UK 'Vaccine' fatality rate higher than virus, official lies, money corrupts medicine


Platinum Member
Sep 19, 2008
There are no doubts you couldn't read it in MS scam presstitute 'medias'

The COVID vaccines offered (and now increasingly and illegally under international law) forced on people are experimental, did not go through complete animal testing, are not vaccines but gene therapy, have not been licensed and in the USA, the UK and Europe there have been over 25,000 deaths and millions of adverse reactions.
But those taking the vaccines have not been told of these reactions prior to being injected and therefore cannot have given “informed consent” as is required under the law – and the Nuremberg Code.
There are those who have died after refusing vaccines – but there have been many thousands who have died after taking the vaccine. At least we know that 93% of the latter were perfectly healthy before they were vaccinated (only 7% of the UK population has been infected and the vast majority of them mildly).
The vaccines, according to official figures, have also given the vaccinated COVID – 1170 (so called breakthrough) cases in the UK.
Of those who contracted COVID from the vaccine the fatality rate was (for the Pfizer and AZ vaccines) over 6%. But the overall fatality rate in the UK is only 2.2%.


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