Ukraine on Fire and Revealing Ukraine

Well you can still join Zelensky’s Rainbow Pride Brigade and take on the evil Russians yourself.

The question is, why haven’t you? Just another keyboard warrior willing to send other people to die because you are too much a coward to go yourself?
I'm not sending anyone to war. That's on Putin.

I have no problem with Ukrainians defending their country, not one bit. It's their right. We have an agreement that may not obligate us, but it certainly gives us the right to intervene.

If they want to defend their country, we should supply them with what they need. Being weak shouldn't mean being dead. If they want to negotiate a peace agreement with Putin, I say go for it.
I'm not sending anyone to war. That's on Putin.

I have no problem with Ukrainians defending their country, not one bit. It's their right. We have an agreement that may not obligate us, but it certainly gives us the right to intervene.

If they want to defend their country, we should supply them with what they need. Being weak shouldn't mean being dead. If they want to negotiate a peace agreement with Putin, I say go for it.

We are sending people to war, Biden has already done that illegally. And when he does formally, you will support it, or do you claim you won’t?

Sure we have the “right to intervene”, but does America want to?

Why do we need to supply them with anything? Our country should go bankrupt to defend Ukraine? Why?

They are not allowed to negotiate for peace with Putin. Biden and the UK have already stated they will not allow any de-escalation or peace to happen with Putin. So you are full of shit, otherwise you would oppose Biden.
They are not allowed to negotiate for peace with Putin. Biden and the UK have already stated they will not allow any de-escalation or peace to happen with Putin. So you are full of shit, otherwise you would oppose Biden.
This is bullshit. No one has told Ukraine what they can or can't do, and Zelensky has no obligation to follow anyone's instructions.

Putin has no interest in negotiations or giving up any of the occupied Ukrainian territory, and Zelensky will make the decisions for Ukraine until they pick someone else.

Oppose Biden. You are just like the other poster. Your entire worldview is based on stupid domestic tribal politics.

This is Putin's war.
No politician can guarantee to end a war unless he plans on surrendering. The other side always gets a vote.
Yes. That what citizens of Ukraine wanted - allow people to speak the language they want, allow people (including people of Crimea and Donbass) make the choice by themselves.

Putin can end the war anytime just by leaving Ukraine. If Zelensky surrenders, it's the end of Ukraine. Russia is fighting for gain. Ukraine is fighting for life.
It's the end of "Independent Ukraine" anyway. Victory of Biden means joining Ukraine to EU and ethnic cleansings, victory of Putin means joining Ukraine to Russian Federation and political terror - "denazification".
What is better for the USA? I think, that policy of really equal rights and active anti-racist activity is better. The most important political goal of the USA in Europe is simple - "Do not allow ressurection of Nazism".
This is bullshit. No one has told Ukraine what they can or can't do, and Zelensky has no obligation to follow anyone's instructions.
Nobody except his own citizens, I believe. And absolute majority of his citizens don't want to discriminate anybody. That's why he was elected.

Putin has no interest in negotiations or giving up any of the occupied Ukrainian territory, and Zelensky will make the decisions for Ukraine until they pick someone else.
It was Ukrainian territory. Now it is Russian territory.

Oppose Biden. You are just like the other poster. Your entire worldview is based on stupid domestic tribal politics.
Biden's worldview based on even more narrow conceptions, like his personal benefits. But if he and his clique are not just a bunch of corrupted imbeciles, and they really believe that those "Ukrainian values" should be ours - then I'm ready not only to criticize him in the internet, but even to fight his regime with the weapon in my hands.

This is Putin's war.
No. It's result of America's simultaneous weakness and agressiveness.
The Gov't was not overthrown.
A representative of a country where a peaceful walk through the Capitol is presented as the worst violent crime against democracy says that violent armed overthrow of the legally elected president of Ukraine is result of "peaceful protests"...
I understand that hypocrisy is in the blood of americans, but still, you have to know the limits!
This is bullshit. No one has told Ukraine what they can or can't do, and Zelensky has no obligation to follow anyone's instructions.

Putin has no interest in negotiations or giving up any of the occupied Ukrainian territory, and Zelensky will make the decisions for Ukraine until they pick someone else.

Oppose Biden. You are just like the other poster. Your entire worldview is based on stupid domestic tribal politics.

This is Putin's war.
My God how naive can one be? The man is taking hundreds of billions in US money, so he is a puppet of the US. Boris Johnson said there would be no peace deal allowed. Biden Regime has said the same.
Because Finland isn’t where Ukraine is.
There are no natural barriers between Ukraine and Moscow. Any army in Ukraine could March straight to Moscow in a few days. Russia has been invaded by Western European countries enough times to not trust them to do it again.
Don’t expect a dolt like you to understand that.

St Petersburg is literally a hop, skip and jump away from Finland's border lol. You can drive in between countries as easily as canadians and americans can drive back and forth between America and Canada. Russia is the one doing the invading if you want to look at the last time it happened. Russia invaded sweden, finland and poland, along with their ally, Nazi Germany in 1939. The dolt here, is the one that thinks western countries are invading Russia, when it's really the other way around, lmao. Getting all your information from the Kremlin makes you look like an idiot.
It was a Republican led Congress (Newt Gingrich) that entered into the contract, treaty, agreement with Ukraine to begin with and currently Congress is again controlled by Republicans if they want to end the contract. Where everyone wants to blame Biden for this he is merely following the law that Congress made in supplying Ukraine with the munitions they need.

