Ukraine: Biden State Department Preparing Partial Embassy Evacuation Amid Fears of Russian Invasion.

Actually attacking a member of NATO like Poland means the US will respond. They are REQUIRED to do so by law. Something that is a direct consequence of having a treaty ratified by Congress as the NATO charter is.

Those 3000 troops are simply a reminder of that fact to Putin.

Ukraine isn't of course, so the US will not go in and the consequences proposed are sanctions
Attack Poland? LOL. Where did that come from. Poland isn't going to be attacked and nobody needs to be reminded of the consequences of that imaginary situation. Bunch of ineffectual fake bluster.
True...we are fucked because we allowed the fucking potatoe head crook Biden in.
You Orange Baboon-God worshipers didn't leave the rest of us much choice...

Better a weak placeholder POTUS than a power-crazed Putin-wannabe who damned-near pulled-off a coup...

Cadet Bone Spurs simply was not (and is not) fit to hold high office in the Unted States...

Character matters as much as policy when it comes to leadership...

And your scumbag was (and is) the poster-boy for the worst in American politics... a self-serving con-man.
Attack Poland? LOL. Where did that come from. Poland isn't going to be attacked and nobody needs to be reminded of the consequences of that imaginary situation. Bunch of ineffectual fake bluster.
Its where those 3000 soldiers have been sent. So it is indeed worthy of a lol. You are referring to something you haven't even got the most basic information of.
This is one of the consequences - there have been many - of having a media workimg feverishly to fool people into thinking a demented old man, who stood for nothing and never accomplished a thing in 50 years in Congress, was a preferable choice to Trump - and the gullible and/or ignorant people who fell for it.
You Orange Baboon-God worshipers didn't leave the rest of us much choice...

Better a weak placeholder POTUS than a power-crazed Putin-wannabe who damned-near pulled-off a coup...

Cadet Bone Spurs simply was not (and is not) fit to hold high office in the Unted States...

Character matters as much as policy when it comes to leadership...

And your scumbag was (and is) the poster-boy for the worst in American politics... a self-serving con-man.
^^^ and this is an example of what I just said above: posters believing that a demented “placeholder” was preferable to a man who accomplished a lot during his term, and under whom there were no wars. They’ve even taken to calling him an Orange Baboon.
^^^ and this is an example of what I just said above: posters believing that a demented “placeholder” was preferable to a man who accomplished a lot during his term, and under whom there were no wars. They’ve even taken to calling him an Orange Baboon.
Accomplished what exactly. Destroy any norm that used to apply to a president? Picked a fight with anybody who disagreed with him? Getting impeached twice? Refuse to accept his election loss and claiming fraud without a sliver of evidence? Persisting in the lie to the point that his supporters tried to stop the certification of the election by storming the capitol? Etc., etc...

Granted it is an impressive list. Not entirely sure it is a list that should be added too by giving him another 4 years.

See. No name calling required to show you my disdain.
Its where those 3000 soldiers have been sent. So it is indeed worthy of a lol. You are referring to something you haven't even got the most basic information of.
I know where they've been sent. Useless gesture in the name of doing something.
Accomplished what exactly. Destroy any norm that used to apply to a president? Picked a fight with anybody who disagreed with him? Getting impeached twice? Refuse to accept his election loss and claiming fraud without a sliver of evidence? Persisting in the lie to the point that his supporters tried to stop the certification of the election by storming the capitol? Etc., etc...

Granted it is an impressive list. Not entirely sure it is a list that should be added too by giving him another 4 years.

See. No name calling required to show you my disdain.
There have been numerous posts here listing perhaps 100 accomplishments. You deranged leftists, consumed by hate because Hillary wasn’t able to cheat herself to a win, continue to ignore it.

That you think Biden, a senile old man who has allowed himself to be hijacked by the radical left, as they import millions of illegals and fly them throughout the country, leave thousands of Americans behind Islamic Terrorist lines in Afghanistan, abandon $85 billion in military equipment to the savages, continue to push for policies to increase inflation even more during a 40-year high, advance racism against whites, teach children ways to “disrupt the nuclear family,” and now, has brought us to the brink of war, is preferable to Trump tells me you are completely brainwashed by the media.

BTW, have you heard that Durham uncovered the massive spying campaign that Hillary paid for - and all the Democrat operatives involved - as she sought revenge on the man who defeated her? From what I’ve heard, the MSM is burying it…..but Durham is speaking out loud and clear.
There have been numerous posts here listing perhaps 100 accomplishments. You deranged leftists, consumed by hate because Hillary wasn’t able to cheat herself to a win, continue to ignore it.

That you think Biden, a senile old man who has allowed himself to be hijacked by the radical left, as they import millions of illegals and fly them throughout the country, leave thousands of Americans behind Islamic Terrorist lines in Afghanistan, abandon $85 billion in military equipment to the savages, continue to push for policies to increase inflation even more during a 40-year high, advance racism against whites, teach children ways to “disrupt the nuclear family,” and now, has brought us to the brink of war, is preferable to Trump tells me you are completely brainwashed by the media.

BTW, have you heard that Durham uncovered the massive spying campaign that Hillary paid for - and all the Democrat operatives involved - as she sought revenge on the man who defeated her? From what I’ve heard, the MSM is burying it…..but Durham is speaking out loud and clear.
There have been numerous lists? That's great. Considering I remember 4 years of constant strive, open corruption, trolling of opponents, botched responses to disasters, and a shattering of Democratic norms colour me not impressed.

As for the claims you are making. I could point to actual policy to debunk your claims but we both know you simply aren't interested.

I do however want to adress your last paragraph. I've been reading about what Durham is claiming.
This is what we know. A lawyer that worked for a law firm that Clinton employed to conduct opposition research apparently worked with a tech company that did a DNS search. Something that is not illegal. A DNS search basically tells you whom a particular server has contact with. It doesn't give you any information beyond that.

Nobody in the tech firm is charged with any crime. The lawyer is charged with making a false statement to the FBI. A charge that in itself is weak. Durham's indictment is fraught with discrepancies and DOESN'T allege a direct link between the tech firm and Clinton.

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