UK Targets Disabled for Euthanasia as a Cost-Saving Measure

You're all wrong including Noomi. It is about a plan that was implimented some time ago called "Complete Lives Systems". According to Obamacare it isn't a matter of whether or not you'll recover. It is a matter of whether or not you are entitled to keep on living - if you are age 15 -45 and can produce for the USSA - you will get the care - if you are over the age of 15 ( as the woman with the dying 14 yr old who doesn't qualify yet..) or under 45 you will get good medical care and if you fall lower or higher on that bell curve? You won't. Why? Because between age 15 - 45 you can produce for the State - they need you. Before or after that you are expendable.

Click link for some info on complete lives systems.

Complete Lives System
Jeri, do you actually have a link to site that isn't maintained by people who wear tin-foil hats?

Here's the question I guess we don't want to ask.

Is it okay to let a poor person die of a treatable disease because he is poor, while extending the lives of a wealthy person with no hope of recovery because someone can make a profit off of him?

Because that is in effect our current system.
According to the Obamacare seminars for Doctors ( required ) many of you will no longer be driving after 2014. Every car will have a black box in them. This is by order of Obamacare - all car manufacturers must comply.

You will have to pass a physical requiring you to be in top shape and have 20/20 vision to keep your license. Absurd? Yes. True? You better believe it. There is a reason you haven't been able to read Obamacare fully yet. It is yet to be written. It will be but for now it is being instructed without any paper trail to expose them. How's that transparency thing working out for ya about now? - Jeri
According to the Obamacare seminars for Doctors ( required ) many of you will no longer be driving after 2014. Every car will have a black box in them. This is by order of Obamacare - all car manufacturers must comply.

You will have to pass a physical requiring you to be in top shape and have 20/20 vision to keep your license. Absurd? Yes. True? You better believe it. There is a reason you haven't been able to read Obamacare fully yet. It is yet to be written. It will be but for now it is being instructed without any paper trail to expose them. How's that transparency thing working out for ya about now? - Jeri

Guy, if you are going to come on here and spew whacked out conspiracy theories, I'd have to honestly wonder if you are a Daily Kos poster coming on here trying to make right wingers look nuts.
Jeri, do you actually have a link to site that isn't maintained by people who wear tin-foil hats?

Here's the question I guess we don't want to ask.

Is it okay to let a poor person die of a treatable disease because he is poor, while extending the lives of a wealthy person with no hope of recovery because someone can make a profit off of him?

Because that is in effect our current system.

Are you referring to the Doctors who already know what's in there before it is written? Who do you think did the story? A doctor who knew what was going down.

Now that they have adopted Complete Lives Systems as the plan for Obamacare, yes, I can probably find you something else you can read on it.

I do not believe in Euthenasia. It is murder. I would never accept it under any conditions any more than I would accept abortion. You must be kidding me here. There is nothing compassionate about it.

Speaking of wealthy. I have several friends who are wealthy and elderly. They have sharper minds than most of you here and when it comes to contribution? There is no comparison. They have you beat hands down. Who do you think was the backbone of the tea party? The elderly.

About healthcare in Britain. It is awful. It's true. They are literally murdering people over there by withholding healthcare. But that isn't the very worst of it. You see NHS is only part of their healthcare system. I have a dear friend who was on NHS and due to Diabetes II they told him it isn't curable - you'll have to be put on LPC. That is an even lower status and many of the Brits, Welsh, etc. are on it. I asked him what is LPC? He told me that is when they have decided to make sure you die as you are a burden to the system. He is 46 yrs old, folks. Forty Six and the highest ranking Major in his Country. How does that sound? Fair? I don't think so. I'm Furious over how Soldiers are being treated. Is this the thanks they get? Don't think Obamacare isn't going to do the same thing to our soldiers here. He will.

Is anyone paying attention out there? - Jeri
According to the Obamacare seminars for Doctors ( required ) many of you will no longer be driving after 2014. Every car will have a black box in them. This is by order of Obamacare - all car manufacturers must comply.

You will have to pass a physical requiring you to be in top shape and have 20/20 vision to keep your license. Absurd? Yes. True? You better believe it. There is a reason you haven't been able to read Obamacare fully yet. It is yet to be written. It will be but for now it is being instructed without any paper trail to expose them. How's that transparency thing working out for ya about now? - Jeri

Guy, if you are going to come on here and spew whacked out conspiracy theories, I'd have to honestly wonder if you are a Daily Kos poster coming on here trying to make right wingers look nuts.

The only conspiracy I see here is the Trolling Post with conspiracy link attached by Polkow that doesn't relate to the OP. Other than that we are good to go here.

You don't know about it because you don't want to know about it. Where there is a will there is a way. Find someone to educate you on the subject. You're a smart southern boy, right? - Jeri
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Are you referring to the Doctors who already know what's in there before it is written? Who do you think did the story? A doctor who knew what was going down.

Now that they have adopted Complete Lives Systems as the plan for Obamacare, yes, I can probably find you something else you can read on it.

I do not believe in Euthenasia. It is murder. I would never accept it under any conditions any more than I would accept abortion. You must be kidding me here. There is nothing compassionate about it.

Sounds more like a religious fanatic than a rational argument.

If someone is going to die, no matter what you do, it strikes me that extending his life for profit is just cruel.

Speaking of wealthy. I have several friends who are wealthy and elderly. They have sharper minds than most of you here and when it comes to contribution? There is no comparison. They have you beat hands down. Who do you think was the backbone of the tea party? The elderly.

The wealthy are parasites that have convinced stupid people they are vital organs.

And, yes, there are a lot of stupid old Teabaggers.

