is the overall question, how much resources do you waste on people who have no hope of recovery? 11% of medical resources in the US- public AND private - are spent extending the lives of terminally ill patients.

At what point do you give up? At what point are you doing more harm than good. Letting someone linger for a few more weeks in agonizing pain when there is no hope of recovery, because someone is making a profit on the deal, is hardly a good idea.

This is hardly an academic issue for me. Both of my parents died of cancer when I was a young man. Some of the insane shit they did to stretch them out for a few more weeks bordered on torture.

You give ANYONE the power to decide who lives and who dies you have a problem. Soon enough the criteria will be what is best for those making the decisions.

The only conspiracy I see here is the Trolling Post with conspiracy link attached by Polkow that doesn't relate to the OP. Other than that we are good to go here.

You don't know about it because you don't want to know about it. Where there is a will there is a way. Find someone to educate you on the subject. You're a smart southern boy, right? - Jeri

No, I live in the NOrth, which is the intelligent part of the country.

Which you would know if you read the profile thing up in the left-hand corner.

The reality is, ObamaCare was just fine with you wingnuts when they called it RomneyCare.

What we NEED to do is go to single payer, universal coverage.

Here's the thing, guy, we already have "Death Panels", but they work for private insurance.

Just ask Nataline Sarkisyan, whose liver transplant was denied by Cigna as "Expiramental" (i.e. cost too much), but Cigna paid their CEO 82 million when he retired.

That's truly fucked up.

Joe, cut the nonsense. I was born in Brooklyn, NY. Have family up there - moved to South but I know a Southerner when I see one. You are not a NY'er. I don't give a flip what you say. I can spot a NY'er in a NY minute and you ain't it.

No offense to the South but NY'ers are alot faster than ole' Joe here. This guy is definitely mississippi material. Do they know you as "slow Joe"... the pdf was on the same link you said you couldn't find any independent info on CLS. Blind or slow you are no NY'er. ( save the sales speech )

- Jeri
If anyone would like to see a death panel in action, just watch a loved one go through the dying process with cancer.

At some point, you will see the insurance company do their damndest to throw them out of the hospital.
I've seen it....It's not a pretty sight either way.

All things being equal, I'd go with cashing it in at home amongst friends and family rather than in a hospital....Like my best friend did four years ago, come the 23rd.
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Here it is folks, the way those socialized healthcare systems save money:

In a chilling story by Rebekah Maxwell, people with disabilities in the UK are being targeted to be euthanized based on what she claims is the almighty dollar.

“But a much more practical motivation also exists, and it goes ka-ching. In a land of nationalized health care, every worker pays into the system, so everybody can access the system. But some people are too weak, too old, too disabled to work. Yet they still need medical treatment, draining the system of resources without contributing to the pot.

No longer does the UK have to be concerned with passing laws to allow physicians to kill those who “want to die”. Things have now deteriorated to the point that physicians in the their health care system are deciding on their own to kill the medically vulnerable.

“According to a government-commissioned study, hospitals in the UK are quite literally killing off disabled citizens–because the healthcare workers believe those patients aren’t worth treating.”​

UK Targets Disabled for Euthanasia as a Cost-Saving Measure |

They didn't give ONE CASE of someone actually being killed by their doctor.

They said that 24 patients a day are "allowed to die". That's actually kind of vague.

By way of comparison, 96,000 Americans die every year because of medical malpractice. That's over 250 a day.

Now, there is the overall question, how much resources do you waste on people who have no hope of recovery? 11% of medical resources in the US- public AND private - are spent extending the lives of terminally ill patients.

At what point do you give up? At what point are you doing more harm than good. Letting someone linger for a few more weeks in agonizing pain when there is no hope of recovery, because someone is making a profit on the deal, is hardly a good idea.

This is hardly an academic issue for me. Both of my parents died of cancer when I was a young man. Some of the insane shit they did to stretch them out for a few more weeks bordered on torture.

You give ANYONE the power to decide who lives and who dies you have a problem. Soon enough the criteria will be what is best for those making the decisions.

God please give ME that power...

No one will ever drive slow in the fast lane again.
One of the biggest scandals in the NHS was that they were caught red handed giving bonuses to hospitals to really implement what they call the Liverpool Care Pathway aka starving and dehydrating patients to death.

