Ukraine wants in to NATO

Thanks. Saved me a lot of typing.

No problem.

I enjoy the idiotic comparisons to Cuba. We don't treat our allies like we own them, Russia/The U.S.S.R. does/did. We don't force our allies to do our bidding, we don't make them join our club...usually. When we do *Iraq* it never works out. That's why NATO works and the Soviet Union didn't.
You shouldn't have to endure bombardments into civilian areas because you are not a NATO signatory....yes confronting Russia would risk a huge war...but if the free nations of the world could come together and enforce a no-fly zone to defend civilians Russia would rethink their position on targeting civilian dwellings...
I can't guarantee they would back down if we stood up to them but I can guarantee what will happen if he is allowed to proceed...and that could be him eventually invading a member of NATO....with bases all throughout Ukraine....

This is why we should never elect a senile old man ever again....
If we enforced a no fly zone, there would be a direct confrontations with Russia. We would be boxing Putin in where he would have no viable alternative other than a broader war involving the US.
Looks like Finland and Sweden will be next in line and currently they don't have any border conflicts/wars going on that would automatically invalidate the possibility like Ukraine has had to deal with.
Both Sweden and Finland share a border with Russia.
Although, the border with Sweden is very small and Russia might not abject too strongly about them joining NATO.
Finland has a long border and contentious history with Russia.
I have no doubt that Russia would do every it could to stop Finland from joining NATO

Oh yeah! We let a country that's in the middle of a war with a major power into NATO so the United States can be involved in the war also.

I'm sure all the progressives who support that move are just lining up to enlist... NOT!!!


Both Sweden and Finland share a border with Russia.


Although, the border with Sweden is very small and Russia might not abject too strongly about them joining NATO.

You see, it's not up to Russia.

Finland has a long border and contentious history with Russia.

There are currently no border disputes with Russia and of course any country that is not apart of Russia bordered adjacant to it either has a problem with the country or one of Russia's stooges is running it.

I have no doubt that Russia would do every it could to stop Finland from joining NATO

I feel confident with what's going on in Ukraine that Russia couldn't afford it.
Russia is paranoid about the Ukrainian government, which is very pro western, allowing the EU orNATO or the U.S. putting medium range missiles on Ukraine land.
That if Ukraine became a NATO member, they could and would put nuclear missiles basically on Russia's border.
Russia wouldn't stand for that and now you're talking WW3
There is no certainty that NATO would station offensive missiles on ukraine

and its not a reasonable assumption for RATIONAL russians to make

does anyone believe that NATO is spoiling to start WWIII?

so they have no reason to attack russia
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If we enforced a no fly zone, there would be a direct confrontations with Russia. We would be boxing Putin in where he would have no viable alternative other than a broader war involving the US.
Agree. NATO enforcing a no fly zone is a no go. NATO or European countries selling Ukraine fighter or ground attack aircraft is a good move.
Look retards.

Article 5 would preclude a nation already engaged in war from joining.

Stupid thread started by a stupid person
Look retard, NATO making overtures to Ukraine (despite the promises made to Putin that that wouldn’t happen) was one of the factors involved here. Doesn’t make Putin a great guy by any means, but let’s not pretend he’s the only one at fault for how things have gotten to this point.
Both Sweden and Finland share a border with Russia.
Although, the border with Sweden is very small and Russia might not abject too strongly about them joining NATO.
Finland has a long border and contentious history with Russia.
I have no doubt that Russia would do every it could to stop Finland from joining NATO
I think the justification for Russia claiming Finland would be pretty weak. Finland today has never been part of USSR nor was it every been a territory. Unlike Ukraine, less one percent of Finland inhabitants consider themselves Russian. Finland has been a neutral country since before USSR broke up and has little reason to join NATO. Both Sweden and Finland are members of the NATO Response Force.
I think the justification for Russia claiming Finland would be pretty weak. Finland today has never been part of USSR nor was it every been a territory. Unlike Ukraine, less one percent of Finland inhabitants consider themselves Russian. Finland has been a neutral country since before USSR broke up and has little reason to join NATO. Both Sweden and Finland are members of the NATO Response Force.
Ukraine is/was apart of the NRF as of 2014.

As far as whether Finland has reason or not to join NATO (I think they do), their citizens sure seem to be perking up to the idea.

It appears their leadership will be debating that subject shortly. I could see it going either way but obviously it won't happen over night.
I think the justification for Russia claiming Finland would be pretty weak. Finland today has never been part of USSR nor was it every been a territory. Unlike Ukraine, less one percent of Finland inhabitants consider themselves Russian. Finland has been a neutral country since before USSR broke up and has little reason to join NATO. Both Sweden and Finland are members of the NATO Response Force.
Putin isn't interested in making Finland part of Russia.
NATO's existence is all about member countries joining together to box in and contain Russia, even if it means war.
Thus, Russia wants only non NATO buffer countries on its border.
Putin isn't interested in making Finland part of Russia.
NATO's existence is all about member countries joining together to box in and contain Russia, even if it means war.
Thus, Russia wants only non NATO buffer countries on its border.
Why isnt swizerland afraid of NATO?
The people of Crimea voted to join with Russia years ago.
Ukraine must never be allow to join NATO.
Russians are paranoid about them doing so and would go to war with NATO members if they allowed it.
Ukraine is the birthplace of Russia itself, Ukraine is the seat of the Russian Orthodox Church, like it or not they are inextricably linked, each to the other and they have been for around 1,000 years! All they had to do, was assure Putin that Nato would never absorb Ukraine, that it was to be a neutral nation, and this war would not have been launched. Its telling, extremely telling, that they refused Russia this reasonable demand!
Great article about the geopolitical gamesmanship of Ukraine and America's role in exacerbating the situation by antagonizing Russia's Putin to take action.
Ukraine is the birthplace of Russia itself, Ukraine is the seat of the Russian Orthodox Church, like it or not they are inextricably linked, each to the other and they have been for around 1,000 years! All they had to do, was assure Putin that Nato would never absorb Ukraine, that it was to be a neutral nation, and this war would not have been launched. Its telling, extremely telling, that they refused Russia this reasonable demand!
They have had people there for years. Ukraine always knew the plan, sooner or later. Knuckle under to the old Russian or stand and face it. Putin is a fool for not changing with the times and letting go designs of putting back the old soviet.

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