Ukraine on Fire and Revealing Ukraine

Biden gave Putin the OK to launch a limited incursion
Which Putin took as a green light for a full-scale invasion on 5 different axes. With no hope of succeeding, given the true nature of the Russian forces, which he should have known.

So we have established they are both fools.
Which Putin took as a green light for a full-scale invasion on 5 different axes. With no hope of succeeding, given the true nature of the Russian forces, which he should have known.

So we have established they are both fools.

It's almost as it Putin committed troops to regions he really didn't want in an effort to draw off support from that legal? Can he do that???
No threat? Way to prove you know nothing LOL as usual with you

How is a smaller country with a much smaller military a threat to Russia itself, when they're not even a threat to Russian controlled territory, like Crimea? Ukraine wasn't even a threat to join NATO, because Russia could very easily put pressure on Turkey to Hungary to veto, and it would be over. This is a pure land grab no matter how you want to twist it. Way to prove you're just another useful idiot shill for the Kremlin.
Putin will burn Ukraine to the ground in order to prevent NATO invasion forces from being on their border. Everyone with half a brain has understood that for decades.

Why didn't Putin burn Finland to the ground then?
On Easter night, Nazis launched an MLRS attack on the center of Donetsk. They hit the Preobrazhensky Cathedral, where a festive service was going on at the time of the shelling, and one priest was wounded.

A market and a newly rebuilt kindergarten were also hit. As a result, a woman was killed.

These are just demons. Only devil worshippers are capable of such a crime.
Americans started out being told Zelensky is Jewish so there were no Nazis, and that's Russian propaganda
We now know that our Gov't not only knew that there were Nazis, but along with NATO have been funding , training and arming them for years...
I will always be against one country invading another......

However, I am use to right-wingers being full of shit in this regard...

If in the future, this ends bad for Putin......and it ends in a way that is clear to all.....folks like you will start claiming you were against the Russian invasion all along....just like yall did with Iraq..

Me on the other hand....I will be against that Russian no matter who wins
I bet you have no problem with Mexico & South America invading the USA.

I also find it interesting when Communists oppose Communists because the Communists are using Communist tactics. At some point ... you're going to have to choose what side you're really on.
You might be right. Everyone who believes that probably does have half a brain. Possibly less.

NATO does not have any forces of it's own, and can't do anything without the US leading the way. The SACEUR is always a US General and head of EUCOM, so what you are actually saying is that the US has been planning to invade Russia, apparently for decades.

What is there to say? :alcoholic:
Well duh. Of course it is the US pushing this pro war policy.

Remember us supporting the overthrow of Ukraine’s democratically elected President in 2014?
Remember when warmongers John McCain and Lindsay Graham going to Ukraine and meeting with Ukrainian soldiers in 2016 and telling them “your fight is our fight “?

The Establishment warmongers have wanted this war for a long time. And of course idiots like you support it.
Well duh. Of course it is the US pushing this pro war policy.

Remember us supporting the overthrow of Ukraine’s democratically elected President in 2014?
The Gov't was not overthrown. Yanukovych fled the country amidst protests, which came after he suspended the planned EU association agreement.

The Ukr Parliament removed him from office and they scheduled another election. We backed the Pro-Western guy, Poroshenko. We probably should have not butted in, but that doesn't matter now because Poroshenko was defeated by Zelensky in 2019 anyway.
Remember when warmongers John McCain and Lindsay Graham going to Ukraine and meeting with Ukrainian soldiers in 2016 and telling them “your fight is our fight “?

The Establishment warmongers have wanted this war for a long time. And of course idiots like you support it.
Well they did a piss-poor job of preparing for it then. The IC began raising alarms right after ZAPAD 2021, when the Russian formations didn't return to their bases. By December-January, the warnings were getting louder and more strident. Macron and Scholz visited Putin and tried to get him to back down, and Putin wouldn't even take Biden's call.

And after the invasion began, we gave Ukraine 7 days best case, and tried to whisk Zelensky away to safety.

We hesitated for 6 weeks before offering any weapons, and when we did, they were few in number and slow to arrive.
Why didn't Putin burn Finland to the ground then?
Because Finland isn’t where Ukraine is.
There are no natural barriers between Ukraine and Moscow. Any army in Ukraine could March straight to Moscow in a few days. Russia has been invaded by Western European countries enough times to not trust them to do it again.
Don’t expect a dolt like you to understand that.
The Gov't was not overthrown. Yanukovych fled the country amidst protests, which came after he suspended the planned EU association agreement
He fled the country because of a violent coup and he would had been murdered. Which means the government was overthrown.
The Ukr Parliament removed him from office and they scheduled another election. We backed the Pro-Western guy, Poroshenko. We probably should have not butted in, but that doesn't matter now because Poroshenko was defeated by Zelensky in 2019 anyway
LOL what a joke. They circumvented their constitution to remove him because they didn’t have the votes to impeach him. Poroshenko was installed by the West. He lost the election because he failed to end the civil war and hostilities with Russia. Zelensky ran on the promise of ending the war, which of course was a lie.
And after the invasion began, we gave Ukraine 7 days best case, and tried to whisk Zelensky away to safety.

We hesitated for 6 weeks before offering any weapons, and when we did, they were few in number and slow to arrive
Well you can still join Zelensky’s Rainbow Pride Brigade and take on the evil Russians yourself.

The question is, why haven’t you? Just another keyboard warrior willing to send other people to die because you are too much a coward to go yourself?
Zelensky ran on the promise of ending the war, which of course was a lie.
No politician can guarantee to end a war unless he plans on surrendering. The other side always gets a vote.

Putin can end the war anytime just by leaving Ukraine. If Zelensky surrenders, it's the end of Ukraine. Russia is fighting for gain. Ukraine is fighting for life.
No politician can guarantee to end a war unless he plans on surrendering. The other side always gets a vote.

Putin can end the war anytime just by leaving Ukraine. If Zelensky surrenders, it's the end of Ukraine. Russia is fighting for gain. Ukraine is fighting for life.
All Zelensky had to do was promise to not join NATO.

Biden wouldn’t let him make such a promise.

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