Ukraine Pleads with US to Send Missiles

It's time for people to realize that NATO has morphed into an insidious expansionist group of mercenary thugs for hire who work not for the people of Ukraine or even the people of Europe but instead for the businessmen and the bankers of the central banks of Europe. The deployment of missile batteries being installed by NATO right along over the past decade around the perimeter of Russia proper completely refute the promises made in the original Peace accords following world war II. Russia has accurately observed that promises made by the United States and NATO (basically the same entity) are only good for as long as they are convenient for the United States... once they become inconvenient the promises are discarded. Therefore promises no longer mean anything on the table when negotiating with the Eastern block Nations. For people to respect your promises first you have to keep them. Putin wants one simple thing.....NATO out of Ukraine.... That would include all of the puppet politicians that NATO has installed. There is absolutely no indication whatsoever the Putin had any interest in crossing the Ukraine border prior to NATO's meddling interference. The suffering of the people of Ukraine can be partially blamed on NATO up to at least 50% of the blame probably more since they should know better.
I think you've nailed it pretty much perfectly!
It's time for people to realize that NATO has morphed into an insidious expansionist group of mercenary thugs for hire who work not for the people of Ukraine or even the people of Europe but instead for the businessmen and the bankers of the central banks of Europe. The deployment of missile batteries being installed by NATO right along over the past decade around the perimeter of Russia proper completely refute the promises made in the original Peace accords following world war II. Russia has accurately observed that promises made by the United States and NATO (basically the same entity) are only good for as long as they are convenient for the United States... once they become inconvenient the promises are discarded. Therefore promises no longer mean anything on the table when negotiating with the Eastern block Nations. For people to respect your promises first you have to keep them. Putin wants one simple thing.....NATO out of Ukraine.... That would include all of the puppet politicians that NATO has installed. There is absolutely no indication whatsoever the Putin had any interest in crossing the Ukraine border prior to NATO's meddling interference. The suffering of the people of Ukraine can be partially blamed on NATO up to at least 50% of the blame probably more since they should know better.
In Russia you just won putin's medal...
In Russia you just won putin's medal...
He's got the talking point just right and some of us agree with him. And we know the US/Nato talking points by heart so there's no need to hear anything more from you, other than kneejerk spamming.
He's got the talking point just right and some of us agree with him. And we know the US/Nato talking points by heart so there's no need to hear anything more from you, other than kneejerk spamming.
To listen to these useful idiots it was NATO that invaded Ukraine, not Putin.
He's got the talking point just right and some of us agree with him. And we know the US/Nato talking points by heart so there's no need to hear anything more from you, other than kneejerk spamming.
So, you have putin's and the former 1-term president's position on NATO.

Do you side with putin on the EU too?

Or American Democracy?

Not the greatest idea to be proposed today!
If the US sends more destructive arms to Ukraine, Russia just ups the ante with something bigger. For example, big bombs that can be classified as WMD's for Kiev.

It's time for Putin/Zelensky talks on a cease fire if this is to kept under any sort of control!

Nato says: And injury to one is an injury to all.
but the US/Nato doesn't say that an aggression by one is an aggression by all!

Ukraine has been begging for money, weapons and anything else they can get their hands on, because all the money that Russia and other countries (including the US) seems to end up in Ukraine's political leaders pockets.
Ukraine has been begging for money, weapons and anything else they can get their hands on, because all the money that Russia and other countries (including the US) seems to end up in Ukraine's political leaders pockets.
Could be, but I don't see any relevance in it?
I don't want Putin's medal dude...I want the Western Dupes to wake up and smell the bullshit of NATO supposedly defending democracy. Ukraine has been horrific on human is a NATO puppet raping an already impoverished nation for someone else's political gain. If it takes Putin to get rid of them(NATO) be it.
U.S. and its Nazi puppets in Ukraine threaten war with Russia − a commentary | Workers World
Dude, don't ply that Russian bullshit here.

One, the Ukraine isn't part of NATO.

Second, the president of country is Jewish and lost family in the Holocaust.

Go lick putin's balls on duckduckgo.
I'm probably old enough to be your daddy. What does your momma look like...........maybe I am.

Served during the Cold War........played tag with Russians.........stop pissing yourself Canuck.......You can always go around beating people for not wearing a mask or not showing a vaccine PASSPORT.........

Oh.........BTW............where is your military in Europe.? Where are they?

You don't have a dog in this hunt so STFU
he's trolling to piss people off.
In a closet in Delaware.