You can't make this shit up. Every time a liberal tells you that there aren't death panels associated within the health care community wham them with this.

Hospitals bribed to put patients on pathway to death: Cash incentive for NHS trusts that meet targets on Liverpool Care Pathway

Some hospitals set target of two thirds of all deaths should be on LCP

At least £30m in extra money handed to hospitals to achieve these goals

Critics warn financial incentives could influence the work of doctors

Hospitals are paid millions to hit targets for the number of patients who die on the Liverpool Care Pathway, the Mail can reveal.

The incentives have been paid to hospitals that ensure a set percentage of patients who die on their wards have been put on the controversial regime.

In some cases, hospitals have been set targets that between a third and two thirds of all the deaths should be on the LCP, which critics say is a way of hastening the deaths of terminally ill patients.

At least £30million in extra money from taxpayers is estimated to have been handed to hospitals over the past three years to achieve these goals.

Rest of article at link:

Hospitals bribed to put patients on pathway to death: Cash incentive for NHS trusts that meet targets on Liverpool Care Pathway | Mail Online
One of the biggest scandals in the NHS was that they were caught red handed giving bonuses to hospitals to really implement what they call the Liverpool Care Pathway aka starving and dehydrating patients to death.

You can't make this shit up. Every time a liberal tells you that there aren't death panels associated within the health care community wham them with this.

Hospitals bribed to put patients on pathway to death: Cash incentive for NHS trusts that meet targets on Liverpool Care Pathway

Some hospitals set target of two thirds of all deaths should be on LCP

At least £30m in extra money handed to hospitals to achieve these goals

Critics warn financial incentives could influence the work of doctors

Hospitals are paid millions to hit targets for the number of patients who die on the Liverpool Care Pathway, the Mail can reveal.

The incentives have been paid to hospitals that ensure a set percentage of patients who die on their wards have been put on the controversial regime.

In some cases, hospitals have been set targets that between a third and two thirds of all the deaths should be on the LCP, which critics say is a way of hastening the deaths of terminally ill patients.

At least £30million in extra money from taxpayers is estimated to have been handed to hospitals over the past three years to achieve these goals.

Rest of article at link:

Hospitals bribed to put patients on pathway to death: Cash incentive for NHS trusts that meet targets on Liverpool Care Pathway | Mail Online

When my wife was dying, it got to the point everyone knew she wasn't going to make it. She had been on a ventilator for two weeks. The doctors told me that in two days we needed to take her off of the ventilator, regardless of her state. She died the day the they were to take her off the ventilator on her own, so I didn't have to fight it.

The fact is that we keep people alive longer than necessary to nobody's benefit a great deal of the time. There is a time to throw in the towel. If it saves a few bucks, that makes even more sense. That doesn't mean that we kill people. Apparently many of you do not understand terminal illnesses and end of life situations and how they can needlessly be drug out. The funny thing is that doctors and specifically hospitals will keep patients alive as long as possible, up to the point that the insurance company tells them they are pulling the plug on anymore money.
Jeri, do you actually have a link to site that isn't maintained by people who wear tin-foil hats?

Here's the question I guess we don't want to ask.

Is it okay to let a poor person die of a treatable disease because he is poor, while extending the lives of a wealthy person with no hope of recovery because someone can make a profit off of him?

Because that is in effect our current system.

Are you referring to the Doctors who already know what's in there before it is written? Who do you think did the story? A doctor who knew what was going down.

Now that they have adopted Complete Lives Systems as the plan for Obamacare, yes, I can probably find you something else you can read on it.

I do not believe in Euthenasia. It is murder. I would never accept it under any conditions any more than I would accept abortion. You must be kidding me here. There is nothing compassionate about it.

Speaking of wealthy. I have several friends who are wealthy and elderly. They have sharper minds than most of you here and when it comes to contribution? There is no comparison. They have you beat hands down. Who do you think was the backbone of the tea party? The elderly.

About healthcare in Britain. It is awful. It's true. They are literally murdering people over there by withholding healthcare. But that isn't the very worst of it. You see NHS is only part of their healthcare system. I have a dear friend who was on NHS and due to Diabetes II they told him it isn't curable - you'll have to be put on LPC. That is an even lower status and many of the Brits, Welsh, etc. are on it. I asked him what is LPC? He told me that is when they have decided to make sure you die as you are a burden to the system. He is 46 yrs old, folks. Forty Six and the highest ranking Major in his Country. How does that sound? Fair? I don't think so. I'm Furious over how Soldiers are being treated. Is this the thanks they get? Don't think Obamacare isn't going to do the same thing to our soldiers here. He will.