About healthcare in Britain. It is awful. It's true. They are literally murdering people over there by withholding healthcare. But that isn't the very worst of it. You see NHS is only part of their healthcare system.

Is anyone paying attention out there? - Jeri

The British have longer life expectencies and a lower infant mortality rate than we have, and they spend half per capita than what we do.

The complaint about NHS is that rich Brits have to be in the same wards as poor people The horror of it all.
I can save you time, Joe. Click the link I put up. Read paragraph that says see pdf here - click that link. That is the entire plan layed out by the Doctor who designed Obamacare for Obama. If he doesn't know no one else would.

He was the author for Complete Lives Systems. It's his baby. So much for that tin foil hat. Put it on and point it north, Joe. You should be able to pick up a signal some time this year. - Jeremiah

The only conspiracy I see here is the Trolling Post with conspiracy link attached by Polkow that doesn't relate to the OP. Other than that we are good to go here.

You don't know about it because you don't want to know about it. Where there is a will there is a way. Find someone to educate you on the subject. You're a smart southern boy, right? - Jeri

No, I live in the NOrth, which is the intelligent part of the country.

Which you would know if you read the profile thing up in the left-hand corner.

The reality is, ObamaCare was just fine with you wingnuts when they called it RomneyCare.

What we NEED to do is go to single payer, universal coverage.

Here's the thing, guy, we already have "Death Panels", but they work for private insurance.

Just ask Nataline Sarkisyan, whose liver transplant was denied by Cigna as "Expiramental" (i.e. cost too much), but Cigna paid their CEO 82 million when he retired.

That's truly fucked up.
I can save you time, Joe. Click the link I put up. Read paragraph that says see pdf here - click that link. That is the entire plan layed out by the Doctor who designed Obamacare for Obama. If he doesn't know no one else would.

He was the author for Complete Lives Systems. It's his baby. So much for that tin foil hat. Put it on and point it north, Joe. You should be able to pick up a signal some time this year. - Jeremiah

Guy, I clicked the line. It's batshit crazy shit, that was a waste of my time.

I'm not a fan of the ACA, but it was better than what we were doing.

Are you referring to the Doctors who already know what's in there before it is written? Who do you think did the story? A doctor who knew what was going down.

Now that they have adopted Complete Lives Systems as the plan for Obamacare, yes, I can probably find you something else you can read on it.

I do not believe in Euthenasia. It is murder. I would never accept it under any conditions any more than I would accept abortion. You must be kidding me here. There is nothing compassionate about it.

Sounds more like a religious fanatic than a rational argument.

If someone is going to die, no matter what you do, it strikes me that extending his life for profit is just cruel.

Speaking of wealthy. I have several friends who are wealthy and elderly. They have sharper minds than most of you here and when it comes to contribution? There is no comparison. They have you beat hands down. Who do you think was the backbone of the tea party? The elderly.

The wealthy are parasites that have convinced stupid people they are vital organs.

So this is about exterminating the wealthy among us, eh? What about the doctors on these boards? You see during the Obamacare seminar recently they were asked about the panel of retired doctors ( you must be a retired doctor to sit on that panel ) who will decide if you live or die. These men haven't the ability to design a pencil much less make a decision of that magnitude. If you happen to need life saving surgery on a Friday at 5:00 p.m. you better hang on until they re-convene on Monday morning at 8:00 a.m. or you're on your own. Did I mention they were asked about if they ( the retired doctors on death panel ) are forced to accept the same Obamacare? Yes. They were. Do you know what their answer was, Joe?

No, we are exempt.

When asked why? No answer was forthcoming.

Put your little tin foil hat back on, Joe, and point it towards the sun. I'm sure you will pick up a better signal from the heat.

And, yes, there are a lot of stupid old Teabaggers.
Nothing that would rise to the level of your own stupidity, Joe. You've got them beat. Good news, Joe. The tin foil hat can be shaped into a fools crown. Put it on. You have won it for the most ridiculous post of day. - Jeri

About healthcare in Britain. It is awful. It's true. They are literally murdering people over there by withholding healthcare. But that isn't the very worst of it. You see NHS is only part of their healthcare system.

Is anyone paying attention out there? - Jeri

The British have longer life expectencies and a lower infant mortality rate than we have, and they spend half per capita than what we do.

The complaint about NHS is that rich Brits have to be in the same wards as poor people The horror of it all.[/QUOTE]
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Well as welfare recipients usually have children under the ages of 15 they are about to find out that Obamacare doesn't include saving the lives of their children either. Maybe that will wake them up, eh?

When it becomes personal? People learn to start "thinking" real fast. - Jeri
Franco, do you people ever actually address the issues or would that be forcing you to rise to your level of incompetency here? Just wondering as Polkow is certain you all are intellectually superior. Could someone please provide some evidence of that claim? The matter of Euthanasia is a matter of murder in case that escaped you. It might be a wise idea to google complete lives systems and learn something before speaking about it. A novel idea but worth a try. - Jeri
Franco never addresses ANYTHING. He has posted 11,000+ times and contributed nothing. He posts exclusively hit-n-run one liners...I am starting to wonder if he's a person or a spambot.
If anyone would like to see a death panel in action, just watch a loved one go through the dying process with cancer.

At some point, you will see the insurance company do their damndest to throw them out of the hospital.
Franco never addresses ANYTHING. He has posted 11,000+ times and contributed nothing. He posts exclusively hit-n-run one liners...I am starting to wonder if he's a person or a spambot.

You're starting to wonder? You didn't put that bed wetter on ignore immediately?

Come on dude, you're smarter than that.

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