Ukraine has lost....and is losing more.....

If you knew anything you'd know how disapointed Girkin's people were with their recruitment difficulties of just 10k fighters out of 8 million. They did get some collaborators, mostly drunks, homeless etc.
Anton, you continue to dig yourself in.
So, do you actually want to convince us, that the mighty necromancer Girkin, came alone into a nice and prosperous land of Donbass, by a magic spell enslaved 10k Zombies (mostly homeless drunks) , turned them into undefeatable warriors, and with them conquered the region with 8 million population (with its police and military units) and after that stopped the whole Ukrainian Army?

Yes, I do realize that you are a pathological liar and filthy fantasist (no offense), but every fantasy must have certan limits. Even Hollywood managers won't buy it.
Anton, you continue to dig yourself in.
So, do you actually want to convince us, that the mighty necromancer Girkin, came alone into a nice and prosperous land of Donbass, by a magic spell enslaved 10k Zombies (mostly homeless drunks) , turned them into undefeatable warriors, and with them conquered the region with 8 million population (with its police and military units) and after that stopped the whole Ukrainian Army?

Yes, I do realize that you are a pathological liar and filthy fantasist (no offense), but every fantasy must have certan limits. Even Hollywood managers won't buy it.


How old are you? You sound like just got over Harry Potter fetishes.

Thats not how life works.

When Nazis invaded USSR they too had plenty of Russian collaborators fighting on their side (see Vlasov's army). It didn't make their invasion somehow justified, didn't make it an internal civil war. Nazis were ALWAYS the cause of the war, not Vlasovites.

In the same way it was always Russia's refusal to stay out of Ukrane that was the root cause of the war in Ukraine, not any internal disputes.
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How old are you? You sound like just got over Harry Potter fetishes.

Thats not how life works.

When Nazis invaded USSR they too had plenty of Russian collaborators fighting on their side (see Vlasov's army). It didn't make their invasion somehow justified, didn't make it an internal civil war. Nazis were ALWAYS the cause of the war, not Vlasovites.

In the same way it was always Russia's refusal to stay out of Ukrane that was the root cause of the war in Ukraine, not any internal disputes.
Actually, as it was during WWII (and many times before, since the first Northern Crusades) , the initial cause was western expansion. Drung nach Osten. There is no any practical difference between expansion of Third Reich and expansion of NATO. And Ukrainian Banderlogs are merely hired guns for it as well as they were during WWII.
And their end will be the same - some of them will run to Canada and Argentina, another - will be executed. And now the question is not about Ukraine at all. It's fate is already clear. We can talk about the future of Europe and it's further denazification.
Actually, as it was during WWII (and many times before, since the first Northern Crusades) , the initial cause was western expansion.

Western expansion? Ignoramus it was Germany and USSR specifically that were invading and annexing countries in 1939.

USSR invaded Poland, Baltics and Finland. Did Skabyeva forget to tell you about those?

And then the only ones in the expansion bussiness since WW2 are Russians.
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Western expansion? Ignoramus it was Germany and USSR specifically that were invading and annexing countries in 1939.

USSR invaded Poland, Baltics and Finland. Did Skabyeva forget to tell you about those?
It's simply not true. Poland already didn't existed as a state when the USSR protected lands of Western Ukraine and Western Belarus (previously illegally occupied by Poland) from Germany. Baltics themselves invited Soviet forces and then asked to join the USSR. Finland attacked Soviet Union in Mainila, so it was pure self-defense.
If you weren't that ignorant, you'd knew, that Russia didn't fight agressive wars at least during the last millenia.

And then the only ones in the expansion bussiness since WW2 are Russians.
And this is not true, either. Northern Vietnam annexed Southern Vietnam. Western Germany annexed Eastern one. Hawaii became an American state in 1959.

Anyway, post-WWII world order was destroyed by the USA in 1999.
It's simply not true. Poland already didn't existed as a state when the USSR protected lands of Western Ukraine and Western Belarus (previously illegally occupied by Poland) from Germany. Baltics themselves invited Soviet forces and then asked to join the USSR. Finland attacked Soviet Union in Mainila, so it was pure self-defense.
If you weren't that ignorant, you'd knew, that Russia didn't fight agressive wars at least during the last millenia.

Behold, every fucking excuse in the impearialist's book to grab some lands.

They were just "protecting" Poland when they invaded, started killing Polish people and splitting the country with Nazis.

They were just "defending" when they invaded Finalnd, killed it's people and grabbed all the land they could.

Baltics themselves "invited" Soviet army to come annex their land. Oh please foreigners come rule us they said!

I don't know who shit this garbage in your head but you will need a long rehab after you get out of the mad house that is Russian propaganda.
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And this is not true, either. Northern Vietnam annexed Southern Vietnam. Western Germany annexed Eastern one. Hawaii became an American state in 1959

Germany is Germany, Vietnam is Vietman and Hawaii has been American territory since 1898.

You are full of bullshit.
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It's simply not true. Poland already didn't existed as a state when the USSR protected lands of Western Ukraine and Western Belarus (previously illegally occupied by Poland) from Germany.
Who are you trying to convince? This гнида is as russophobic and anti-soviet as Litwin.
Who are you trying to convince? This гнида is as russophobic and anti-soviet as Litwin.

Russian people haters are Stalininst commie morons like you. Millions killed by that brutal regime and here you are, romanticizing that failed, corrupt, opressive jail state.

Grave will fix you.
Behold, every fucking excuse in the impearialist's book to grab some lands.

They were just "protecting" Poland when they invaded, started killing Polish people and splitting the country with Nazis.

They were just "defending" when they invaded Finalnd, killed it's people and grabbed all the land they could.
Yes, of course. Self-defense is the oldest and the most legitimate reason for a war (ar any other violence). The USA had been defending American colonists during Mexican War, themselves and their allies from commies in Korea and Vietnam, peaceful people of the world from terrorists in Afghanistan and so on. It's OK for all sides.

Baltics themselves "invited" Soviet army to come annex their land. Oh please foreigners come rule us they said!
No. When the Germans refused to defend them, then, after the diplomatic pressure of the USSR they signed treaties about mutual defense with the Soviets. Then, the Soviets send their forces and allowed all Baltic people to vote. The result was pretty predictable. Pro-German parties lost their positions, the Communistic parties (previously banned by pro-German regimes) won. Then, the regimes were changed and people joined the USSR. Those are historical facts.

I don't know who shit this garbage in your head but you will need a long rehab after you get out of the mad house that is Russian propaganda.
I am just a bit more informed than you. You also could study history not by one-dimensional, extremely simplificated and even internally controversial Western propaganda. Use logic and science, in which people more or less follow their own interests and are not showed as the hords of evil (by their very nature) Orcs, controlled by the will of a mighty sorcerer.
Yes, of course. Self-defense is the oldest and the most legitimate reason for a war

Dummy, you don't need to annex territories to defend yourself.

These are just bullshit excuses your state TV feeds you dupes to obscure plain reality: Russia is conducting, bloody, agressive war of choice to steal territories from other countries.

If there were ACTUALLY good reasons for this war your government wouldn't be jailing people for publicly contradicting their stupid propaganda.
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