Ukraine: Depleted Uranium

And if need solve a LOT of future problems let's just take Tehran and Moscow and St Petersburg out of existence....we don't need or want this kind of thing. Leave them like Nagasaki.
Depleted Uranium is one of the densest materials on earth. It's what's left after all the fissionable material is processed out. Get it up to speed and it will slice through armor plate like a hot knife through butter. It's not dangerously radioactive and it does not explode. It's just a super dense metal that carries a great deal of kinetic energy.
Not dangerous? I thought the Iraqis were at one time complaining about all the depleted uranium projectiles we laying around in the desert after the war based on health reasons.
Not dangerous? I thought the Iraqis were at one time complaining about all the depleted uranium projectiles we laying around in the desert after the war based on health reasons.
They were...but in truth the whining was just a ventriloquist act from Iran.

Guess who is "buddy buddy" with Russia these days?
Not dangerous? I thought the Iraqis were at one time complaining about all the depleted uranium projectiles we laying around in the desert after the war based on health reasons.
I said it's not dangerously radioactive, just slightly so. It probably isn't healthy to ingest but that applies to most of the heavy metals.
Russia uses APFSDS rounds with DU penetrators that are practically identical to what the UK is providing with the Chally2's.

They haven't been used much in Ukraine because they are primarily an anti-tank round, and there haven't been any tank battles in this war.
I said it's not dangerously radioactive, just slightly so. It probably isn't healthy to ingest but that applies to most of the heavy metals.
It's basically lead....not uranium anymore. It's an isotope of lead that is more dense than traditional lead. It makes any malleable metal burst when hurled at a sufficient velocity. It also has a half life but I can't recall what it is. You will get more radiation from an old garden gnome outside your home than from a depleted uranium round.

A hundred times more radiation from a dental exray than depleted uranium/lead.

But it's great stuff for penetrating armor. Even when used in SI Combat rifles.
It's basically lead....not uranium anymore. It's an isotope of lead that is more dense than traditional lead. It makes any malleable metal burst when hurled at a sufficient velocity. It also has a half life but I can't recall what it is. You will get more radiation from an old garden gnome outside your home than from a depleted uranium round.

A hundred times more radiation from a dental exray than depleted uranium/lead.

But it's great stuff for penetrating armor. Even when used in SI Combat rifles.
It's Uranium 238. Raw ore contains varying percentages of U235 which they extract for power and Bombs. What's left is a very slightly radioactive element with a half life in the billions of years.
But Russian claims weren't true....

Russia had been creating "settlements " in the same way Israel did in Palestinian lands....but Russia went further with their propagandists creating false narratives during elections and creating dissent. Russian oligarchs also came in and started buying up businesses like a mafia boss does. (An offer they couldn't refuse)

And these are the ones that Russia claims it needs to protect from the horrible Ukranians....


Currently Russia is involved with committing genocide. They are sending Ukranians in occupied areas to move to Siberian gulag and moving Chechens and others into the homes (the few they didn't destroy)

It's called slavery and genocide....Russian claims are bull!

Hyperbole much? The prior admin did nothing when Crimea was taken, why didn't Obambi step in?The lack of action encouraged more aggression.
Obambi and Biden facilitated the coup that brought Zelenski to power. What did Zelenski do almost immediately? He started shelling the Pro Russian Eastern provinces. They also started using snipers and killing people from those provinces. All of that is true and you could verify it but you won't.

Why didn't Pooti go in when Rump was Prez? Does any of that justify Pooti going in? Maybe, maybe not. The provinces wanted help to stop Kiev from killing them. It is grave error to only listen to the MSM.
Hyperbole much? The prior admin did nothing when Crimea was taken, why didn't Obambi step in?The lack of action encouraged more aggression.
Obambi and Biden facilitated the coup that brought Zelenski to power. What did Zelenski do almost immediately? He started shelling the Pro Russian Eastern provinces. They also started using snipers and killing people from those provinces. All of that is true and you could verify it but you won't.

Why didn't Pooti go in when Rump was Prez? Does any of that justify Pooti going in? Maybe, maybe not. The provinces wanted help to stop Kiev from killing them. It is grave error to only listen to the MSM.
Russian President Vladimir Putin signed a decree on April 27 codifying conditions for the further large-scale deportation to Russia of residents of occupied areas of Ukraine. Putin signed a decree entitled “On the Peculiarities of the Legal Status of Certain Categories of Foreign Citizens and Stateless Persons in the Russian Federation” that defines those who are living in Russian-occupied territories who have declared their desire to retain their current citizenship and refuse to accept Russian passports as “foreign citizens and stateless persons currently residing in the Russian Federation.”[8] The decree holds that such individuals may continue to reside in occupied territories until July 1, 2024, suggesting that these individuals may be subject to deportation following this date.[9] This decree codifies coercive methods to encourage residents of occupied areas to receive Russian passports and also sets conditions for the deportation of Ukrainians who do not agree to become Russian citizens. Russian authorities are also continuing other efforts to deport Ukrainians, particularly children, to Russia under various schemes.[10] ISW continues to assess that all lines of effort aimed at deporting Ukrainians to Russia may constitute a violation of the Geneva Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide, as well as a potential deliberate ethnic cleansing campaign.

This is the very definition of state sponsored genocide
Russian President Vladimir Putin signed a decree on April 27 codifying conditions for the further large-scale deportation to Russia of residents of occupied areas of Ukraine. Putin signed a decree entitled “On the Peculiarities of the Legal Status of Certain Categories of Foreign Citizens and Stateless Persons in the Russian Federation” that defines those who are living in Russian-occupied territories who have declared their desire to retain their current citizenship and refuse to accept Russian passports as “foreign citizens and stateless persons currently residing in the Russian Federation.”[8] The decree holds that such individuals may continue to reside in occupied territories until July 1, 2024, suggesting that these individuals may be subject to deportation following this date.[9] This decree codifies coercive methods to encourage residents of occupied areas to receive Russian passports and also sets conditions for the deportation of Ukrainians who do not agree to become Russian citizens. Russian authorities are also continuing other efforts to deport Ukrainians, particularly children, to Russia under various schemes.[10] ISW continues to assess that all lines of effort aimed at deporting Ukrainians to Russia may constitute a violation of the Geneva Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide, as well as a potential deliberate ethnic cleansing campaign.

This is the very definition of state sponsored genocide

The Eastern Provinces WANTED to be a part of Russia. Try looking beyond the edge of your nose.
Hyperbole much? The prior admin did nothing when Crimea was taken, why didn't Obambi step in?The lack of action encouraged more aggression.
Obambi and Biden facilitated the coup that brought Zelenski to power. What did Zelenski do almost immediately? He started shelling the Pro Russian Eastern provinces. They also started using snipers and killing people from those provinces. All of that is true and you could verify it but you won't.

Why didn't Pooti go in when Rump was Prez? Does any of that justify Pooti going in? Maybe, maybe not. The provinces wanted help to stop Kiev from killing them. It is grave error to only listen to the MSM.
There was no coup. Zelinski was elected in a free and open election. The previous president fled to Russia when the Parliament started proceedings to impeach and remove him from office due to his pro-Russian dealings that the Ukrainian people didn't want. It's called a democratic government at work.
The Eastern Provinces WANTED to be a part of Russia. Try looking beyond the edge of your nose.
That's the lie Russia has been using. are either a Russian bot or talking like one. Either way you are using the same humanity and intelligence of a machine.

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