Germany is sending military aid, so is Finland. America, not so much. Trump did. He sent the Javelin missiles.

Poetic justice would be, Ukraine wins and refuses to sell oil to the US.
Did the former 1-term president get his favor first?

Also, 350 in military aid was just approved for Ukraine and President Biden didn't make in contingent on a favor first.
I don't want Putin's medal dude...I want the Western Dupes to wake up and smell the bullshit of NATO supposedly defending democracy. Ukraine has been horrific on human is a NATO puppet raping an already impoverished nation for someone else's political gain. If it takes Putin to get rid of them(NATO) be it.
U.S. and its Nazi puppets in Ukraine threaten war with Russia − a commentary | Workers World
Enjoyed reading the link.
But I will be proactive on the 'communist' criticism that will come. I fully believe that they themselves aren't advocating full 'socialism' but something more like capitalism with a 'social' conscience that serves the interests and wellbeing of the people.

In other words, they would likely confuse the leading capitalist countries in the world as being socialist countries, when in fact they're not, according to the world's standards.

No true socialism exists! Not even China, which is a capitalist country that's operated under a communist leadership.

We can always keep hoping for a rational discussion on this board, even though hopes are dim so far.
Dude, don't ply that Russian bullshit here.

One, the Ukraine isn't part of NATO.

Second, the president of country is Jewish and lost family in the Holocaust.

Go lick putin's balls on duckduckgo.
The current puppet regime has persecuted Russian Nationals, stolen the social safety net money, cooperated with CIA, MI6 and others to commit murder, false prosecutions
and all forms of civil theft. It is rotten to the core and all of them are there to ensure that Ukraine enriches the thieves that are running NATO....Not for the poor Ukrainians who are dying for nothing right now. Sure Putin is a dictator....but so is is the current government of the US....they just call themselves prettier names.
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Did the former 1-term president get his favor first?

Also, 350 in military aid was just approved for Ukraine and President Biden didn't make in contingent on a favor first.
More democrat hoax.
Russia takes Georgia and Bush dithering
Russia takes Crimea and shitstain obama sends blankets
Trump sends lethal aid to Ukraine
Russia takes Ukraine and Fuck Biden eats ice cream in his basement.
Oh wait.
Ukraine has the weapons TRUMP gave them.

Gads but democrats are despicable. If Putin is going to drop a bomb, can it be on Delaware first?
Enjoyed reading the link.
But I will be proactive on the 'communist' criticism that will come. I fully believe that they themselves aren't advocating full 'socialism' but something more like capitalism with a 'social' conscience that serves the interests and wellbeing of the people.

In other words, they would likely confuse the leading capitalist countries in the world as being socialist countries, when in fact they're not, according to the world's standards.

No true socialism exists! Not even China, which is a capitalist country that's operated under a communist leadership.

We can always keep hoping for a rational discussion on this board, even though hopes are dim so far.
Yeah I have some issues with the article but it's largely accurate. I don't want to see Ukraine lose it's liberty... But exactly what will happen if they stay under NATO'S thumb. Will they be better off under Putin's thumb? It's hard to say.
It's not a good guy and a bad guy fighting over UKRAINE it's two bad guys and they're both very bad.
Ask and ye shall receive.

In the real world, this is another declaration of war.

In the world of friendly war, it could be acceptable to Putin in the short term.

So it needs to be repeated once again! The US/Nato must not push Putin to the point of Russia taking large and serious losses.

Because that will be the point at which Russia/Putin stop pretending and playing friendly war!

So the obvious question is: Does Russia/Putin have the resolve to see it through?
Yeah I have some issues with the article but it's largely accurate. I don't want to see Ukraine lose it's liberty... But exactly what will happen if they stay under NATO'S thumb. Will they be better off under Putin's thumb? It's hard to say.
It's not a good guy and a bad guy fighting over UKRAINE it's two bad guys and they're both very bad.
I don't think a settlement could include the Ukraine being under Putin's thumb. I still believe that's not what he's hoping for. I have no intention on waffling on my opinion and so I see Putin wanting and probably getting a solution of some sort that will provide security for his country.

I see that as a step back for America/Nato.

But I'm guessing that you fully understand that the political spin on any peace agreement will have to be spinnable by both sides to be able to call it a victory.

What is a victory for both sides that will enable the world to get past the M.A.D. threat?

Security for Ukraine of course!

But imagining how that can happen is a very difficult question!

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