Is anyone paying attention out there? - Jeri

So you do not believe in putting down your dog, cat, or horse, or any other animal if it is in distress and dying? It amazes me how we show more compassion for our pets than we do for those we love. You would sit and watch your mother die an agonizing death over the final two weeks to a month rather than allowing her to die peacefully. That truly is amazing.
Jeri, do you actually have a link to site that isn't maintained by people who wear tin-foil hats?

Here's the question I guess we don't want to ask.

Is it okay to let a poor person die of a treatable disease because he is poor, while extending the lives of a wealthy person with no hope of recovery because someone can make a profit off of him?

Because that is in effect our current system.

Are you referring to the Doctors who already know what's in there before it is written? Who do you think did the story? A doctor who knew what was going down.

Now that they have adopted Complete Lives Systems as the plan for Obamacare, yes, I can probably find you something else you can read on it.

I do not believe in Euthenasia. It is murder. I would never accept it under any conditions any more than I would accept abortion. You must be kidding me here. There is nothing compassionate about it.

Speaking of wealthy. I have several friends who are wealthy and elderly. They have sharper minds than most of you here and when it comes to contribution? There is no comparison. They have you beat hands down. Who do you think was the backbone of the tea party? The elderly.

About healthcare in Britain. It is awful. It's true. They are literally murdering people over there by withholding healthcare. But that isn't the very worst of it. You see NHS is only part of their healthcare system. I have a dear friend who was on NHS and due to Diabetes II they told him it isn't curable - you'll have to be put on LPC. That is an even lower status and many of the Brits, Welsh, etc. are on it. I asked him what is LPC? He told me that is when they have decided to make sure you die as you are a burden to the system. He is 46 yrs old, folks. Forty Six and the highest ranking Major in his Country. How does that sound? Fair? I don't think so. I'm Furious over how Soldiers are being treated. Is this the thanks they get? Don't think Obamacare isn't going to do the same thing to our soldiers here. He will.

Is anyone paying attention out there? - Jeri

So you do not believe in putting down your dog, cat, or horse, or any other animal if it is in distress and dying? It amazes me how we show more compassion for our pets than we do for those we love. You would sit and watch your mother die an agonizing death over the final two weeks to a month rather than allowing her to die peacefully. That truly is amazing.

I have never understood this either.
Nope...No death panels there!

Ahh, it'll never happen in America. We can go down exactly the same path as the Europeans do while totally avoiding all the pitfalls that destroy them, because we're so much better than they are, and have MUCH smarter leaders than they do. Everyone knows that the only reason socialism hasn't worked before is because we didn't have THIS crop of leftists implementing it . . . and the next crop, and the next, ad infinitum. :eusa_whistle:
Here it is folks, the way those socialized healthcare systems save money:

In a chilling story by Rebekah Maxwell, people with disabilities in the UK are being targeted to be euthanized based on what she claims is the almighty dollar.

“But a much more practical motivation also exists, and it goes ka-ching. In a land of nationalized health care, every worker pays into the system, so everybody can access the system. But some people are too weak, too old, too disabled to work. Yet they still need medical treatment, draining the system of resources without contributing to the pot.

No longer does the UK have to be concerned with passing laws to allow physicians to kill those who “want to die”. Things have now deteriorated to the point that physicians in the their health care system are deciding on their own to kill the medically vulnerable.

“According to a government-commissioned study, hospitals in the UK are quite literally killing off disabled citizens–because the healthcare workers believe those patients aren’t worth treating.”​

UK Targets Disabled for Euthanasia as a Cost-Saving Measure |

If you are ill and there is no chance you will recover, they will care for you until nature takes its course. That is not 'death panels', its life.

It's always so helpful when you make broad, sweeping assertions of fact without bothering to read any of the source material first . . . oh, wait, it isn't.
One of the biggest scandals in the NHS was that they were caught red handed giving bonuses to hospitals to really implement what they call the Liverpool Care Pathway aka starving and dehydrating patients to death.