So now why on earth the Republicans are whining and crying about giving Ukraine munitions that they mandated and refuse to stop to give is beyond my understanding.

Someone explain why or how they would do better than what is mandated by the laws they created.
St Petersburg is literally a hop, skip and jump away from Finland's border lol. You can drive in between countries as easily as canadians and americans can drive back and forth between America and Canada. Russia is the one doing the invading if you want to look at the last time it happened. Russia invaded sweden, finland and poland, along with their ally, Nazi Germany in 1939. The dolt here, is the one that thinks western countries are invading Russia, when it's really the other way around, lmao. Getting all your information from the Kremlin makes you look like an idiot.
^^ defending literal Nazis.

My God how naive can one be? The man is taking hundreds of billions in US money, so he is a puppet of the US. Boris Johnson said there would be no peace deal allowed. Biden Regime has said the same.
No he is not taking hundreds of billions in US money. That's just dumb. $48Bn in security assistance was allocated for FY2022 and 2023. $32Bn of that has been appropriated as of the end of February 2023. $26Bn of $32Bn that went to the Pentagon for replenishment of weapons sent to Ukraine. $6Bn went to purchases directly for Ukraine.

Show me the transcripts or quotes from western media outlets of Johnson or Biden saying no peace deal would be allowed. It's just not true, and saying it's so does not make it so.
It was a Republican led Congress (Newt Gingrich) that entered into the contract, treaty, agreement with Ukraine to begin with and currently Congress is again controlled by Republicans if they want to end the contract.
Foreign Policy is almost exclusively the domain of the Executive branch. The only Congressional role is the "advice and consent" of the Senate on treaties. There was no Senate ratification of the Budapest Memorandum because it wasn't a treaty.

I think we have a treaty on economic cooperation or something like that, but that's all. The only public law on Ukraine security assistance are the supplemental appropriations bills that have been passed.

Also note the GOP leadership in both the House and Senate Armed Services and Foreign Relations Committees have consistently called on Biden to do more to help Ukraine.

How is a smaller country with a much smaller military a threat to Russia itself, when they're not even a threat to Russian controlled territory, like Crimea? Ukraine wasn't even a threat to join NATO, because Russia could very easily put pressure on Turkey to Hungary to veto, and it would be over. This is a pure land grab no matter how you want to twist it. Way to prove you're just another useful idiot shill for the Kremlin.
East Sorosiana

The Chucky-puppet army of Ukrainians is financed by all the wealth that the American globalists can get their hands on and is supplied with the latest and most expensive in weapons technology. Russia is taking on the most powerful threat since they defeated the huge Nazi war machine. That's why Putin delayed this confrontation for twenty years.

The Ukraine has been Russia's natural territory for 500 years, since the first Czars decided that the bickering Slavic tribes had to quit their constant petty wars and unite under one emperor. The anarchy prevalent in the Middle Ages is why Russia fell under the yoke of the vicious Mongol horde, the first Globalists.

The Yukees can count on even more massive wealth coming their way after the war. So their take from this adventure is far beyond what they could have gotten from NYETO, which itself is a mere local agent of the One-World Order.
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East Sorosiana

The Chucky-puppet army of Ukrainians is financed by all the wealth that the American globalists can get their hands on and is supplied with the latest and most expensive in weapons technology. Russia is taking on the most powerful threat since they defeated the huge Nazi war machine. That's why Putin delayed this confrontation for twenty years.

The Ukraine has been Russia's natural territory for 500 years, since the first Czars decided that the bickering Slavic tribes had to quit their constant petty wars and unite under one emperor. The anarchy prevalent in the Middle Ages is why Russia fell under the yoke of the vicious Mongol horde, the first Globalists.

The Yukees can count on even more massive wealth coming their way after the war. So their take from this adventure is far beyond what they could have gotten from NYETO, which itself is a mere local agent of the One-World Order.

Ukraine has been fighting for independence from Russia since the start of the 1800s. If one country occupies another, even for a long time, does that mean it automatically belongs to them, even after they lose it? What a strange concept.
A woman born in 1959 died as a result of artillery fire in the Kirov district of the Donetsk.
The tragedy occurred at 8 am at the intersection of Mikhailovsky and Leninabad streets. In addition, a Donetsk citizen born in 1977 was wounded, he was taken to City Hospital № 24.

Recall that the AFU also struck the city on Easter night, at the same time Kiev militants attempted to drop a drone bomb on a church in Yasinovataya.
Ukraine has been fighting for independence from Russia since the start of the 1800s. If one country occupies another, even for a long time, does that mean it automatically belongs to them, even after they lose it? What a strange concept.
An Exception Can Be Made for the Disunited States of America

The same necessity for uniting under one tribe applied to Yugoslavia. Notice that even Stalin wouldn't mess with the non-aligned Serbian hegemon.
House Rep. Paul Gosar (R-Ariz.), a member of the Freedom Caucus, said Ukraine is an "authoritarian and corrupt regime" that "does not deserve a penny of aid from American taxpayers." Gosar stressed that six million illegal aliens have crossed our border under the Biden regime and we must address this disaster and not throw money at a "foreign regime" filled with "card-carrying Nazis."


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