I don't know if you read the story, but if you did you might have noticed:

The LCP is intended to ease the final hours of patients who are close to death and to spare them the suffering associated with invasive treatment.

The Trust was offered £73,385 for increasing numbers of patients who die at home rather than in hospital.

Part of the scheme was a target for the number of patients discharged from hospital to die at home after being put on the Liverpool Care Pathway.

Read more: Hospitals bribed to put patients on pathway to death: Cash incentive for NHS trusts that meet targets on Liverpool Care Pathway | Mail Online
Follow us: @MailOnline on Twitter | DailyMail on Facebook

It seems the system is under review - but personally I support the idea of patients being able to die at home. Why don't you?
Nope...No death panels there!

Ahh, it'll never happen in America. We can go down exactly the same path as the Europeans do while totally avoiding all the pitfalls that destroy them, because we're so much better than they are, and have MUCH smarter leaders than they do. Everyone knows that the only reason socialism hasn't worked before is because we didn't have THIS crop of leftists implementing it . . . and the next crop, and the next, ad infinitum. :eusa_whistle:

Not that I'm making a pitch for European policies, but what leads you to believe that the Europeans are on a path of self destruction? Overall, most European countries are doing as well as us or better, although there are a couple doing significantly worse.
One of the biggest scandals in the NHS was that they were caught red handed giving bonuses to hospitals to really implement what they call the Liverpool Care Pathway aka starving and dehydrating patients to death.

I don't know if you read the story, but if you did you might have noticed:

The LCP is intended to ease the final hours of patients who are close to death and to spare them the suffering associated with invasive treatment.

The Trust was offered £73,385 for increasing numbers of patients who die at home rather than in hospital.

Part of the scheme was a target for the number of patients discharged from hospital to die at home after being put on the Liverpool Care Pathway.

Read more: Hospitals bribed to put patients on pathway to death: Cash incentive for NHS trusts that meet targets on Liverpool Care Pathway | Mail Online
Follow us: @MailOnline on Twitter | DailyMail on Facebook

It seems the system is under review - but personally I support the idea of patients being able to die at home. Why don't you?

Because it is of the utmost importance to keep a person alive as long as is possible, regardless of the pain they may be in or if they are even coherent. Too often, people cannot digest the thought of losing a loved one so they think they will do anything possible to keep them alive not understanding that what they are doing is being done out of pure selfishness. This is most notable in instances when the patient tells everyone they just want to die and are ready to go, yet family won't let it happen.

The wealthy are parasites that have convinced stupid people they are vital organs.

So this is about exterminating the wealthy among us, eh? What about the doctors on these boards? You see during the Obamacare seminar recently they were asked about the panel of retired doctors ( you must be a retired doctor to sit on that panel ) who will decide if you live or die. These men haven't the ability to design a pencil much less make a decision of that magnitude. If you happen to need life saving surgery on a Friday at 5:00 p.m. you better hang on until they re-convene on Monday morning at 8:00 a.m. or you're on your own. Did I mention they were asked about if they ( the retired doctors on death panel ) are forced to accept the same Obamacare? Yes. They were. Do you know what their answer was, Joe?

No, we are exempt.

When asked why? No answer was forthcoming.

Put your little tin foil hat back on, Joe, and point it towards the sun. I'm sure you will pick up a better signal from the heat.

And, yes, there are a lot of stupid old Teabaggers.
Nothing that would rise to the level of your own stupidity, Joe. You've got them beat. Good news, Joe. The tin foil hat can be shaped into a fools crown. Put it on. You have won it for the most ridiculous post of day. - Jeri

Guy, the only one getting into "Tin-Foil" hat territory is you.

And frankly, if the decision has to be made as to whether a procedure is justified or not, I'd rather have doctors making that decision than Insurance COmpany bureaucrats, which is what was happening before the ACA.

Again, look up Nataline Sarkisyan. She was a 17 year old girl whose liver transplant was denied by Cigna.
That BS about a death panel of retired doctors is purely imaginary propaganda. Change the channel.

Mail Online= RW shyttesheet, pure Torycrappe, only party that competes in bs with the GOP. Over 80% in UK love NHS, our approval rate was 34% in 2007, less than half the % in ANY universal health care system. Dumbasses.:eusa_whistle:
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